Memorize: John 10:4

Lesson 2: Who Art in Heaven

Oneness: The Fellowship of Prayer

Whether in marriage, friendship or our union with God, communication is the key to oneness. Since we seek a prayer-life of intimate conversation with God, let us look at various forms of communication. Notice how the focus gradually shifts from self to the other person:

Imagine a comparable list for communications with God.

Our Father hears our simple cries for help in crisis; He responds with loving comfort when we come to Him in pain and weakness; He makes His presence real to us when we seek Him. He is always ready to listen as we share our thoughts and struggles.

However, we enter a deeper level of prayer when our focus moves from our own needs and desires to those of God. He is pleased when we pray for strength for the day but He delights in our desire to know His thoughts and desires for the day. He wants to be our strength at all times, but He loves hearing our commitment to be His hands feet and mouth.

How can we fight and win this battle together? How can I share His heart, purpose, joys and griefs today?

God longs for oneness with us - a oneness reached through the type of communication that listens and responds to the heart of the other. This is the secret of a fulfilled marriage - whether between an earthly husband and wife or our royal Bridegroom and us, His bride.

Just as superficial, self-centered communication blocks fulfillment in a human marriage, so prayer that never moves beyond praise and petition cannot produce the mature relationship our King offers us.

There is nothing wrong with child-like petitions for answers to needs. Our Father waits to meet our real needs! He grieves when we don't share all with Him. Just don't stop there! Move forward into the communion that expresses the heart of a fellow-worker with his Director, a soldier before his Commander, a friend in the presence of her Best Friend, a bride in the presence of her Beloved.

Do you seek this deeper relationship with your King? Then look with me at Jesus.... He shows us the way!

Beloved King, teach me to walk and talk with you always -- I long to listen to your heart and share every thought and intention that Your Spirit reveals.  Make me one with you, dear precious Friend!

1. Read Psalm 16. Since we enter into the prayer-chamber of our King through worship, look at God through David's words and delight in their relationship with each other.

a. Where do you see oneness between God and David?

b. What is God showing you about Himself and the relationship He desires with You?

2. Our Shepherd has promised to walk and talk with us. We can trust Him never to leave us. But a mature, intimate relationship with God depends on our willingness to walk with Him in His plans and purposes. Many Old-Testament believers did. They responded to His requests and shared His concerns, battles and victories. They were His faithful friends.

       From each of the following verses (which give us only a glimpse), write the phrase(s) that describes the relationship. Remember, the relationship is built on communication - the active listening and responding to one another.)

Gen. 5:24 (Enoch)

Gen. 18:17 (Abraham)

Ex. 33:11-23 (Moses)

1 Sam. 17:37, 45-49 (David)

Luke 10:38-42 (Mary)

3. Read Genesis 1:26; 3:22 and 11:4-7. God Himself is our model and enabler. What do these passages tell you about the oneness and communication shared by the three persons of the Triune God?


4. Read Prov. 8:12-17, 27-36. John calls Jesus "the Word" (John 1:1-4). Here He is indentified as Wisdom -- the co-Creator of the universe.

a. What do you learn about the relationship between he Father and Son?

b. What was the focus of their communication?  (Notice the object of their delight)

c. (Challenge) Today, as the Father and Son interact with each other, they long for your participation. How can you enter into their concerns and objectives? (See Rom. 8:15-16 and 26-27)

5. Read John 8:25-38. Early in the morning Jesus came to the temple, where He was challenged by Pharisees to speak and demonstrate His wisdom.

a. How did Jesus know what to say? See the following verses:

v. 26

v. 28

v. 8

b. What did you learn about the relationship and communication between the Father and the Son?

c. (Personal) Do you seek this oneness with God? How earnestly? Tell Him!  (See Philippians 3:7-10 and Matthew 7:7-11)

6. Read John 10:3-5, 27-30.  When you belong to the Shepherd and are part of His flock, you are not only under His loving care; you also partake in His purpose. He promises to lead you on His paths, so that you can fulfill your part of His grand plan. Remember He gave Himself for us, so that we might give ourselves to Him for His purposes. (2 Cor. 5:14-15)

a. What will your Shepherd to for and with you?

b. What does the Shepherd ask of you?

c. Galatians 2:20,

    Phil. 2:12-13

    1 Thess. 5:24

d. Describe the relationship the Shepherd offers you.

e. (Personal) Why might it be difficult for you to hear and follow the Shepherd? (What are some hindrances to living in the full joy of the relationship He offers?)

Although God is always the leader and you the follower, there is so much more to the relationship He offers. When you listen and respond to the Shepherd, He leads you into the very throne room of the King -- where you may share all the glorious resources of His Kingdom.

7. (Personal) Do you seek a deeper relationship with the King? Will u let Him teach you the joys and disciplines of the highest form of communication? Tell Him your response.