Talk on Joshua


          “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9

          Joshua has just been commissioned by God to lead more than a million people -- with huge herds of slow-moving livestock -- into the promised land. To occupy the land, they must march against great fortified cities, hostile kings, physical giants and large armies trained for warfare. Joshua had no trained soldiers, no horses, no organized army. Before him lay the “unsurmountable obstacle” of crossing the Jordan river at flood stage without the benefit of bridge or boat and conquering he great city of Jericho with its impregnable walls.
          In the midst of these “impossible circumstances” God spoke words of encouragement and hope to Joshua.

Read Exodus 23:20-24. Through Moses, God had provided His people with laws and guidelines that would help them live together in peace and love, trusting and following their heavenly King. Then, starting in v. 20, He makes a beautiful promise concerning victory over the enemies in the land.
     A comparable victory takes place in our lives. By our union with Jesus, we have been made citizens of heaven where Christ reigns and where God’s will is done. However, until the enemies are “driven out” and every territory of our lives cleared for Him, we cannot fully experience the rest which He delights to give us.

      SUMMARY OF JOSHUA 11—22 

Joshua 11 describes the battles won under Joshua’s leadership over the united tribes of Canaan.  Joshua 12 lists God’s victories and chapters 13 through 22 recounts the division of the land among the twelve tribes.  Strategically, the land now belongs to God’s people. The decisive battles had been fought and won. No longer did any nation dare to oppose "the armies of the living God."  Joshua 10:21, 42 and 11:23)

As Jesus won the kingdom for all His people, so Joshua was God’s instrument to conquer the land for Israel. From this point on, each tribe would be responsible before God to know His Word, occupy and maintain their assigned “lot,” and resist any enemy influence in their personal territory.

      My Lord, you also have won for me the kingdom; it is given to me to possess and enjoy.. Thank you for teaching and equipping me to reign with you. You have “put the enemy under your feet”, and I choose to take my place in the heavenly kingdom with you——the place of triumph over every obstacle to peace and rest in the land..

Spiritual warfare -- Armor of God  worked out in real-life battles where God's people need an outpouring of strength, wisdom, endurance -- and all the other character qualities needed for victory.

TRuth - God Himself. Knowing Him is key (John 17)  One of the problems for Israel was lack of understanding His holiness. They saw no problem with blending God's holy ways with the ways of the world. Consecration

Truth -- taught throughout wilderness journey -- yet must be taugth anew to each generation

Righteousness - Not the world's goodness, but that which comes to those who put their trust in Him and choose to follow (Ephesians 2:12-13)

Peace - reconciled to God ... not the peace of the word. Consecration

Faith -- will they do studid sounding things like walk around Jericho 13 times? When faced with overwhelming forces, will they move forward with courage and perseverance and not give up when the battle seems the hardest.  (Joshua's battles apply to us, for 1 Cor. 10)

Salvation --

Word - Sword   2 Corinthians 10:3-5


23rd Psalm -- Lord's prayer

1. The Lord is my Shepherd.  The Lord -- sovereign king, majestic ruler of the universe, creator of all, the all-wise, all-knowing, all-powerful head of the Church.....

My Shepherd -- this unfanthoble great and holy God is also my personal Shepherd. His mighty arm rules the nations -- and surrounds me with His sweet and compassionate love.

2. I shall not want. The natural outcome of being a sheep in His fold. All my needs are supplied, so I don't need to worry.

3. He makes me lie down in green pastures

Failure at AI: Achan stole what God had forbidden

Ephesians 6:10-18 :: The Message (MSG)