The Shepherd’s Love - Lesson 1

GOD's Marvelous CREATION

Genesis 1 and 2   


 John 1:1, 4  or 14  



   God never changes. (Heb. 13:8, Mal. 3:6)  He made us for Himself, and in His eternal covenant He promises to love and care for His people forever. (Genesis 17:7,  Jeremiah 31:3)

     Clearly there are differences between the "Old" and "New Covenant," but our focus is on that which is essentially the same -- that from the beginning His grace and salvation have been extended on the basis of faith. (Romans 4)  Redemption was and is made available only through Jesus Christ and the cross -- first by promise, later by identification.

     God's most wise and wonderful plan for His people begins to unfold in Genesis and culminates in the Book of Revelation.  Following this thread of continuing revelation, we will come to see and know our Mighty Triune God -- His sovereignty, His wisdom, and His everlasting love and faithfulness toward all His people.

  Lord, "Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things..."  Psalm 119:18

1.    Read John 1:1-5, 14.  What does this passage tell you about Jesus?





2.    Read Colossians 1,15-19.

A.   By Whom were all things created?


B.   Paul emphasizes the "all things" in v. 16.  What does it include?  Why is this significant?


C.   Describe Jesus Christ as you see Him in this passage.



D.   Take time to reflect on the message of v. 17.  What does it tell you about the participation of Jesus in history?



  3.    Read Genesis 1.

A.   Which verses show you that the Triune God (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) were at work together in creation?



B.  (Challenge) What does it mean to you to be created in God's image and according to His likeness?



C.       1. God gave man authority and, with it, responsibilities.  List some of both. (Remember to write the verse number.)  


2. (Personal) What effect does the above truth have on your life today?


D. (Challenge) Underline in different colors* these phrases; "God created" (said, saw, made etc.), “it was good”, and “after their kind." How did this help you to see the total picture?

4.    Read Genesis 2.

A. Define the words, "blessed" and "sanctified." (verse 3)


B.  (Personal) If you have chosen to respond to His love and are one of His people, you also are sanctified.  What does that mean to you in your relationship with Him?

C.     What were the two special trees found in the garden?


D.     God gave Adam a work to do in the garden.  What was it?  

E.       1. In v. 18 God refers to a basic need of mankind.  What is this need?  

2.  How did God meet that need in Adam's life?

3. How did Adam respond?  

4. Can a spouse fully meet our need "not to be alone?" How can that need be completely met?

5. (Personal) How does He meet that need in your life?

6. Read I Corinthians 1:9.  What great privilege and promise do you see here?


5.    Read Prov. 8:12-31. (Challenge)

A.  What do you learn about God and His desire and plan for fellowship within the Trinity and between Himself and man in verse 17 and 30-31.  


B.  (Personal) What is the response of your heart as you meditate (take time to think and reflect) on the above three verses?


  6.    Praise and thank God as you read Psalm 8. What was the state of David's heart as he spoke these words?



Next: Lesson 2 - The Fall of Man - Genesis 3-4   ~   Suggested hymn: This is My Father's World