How dark


We live in dark days. America's current administration promotes moral as well as spiritual perversion. It promotes the breakdown of families and condones what God calls wicked and evil.

 I love my country! But too flaunt immorality, fuel corruption, and mock the Word of God (as Obama has done publicly) will only lead to the withdrawal of God's hand of blessing and the downfall of our nation.

 Woe onto the nation that will not acknowledge the Lord and His warnings. 

Now they have come against Israel. They have set themselves on the throne of arrogance and pride.

He who came as the spotless Lamb and was crucified by the hands of godless men is still  the "Lion of Judah."  Soon those who have rejected His truth, love and mercy will find themselves in the darkness they cling too.

God will not stand with a nation that stands against Israel. I pray there will be a change soon, before the darkness overwhelms this land. Like His faithful prophets of old, I pray for the Peace of Israel!

"I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you;

And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Genesis 12:3 )

This beautiful picture was taken by

Thomas M Faunce, Missionary to Asia

Taking The Word to the hearts of Men:  Acts 1:8

Thomas M Faunce
C/O/ Frontline Outreach
PO Box 618 Hillman MI 49746-
Phone: 989-255-0889
