
News Index


Very long page!

Education: 2011-2012  (more recent)

See also: Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking

Chronology of the NEA | Brainwashing in America

 The Ominous "Success" of Re-Education

         For background information, we suggest you read Brave New Schools. It provides a practical overview of the changing education system designed to mold global citizens for 21st Century communities. Most important, it shows how to equip our children with the facts and truths needed to follow God in a world that demands a new consensus.


Mind Control

Whose Rights?

July 2013

Next Generation Science Standards: Common Core Incognito: "CC science creators and proponents claim the standards were created by the states. They made the same untrue claim about CC English and math standards. To give the science claim some credibility, 26 states were allowed some input into science standards....

     "The science standards, like those for math and English, are not based on empirical evidence of efficacy nor are they tested in any environment. ... Proponents of evolution and manmade climate change are ecstatic about the Common Core science standards. Climate change is accepted as manmade in the standards and children must accept this notion....

     "The Fordham Institute suggests that the creators of the standards 'conferred primacy on practices and paid too little attention to the knowledge base that makes those practices both feasible and worthwhile.'” See Green Lies and Deceptive Science & Common Core: Who Will Rule the Global Schools? Part 3

Chicago Public Schools lay off 2,113 employees as union-made disaster worsens: "About a month after Chicago school officials announced the closing of 48 schools and 850 employee layoffs, they 'announced late Thursday that 2,113 teachers and other employees would be laid off Friday,' reports the Chicago Sun-Times. The 1,036 affected teachers represent 'about 4 percent of the last year’s total faculty of 23,290.... Out-of-control employee pension costs are the culprit for CPS’ latest round of downsizing." See God's Warnings for our Times

Can't kids just be kids? The U.N. wants to sexualize them: "Graphic sex education for youth is the new battleground at the UN.... While delegates are busy negotiating resolutions and outcome documents, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and UN organizations campaign for the installation of socially radical curriculums in Africa and America alike. 'Oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education,' Diane Schneider told the audience at a panel on combating homophobia and transphobia. Schneider, representing the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the US....

     "Comprehensive sex education is 'the only way to combat heterosexism and gender conformity,' Schneider proclaimed...'

       Find help and answers for parents in "How to Protect Your Child..."

June 2013

Suicide Note Homework Assignment Has NYC Parents in an Uproar: "Parents at a private New York City school are outraged that their children were assigned to write first-person suicide notes as part of an English class assignment.... Students as young as 14 were reportedly instructed to write the notes last month from the perspective of a character who kills herself in the book, 'The Secret Life of Bees.' ... the assignment had students 'Justifying why they had committed suicide.'” See Brainwashing in America

Usurping Parental Rights: “We all need to wake up and realize how much indoctrination is going on in our public schools, including the promotion of man-made global warming, Darwinism, LGBT affirmation, population control, feminism, reproductive ‘choice’ and other social and political issues.” .... A recent survey revealed the drastic decline in U.S. literacy: 21 to 23 percent, or some 40 to 44 million of the 191 million adults in the United States, demonstrated incompetence in the lowest level of reading, writing, and mathematical skill.” See No Room for God: Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'

May 2013

The Global Roots of "Common Core" Education: "According to Julian Huxley, the first head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 'The task before UNESCO... is to help the emergence of a single world culture...'

     "Today's education goals were envisioned more than a century ago by powerful elites who steered the process from behind the scenes. The labels changed through the years, but they all followed a globalist vision toward a totalitarian world equipped to mold young minds for a socialist/Communist system. ...

Common Core' (CC)or "Common Core Standards" (CCS) or "Common Core State Standards (CCSS). These deceptive labels hide the global agenda -- at least for the moment....." See Bill Gates Teams Up With UNESCO

‘Heterosexual white male’... student denied position on ‘diversity’ panel: "Stephen Piotrkowski was apparently denied a position on Northwestern’s student government because he is a 'heterosexual white male.'

Hiring Better Teachers May Be Racist, Say Bad Teachers: "Should schools hire better teachers or would that be racist? The answer is, Yes, No, Maybe, Probably, and I’m Going to Sue. Slowly but surely, a growing number of states are eyeing policies to select academically stronger individuals for their teaching programs as one avenue to improve the quality of new teachers." See Toward a Conceptual Model of Life-Long Education

Bill Gates Teams Up With UNESCO -- "Educating" the World through UNESCO-Based Common Core "Values": "In his 1947 book, UNESCO:  Its purpose and Its Philosophy, Julian Huxley, the First Director-General of  the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), wrote the following: '...The task is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose....

      "On November 17, 2004 at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris, UNESCO signed a 26-page 'Cooperation Agreement' with Microsoft Corporation to develop a [global] 'master curriculum.'" See The UN Seizure of Parental Rights

Two Moms vs. Common Core: "Indiana has become the first state to retreat from the Common Core standards.... Common Core is a set of math and English standards developed largely with Gates Foundation money and pushed by the Obama administration and the National Governors Association.

     "...some parents saw that Common Core was actually lowering standards in their children’s schools. ...'Instead of many arithmetic problems, the homework would contain only three or four questions, and two of those would be ‘explain your answer,’” Heather told me. 'Like, ‘One bridge is 412 feet long and the other bridge is 206 feet long. Which bridge is longer? How do you know?’ ... The 'right' answer involved heavy quotation from Common Core language.

     "Professor Milgram... concluded that the Common Core standards are... 'in large measure a political document that . . . is written at a very low level and does not adequately reflect our current understanding of why the math programs in the high-achieving countries give dramatically better results.'”

     We hope to post Part 1 of a 3-part series on the global roots and goals of Common Core by Wednesday.

Common Core Forcing Marxism/Nazism on America’s Children: "Common Core Standards are being mandated and implemented by the Federal Government via organizations such as National Governors Association, Achieve, and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)....

    "The comparison of Nazism and Common Core (CC) are uncanny. ...Nazism had Leaders and Master Teachers in the National Socialists Teachers League that visited schools and kept data files on Teachers. The Obama Administration funded 10,000 Master Teachers (MT’S) to train Teachers on CC and the MT’s will keep data files on students and Teachers. Students were taught to spy on parents and teachers.

    &quotIn Nazism, the curriculum was rewritten to provide a Nazi (government) approved curriculum.. Common Core curriculum is being rewritten to provide a global approved curriculum. Nazism kept huge data files on students and teachers and Common Core will data mine the students with over 400 different data points on each child, their family and teachers from pre-kindergarten to workforce….

   "... the Master Teachers will be instructing the Teachers to not teach our nations framework or any form of nationalism. Instead they will be trained to be 'good global, sustainable citizens'....They will become a 'managed work force' for the New World Order.'" See Preparing for Persecution

Missouri moving to protect parental rights from federal tyranny over medicine, education and discipline of children: "A number of Missouri lawmakers are supporting an amendment to the state constitution that essentially formalizes the fundamental right of parents to raise their children....  Neither the state nor any political subdivision...shall act to deny or impair the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children." [But the White House has another agenda for the training of our children.] See Toward a Conceptual Model of Life-Long Education  and The UN Seizure of Parental Rights

April 2013

Marxism in Education—The Infiltration of Our School Systems by the Common Core Standards: A set of five videos that explain the radical changes in education and traditional freedom.

New teaching standards delve more deeply into climate change : "Middle school students, for instance, will be taught that human activities, including the use of fossil fuels and the subsequent release of greenhouse gases, are 'major factors' in global warming.... In California, climate and weather are covered in earth science standards. But the proposed new standards will more explicitly direct students to examine the [deceptive] scientific evidence for how and why the climate is changing and its impact." See Green Lies and Deceptive Science

Alabama Should Lead on Rejecting National Standards: "Across the country, policymakers, teachers, parents, and taxpayers are waking up to the numerous problems Common Core national standards present. The loss of classic literature, the mediocre mathematics standards, the significant costs to taxpayers, the elimination of competitive pressure to increase standards of excellence, and, most troubling, the massive federal intervention and further disenfranchisement of parents."

      But there are much bigger problems with Common Core! I hope to write a report by the end of next week.

Next Generation Science Standards: "What is the difference between the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in Science and the NGSS? ... The literacy standards do not replace science standards -- they supplement them. The NGSS will lay out the core ideas and practices in science that students should master in preparation for college and careers....

     "The process for the science standards development takes into account the importance of having the scientific and educational research communities identify core ideas in science and articulate them across grade bands. ... A committee of 18 experts in science, engineering, cognitive science, teaching and learning, curriculum, assessment and education policy, was responsible for writing the Framework....

     "Achieve will facilitate the next step: a state-led process where state policy leaders, higher education, K–12 teachers, the science and business community and others will develop science standards that are grounded in the Framework." See Chronology of the NEA  

The Radical Transformation of America’s Classrooms: "Students no longer explore and discuss the history of America even in the History Department of the local college—it has long been replaced by courses that praise and promote sexual, 'racial and ethnic differences,' instead of highlighting our common American heritage, what made America great and an exceptional nation that has contributed to the betterment of mankind. Socialist professors admire, teach, and laud the history of non-western cultures as superior to our own culture....
      "The first director of UNESCO, Julian Huxley, stated that UNESCO 'is to help the emergence of a single world culture, with its own philosophy and background of ideas, and with its own broad purposes.” See Chronology of the NEA  

Education, Indoctrination and Data Mining in Common Core: Here’s Why America’s Schools May Be in More Trouble Than You Think: "One of the most troubling aspects of this federal program is that government bureaucrats are currently mining sensitive and highly personal information on children through Common Core’s tracking system. The data will then reportedly be sold by the government to outside sources for profit..."

Common Core opens a Republican rift over education standards: "The Common Core system is meant to unify K-12 education standards in states across the nation. It’s having the opposite effect within the Republican Party, as a rift grows between supporters including high-profile figures such as Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels and other Republicans who had a hand in crafting it and those who fear it’s a well-disguised federal takeover of schools....

      "...the Obama administration strongly supports Common Core, though it didn’t have a hand in crafting it." [What will be the new standards for right and wrong -- global pluralism or Christian values -- in the new, evolving classrooms.] More on this topic later!

The Radical Transformation of America’s Classrooms: "Students no longer explore and discuss the history of America even in the History Department of the local college—it has long been replaced by courses that praise and promote sexual, 'racial and ethnic differences,' instead of highlighting our common American heritage, what made America great and an exceptional nation that has contributed to the betterment of mankind. Socialist professors admire, teach, and laud the history of non-western cultures as superior to our own culture....
      "The first director of UNESCO, Julian Huxley, stated that UNESCO 'is to help the emergence of a single world culture, with its own philosophy and background of ideas, and with its own broad purposes.” See Chronology of the NEA  

School apologizes for 'Nazi' writing assignment: "Think like a Nazi, the assignment required students. Argue why Jews are evil. Students in some Albany High School English classes were asked this week as part of a persuasive writing assignment to make an abhorrent argument: "You must argue that Jews are evil, and use solid rationale from government propaganda to convince me of your loyalty to the Third Reich!" Students were asked to watch and read Nazi propaganda, then pretend their teacher was a Nazi government official who needed to be convinced of their loyalty. In five paragraphs, they were required to prove that Jews were the source of Germany's problems.... One-third of the students refused to complete the assignment..."  See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking

What CSCOPE and Common Core...Lessons Look Like?  "Keven Card, a former Marine from Houston who has home-schooled his children for the last six years, thought his family was safe from the reach of Common Core, but soon learned otherwise. ... two years ago Pearson Education, which is linked to Common Core, acquired Texas Connections Academy, the online charter school Card uses to homeschool his ninth-grader. One lesson plan featured a video dubbed, 'China Rises,' that appears to tout the virtues of Communism over capitalism....

       “'They make kids watch a video that makes capitalism look bad and Communist China look good. It’s absolutely unbelievable.' Below are several screenshots of the program, 'China Rises'..." See Bowing to the Dragon? America's Perilous Partnership with China

Video:  Marxism in Education—The Infiltration of Our School Systems by the Common Core Standards: A set of five videos that explain the radical changes in education and traditional freedom.

March 2013

Alabama School Bans Word ‘Easter’: "Boys and girls at an Alabama elementary school will still get to hunt for eggs – but they can’t call them ‘Easter Eggs’. ...the principal banished the word for the sake of religious diversity....  'So we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.'" See Brainwashing aimed at silencing Christianity?

Stanford Kills Popular Course on Free Market: "In 2009, Professor John McCaskey began teaching 'Moral Foundations of Capitalism' at the Palo Alto, Calif. institution. The seminar explored and evaluated historical arguments for the free-market model.... The course proved more popular than Stanford expected, drawing double the planned number of students with even more sitting on the floor outside....So what does a university do with a runaway academic hit? Cancel it, of course....

     [In contrast] Stanford’s Department of History presents such essentials as 'Capitalism and Its Discontents...' and “Social Democracy from Marx to Gross National Happiness.'"  See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking

Most NYC High School Grads Need Remedial Help Before Entering CUNY Community Colleges : that nearly 80 percent of those who graduate from city high schools arrived at City University’s community college system without having mastered the skills to do college-level work. In sheer numbers it means that nearly 11,000 kids who got diplomas from city high schools needed remedial courses to re-learn the basics." See Chronology of the NEA

Sharia Education in Texas: "In practice, Common Core evades transparency by peddling shoddy curricular material authored by anonymous committees. It promotes faddish experiments masquerading as 'world-class' math and reading goals. Instead of raising expectations, Common Core is a Trojan horse for lowering them. California, for example, is now citing Common Core as a rationale for abandoning algebra classes for 8th graders.”

Cypress HS students suspended for disarming gunman? "A 16-year-old Cypress Lake High School student, who wrestled a loaded revolver away from a teen threatening to shoot, is being punished. The student grappled the gun away from the 15-year-old suspect on the bus ride home. ...the Revolver was loaded. According to the arrest report the suspect... was 'pointing the gun directly' at another student and 'threatening to shoot him.'

     "The mother [of the rescuer] ...can't understand why her son, and two other students who disarmed the gunman, were all suspended."  Now teenage rescuers are punished along with gun carriers. See Turning Our Schools into Totalitarian Enclaves

February 2013

Ohio congressman's meditation crusade: "Congressman Tim Ryan... is pushing a curriculum called S.E.L. -- social emotional learning -- that teaches kids to relax, calming themselves into a state where they are better able to learn. ... When they close their eyes, they can actually see themselves even doing well in school. And when you can see it, it will happen.'...  Ryan will be introducing a bill that will help states implement S.E.L. standards and promote mindfulness in medical schools, teacher-training programs.... According to the magazine 'Psychology Today,' somewhere near 10 million Americans are practicing some sort of meditation." See Your Child and the New Age

 Imprinted: Kids’ Brains “Branded” with Fast-Food Logos: "If you think the millions that fast food restaurants spent on commercials don’t have a profound effect on our brains, you may be in for a surprise. It turns out their logos are having a serious impact on the brain—in particular, the brains of children."

    [Whether it's TV ads, computer games, or any other enticing offer, today's clever suggestion are designed to build cravings for the marketed product. Children and youth are especially vulnerable] See Steps toward Global Mind Control

Majoring in Minors: Turning Our Schools into Totalitarian Enclaves: "...young people are now being forcibly removed by police officers from the classroom, strip searched, arrested, handcuffed, transported in the back of police squad cars, and placed in police holding cells until their frantic parents can get them out. For those unlucky enough to be targeted for such punishment, the experience will....stay with them for the rest of their lives in the form of a criminal record.

   "Consider the case of Wilson Reyes, a seven-year-old elementary school student from the Bronx who got into a scuffle with a classmate over a $5 bill. In response to the incident, school officials called police, who arrested Reyes, transported him to the police station and allegedly handcuffed the child to a wall and interrogated him for ten hours about his behavior and the location of the money....

     "A North Carolina public school allegedly strip-searched a 10-year-old boy in search of a $20 bill lost by another student, despite the fact that the boy, J.C., twice told school officials he did not have the missing money. The assistant principal, a woman, reportedly ordered the fifth grader to disrobe down to his underwear and subjected him to an aggressive strip-search.... The missing money was later found in the school cafeteria. ...

     "A high school sophomore was suspended for violating the school’s no-cell-phone policy after he took a call from his father, a master sergeant in the U.S. Army who was serving in Iraq at the time....

     "Students have also been penalized for such inane 'crimes' as bringing nail clippers to school, using Listerine or Scope, and carrying fold-out combs that resemble switchblades. A 9-year-old boy in Manassas, Virginia, who gave a Certs breath mint to a classmate, was actually suspended, while a 12-year-old boy who said he brought powdered sugar to school for a science project was charged with a felony for possessing a look-alike drug." See No Room for God: Reviving the 'Science' of ' Re-education'

6th Graders Asked to Design “Communist” Flag: "6th graders are being asked to design new flags for communist countries in school districts across Texas as part of a curriculum critics have decried as 'mind control' intended to make children sympathize with socialist ideals.... Other lesson plans, which are included to ensure teachers, 'adhere to complicated state curriculum requirements,' portrayed participants in the Boston Tea Party as terrorists while promoting pro-Islamic ideals....Over the years, there have also been several incidents of children being suspended for “patriotic” drawings, such as pictures of a US Marine firing a weapon." See Symbols and their meaning

NYC High Schools Push Morning After Pills: "Your daughters are not yours, anymore, they are Mayor Bloomberg’s.. He and school health clinic personnel are now in charge of inculcating values and sexual mores to your daughters.... How else are we to describe New York City’s ongoing program that distributes morning after pills to girls as young as 14 without parental knowledge or consent." See No Room for God: Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'

January 2013

Rotten to the Core: Readin', Writin' and Deconstructionism: "Thanks to the 'Common Core' regime, funded with President Obama's stimulus dollars... deconstructionism is back in style. Traditional literature is under fire. Moral relativism is increasingly the norm. 'Standards' is Orwell-speak for subjectivity and lowest common denominator pedagogy....

     "Deconstructionism, of course, is the faddish leftwing school of thought popularized by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in the 1970s. Writer Robert Locke described the nihilistic movement best: 'It is based on the proposition that the apparently real world is in fact a vast social construct and that the way to knowledge lies in taking apart in one's mind this thing society has built. Taken to its logical conclusion, it supposes that there is at the end of the day no actual reality, just a series of appearances stitched together by social constructs into what we all agree to call reality.'

     "Literature and history are all about competing ideological narratives, in other words. One story or 'text' is no better than another. Common Core's literature-lite literacy standards are aimed not at increasing 'college readiness' or raising academic expectations. Just the opposite. They help pave the way for more creeping political indoctrination under the guise of increasing access to 'information.'"  See Brave New Schools: A New Way of Thinking


Muslim Brotherhood group to 'connect all U.S. schools': "A Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization has partnered with the U.S. Department of Education and the State Department to facilitate an online program aiming to connect all U.S. schools with classrooms abroad by 2016. Vartan Gregorian, a board member of the organization, the Qatar Foundation International, was appointed in 2009 to President Obama’s White House Fellowships Commission.

     "...Gregorian served as a point man in granting $49.2 million in startup capital to an education-reform project founded by former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers and chaired by Obama."

The Children's Story: Please watch this important video on education!

Teachers As Spiritual Leaders?   "Here we go again. A teacher at an upstate New York high school has been told to remove Christian symbols from her classroom, and stop participating in the school’s Bible study group, or else. Or else what? Or else she’ll be fired, of course....

     "Not wishing to be bankrupted by an atheist jihad, school officials 'counseled' the teacher to keep her religion to herself. That’s how they create an 'inclusive' environment—by excluding Christianity.... The teacher is filing a lawsuit of her own, charging the school district with singling out her viewpoint for discrimination. Which of course is exactly what they did.

     "After all, the same high school has a 'gay-straight alliance' dedicated to promoting homosexuality and exhorting teens to try it. That point of view is perfectly acceptable to school officials. They wouldn’t dream of 'counseling' a teacher to take down 'gay pride' posters. And if a local church or Christian group objected to any of it, the school officials would laugh in their faces. ...

      "Progressive educators never liked the idea of parents passing their social values on to their children. I mean, what kind of values can you learn from 'the masses'? ...By imposing brand-new social values on the children of the masses—like 'gay rights,' for instance—teachers really do become the spiritual leaders of society." See No Room for God: Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'

Five-Year-Old Girl Suspended For “Terroristic-threat” To Shoot Classmates With Pink Bubble Gun: "In yet another hysterical over-reaction to last month’s Sandy Hook school shooting, a girl of five-years-old has been suspended from school following a three hour grilling when she joked that she would shoot her classmates with a toy gun. The girl...was last week said to have told other children at the school that she was going to shoot them, and then herself with a pink Hello Kitty bubble gun; a toy that is filled with a soapy solution to make bubbles with.

      "School officials reportedly categorized the incident as a 'terroristic threat'and labeled the girl’s actions a 'threat to harm others.'....'This is a good-natured little girl,' the lawyer, Robin Ficker said. ...'You’re telling me that this child was questioned by adults, in a situation where there was no parent or parental guardian, and then she was, initially, given an incident category of ‘making terrorist threats?... And this from a 5-year-old? ... Can’t kids be kids anymore?'”

MontCo school suspends 6-year-old for pretend gunshot: "'The 6-year-old... made a gun with his hands, pointed [his finger] at another student and said 'pow,' according to Robin Ficker, the boy's attorney....'What they're doing is looking at the worst possible interpretation of a young, naive 6-year-old....'

     "'Your son ... was involved in a serious incident," Garraway wrote. '[He] threatened to shoot a student...." [Not true! He had no gun! He was just pointing his finger and pretending -- as in a game!]  See Brainwashing in America

Teaching Americans to hate their country: [Thomas Sowell likens U.S. 'education' to indoctrination in 20th century China, France]  "Schools were once thought of as places where a society’s knowledge and experience were passed on to the younger generation. But, about a hundred years ago, professor John Dewey of Columbia University came up with a very different conception of education....

     "Dewey saw the role of the teacher not as a transmitter of a society’s culture to the young, but as an agent of change – someone strategically placed, with an opportunity to condition students to want a different kind of society. A century later, we are seeing schools across America indoctrinating students to believe in all sorts of politically correct notions. The history that is taught... emphasizes everything that...can be made to look bad, in America – and that gives little, if any, attention to the great achievements of this country." See Brave New Schools: A New Way of Thinking

How the MA 'transgender rights' law is changing the school: "In late September, we got a phone call from a parent in West Springfield, Massachusetts. The school committee there had quietly decided to add to the non-discrimination policy in their school system: It was now to include 'gender identity and expression.' .... Thus, the school system was about to declare it official policy that boys coming to school in dresses and calling themselves girls now constituted a 'protected class' that must be accommodated. Girls who 'identified' as boys must be allowed to use the boys' facilities, etc." See Moral and Spiritual Corruption

December 2012

Bill Ayers: The Left Must Utilize Its ‘Absolute Access’ to America’s Classrooms: "Bill Ayers, former domestic terrorist-turned university professor, reemerged earlier this month to explain how the Left’s access to schools and neighborhoods will help them shape the future of America. Speaking at a New York University 'Change the Stakes' meeting on Dec. 4, he said the Left must utilize the existing 'movements on the ground.”' See No Room for God: Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'

How do we keep children safe at school?  "The days of 'it could never happen here' don’t exist anymore. If it happened at Columbine or in an Amish schoolhouse, at Oakland’s Oikos University or in a small Connecticut suburb, a school massacre can happen anywhere – and every principal, teacher and police officer in the country knows it.”  See Chronology of the NEA

Obama's stealthy education takeover: "Obama... said: “You know, under my leadership, what we’ve done is reformed education, working with governors, 46 states.'... Children will read what’s described as 'informational texts,' government reports, computer manuals and technical bulletins. There will be more 'reading' in science and math classes. The focus will be on computer literacy with little, if any, actual 'writing.'  Cursive penmanship is already being phased out....

     "All schools will have to meet the same standards and tests, and all students will be tracked by the feds. Ultimately even private and home schools will be forced into this because national tests (i.e. the SAT) will be geared to this curriculum.... Of the 50 states, 46 have agreed, as well as D.C.

     "Was there a vote of the people or the legislatures? No. Each governor decided – pushed by the National Governors Association, and the lure is $4.35 million in federal money from the Education Department’s 'Race-to-the-Top' school plan. The Obama administration said you have to participate to get the grants. The money was part of Obama’s stimulus plan." See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking?

School Removes God From First-Grader's Poem: "Consider the story of a first-grade girl in West Marion, North Carolina, who had the word 'God' stripped from a poem she wrote and was going to read at her school's Veterans Day assembly earlier this month. The poem honored her two grandfathers who served during the Vietnam War. 'He prayed to God for peace,' she wrote of one of them....  At a McDowell County Board of Education meeting last week, employee Chris Greene said, 'We had one parent concerned with the use of the word God in this program. This parent did not want the word God mentioned.... When the demand from this person was heard, the rights of another stopped. It did so by hushing the voice of a six-year-old girl.' ....'Courts have found that religious references at school-sponsored events generally run afoul of the First Amendment,' said Paulson."  

     [But the authors of the First Amendment intended to preserve our freedom to honor God, not to quench it. Today's classrooms can feature every other religion -- except Biblical Christianity."  See UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in a Culture of Peace

Brave New Schools, Chapter 3: A New Way of Thinking: "The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society, in short, new ways of living." [UNESCO]

     "What's happening in America today ...is a total transformation of our society. We have moved into a new era... I'm not sure we have really begun to comprehend...the incredible amount of organizational restructuring and human resource development.... The revolution...in curriculum is that we no longer are teaching facts to children." [Dr. Shirley McCune]

     "The classroom discussion came to a close, and Ashley began to pack up her books..."

Students Told to Disavow American-ness, maleness, whiteness, heterosexuality: "'Our language doesn’t make it easy to write in ways that are inclusive,' Howard said. 'We don’t have a generic singular, I mean we have he and she. There is no pronoun that is gender-neutral there.'" See UN Declaration on Tolerance

November 2012

Feds: Teachers Embroiled in Test-Taking Fraud: "For 15 years, teachers in three Southern states paid Clarence Mumford Sr. — himself a longtime educator — to send someone else to take the tests in their place.... Each time, Mumford received a fee of between $1,500 and $3,000 to send one of his test ringers with fake identification to the Praxis exam. In return, his customers got a passing grade and began their careers as cheaters....'The propensity to cheat on exams both through college and for licensure and certification exams seems to be increasing.... 'People often don't see it as something wrong.'" See Brainwashing & How to Resist It

Chicago Teachers Strategize on How to Indoctrinate Kids with Marxism: "In September, the Chicago Teachers Union went on strike, shutting down the Windy City’s schools for 10 days. Many of those same teachers were in attendance on Nov. 10 at the Midwest Marxism Conference held at Northwestern University in Chicago. The topics of the conference were:

  • Marxism, Crisis & Resistance
  • The Meaning of Marxism
  • Russia: A Case Study in Workers Power & Revolution
  • Lenin’s Theory of the Revolutionary Party...

ACLU sues to force elementary libraries to display lesbian advocacy book: "In the Davis School District in Utah, children as young as kindergarten age can check out a homosexual propaganda book called In My Mothers’ House, about three adopted kids and their lesbian 'mothers,' if their parents sign a permission slip..."

Education Briefs: "Between 350-400 doses a year of Plan B, 'the morning-after pill,' are being dispensed from a vending machine in the campus health center at a small Pennsylvania public college. Shippensburg University sells the 'morning after pill' to be used after unprotected sex for $25 a dose. Condoms and pregnancy tests are available from the same machine." See Moral and Social Corruption

October 2012

Virginia Teacher Charged With Assault: Girl’s Hand Cut in Forced ‘Islamic Hand Sign’ Drill: "Harris [the teacher] has a disturbing trend of 'indoctrinating' students with Islamic teachings. ...When Bennett’s daughter was unable to do the Islamic hand sign correctly after two days of instruction, Harris became frustrated. ...'[Harris] yanked her hand out of her desk and my daughter’s hand got hung up on the metal wire on her file folder and the skin got caught on it,' the mother explained.... 'The other children saw my daughter’s hand dripping with blood after the teacher had gotten so mad that she went to twist my daughter’s hand into an Islamic sign.”  See Brainwashing & How to Resist It

Leftists Mobilize Schoolchildren for Obama: "[On] October 9, the day after Columbus Day, newspapers reported not one, but two, audacious initiatives: (1) an effort in Denver to have teachers embolden youngsters to actively pursue 'social change' within the 'dominant culture,' which can be taken for inciting insurrection, and (2) a voter-registration drive in Florida schools aimed at getting kids registered as Obama Democrats, with an outright refusal to do the same for the Republican Party....

     "...Pasco County Schools brazenly permitted a former teacher to deliver Obama speeches to senior high-school students. ....Organizing For America was 'given access to as many as a half dozen high school and middle school campuses.'...A lawsuit might have been winnable 20 years ago—in both cases. Today, you’d find it hard to locate a sympathetic judge who’d touch either one....Quite simply, the Left has been allowed to become too powerful." See The Socialist Vision of the NEA

Obamacare - Obama Core is another power grab: "...let's not overlook his plans for education. They are as fundamentally transformational, costly and dictatorial as Obamacare. It's well-known that public schools are not graduating students as well-educated as before, that Americans score poorly on international tests, and that billions of federal dollars showered on public schools have not achieved any of the designated goals... to raise test scores and to eliminate the gap between higher income and lower income students....

     "Obama Core is a comprehensive plan to dumb down schoolchildren so they will be obedient servants of the government and probably to indoctrinate them to accept the leftwing view of America and its history." See Brave New Schools: A New Way of Thinking

Chinese funding Florida charter schools: "... through investments of at least $1 million — or $500,000 for 'targeted employment areas' — foreign nationals are able to obtain legal residency in the US so long as the money they invest will help secure or create at least 10 full-time jobs. A group of Chinese investors have put $30 million into the state's charter school program to date and are looking to invest three times that amount in the next year..."

September 2012

Chicago strike tells us answer is school choice: "Unions are about the economic interests of the teachers. The mayor is about his budget.... No one solely represents the interests of the kids."  See The Socialist Vision of the NEA

Academic Dishonesty: "Many of the nation’s colleges and universities have become cesspools of indoctrination, intolerance, academic dishonesty and an 'enlightened' form of racism.... Unfortunately, parents, taxpayers and donors have little knowledge of the extent of the dishonesty and indoctrination."

Top U.S. educator touts technology: "In two days in Silicon Valley, [Arne] Duncan displayed the enthusiasm for change that has marked his 3½ years as educator-in-chief.... Duncan touted the federal Dream Act, which would allow undocumented students to enroll in college, join the military or legally work. 'We can't afford to keep that talent on the sidelines,' he said to applause.... He stressed the importance of preschool. 'The only way we can stop playing catchup in education is if our babies enter kindergarten ready to learn.'"

        [To learn what? To submit to the new amoral, anti-Christian values rather than to their parents? That's what happened in the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin!]

But God tells us, "Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6

Education for Social Change. Education for a New World - Assaults on Faith and Family : "...education for social change transcends the school system - it has become a culturally embedded reality, impacting media and entertainment, churches, government programs, business practices, and law....The twenty-year-old plus, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), has little to do with personal rights. It has everything to do with changing values and undermining the traditional family. Since it transfers parental authority to the state, Christian children are legally free to reject safe family guidelines....

     "This process started long ago. Its milestones include the birth of the United Nations in 1945 and, starting in 1948, its consultative relationships with the new World Federation for Mental Health. The Federation’s founding document, Mental Health and World Citizenship, exposed the mind-changing agenda behind the social sciences: 'Studies of human development indicate the modifiability of human behaviour ... especially during infancy, childhood and adolescence...

     "'Social institutions such as family and school impose their imprint early... It is the [traditional Christian] men and women in whom these patterns of attitude and behaviour have been incorporated who present the immediate resistance to social, economic and political changes.' ...The CRC is designed to erode that resistance! ...'double-speak” is central to UN propaganda. UNESCO’s Declaration on the Role of Religion is a good example. It calls for tolerance and dialogue - but shows no tolerance toward Christianity."

July 2012

The NEA Shows Its Politics: "The billions spent on education have not achieved any of their designated goals, which were to raise the test scores and to close the gap between kids from upper-income and lower-income families. The handouts, however, produced a lot of cheating by teachers and administrators trying to hide their failure to achieve designated goals....

     "The most powerful union of government employees is the National Education Association (NEA), which held this year’s annual national convention as usual over the Fourth of July weekend, attracting 9,000 delegates. To no one’s surprise, it resembled a re-election campaign rally for Barack Obama." See A New Way of Thinking

Separation of Child and State: "Educational excellence has eluded Louisiana for generations under government-managed schools, and the children of Louisiana have suffered irreparable damage. These impermissible results are the sole reason for the recent Jindal remedy proposed and passed in the 2012 Legislative Education Reform. The central principles to the Jindal Education Reform Plan remain: parental choice, money follows the child, accountability follows the money to that child..." See The UN Seizure of Parental Rights

Muslim congressman tied to terror co-conspirator: "Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., who now is under fire for suggesting the U.S. needs to be 'looking at' the Islamic madrassa model of education which teaches the Quran, has a history of association with a radical Muslim group that was an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to raise money for Hamas....He stated: '...America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our madrassas...where innovation is encouraged, where the foundation is the Quran.'... ISNA was established in 1981 by activists from the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Muslim Students Association." See Islamic Villages (in America) and European Muslim 'No-Go' Zones

June 2012

Schoolchildren could be given lessons in being transgender: "The action plan, launched by equalities minister Lynne Featherstone, said that a child’s early years have a 'profound influence on their life chances'. It said it aimed to 'help schools become more inclusive for gender variant children and to help provide more support and protection to transgender pupils in schools'....'The Government is committed to tackling transphobic bullying and we want to support schools to act as leaders and advocates for change.”

$1.1 million-plus Gates grants: ‘Galvanic’ bracelets that measure student engagement: "...the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is spending about $1.1 million to develop a way to physiologically measure how engaged students are by their teachers’ lessons. This involves 'galvanic skin response' bracelets that kids would wear so their engagement levels could be measured."

It's None of the Government's Business: "The use of nosy questionnaires by the public schools has been a bone of contention between schools and parents for years, but New Jersey recently came up with a question that has parents up in arms. Third-graders were asked on a standardized test to reveal a secret about their lives and explain why it is hard to keep.....This question about a secret should have been banned as a violation of the New Jersey law that requires prior parental consent before a student can be required to reveal personal information."

Teen wins right to wear 'Jesus Is Not a Homophobe' T-shirt to school: "In the judgment entered May 21, U.S. District Judge Michael Barrett ordered school officials to allow Maverick to wear the T-shirt to school whenever he chooses. He also ordered the school district to pay $20,000 in damages and court costs to the teen. 'We’re very happy for Maverick and all LGBT students in Ohio,' Christopher Clark, senior staff attorney for Lambda Legal, which sued on Maverick’s behalf, said in a press release. “If school officials had any doubt before, it’s clear now: First Amendment rights apply to all students on every day of the year, and efforts to silence LGBT youth will not go unchallenged.'”

     Yet Christian expression are criticized and censored across the country.  See "...and a little child shall lead them"

Can you really teach a kid to become bullyproof? "Teaching kids to become 'bullyproof' is all the rage. Books, videos and websites promise to show parents how to protect their kids from being bullied; school districts are buying curricula with names like 'Bully-Proofing Your School,' a well-regarded program used in thousands of classrooms. Even martial arts programs are getting into the act: 'Bullyproofing the world, one child at a time,' is the motto for a jujitsu program called Gracie Bullyproof."

May 2012

School officials fear a federal policy takeover: "...the Obama administration has left some state education chiefs feeling elbowed out, saying Washington is trying to establish itself as the national school board.

     "They’re calling for the local leadership to report directly to the federal government on reform strategies, essentially making the leader of the U.S. Department of Education the superintendent of the United States.... States have the predominant role in driving education policy. This concept upsets that apple cart quite a bit."

NC teacher captured on video suggesting student could be arrested for Obama criticism: "A North Carolina high school teacher was captured on video shouting at a student who questioned President Obama and suggesting he could be arrested for criticizing a sitting president.... According to the Salisbury Post, the teacher ...has not been suspended." See The Socialist Vision of the NEA

Revealed: The evil lurking in libraries: "Since 1876, the American Library Association has had a stated mission of providing leadership for improving libraries in the U.S., but watchdogs point to radical shifts in policies that make the once reliable institution...a genuine threat to America. In recent years, the ALA has become more and more 'terrorist friendly, child unfriendly and outright dishonest and unethical,' according to Dan Kleinman of SafeLibraries.org. ... Earlier this year, ALA received a large grant from the Soros-funded Open Borders Foundation and has now released a professionally produced video that states: 'It’s our hope that...libraries, schools, and community groups will watch the film and use it as a springboard for a discussion about privacy and surveillance in a digital age.'... George Soros is using the ALA as the pretty face to obtain access to American school children.” See The Ominous "Success" of Re-Education

(A warning for parents) Sex-slavery documentary yanked from Ukiah 5th-grade class: "A wrenching film that documents child sex slavery in Bombay no longer will be shown to Yokayo Elementary School fifth graders [California]. '...'It's age inappropriate,' said Troy Sherman.... He said school district officials were unaware teacher Stephanie Anderson was showing the documentary to her fifth grade class until the issue was raised by an outraged parent....The film also contains grainy images captured with hidden cameras taken inside brothels."  See Brainwashing & How to Resist It

April 2012

Textbooks Promote Islamist Agenda: "Islamist revisionism in U.S. textbooks can be traced back to Saudi money.... Late in 1974, a state-of-the-art, well-funded Saudi-financed plan was undertaken by Arab states to seize hold of American public opinion and increase their influence over U.S. foreign policy. A central aspect of this plan was a rewrite of 20th century Middle Eastern history with the specific intent of altering American public opinion and policies pertaining to Israel. ...revisionists realized that the imperialistic, violent and anti-Semitic history of Islam would undermine the [preferred] narrative that Israel and the Jews have been the aggressors in the Middle East and Arab Muslims have been the victims." See Spreading Islam through Public Schools

Higgins guides parents on how to pull child from activist schools on Friday, April 20: Below is a statement issued by the [liberal left] ACLU, emphasizing the limits of political activism during instructional time: 'You DO have a right to participate in Day of Silence and other expressions of your opinion.....You do NOT have a right to remain silent during class time if a teacher asks you to speak.'

      "This site, sponsored by pro-family groups listed below, is for the sole purpose of giving parents the tools needed to oppose the GLSEN-sponsored Day of Silence. The Day of Silence, which is sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)...will take place in most public schools on April 20, 2012." See Brainwashing & How to Resist It

Protecting Calif. students from 'adult seduction': "Assembly Bill 1861 would make it a felony for teachers in the state to send sexual text messages or have suggestive communication with their students."

School Removes 'God' From Lee Greenwood Song: “We can’t take God out of the song, we can’t take God out of The Pledge of Allegiance, we can’t take God off of the American currency. ...The song is played at every naturalization ceremony behind The National Anthem....” See Purging the Memory of Our Christian Roots

Marriage and family are obscene: "...a girl at Pilgrim High School in Warwick, Rhode Island, had her artwork censored by 'educators.' The student had painted a mural that was deemed objectionable because it depicted a boy growing up, marrying, and having a child. In fact, the 'educators' found it so offensive that they ordered it blotted out by painting over it....   

     "What do Christian fathers and mothers think they’re getting, by sending their children to be educated by persons who find marriage so offensive that they must paint over a picture of a family? Day after day, five days a week for thirteen years, kindergarten through twelfth grade, the children of Christians see and hear what their 'teachers' think of Christian life and faith.... A Christian father once told me it didn’t matter what his children were being taught in public school, 'because I just de-program them every day.'" [What a hard choice for parents today!] See A New Way of Thinking

26-ingredient school lunch burger: [Dozens of additives ranging from thiamine mononitrate to pyridoxine hydrochloride] The school burger has gotten more than its share of the spotlight lately as parents set off a media firestorm in a rally to remove the controversial, ammonia-treated 'lean finely textured beef,' nicknamed 'pink slime,' from schools. The U.S. Department of Agriculture responded, electing to scale back on a planned purchase of 7 million pounds of ground beef mixed with the processed beef filler.

March 2012

Parents furious as Occupy Toronto assignment has students writing protest slogans for class work: "Students at Glenview, therefore, have parents with high expectations.... One of those parents was at home recently with his daughter, a Grade 7 student, who was working on an English exercise in 'critical thinking.' 'I asked her what she was doing,' said the parent....She said her class was learning about Occupy Toronto, and they were being asked to write a slogan or a chant as if they were down at one of the Occupy protests. 'She said this is about the 1% ... This, in my mind, is indoctrinating the kids...'" See 3 Sets of Meanings for Education Buzzwords

Reasons to Be Concerned about Having Your Child in Public Schools: "Your child will be subjected to sexual indoctrination. ...California now has EIGHT state laws promoting homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality to children as young as kindergarten, with no parental opt-in or opt-out....Children in public schools are more likely to have earlier experiences and develop negative habits in these areas: lying, cussing, cheating, excessive dieting, wearing revealing clothes, pornography, sexual activity, smoking, drugs, alcohol, and even violence." See Schools and "Values Clarification"

Obama's Education Dept. partners with Soros: "The Department of Education has partnered with billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Institute to promote a global education initiative that seeks 'a world where each and every person on Earth can access and contribute to the sum of all human knowledge. [Do you wonder what global "knowledge" would be censored? And what would they promote?]...

      "A 2007 O.E.R forum announced the education group’s mission of creating 'a world where each and every person on earth can access and contribute to the sum of all human knowledge.'...The 'Why Open Education Matters' competition is sponsored and organized by three groups – the U.S. Department of Education, Soros’ Open Society and a group known as Creative Commons.....Creative Commons was founded in 2001 by Lawrence Lessig.... Lessig works closely with a Marxist activist who has argued for the dismantling of the U.S. capitalist system and whose George Soros-funded group petitions for more government control of the media....

      "McChesney, an avowed Marxist who favors the dismantling of capitalism. McChesney founded Free Press, a Soros-funded organization with close ties to the White House that petitions for more government control of the news media.... McChesney is a professor...and former editor of the Marxist journal Monthly Review....The board of Free Press has included a slew of radicals, such as Obama’s former 'green jobs' czar Van Jones, who resigned after his founding of a communist organization was exposed."

Censoring the ex-homosexual message: "Public Schools Superintendent Joshua Starr called it 'reprehensible,' 'deplorable' and 'disgusting.' What could trigger such a response? Child sexual abuse by a teacher? Drug dealing in the high schools? A drunk driving accident that killed students?

      "No - it was a one-page flier distributed to students in several Montgomery County, Md., high schools.... The flier included disgusting declarations such as, 'All individuals deserve the right to self-determination and happiness' and such 'reprehensible' advice as '[I]mportant decisions should not be made on feelings alone.'

      "The controversy arose not because of its relatively innocuous content, but because of its source: an organization called Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays.... The flier states, 'Every year, thousands of people with unwanted same-sex attractions make the personal decision to leave a gay identity,' and asserts that such people should be able to 'seek help and information on overcoming their feelings.'"

     Of course, such an old-fashioned notion clashes with today pro-gay education system. The new global values are incompatible with the slightest reminder of Christian beliefs." See Ban truth - Reap tyranny

Rescue the Perishing: "We must rescue our children. They are perishing.... Our children no longer share our values....WAKE UP!! WE ARE LOSING OUR CHILDREN!!! The evidence is everywhere. ... Rejecting knowledge is worse than ignorance. Willfully ignorant…hear no evil…see no evil…speak no evil… Don’t worry, be happy!" See Brainwashing in America

Freedom of religion, R.I.P: "...the full court held that it's okay for Quebec's education minister to compel believers to describe God to their children, not as they see him, but as non-believers do. ...What exactly is religious freedom, if it isn't teaching God to your children as you see him?...

    "In 2008, Quebec's provincial education ministry saw fit to replace religious instruction in elementary and secondary schools with a curriculum of its own. ...About 2,000 parents requested to have their children exempted from having to take their religion from the state....The parents lost in every forum, from administrative tribunals to the Quebec Court of Appeal. ... Canada's top court sees its task as defending the state against the rights and freedoms it guarantees.... 

    "But what about parents having to send their children to be indoctrinated in values different from their own? Sorry, says Justice Deschamps, 'the early exposure of children to realities that differ from those in their immediate family environment is a fact of life in society.' Well, er, no, it isn't, Judge. Early exposure is very much under parental control in any society, except in tyrannies. Canada is turning into a theocracy with its own jealous God: The smug, self-worshipping state." See What can parents do?

February 2012

Homeschoolers can't be taught 'gay' sex sinful: "Homeschooling families will soon be forbidden from teaching that homosexual sex is sinful as part of their schooling program, according to the government of Alberta, Canada. Under the province’s Education Act, homeschoolers and religious schools will be banned from 'disrespecting' people’s differences....'Whatever the nature of schooling – homeschool, private school, Catholic school – we do not tolerate disrespect for differences...”

      Must Christian parents teach their children that gay sex is okay and Biblical guidelines are wrong? What about the government's "disrespect" for people who trust God and His guidelines? Will the law favor immorality and punish Christianity? Are we facing the end of freedom and morality in the West?

Afraid of Your Child’s Math Textbook? You Should Be: "That math homework you’re trying to help your child muddle through might include problems with no possible solution.... Let’s say a publisher hires a developer for a certain low-bid fee to produce seven supplemental math books for grades 3-8....The publisher wants these seven books ready for press in five weeks. ...in the not too recent past at least six months would be allotted for a project of this size....

     "A more recent math project I was hired to edit was not only full of content errors, the books were so peculiar in the execution of math concepts and instruction that I hadn’t seen anything like it in all my 20+ years of experience. I asked the project manager if she’d ever seen math approached in this manner. She gave a resigned groan and said no, but this was what the publisher wanted...."

American Library Association] Enables Soros to Indoctrinate Children and Communities Nationwide in a Manner that Threatens Freedom of Speech: "The American Library Association is enabling noted 'open society' advocate George Soros to indoctrinate or propagandize children, media, and communities nationwide in a manner that furthers Soros organizations's efforts to curtail freedom of speech.....Soros-funded MMfA uses an American institution, the Girl Scouts, to promote MMfA as a source to clear up 'media misinformation,' while the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations uses another American institution, the American Library Association, to teach communities and students 'how to identify propaganda and misinformation.'" Please see the link -- an older warning

School systems hit by insurance costs: "Georgia school systems are taking another big financial hit — a 200 percent jump in health care costs for bus drivers, cafeteria workers and other traditionally low-paid school employees....This is on top of the double whammy districts are taking from declining property taxes and cuts in state education funding." See Smiling at Socialism

No Time For Homework (including term papers): "With technology allowing nearly 24-hour media access as children and teens go about their daily lives, the amount of time young people spend with entertainment media has risen dramatically, especially among minority youth....Today, 8-18-year-olds devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes (7:38) to using entertainment media across a typical day....At precisely the moment when we need more education to bring the bottom up to the average and the American average up to the global peaks, our students are spending more time texting and gaming and less time than ever studying and doing homework."

January 2012

School District Sues California Over Lower-Than-Expected Budget Cuts: "California's largest school district, Los Angeles Unified (LAUSD), announced on December 13 its plans to sue the state for the loss of $248 million in school transportation funding. The transportation cuts, set to go into effect in January, are part of Governor Jerry Brown's decision to cut $1 billion from the state budget due to lower than expected revenues. Education officials are furious..."

US Textbooks: Muslims Discovered America: "...did you know that Muslims discovered America? Or that Jerusalem is an Arab city? That’s just some of the 'history' that students in America’s K-12 classrooms have been taught in recent years–with the help of taxpayer money. A new report by the non-profit Institute for Jewish and Community Research finds that American high school and elementary textbooks contain countless inaccuracies about Christianity, Judaism, Israel and the Middle East." See Spreading Islam through Public Schools

Pagan mom challenges Bible giveaway at North Carolina school: "Ginger Strivelli, who practices Witchcraft... said she was upset when her 12-year-old son...came home from North Windy Ridge intermediate school with a Bible. The Gideons International had delivered several boxes of the sacred books to the school office. The staff allowed interested students to stop by and pick them up."
      [Note: Public school libraries contain unthinkable books -- occult and pagan as well as immoral. But one rarely finds a Christian book on its shelves!].'"
See Establishing a Global Spirituality

An Ignored 'Disparity': Part II: "One of the ways of trying to reduce the vast disparities in economic success... is by making higher education more widely available, even for people without the money to pay for it.... When institutions of higher learning turn out highly qualified doctors, scientists, engineers... the benefits are obvious. What is not so obvious...is that colleges and universities can also turn out vast numbers of people with credentials, but with no marketable skills with which to fulfill their expectations. There is nothing magic about simply being in ivy-covered buildings for four years....

     "In countries around the world, people with credentials but no marketable skills have been a major source of political turmoil, social polarization and ideologically driven violence....Those who cannot compete in the marketplace, despite their degrees, not only resent those who have succeeded where they have failed, but push demands for preferential treatment, in order to negate the 'unfair' advantages that others have."

In schools, self-esteem boosting is losing favor to rigor, finer-tuned praise: "For decades, the prevailing wisdom in education was that high self-esteem would lead to high achievement....Now, an increasing number of teachers are weaning themselves from what some call empty praise. Drawing on psychology and brain research, these educators aim to articulate a more precise, and scientific, vocabulary for praise that will push children to work through mistakes and take on more challenging assignments." See Chronology of the NEA

Hamas-linked CAIR in Your Kid’s Classroom: "They are maybe 1% of the population but they are at your libraries, in your schools, making security policy, and hampering law enforcement across the nation. Imagine what life will be like when they are 10% of the population…in just a few years?...

 “'Why is a representative of a terror-linked organization, a defender of jihad terror groups and an apologist for Islamic supremacism welcome to speak in public schools?'...

     "When the parent tried to explain to [the Assistant Principal for Curriculum] that 'the school was associating itself with a religious-based political organization that propagandizes for Islam & Sharia and are terrorist apologists, Miliziano [the Social Studies teacher] 'completely dismissed these concerns.'"

When drugging replaced spanking: "There used to be a day in America when parents loved their children enough to chastise them, because they taught them to know the difference between right and wrong – which is love.

     "... today, the pharmaceutical companies and their minions in government are at work trying to convince you that spanking your child is abuse rather than love. And their resolve is to label your child mentally ill (ADHD, ADD, etc.) and put them on dangerous psychotropic drugs....Some of the side effects include: Confusion, Depersonalization, Hostility, Hallucinations, Manic reactions, Suicidal ideation....

     "More and more public schools have brought in TeenScreen, a manipulative survey for children that sets them up for a prescription. For example, one of the questions asked is: 'Has there been a time when you felt you couldn't do anything well or that you weren't as good-looking or smart as other people?' ...a founding member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, in 1998 stated, 'ADHD is fraud intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction.'" See A New Way of Thinking

Turning Schoolchildren Into Informants? "The same anti-family policy apparently is becoming a policy of the United States government. And just like in the Soviet Union, it will implemented through the government schools. Last week, the White House revealed a broad new strategy for 'battling homegrown terrorism.'  ...it will include all levels of government, including local governments and agencies. ...schools will now become 'battleground America,' a place for gathering information.....

     "'Prevent,' of course, is a word of the vocabulary of the Soviet Union of the times of Stalin, when 'enemy infiltration' was 'prevented' by a wide-scale system of informants, spies, and infiltrators who will look for 'behavioral signals.' ...the children will be encouraged to spy and inform on their parents.” See Your friendly community spies

November 2011

North Carolina Principal Resigns For Suspending Student Who Called Teacher ‘Cute’: "School officials offered an apology to Emanyea Lockett and his mother...after the boy was accused of calling a teacher 'cute.' A statement from the system said it was determined that the fourth grader at Brookside Elementary School didn’t engage in sexual harassment. The school system said the suspension won’t count against the student."

The Problem Facing California Public School Parents: "1. Homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination, without parental consent, including off-campus pro-homosexuality counseling.

2. Pro-abortion indoctrination, 'confidential' abortion referrals...without parental consent.

3. Condom/birth control pills indoctrination and distribution without parental consent...

4. Anti-God, pro-evolution indoctrination....

9. Anti-Christian indoctrination and widespread rejection of religious and moral values.

10. Anti-parent sentiments. A raft of recent California laws will eventually require all public school instruction and activities to positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality to children as young as kindergarten." See Comprehensive Sex Ed Violates our Children

Forstmann's Not So Little Idea: "Mr. Forstmann thought the failure of the education status quo was so obvious and the need for change so dire that change of some sort would come soon to American public education. Needless to say, he was wrong. Change did not come to public, inner-city education. The teachers unions won't allow it.."

New Jersey Teacher Bullied Special Needs Student (VIDEO): "Armed with a cell phone in hand, Julio recorded his teacher's tirade. The video shows Julio asking not be referred to as 'special,' just as a 'normal' kid. The teacher curses, yells, insults, and even gets into Julio's face.... The footage he brought home school on Oct. 24 turned their skepticism into horror." [From the video: “Who cares that you’re special?" the teacher asks Julio on the video. “No one,” replies Julio in a dejected voice. 'Nobody dude, nobody, 'his teacher heartlessly replies.... He swears and calls Julio a “tard.” "You want me to call you normal and you don't even know what it is..."]

Occupying the Minds of Our Youth: "'Considering Democracy in Occupy Wall Street,' was the title of a teaching guide recommended for grades 4-7. The lesson plan was assembled by the Morningstar Center, a leftwing organization that teaches 'social responsibility.' In the guide we read, '..there are some ways that our country isn't always democratic, even though people do have rights such as a vote and free speech. Ask students if they can think of some examples. (Examples include: people and corporations with lots of money can make political contributions that give them more influence over our government than other people....

     "The guide goes on to describe the Occupy movement for the school children: 'Occupy Wall Street is a group of activists who want to change the way money, wealth, and income are distributed in the U.S....'

     "Morningstar's tactic to assist the students as to 'the way the money, wealth, and income are distributed...' is to have the pupils participate in a group activity:.." See The Ominous "Success" of Re-Education

Taking the 'bull' out of anti-bullying programs: "Your sixth-grader, Zack, comes home from school. 'Mom, Dad, guess what we talked about today? There are kids all over the country who are trying to kill themselves, just because they were born gay or born in the wrong-sex body!. ...and I have to be really careful, so it's not my fault!' If you are a well-informed parent, you will sit your son down and separate fact from fiction as you unburden his manipulated young conscience." See Discrediting morality

Is student loan, education bubble next?  "...the fundamental risk for individual student borrowers: they could borrow heavily to pay for a college education and find the return much less than expected..... At community colleges and for-profit schools, roughly one in five aiming for a bachelor’s degree fail to secure it....Anyone who borrows a large amount of money and then fails to complete a degree is in a world of hurt — quite possibly worse off than if they’d never even tried to go to college in the first place." See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America

LAUSD teachers to offer positive gay images as part of anti-bullying program: "Los Angeles Unified teachers will offer lessons that promote positive images of gay individuals and their contributions to the nation as part of an anti-bullying program approved Tuesday by the school board....'Schools have always been leaders of social justice,' Chiasson said."

Teaching Your Child to be a Dictator’s Lackey: "The Model UN program teaches American students that global government is better than national government....Twenty-two Model UN events are scheduled to take place in November alone and many more are set to follow month after month throughout the school year as the advocates of global government exploit the school system to indoctrinate a new generation....The UNA-USA’s agenda includes AMICC or the American Coalition for the International Criminal Court, whose goal is to ...place the United States under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and would preempt the Constitution. ...Islamic indoctrination also plays a role at Model UN’s." See Destroying America from Inside the Classroom

October 2011

Parent furor at bawdy sex ed: "Sex ed, which becomes mandatory in city middle and high schools next year, is meant to stem unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases among teens. ...Workbooks...include the following assignments: * High-school students go to stores and jot down condom brands.... * Teens research a route from school to a clinic that provides birth control and STD tests, and write down its confidentiality policy. * Kids ages 11 and 12 sort 'risk cards' to rate the safety of various [sex] activities." I don't recommend reading the rest of this very disturbing list.

Will it be the Bible or the bayonet?  "...the schools have now become testing and training grounds for a monitored police state. ...you now have fences around the schools, metal detectors before entering school buildings, surveillance cameras and even armed guards.

       ".. in many schools across this country of ours there were Bible courses that you would have to pass before you could graduate high school. All the way up until 1962 prayer was the norm for virtually every school in America, and the Ten Commandments were posted in school hallways. The obvious fruit was safety and security, as well as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....

      "High school in 1962 vs. 2011 --Scenario 1: Johnny goes duck hunting before school and then pulls into the school parking lot with his shotgun in his truck's gun rack.

1962 – Vice principal comes over, looks at Johnny's shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Johnny.

2011 - School goes into lockdown and the FBI is called. Johnny is hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or his gun again. Counselors are called in for traumatized students and teachers."

     Scenario 3: Jeffery will not sit still in class; he continuously disrupts other students.

1962 - Jeffery is sent to the principal's office and given a good paddling. He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt other students again.

2011 - Jeffery is given huge doses of Ritalin after being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Jeffery now becomes a zombie. The family now gets a check from the government and Jeffery becomes disabled.

    Scenario 5: Bradley gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school. Bradley shares aspirin with another student who also has a headache.
1962 - Bradley's fellow student thanks him and they both feel better.
2011 - The police are called. Bradley is sent to jail and then to treatment for drug violations. Bradley's car is searched for drugs and weapons."

[Texas] High School Students Made to Recite Mexican National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance: "Wearing red, white and green, students had to memorize the Mexican anthem and pledge and stand up and recite them in individually in front of the class. That didn’t go over well with sophomore Brenda Brinsdon....'Reciting pledges to Mexico and being loyal to it has nothing to do with learning Spanish.' She said she was particularly offended because the presentations... took place during 'Freedom Week'...on U.S. Constitution Day — the same day as Mexico’s Independence Day." See Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'

September 2011

High School Coaches in Trouble for Bowing Their Heads During Student-Led Prayer in Tennessee: "...the coaches didn’t say anything aloud themselves, but bowed their heads in observance alongside the students. Word got back to the principal and the school district, which found the coaches’ participation to be an uncomfortable mix of religion and public school." See Purging the Memory of Our Christian Roots

Middle School Assignment Depicts ‘Positive’ Aspects of Shariah Law: "A Georgia middle school adjusted its lessons after a father complained that his daughter’s homework assignment promoted Shariah law." See Spreading Islam through Public Schools

Too much Facebook time may be unhealthy for kids: "The social network feeds into a narcissist’s M.O. perfectly by allowing people to broadcast themselves 24/7 on their own terms. ..the more people used Facebook, the more likely they were to have antisocial personality disorder, paranoia and anxiety. When Rosen and his colleagues observed middle school, high school and college students for 15 minutes while they studied for an exam, they found that most students were only able to focus for two to three minutes before turning their attention to less scholarly matters, like text messages.... The average teenager sends out more than 2,000 texts per month." See Chronology of the NEA

ACLU: Give Students Access to Gay Websites: "An American Civil Liberties chapter has filed a lawsuit against a Missouri school district demanding that it allow K-12 students to access LGBT (lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender) websites on school computers. The superintendent...Tim Hadfield, acknowledges that his school computers use filtering software called URL Blacklist that does block out LGBT sites....Hadfield said the district can’t comply because allowing access could expose students to pornography." See Purging the Memory of our Christian Roots

August 2011

Please Stop Sexualizing Our Children: "How many children watch MTV and VH1, mimicking the moves and memorizing the lyrics of the latest song by Britney Spears or Lady Gaga. ...There is the sexualizing of our children in the public schools... teaching gay history to elementary school children, as now mandated by law in California. ...[In] Massachusetts....Judge Mark Wolff of the US Court of Appeals ruled that the schools have a greater responsibility to teach 'diversity' than to honor the requests of the parents."'

July 2011

The Progressive Mask Slips: "July 9, at the Aspen Institute's Ideas Festival, a mask slipped... We get a fascinating glimpse at hardball politics inside the progressive left.... Education reform has taken on a new way of doing business in the past few years. ...Obama mentioned 'a wonderful new superintendent' (Michelle Rhee)...in October 2008...to transform public education. Since then, Rhee has been at the forefront of creating a whole new brand of nationalized government schools: top-down management from the public sector combined with privatization through charter schools." See The Seamless Communitarian System

Less Academics, More Narcissism: "California’s budget crisis has reduced the University of California to near-penury.... Even as UC campuses jettison entire degree programs and lose faculty to competing universities, one fiefdom has remained virtually sacrosanct: the diversity machine. The University of California at San Diego, for example, is creating a new full-time 'vice chancellor for equity, diversity, and inclusion.' This position would augment UC San Diego’s already massive diversity apparatus, which includes the Chancellor’s Diversity Office...the assistant vice chancellor for diversity, the faculty equity advisors, the graduate diversity coordinators [and many more]...the Campus Council on Climate, Culture and Inclusion... the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center, and the Women’s Center....

      "UC San Diego is adding diversity fat even as it snuffs out substantive academic programs. In March, the Academic Senate decided that the school would no longer offer a master’s degree in electrical and computer engineering.... At the same time, the body mandated a new campus-wide diversity requirement for graduation." See The Global Connections of the NEA

Failing Liberty 101: "Here are some typical [student] responses: 'We just had (American citizenship) the other day in history. I forget what it was.' Another said, '"Being American is not really special...." Another said...'I don't want to be a citizen. ...It's stupid to me."

      "A law professor [wrote]... 'Longstanding notions of democratic citizenship are becoming obsolete. ... American identity is unsustainable in the face of globalization.' ... This law professor's vision is shared by many educators who look to 'global citizenship' as the proper aim of civics instruction, de-emphasizing attachment to any particular country, such as the United States, pointing out that our primary obligation should be to the universal ideals of human rights and justice. To be patriotic to one's own country is seen as suspect....

      "According to one survey, only 28 percent of students could identify the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.... The fact that Obama became president and brought openly Marxist people into his administration doesn't say so much about him as it says about the effects of decades of brainwashing of the American people by the education establishment, media and the intellectual elite." See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking

Who's Responsible for the Government Schools Cheating Scandals? "The 55,000-student Atlanta public school system rose in national prominence during the 2000s, as test scores steadily rose and the district received notice and funding from the Broad Foundation and the Gates Foundation. But behind that rise...were teachers and principals in 44 schools erasing and changing test answers....When teachers tried to alert authorities, they were labeled 'disgruntled.' One principal opened an ethics investigation against a whistle-blower. ...The problems in these school districts point to systemic corruption in public schools across the board. The fraud begins at the top with the DOE and spreads far and wide into a complex network of Obama administration officials, private foundations and independent school reformers."

      "They are deeply corrupted.... They became an abomination like the thing they loved." Hosea 9:9-10

June 2011

The dead hand of federal education reform: "Washington’s ever-expanding role in education has been paralleled by a huge increase in non-teaching staff on school payrolls. Since the 1950s, the number of teachers as a percentage of school staff has declined from 70 percent to about 51 percent. Meanwhile, administrative support staff [including secular counselors and therapists, etc.] increased from 23.8 percent to 30 percent.... It’s estimated that only 65-70 cents of every education dollar leaving Washington makes it into the classroom."

Battling education factions should put animosity aside: Ponder this accusation: "Private schools have been 'stealing' students (and therefore the state-allotted money for those students) from districts for years. Now along come charter schools that are doing the same thing....

      "Charter schools in San Jose [California] have been at odds with school districts for years because of accusations that charter schools take the students away from the district schools. Charter schools, in turn, claim that some district schools are not doing the job they should...and should be shut down."

      Indoctrination in pluralism, "tolerance" and global values is now the duty of public schools-- an assignment that many private (Christian) and charter schools refuse to do. See Molding Human Resources for a Global Workforce

Charter Schools Tied to Turkey Grow in Texas: "Operating under the name Harmony Schools, Cosmos has moved quickly to become the largest charter school operator in Texas, with 33 schools receiving more than $100 million a year in taxpayer funds. ....Some of the schools’ operators and founders, and many of their suppliers, are followers of Fethullah Gulen, a charismatic Turkish preacher of a moderate brand of Islam....Nationwide, the primary focus of complaints has been on hundreds of teachers and administrators imported from Turkey ...Gulen...and the movement that bears his name have been surrounded by controversy in Turkey. He came to this country in 1999 while under pressure from secular Turkish authorities who accused him of promoting an Islamic state.

      "...at a San Antonio school...the lobby ceiling is decorated with images of the sun and a star and crescent moon. ...most of its foreign teachers are Turkish men....'The main purpose right now is to show the positive side of Islam and to make Americans sympathize with Islam,' Dr. Yavuz said."

Obnoxious Classroom Curricula: "Elementary school curriculum isn't just about the three R's any more....The lessons promoted 'gender neutrality,' the concept that no distinctions between male and female should be legally allowed....Gender Spectrum boasted that its goal is to confuse the children and make them question traditional ideas about who is a boy and who is a girl. It is not surprising that many parents were upset..."

Christians, Shut Your Mouths: "[According to] gay author Daniel Villarreal...the quest to expand laws against bullying, and to force homosexual personalities into social science textbooks is all about the normalization of homosexual life....'our very future depends on it.' Senate Bill 48 would mandate that social science curriculum in public schools include the contributions of homosexual, bisexual and transgender people of influence. ...no information that reflects adversely on those lifestyles may be included." See God's Warnings for our Times

Activist South Bay students secure computers for schools, save teachers: "They've rejected the notion that students should be seen and not heard. And they insist that as the people most affected, they need to raise their voices. 'We are not whining, not moping, just trying to get what we deserve and need,' Emily Spacek, 14, blogged." This reminds me of Isaiah 3:4-12

Videos: The transgender agenda in elementary school: "#1: 'Gender coach' indoctrinating fourth grade students on transgenderism. #2: Homosexual/transgender activist defends mandatory transgender training for elementary school children....Young children are being taught that they can choose to be a boy or a girl -- or both. Boys, for example, should be comfortable wearing girls' clothes and nail polish, etc. ...the school does not allow parents to opt their kids out." See Human Nature

The Vanishing West: "What happened to the study of Western Civilization? Why has it nearly disappeared? What has replaced it?...The widespread emphasis on 'multiculturalism' is an inadequate answer. ...a historical overview of the Western ascent toward freedom, scientific and technology mastery, and world power, is no less essential to the current generation than it was to those past."

May 2011

Protect your children from 'Harvey Milk Gay Day': A [California] state law...calls upon all K-12 government schools to teach children as 5 years old to honor homosexual activist and sexual predator* Harvey Milk. It's up to teachers and schools to decide every May whether kids will perform pro-Milk 'exercises' (the week before or after May 22, Milk's birthday). There is NO parental permission or notification." See The UN Seizure of Parental Rights

Video: The story of the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: "The teacher said that marking the spelling wrong would hurt the child's self-esteem...There was no right or wrong.... They now have...inventive spelling... spell anyway they want. 2+2 could equal 5 and no one's feelings would be hurt.... Death education.... Psychological tests....Recommend drugs.... [History of the transformation follows the examples]"

The 'Education' Mantra: [Thomas Sowell] "Students can graduate from some of the most prestigious institutions in the country, without ever learning anything about science, mathematics, economics or anything else that would make them either a productive contributor to the economy or an informed voter who can see through political rhetoric. On the contrary, people with such 'education' are often more susceptible to demagoguery than the population at large.

     "Nor is this a situation peculiar to America. In countries around the world, people with degrees in soft subjects have been sources of political unrest, instability and even mass violence. Nor is this a new phenomenon..."

Resisting the Transformational Tactics in Our Schools: "...the aim of public education is not to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence. ...nothing could be further from the truth. The aim...is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry to put down dissent and originality....'" See Brainwashing in America

Bullying: The Left’s Trojan Horse: "...one of the reasons that groups on the left come out so hard against individuals or organizations that stand up for such biblical truths is in part because they don’t like it when the behavior that they are advocating is referred to as 'sin.' They want it to be accepted as 'normal.' They want it legitimized and taught to our children as an acceptable option. But this is not limited to the homosexual agenda, it is a societal problem. We all like to make sin more palatable by rebranding the particular practice. For example, we remove the focus from the taking of an innocent life by claiming a woman’s 'right to choose.' It doesn’t sound quite so bad that way." See Purging the Memory of Our Christian Roots

April 2011

Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking? "John Dewey wrote...that the Bolsheviks [Lenin's Communists] were engaged in 'a most interesting sociological experiment...'using progressive educational ideas and practices to 'counteract and transform... the influence of home and Church.'"

Looking Backward 123 Years Later: "The year 2011 marks the 123rd year since the publication of Edward Bellamy’s famous utopian novel, Looking Backward, in which the author depicted a happy, socialist America in the year 2000. In Bellamy’s optimistic fantasy, greed and material want ceased to exist, brotherly harmony prevailed.... The book became enormously popular, selling 371,000 copies in its first two years and a million copies by 1900. Its influence on American progressive educators and intellectuals was enormous.

     "Even after the rise of Hitler’s National Socialism in Germany and Marxist-Leninist communism in Russia, Dewey still clung to Bellamy’s vision of a socialist America....Dewey wrote: 'I wish that those who conceive that the abolition of private capital and of energy expended for profit signify complete regimenting of life and the abolition of all personal choice and all emulation, would read with an open mind Bellamy’s picture of a socialized economy....It is an American communism that he depicts..." See The Global Connections of the NEA

The Toxic Influence of Progressive Education: "In the 1960s, America’s education schools began conditioning teachers to peddle impossible social and economic theories to captive human sponges in K-12 classrooms. Since then, teachers taken in by progressive indoctrination have been planting fallacies in students’ minds using a pernicious device: the 'deconstruction' of reality.

     "Starting in the 1960s, academics took heightened interest in Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci’s cultural Marxism. Members of the political class glommed onto the resulting 'social justice,' affirmative action, 'diversity,' multiculturalism, political correctness, and other malignancies spawned by cultural Marxism." See A New Way of Thinking

Free Condoms for 11-Year-Olds? Philadelphia and Its Sex Problem: “'If you live in Philadelphia and are between the ages 11 and 19 you can now have condoms mailed directly to you for free,' reads the youth-oriented website Take Control Philly, managed by the city’s health department....'We hear from teachers and school counselors and sometimes the principals that kids are cutting schools in the afternoon and leaving early to go have orgies – and that’s in middle school....They get groups together with kids of different genders – sometimes same-sex and sometimes mixed. The parents are not home and so they go there and have sex and trade partners.'....

      "Philadelphia health officials hope the website giving away mail-ordered condoms will help lower the STD rate among youths in the city. But perhaps the city should focus more attention on abstinence education..."

CA Senate bill mandates gay history in schools: "Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people would be added to the lengthy list of social and ethnic groups that public schools must include in social studies lessons under a landmark bill passed Thursday by the California Senate. If the bill is adopted by the state Assembly and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, California would become the first state to require the teaching of gay history." And how much of that "history" will be distorted, falsified or invented? See Chronology of the NEA

California sexual brainwashing bill passes another hurdle: "If SB 48 becomes law:

1.Textbooks and instructional materials must positively promote 'lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans as 'role' models.

2.Children as young as 6 years old will be taught to admire homosexuality, same-sex 'marriages,' bisexuality, and transsexuality (sex-change operations).

3.Children will be taught to support the political activism of 'Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning'....

4.Teachers will be made to positively portray homosexuality, same-sex 'marriages,' bisexuality, and transsexuality...because to be silent can bring the charge of 'reflecting adversely.'" See Sex Ed and Global Values

March 2011

Congratulations! You've Been Accepted to BSU: "BSU...invited our just-accepted son to bring his parents for a special program over an April weekend. A bright and energetic upperclassmen led us on a campus tour.... He spoke of the majesty of the new gym, the Olympic size pool, the hot tub....  Various campus organizations offered fliers and information. ...representatives of the LGBT Resource Center boasted that free condoms... were available round-the-clock....

      " Our only contact with academics came in an early morning presentation....The professor boasted of his history course, which had transformed merely curious students into 'social activists.' Under his guidance the young scholars read ...[books by] the socialist historian Howard Zinn,' and [the students] emerged 'ready to change the world...'" Do you still want your kids to go to college?

Young Scholars charter school faces scrutiny over ties with Islamic leader: “...federal agencies — including the FBI and the departments of Labor and Education — are investigating whether some charter school employees are kicking back part of their salaries to a Muslim movement founded by (Fethullah) Gulen,' a major Islamic political figure in Turkey.... 'Our greatest concern was the secrecy of the [school] administration, the unwillingness to communicate with parents,' she said, '...obvious preference they were giving to hiring Turkish teachers who were uncertified over American teachers who were more qualified.” See Spreading Islamic idealism through Public Schools

U.S. charter-school network with Turkish link draws federal attention: "Fethullah Gulen is a major Islamic political figure [Iman] in Turkey... [who] gained his green card by convincing a federal judge in Philadelphia that he was an influential educational figure in the United States. As evidence, his lawyer pointed to the charter schools, now more than 120 in 25 states, that his followers - Turkish scientists, engineers, and businessmen - have opened.... The schools are funded with millions of taxpayer dollars. Truebright alone receives more than $3 million from the Philadelphia School District for its 348 pupils....

     "But federal agencies...are investigating whether some charter school employees are kicking back part of their salaries to a Muslim movement founded by Gulen known as Hizmet....Gulen schools are among the nation's largest users of the H1B visas. In 2009, the schools received government approvals for 684 visas.... Officials at some of the charter schools, which specialize in math and science, have said they needed to fill teaching spots with Turks, according to parents and former staffers.

      "...popular, certified American teachers were replaced by uncertified Turkish men who often spoke limited English and were paid higher salaries. Most were placed in math and science classes. ...Ohio, California, and Texas have the largest numbers of Gulen-related schools....Texas has 33.... 'In his position as the founder and head of the Gulen Movement, Mr. Gulen has overseen the establishment of a conglomeration of schools throughout the world, in Europe, Central Asia, and the United States."

School in Philadelphia teaches brotherly 'jihad': "You won't believe instruction at U.S. campus tied to Osama....The school originally was founded as the International Muslim Brotherhood [IMB], which boasted of educational input from a radical cleric who was an associate of Osama bin Laden. The institute's website promotes jihad 'in the context of self-defense or guarding the sacred, holy lands of Islam.' The school is allied with a Muslim student association known for hosting anti-American extremists.... The Quba Institute...is a full-time, state-accredited school that enrolls about 100 students from pre-kindergarten to the 12th grade....Quba also initiated other IMB expansions, including...a community development corporation." Compare it to this school:

Duncan To Step Up Civil Rights Enforcement: "The Education Department is launching 38 investigations into possible civil rights violations by schools and colleges....Rosalyn Ali, assistant secretary in the Office for Civil Rights...says her office gets about 6,300 complaints [every year], violations that include suspending and disciplining black children more often and more harshly than other children, ignoring the needs of non-English speaking students, and denying students access to college preparatory and advance placement programs, just to name a few. The results, says Ali, are tragic....Latinos can't even register for school without proof of their immigration status." See The Global Connections of the NEA

You won't believe where recovery money is going: "A Chicago charter school that recently received a grant of federal funds was founded and is led by activists who have been closely tied to the Nation of Islam while its campuses are named after former Nation of Islam activists and black radicals....Shabazz Charter School's official profile says the academy 'incorporates culture from countries throughout the continent of Africa and throughout the Diaspora....'  The school is named after Betty Shabazz, an early Nation of Islam activist best known as the wife of slain black nationalist leader Malcolm X. ...

      "The author of the 'Quality in Education' blog recounted attending a June 2010 ceremony....[They] brought in an African flag and with one fist risen in the air they, in unison, said their pledge to their future....liberation and being risen (power)."

      It reminded me of a youtube video shown soon after Obama's election:  Obama's Youth Regiment: Notice the repetitious and militant promotion of "Obama's health care plan."

[The language here is offensive. But this summary is a warning of what our children may hear and read in schools]  'Sex talk' in U.N., compliments of National Education Association [NEA]: "A social policy research group is exposing a radical sexual ideology that was on display at a United Nations' meeting..... Diane Schneider, a representative with the National Education Association (NEA), said that graphic sex education needs to be taught in the classroom..... Speaking to a panel on combating 'homophobia' and 'transphobia,' Schneider stated.... that comprehensive sex education is -- quote - 'the only way to combat heterosexism and gender conformity,'' he reports. 'She said that 'gender identity expression' and sexual orientation are a spectrum, and...that those [who are] opposed to homosexuality are stuck -- quote -- 'in a binary box that religion and family create.'" Spiritual Warfare

Latino kids now majority in state's public schools: "In comparison, 27 percent of California's 6.2 million students identified themselves as white, 9 percent as Asian and 7 percent as black. Students calling themselves Filipino, Pacific Islander, Native American or other total almost 7 percent. ...the shift underscores the huge impact Latinos already have on California's politics, economy and school system.....

     "'A lot depends on the extent to which Latino parents come together and organize,' Fuller added. 'These are parents who historically have not had much political power. But as they are coming together... they may organize around education.'" See The UN Plan for Global Migration

Marxist Education: Marxist teachers in a capitalist system: (This series of lectures on training communist teachers is alarming!) "...from the Marxist perspective the current capitalist system is an immoral system, and exploitative system... a system that alienates the worker from their products.... As Marxist educators we're not in a position to institutionalize socialism directly.... What we then need to do is to either be... subversively critical and smuggle in a certain amount of anti-capitalist instruction into our classroom....

     "Our primary job is to critique [the capitalist system]... to engage our students in the critical enterprise of coming to understand the true nature of the system.... We need to play up the struggles and the difficulties...of the underclass society... [and] develop our students' sympathy and identification with those classes..." See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America

Ravitch: 'A moment of national insanity': "...we are living in a moment of national insanity. On the one hand, we hear pious exhortations about education reform, endlessly uttered by our leaders in high political office.... Yet the reality on the ground suggests that the corporate reform movement --- embraced by so many of those same leaders, including the president --- will set American education back, by how many years or decades is anyone's guess....

     "Consider a few events of the past week: In Detroit, the school system will reduce its deficit by closing half the city's public schools and placing students into classes of 60. These are among the poorest and lowest performing students in the nation.... The school board of Providence, Rhode Island, sent notice to all of its teachers that they could be terminated at year's end to address its deficit. Most will be retained, but now the board has maximum flexibility to choose which ones....And the business leaders in Idaho have a plan to lay off 770 teachers and replace them with online learning."

Safe Libraries?  "Collective bargaining by public teacher unions is now being recommended by New York University Professor Jonathan Zimmerman as the means to override courts and local school boards so school children may access material unfit for school curricula." See The Ominous "Success"of Re-Education

February 2011

When Teachers Strike. "In 1980, teachers at all the schools in the town of Sierra Vista decided to go on strike. They were encouraged by the NEA to do so, since the NEA was powering up to unionize in other states....I was one of the volunteers.... What happened next was my introduction to the really ugly world of unions, picketing, and terrorizing brought at the hands of hired strike agitators from back East, who were brought on to agitate and to win the concessions. It became really ugly in the town of Sierra Vista for the next six weeks....

     "I arrived at my assigned school and parked, said a quick prayer, and stepped out into a line of protesters, agitators, teachers, and others who shouted hideous things and called us by name.... I learned that the students were being coached outside school by their teachers to be disrespectful and uncooperative with the substitute teachers....

     "After school was out for each day, we substitutes...[faced] union agitators who were...known for physical confrontation, violence, and intimidation.....After the first week the phone calls in the evening began..." See Endurance with Joy

Idaho Senate votes to curtail teacher's union: "Crafted by the state's schools chief and endorsed by the legislature's Republican leaders and Governor Butch Otter, the bill bans collective bargaining unless the teachers union could prove it represented more than 50 percent of educators in a school district.....The Idaho Education Association, the union representing more than 12,000 elementary and secondary school teachers, has criticized the bill as anti-teacher and anti-union. The legislation has come under fire from Idaho's minority Democrats as well as many teachers and parents. As many as 2,000 people protested the bill and other education proposals in rallies across the state on Monday." See Chronology of the National Education Association [NEA]

Eye-popping power grab: Licensing of U.S. colleges: "President Obama's Department of Education, where Secretary Arne Duncan appointed a longtime homosexual activist who was part of the sometimes-violent Act Up organization to head his 'safe schools' office, now is proposing to force colleges and universities to submit to a political agenda.... Under the proposed federal rule change, institutions of higher education 'would be required to have a document of state approval'…to operate an educational program, including programs leading to a degree or certificate.'" See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking

Duncan will speak at the Teach for America celebration about the role of young activists in the future of education: "Obama administration officials will flock to the Teach for America 20 Year celebration in Washington this weekend, dovetailing the president’s focus next week on changing the education system. Education Secretary Arne Duncan will speak on a panel about the role of young activists in the future of education....Joshua DuBois, who directs the White House office for faith-based initiatives, and Roberto Rodriguez, a White House domestic policy adviser, will also join the group of administration officials and politicians at the three-day event." See Faith-Based Partnerships Ban Truth & Freedom

Texas FLAP over Arabic classes in schools [slow to open]: "...a school district in Texas wants to alter their entire curriculum to embed elements of the Arabic language and culture throughout, and it's all part of a federal grant [$1.3 million over a five year period]. Have we really lost our grip with reality?

     "...the school district in question is doing a quick 'oops' and backpedaling on their program. But that's not even the point. The point is that the program was considered in the first place....

     "The Mansfield Independent School District was awarded a FLAP grant. The acronym (which is oh so appropriate) stands for Foreign Language Assistance Program. ...Mansfield ISD was 'selected as one of only five districts across the country to participate...' Arabic studies include language acquisition, culture, government, art, traditions and history....

     "Rather than focusing on bringing Arabic into our schools, how about if we focus on making sure American students can read and write English and do math? ... Instead of taking out the Pledge of Allegiance, let's reemphasize what it means to be an American."

Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming To Mansfield [Texas]: "As part of the five-year $1.3 million grant, Arabic classes would be mandatory at Cross Timbers Intermediate School and Kenneth Davis Elementary School.... Parents at Cross Timbers say they were caught off-guard by the program, and were surprised the district only told them about it in a meeting Monday night... The DOE [US Department of Educaton] has identified Arabic as a ‘language of the future.’...

     "...in addition to [Arab] language, the grant provides culture, government, art, traditions and history as part of the curriculum. Some parents had concerns over religion. 'The school doesn’t teach Christianity, so I don’t want them teaching Islam,' said parent Baron Kane."

January 2011

Federal Money Hasn't Bought Better Schools: "One in 10 high schools is a dropout factory. And our students' performance in one of the most prestigious global math competitions has been so abysmal that the U.S. simply withdrew altogether.... Obama's fiscal 2011 budget already represents 'one of the largest increases' in federal education spending history, and hikes total discretionary spending to nearly $51 billion. Toss in an additional $35 billion for mandatory Pell grants. And add another $4 billion for the illusory 'Race to the Top' charade to improve academic standards.

     "Then there's the $10 billion for the Education Jobs Fund signed into law last August — a naked payoff to the public teachers union...Despite massive multibillion-dollar 'investments' in teacher training, America's educators are horrifyingly incompetent. Explaining why American grade-school students can't master simple fractions, one math professor confessed: 'Part of the reason the kids don't know it is because the teachers aren't transmitting that.'" See Education Plan by Obama and Duncan

The Rope with which We Hang Ourselves: "V. I. Lenin may or may not have actually declared that 'the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them,' but something of the sort is occurring nowadays between American educators and the Communist regime in Beijing. Consider what happened last week in Chicago....Beginning with outgoing mayor Richard Daley, community leaders fell all over the Chinese as part of their multifaceted effort to transform Chicago... into the hub of Sino-American commercial activity of every sort.

     "But it isn’t just commerce and art at stake here, much less China’s immense stash of U.S. bonds and growing leverage over our national economy. Chicago also seems willing to turn its school kids over to Beijing—and Beijing is only too happy to help cover these costs. It’s not the only place in America where this is happening, to be sure....

     "On Friday morning, [Hu] and his entourage visited Walter Payton College Prep, a decade-old, high-achieving, selective-admission public high school that focuses on science, math, and languages and which has hosted a 'Confucius Institute' since 2006. This is one of almost 300 centers like this now operating worldwide. All are affiliated with and financially supported by Hanban, the executive arm of the Chinese Language Council International....

     "The Chinese regime is advancing its own interests in the West—including Walter Payton College Prep—by, in effect, bribing school systems, educators, and students to see the world through Chinese eyes and, of course, to turn blind eyes and deaf ears toward anyone who might raise concerns about the innumerable threats that Beijing poses to America’s future.... I’ll wager that [Chinese government officials] are at least smiling at the ...naïveté of Western educators—and how cheaply China can buy them off. They are, one might say, giving us the rope with which they will shackle and bend us to their will." See Deceptive alliances

[UK] Gay messages built into school maths lessons for children as young as FOUR: "Young children are to be taught about homosexuality in their maths, geography, science and English lessons." See The Ominous "Success" of Re-Education

Re-Learning. Generation Y Radicals: "Just before the Christmas holidays, the Norwegian students' union decorated a hallway in my school with propaganda posters....At around the same time a friend of mine, who is active in the students' union, opined that the youths who were then rioting in London over tuition fees had every right to throw bricks and smash plate-glass windows....

     "Most every teacher, government official, journalist, celebrity, or family member they have encountered spouts the same leftist talking points; most everything they have read, watched, and listened to to has been carefully bowdlerized to make apparent the wickedness of Western culture, the division of history into oppressor and oppressed....

     "Given the state of Norwegian schools and culture, most of them have probably never even heard of Lukács, Adorno, or Marcuse. They are not only committed to the Cultural Marxist Weltanschauung, but unaware that there is any alternative to it." See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking?

36 Percent of Students Show Little Improvement after 4 Yrs of College: "One problem is that students just aren’t asked to do much, according to findings in a new book, 'Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses.' Half of students did not take a single course requiring 20 pages of writing during their prior semester, and one-third did not take a single course requiring even 40 pages of reading per week."