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Christmas myths and symbols 

Nimrod, the grandson of Noah's son Ham, promoted nature worship in ancient Sumeria and Babylon. His ultimate edifice to the gods of the sun and other heavenly bodies was the familiar Tower of Babel.  Through the centuries, his sky-high religious architecture, spiritual symbols and occult practices were imitated, not just in the Middle East but also among the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs.

This summary of the mythical Nimrod that took flight and spread around the world after his death shows the link between the fierce and tyrannical leader of the  century and the Christmas celebrations that were established in the 4th century AD. In this account, Semiramis is introduced as Nimrod's wife. Other accounts present her as his mother. The myth helps explain the confusion:  

"Following the death of Nimrod, his heathen form of worship was continued by his wife, Queen Semiramis. She claimed that her husband had become the Sun god, and was to be worshipped. Some time after this, Queen Semiramis conceived through adultery and gave birth to an illegitimate son whom she named Tammuz, who she declared was actually Nimrod reborn, and that he had been supernaturally conceived. However, even though Semiramis claimed to have given birth to a saviour, it was she that was worshipped, not the son. She was worshipped as the mother of the gods.

"Many different ideas from the Babylonian religion have come down through the generations. Probably the key doctrine is that of the mother-son relationship. As the Babylonian people were scattered throughout the world, they took with them the idea that Semiramis had miraculously conceived and given birth to Nimrod reincarnated. Thus, all through the world, men began to worship a divine mother and god-child, long before the birth of Christ. The woman appears in different ways, and is called by different names, but she is always the same person: Isis in Egypt, Indrani in India, Cybelle in Asia, Fortuna (the boy) in Rome, Ceres in Greece, Shing Moo in China, Hertha in Germany, Sisa in Scandanavia.... Even Israel, when it fell into apostasy, worshipped Ashteroth, who was known to the Jews as the "queen of Heaven" as told in Jeremiah 44:17-19. (See Under the Spell of Mother Earth, chapter 5)

Symbol  Meaning
Christmas Tree  (1) "Derived from the so-called paradise tree, symbolizing Eden, of German mystery plays. The use of a Christmas tree began early in the 17th century, in Strasbourg, France, spreading from there through Germany and then into northern Europe." Dr. Ken Johnson

(2) Myths also link it to Nimrod who was "cut down" like a tree by his uncle. The tree stump as well as the new evergreen tree sprouting out from the seed or stump became a symbol of his supposed resurrection as a deity. 

Wreath Circular shape communicates the standard meaning of the universal circle (See Symbols). Evergreen leaves or needles add the elements of eternity and divinity.