http://www.transformingchurch - Be the Change : A movement is growing in this country to bring the twenty-first century church back to its first century roots. New models of ministry are emerging to create an ancient/modern church. Discipleship is replacing membership, and gift-based ministry teams are replacing committees. is a part of that movement. Ghandi said, "we must be the cha ge we seek." After 500 years, it's time for another Reformation. Our community links together leaders hearing and heading this call from the Holy Spirit for renewal. We are partnering with Changing Church Forum and the Joy Leadership Center to move the church back to its first century roots.

Changing Church Forum : Changing Church Forum is a ministry and mission of Prince of Peace, ELCA, to the church at large. Our focus is processing information, fostering change and renewal, and encouraging, in whatever way we can, more effective ministry.

expand your vision. Experience God deeply. Enter into community. Equip people for service. Engage your world.

Changing Church - about us : Taking the puzzles and problems of the modern church, we think differently about these issues, outside the traditional ways of seeing the church in the world. We then test our ideas in real church settings. Our aim is to release the power and energy of each congregational member and congregation to thrive in the new context that the 21st century confronts us with. We are committed to this goal:

"That a small amount of investment with the Changing Church Forum will release a large amount of untapped potential in your church's ministry."
More specifically, we can help you and your congregation:

Expand your vision — Ministry of PoWeRSuRGe
Experience God deeply — Ministry of PoWeRSuRGe Worship
Enter into community with others — Ministry of Growing People through Small Groups
Equip people for service — Ministry of LifeKeys
Engage your world — Ministry of Thriving Churches Experiments

THE DAY OF RECKONING : In spite of all the postmodern positivism with its Designer Christ and “new spirituality,” the Lord does not deliver the defiant. He does, however, rescue the repentant; but repentance is not preached much anymore because it offends; and so this country and all of its “secular Christians” stand before a prophesied peril of poverty and perdition, cloaked in a presumed peace and prosperity that was wrought from a pride in our own prominence, perversion and powers of persuasion; spoken of by the prophets of old, the Lamb of God and a couple of aging Apostles named Paul and John; all rejected resisters who warned of a coming apostasy and the dreadful day of reckoning that would soon follow.

Fundamental Choice: A Starting Point for Leadership and Motivation in a Learning Organisation : Peter Senge, director of Systems Thinking and Organisational Learning Programme at MIT defines a learning organisation as one where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together. ....Peter Senge defines personal mastery as the life-long study and practice of “learning to expand our personal capacity to create the results we most desire, and creating an organisational environment which encourages all its members to develop themselves toward the goals and purposes they choose” (p. 6, Senge et al., 1994). To begin to understand the discipline of “personal mastery”, it helps to know that Senge’s concept of personal mastery was developed from Robert Fritz’s ....How transformational leadership adds to the transactional exchange lies in the extent to which the leader engages the follower’s sense of self-worth and purpose, and acts to align the individual’s purpose or vision with that of the organisation (Shamir, 1991). The Full Range of Leadership Model (Bass & Avolio, 1994; see Appendix) shows that transformational leaders are generally more active than their passive transactional counterparts. Behavourally, transformational leaders engage in four classes of actions as followers: ....Working with personal mastery means entering the realm of matters of the heart. Developing a personal vision means tapping into a deep well of hope and aspiration, including the longing to serve something greater than oneself, and the desire to have a joyful life. (p. 199, Senge et al, 1994)

The Fifth Discipline by Peter M. Senge :

  The Dance of Change: The Challenges to Sustaining Momentum in Learning Organizations (Paperback) by Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, George Roth, Rick Ross, Bryan Smith "Look ahead twenty or thirty years..." (more) :

Encountering God on the Mountain : At the same time, I began studying with Robert Fritz, who first developed the idea of Personal Mastery. I had an offer to join a very successful consulting firm as a partner, but I did not feel led in that direction. God had blessed us with enough so I did not have to earn a huge living. So, I began to meditate and pray for Him to illuminate the path. Hearing the Call. Over the next few months, God revealed a call for me to bring the leadership and management skills I had spent 25 years learning into the work to bring renewal to the church. At first, I could only perceive shapes in the mist, as He revealed one piece of the puzzle at a time. All along the way, I would encounter people God had brought from many different life experiences to a place where we shared a common vision. First, I learned that my partner, Al Sagar, had been asked to create what has become the Academy for Transformational Leadership.






1. on Page 141:
"... one's life as a creative work, living life from a creative as opposed to reactive viewpoint. As my long-time colleague Robert Fritz puts it: Throughout history, almost every culture has had art, music, dance, architecture, poetry, storytelling, pottery, and sculpture. The desire ..."
2. on Page 153:
"... when we understand creative tension and allow it to operate by not lowering our vision, vision becomes an active force. Robert Fritz says, "It's not what the vision is, it's what the vision does." Truly creative people use the gap between vision ..."
3. on Page 155:
"... following chapter on mental models. "We learn to rely on our concepts of reality more than on our observations," writes Robert Fritz. "It is more convenient to assume that reality is similar to our preconceived ideas than to freshly observe what we ..."
4. on Page 156:
"... world.' " "What do I care about the `larger world' anyhow?" All of these reactions are evidence of deep-seated beliefs. Robert Fritz, who has worked with literally tens of thousands of people to develop their creative' capacities, has concluded that practically all ..."
5. on Page 209:
"... and organizational shortcomings. All that trouble seems trivial compared with the importance of what we are trying to create. As Robert Fritz puts it, "In the presence of greatness, pettiness disappears." In the absence of a great dream, pettiness prevails. Shared vision ..."
6. from Back Matter:
"... 400 Notes work of Robert Fritz (see note 3). Useful readings from these different traditions include, Finding Grace at the Center, editor Thomas Keating et al. ..."
7. from Back Matter:
"... chapters; Bill Isaacs and Diana Smith helped enormously with the material on mental models and team learning; Charlie Kiefer, Charlotte Roberts, and Bryan Smith lent their considerable expertise in the areas ... outside professional obligations through the duration of my hibernation. Robert Fritz's moral support meant a great deal because he too had learned to "bookwrite," becoming a remarkably good author remarkably quickly ..."
8. from Index:
"... 14, 125, 226, 396, 397,411 Fortune "500" companies, 17 Freedom, 285-86, 344, 358 Free market system, 86 French Revolution, 43 Fritz, Robert, 141, 153, 155-57, 209 Frontier Airlines, 129, 134 Full employment, eroding of U.S. standard of, 108 Fuller, Buckminster, 64 Gallwey, ..."