Communitarian Vision of a New World Order

It's not Communism. It's not Capitalism. It's the Third Way!


Three aspects of the global change:

Spiritual - from faith in God and His truth to faith in occult forces and pagan myths

Social - from moral restraint to behavior driven by those who manipulate feelings

Systemic - from personal freedom to communitarianism driven by a civil society controlled by the government


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Communitarian: "A member of a communistic community. An advocate for such a community."

Communist: "1. A member of the Communist party or movement. 2. an advocate for communism... 6. pertaining to communism."

Communism: 1. a theory or system of social organization based on the holding all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. 2. A system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party."  Random House Unabridged Dictionary, NY, 1993


"A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men everywhere are trying to suppress it. This new civilization brings with it new family styles, changed ways of working, loving, and living, a new economy, new political conflicts, and beyond all this an altered consciousness as well."  Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Creating a New Civilization.  [2]


"In the longer term, deeper currents having to do with the substance of human life itself on the planet will exercise the determining influences on the forms of political institutions and world management... [20]

     "A completely new science and art are in the making which will be tantamount to a new human genetic function. It will consist of: world diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring, warning, adaptation, response, self-discipline and education, down to the last but basic unit, namely the individual. ...

A true world community, an immensely strengthened United Nations, a world federation of United Nation of the World might be nearer around the corner than we think. Soon, as we near the third millennium, we will see active debates on the a new political system for our planet."  Robert Muller, The Birth of a Global Civilization, page 20-21.


"We have now a world brain which determines what can be dangerous or mortal for the planet: the United Nations and its agencies, and innumerable groups and networks around the world, are part of this brain." Robert Muller, The Birth of a Global Civilization, page 110.



Civil society and the State in South Africa: "Civil society – theoretical definition: ... 'a sphere of social interaction between economy and state, composed above all of the intimate sphere (especially the family), the sphere of associations (especially voluntary associations), social movements, and forms of public communication'....
      "The threat of becoming dominated by the new government has led to a cautious attitude on the part of civil society organisations towards the state. Referring back to 1980s... an observer remarked that at that time 'South Africa was under-governed and as a result ‘over-NGOed’'.

      "In the post-1994 period, civil society organisations have faced a situation in which government... is pushing to increase its power at their expense and thereby weakening civil society....

      "To allow the partnership in development between government and NGOs to work, government urged NGOs to form an umbrella body, to allow an effective flow of communication and interaction between them and government. NGOs favoured an umbrella organisation to strengthen and unify their voice in the political arena. ...

      "In a special report for Deputy President Mbeki, an advisory committee concluded that 'a major effort is required to build a respectful, tolerant and trusting network of relationships between government and civil society organisations'. At a more practical level, the report recommended the establishment of a statutory National Development Agency (NDA) to structure funding for civil society, as well as act as a ‘policy nerve centre’ for government-civil society interactions."



"The regime aimed to control the total available food supply and, with immense ingenuity, to distribute food purely on the basis of "merits" and "demerits" earned by individuals. This policy was a recipe for creating famine on a massive scale. .... 9


"From the end of the 1920's, the State Political Directorate introduced a quota method-- each region and district had to arrest, deport, or shoot a certain percentage of people who were members of several "enemy" social classes. ...

    "The mania for planning and maintaining statistics was not confined to the economy.... From 1930 on... statistical and sociological methods made an appearance, with victims selected according to precise criteria on the basis of a compulsory questionnaire. The same "sociological" methods were used by the Soviet Union to organize mass deportations...." page 15



"'...the task at hand is to break up the old order. We, the Bolsheviks, are not numerous enough to accomplish this task alone. We must allow the revolutionary spontaneity of the masses who are fighting for their emancipation to take its course. After that, we Bolsheviks will show the masses which road to follow. ... We are here only to channel and direct the hate and the legitimate desire for revenge of the oppressed against their oppressors." Comrade Dzerzhinsky (54)


"...a Food Commission was established, and its first procalmation stigmatized "the rich classes who profit from the misery of others," noting that "the time has come to requistion the suplues of the rich, and all their goods as well." 55-56


"The Red Terror marked the beginning  of the Bolshevik practice of treating any form of real or real or potential opposition as an act of civil war, which... had 'its own laws.'" 78


The introduction of new categories such as "suspect,', 'enemy of the people,' 'hostage,' concentration camp, and 'revolutionary court,' and previously unknown practices such as 'prophylactic measures," summary execution without judicial process of hundreds and thousands of people, and arrest by a new kind of political polices who were above the law, might all be said to have constituted a sort of Copernican revolution.... 78-79


The Destruction of Civil Society


Civil society evolves with capitalism and the formation of the modern state. As the counterpart to the power of the state, it is also in independent force. If depends first of all on a system of needs, in which private economic activity plays a primary role. Civil society supposes and an individual who has many needs, and it depends on the values of these individuals, their consciences, actions, and their sense of freedom.


Lubomir Sochor... defines civil society as "the ensemple of suprafamilial, nonstate institutions that organize the members of society into coordinated groups and allow them to express their opinions and particular interests. Of course, the prerequisite is that these institutions and organisms are autonomous and are not merely transferred into offshoots of the state apparatus, or simple 'transmission belts' for state power."


Among the organizations of civil society that constitute a means of social control over the state are groups such as corporations and associations, churches, unions, municipalities and local government bodies, regional self-government groups, and political parties, as well as general public opinion.


The constant strategy of Communist suppression, whose central aim was always the establishment of absolute power and the elimination of political rivals and anyone else who had any sort of real power in society, was to attack systematically all the organism of civil society. Because the aim was a monopoly on power and truth, the necessary targets were all other forces with political or spiritual power. Hence the systematic targeting of unionists and political activists, priests journalists, writers, and the like. 407


For the communist governments, the churches were the greatest obstacle to annihilation or control of the mechanisms of civil society..... To reduce the influence of the churches on society, bring them under the bureaucratic control of the state, and transform them into instruments of policy, the Communists combined repression, attempts at corruption, and even infiltration of the church hierarchy." 409


The immense sea of suffering was constantly augmented. After the elimination of figures from political parties and civil society, repression turn to ordinary people. In factories, 'troublemakers' were treated as 'saboteurs' and were punished with 'class justice.' The same fate awaited those in the villages who had enjoyed authority because of the knowledge or wisdom, and who simply failed to believe that collectivization was the best of fairest agricultural method." 415


2. Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Creating a New Civilization (Atlanta: Turner Publishing, 1994), page 19. See Toffler Associates at <>.


4. Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 19 (Chicago: William Benton, 1968), page 48.


