Auschwitz ~ Part 1

To better understand the horrors of World War 2, see these videos: 

Auschwitz Photo Album

Auschwitz Gas Chamber  | Holocaust Remembrance

Eagles over Auschwitz | Encountering Auschwitz


Read  The Cost of Discipleship

 Bonhoeffer: Nazi Religion versus "Religionless" Faith

Things We Couldn't Say | Trapped in Hitler's Hell


Preparing for Persecution

Tortured for Christ


     The dreaded Auschwitz concentration camp was built in 1940 as "an instrument of terror and extermination of Poles" who refused to submit to Nazi occupation forces. Soon, the Nazis began to deport to the camp people from all over Europe, mainly Jews --citizens of various countries. Soviet prisoners-of-war, Gypsies, Czechs, Yugoslavs, Frenchmen, Austrians, Germans and others were also among the prisoners...." Most Jews "were killed in gas chambers immediately on arrival."  The Auschwitz Guide Book, page 3.

Above the main gate at Auschwitz -- through which the prisoners passed each day on their way to work (returning 12hours or more later)"-- is the cynical sign: "Arbeit macht frei." (Works brings freedom)

Millions of "selected" Jews and other unwanted humans (children, elderly, crippled and others unfit for slave labor) were gassed and cremated in Auschwitz' infamous crematoria.

 The Execution Wall where thousands of prisoners were shot for the slightest "violation" of the irrational camp rules or at the whim of cruel Nazi guards or block leaders (often psychopathic "criminal" prisoners eager to torture others)

By 1942, the Auschwitz death camp had become the main Nazi center for the mass extermination of Jews from all "occupied" European nations. To speed the sorting of shoes and clothes, the condemned prisoners would undress before taking their "shower" of deadly gas.

A portion of this chart hung in one of the "blocks" converted to a museum. Christians unwilling to submit to the "New German Church" (called "exponents of the Bible") would wear a purple triangle.




Auschwitz Part 2 

For more information about this death camp, see I Was Doctor Mengele's Assistant

For personal accounts of victory in face of persecution, see Heavenly Man and Day of No Return

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