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Search results for: biblical christianity

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... forms of accountability 2. New physical structure 3. New forms, formulas, formats, formations 4. New liturgies not based on doctrine or Scripture D. New Mission/Vision 1. Subjective, constantly changing, relative 2. Strategic 3. Not tied to Biblical absolute Truth or Word of God 4. Subject to continual urgency, crisis, acceleration, etc. E. New Values 1. Subjective, relational, situational, abstract 2. Irrational, illogical, irreverent, irrelevant 3. Tolerance for everything but absolute Truth ...*** Other articles by the Discernment Group: Using CHANGE to facilitate TRANSFORMATION| The Newest Heresy of the NAR: Orality C. Peter Wagner Redefines Genesis 1& Wilkinson's Dream For Africa is Shattered Dominionism and the Rise of Christian Imperialism A Blinding Darkness| Global Day of Prayer| The Second Reformation Home| Articles| Reinventing the World| Spirit-Led or Purpose-Driven| Transformational Leadership Email this page ...
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... . Other supporters were Clarence Hincks, M.D., of the Canadian Medical Association, Adolph Meyer, M.D. of Johns Hopkins Hospital; and psychologist William James of Harvard. William James, John Dewey and other socialist visionaries spread the philosophy of pragmatism, which denies Biblical truth, sees truth as relative, and tests its validity by its practical and measurable effects. Note: Remember, almost every public step in this social revolution won public sympathy and acceptance by focusing on a real crisis. But in the hands of socialist change ... being." 5 1937. The ICMH's Second International Congress on Mental Hygiene. 1 1937. "In Wadenberg, Germany, a court has taken parents away from their children because they refused to teach them Nazi ideology. The parents are pacifists, members of a Christian sect called International Bible Researchers. The court accused them of creating an environment where the children would grow up'enemies of the state. The children were delivered into the state's care. The judge delivered a lengthy statement reading in part,'The law as a ...
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... : New Group of World Servers Festival Where: Global The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) is a "subjectively united group with no outer organization" inspired through the writings of Theosophist Alice Bailey and her "Tibetan Master" – a spirit guide, understood Biblically as a demonic entity. Although the NGWS does not have an "outer organization," it is loosely based on three levels. 1) A core group of occult adepts "who know what they are doing," and are "open to the vision ... Through it all, a transformed world is emerging built on the idea of interdependence. The purpose of this calendar is to provide you with a heads-up as we enter 2012. It's a sobering reminder of the worldview shift taking place- one that will continually challenge the Christian community. January 11-13: United Nations Agencies Reaching Out Where: Vienna, Austria The Academic Council on the United Nations System is hosting a multi-agency United Nations event to connect UN branches with academic leaders and major NGOs (non-governmental organizations), and thus coordinate around ...
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... Kiss of Death HEGELIAN DIALECTIC& THE NEW WORLD ORDER Paul Proctor, a rural resident of the Volunteer state [Tennessee] and seasoned veteran of the country music industry, retired from showbiz in the late 1990's to dedicate himself to addressing important social issues from a distinctly biblical perspective. As a freelance writer and columnist, he extols the wisdom and truths of scripture through commentary and insight on cultural trends and current events. His articles appear regularly on a variety of news and opinion sites across the internet and in print. Paul may ... pulls the race card to try and not just elevate himself and his cause under a guise of humility and compassion but also shame his "stuck in the past" critics into silence with politically correct hyperbole and innuendo. So, HEAD'S UP all you elderly and traditional Christians out there because taking exception to music at church that is spiritually, emotionally and physically unhealthy, now makes you a racist.© 2003 Paul Proctor- All Rights Reserved Other articles by Paul Proctor: A New Song- Part 1 Confessions of a Facilitator| ...
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... Oswald Chambers' Biblical Insights Standing alone with God The Basis for Forgiveness Bearing our cross The Cross Absoluteness of Jesus Christ The Eternal Goal Cultural Christianity Darkness that brings true Light Faith vs self-confidence Faith in the midst of Perverseness Faith versus self-confidence Focusing our hearts Following the Shepherd The Fool and the Wise Gethsemane Giving your best God's Love& Human Sentiment God's Will or mine Human Nature Two Kingdoms Knowing& Doing God's will More than conquerors The Missionary's Goal God's Moral Law Persecution The Poor in Spirit His Propitiation New Our God-given Purpose Seeing God ... the darkness Service: Are we disciplined to obey God or impulse? Trusting the Sovereignty of God Taking a Stand Thanksgiving The Word must precede the work Most of these selections came from 1. My utmost for His Highest (Grand Rapids, MI: Discovery House Publishers) or- 2. The Oswald Chambers Daily Devotional Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992) Home Home ...
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806. creation
... of intelligent design says the complexity and order of the universe and mankind suggest the action of an intelligent cause rather than random chance. .. The ACLU, however, takes no comfort in that assurance and sees intelligent design as a more secular form of creationism, the biblically based view of the Earth's origin. .. the legal group says the Dover policy violates the First Amendment Establishment Clause of the Constitution." See Origin of life and the next link: Dragon-slaying Hobbits and biblical truth: "Once upon a time, a long ... of the papal encyclical'Humani Generis,' that laid out the Catholic Church's official relationship with Darwinian evolution. The pastoral letter, issued on Aug. 12, 1950 by Pope Pius XII, confirmed, in broad terms, that there is no intrinsic conflict between Christianity and the scientific theory of evolution." See What Darwin didn't know Darwin and eugenics: "Most people are not even aware of the full title of his 1859 masterwork: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured ...
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... Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us." [7] The spiritual war against Christ and His Church is being waged on both fronts. The assault on religious freedom fits Orwell's vision. The flood of images and suggestions that distort traditional beliefs, twist Biblical values and trivialize Christian words, fit Huxley's vision. While Orwellian opression intimidates many into silence and conformity, it also awakens faith and stirs resistance. But Huxley's "feelies" simply dull our thinking and distract our attention until trivia becomes the norm and Biblical conviction ... -- under the new UN Mental Health standards-- an intolerable expression of deviance and extremism. The beginning of 1984 (Pages 5-7) "Winston [a young man with personal convictions who resisted totalitarian control] turned a switch and the voice sank somewhat, though the words were still distinguishable. The instrument (the telescreen, it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely. .. Behind Winston's back the voice from the telescreen was still babbling away about.. the over-fulfillment of ...
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... by faith, but genuine faith must be expressed in various kinds of Spirit-led "works." These include showing love for God, faith in His sufficiency, love for His people, forgiveness, patience, perseverance, serving one another, sharing possessions, etc. Biblical FAITH 1. Faith in the victory of Christ death and resurrection on our behalf" .. by the deeds of the law [human effort and good works] no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. ... things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.." Philippians 2:12-15 See Faith and Confidence Spirit-led WORKS Christians are often tempted to do "good works" in their own strength and by their own will. This is not spirit-led works that God seeks in and through us. What the apostle Paul wrote to the early churches should warn us not to revert to human ...
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... Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us." [7] The spiritual war against Christ and His Church is being waged on both fronts. The assault on religious freedom fits Orwell's vision. The flood of images and suggestions that distort traditional beliefs, twist Biblical values and trivialize Christian words, fit Huxley's vision. While Orwellian opression intimidates many into silence and conformity, it also awakens faith and stirs resistance. But Huxley's "feelies" simply dull our thinking and distract our attention until trivia becomes the norm and Biblical conviction ... -- under the new UN Mental Health standards-- an intolerable expression of deviance and extremism. The beginning of 1984 (Pages 5-7) "Winston [a young man with personal convictions who resisted totalitarian control] turned a switch and the voice sank somewhat, though the words were still distinguishable. The instrument (the telescreen, it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely. .. Behind Winston's back the voice from the telescreen was still babbling away about.. the over-fulfillment of ...
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... ." This "logic" is a way of thinking. It's hard to understand-- until it is exposed from the light of the word of God. Then He shows us that this dialectic thinking is perverse, wicked and diabolical-- designed to undermine Biblical truth and authority. Herbert Marcuse, a member of the Marxist organization "The Institution of Social Research" (informally known as the" Frankfurt School "), believed that Freud and Marx were on the same page when it came to the dialectical process. ... 12 That unchanging truth is intolerable to the continually chaning dialice mind. Therefore, the patriarchal Jesus Christ he must be annihilated. His call for obedience to eternal laws clash with the world's laws of "human" nature. .. The influence of those who praxis the Christian paradigm must be "killed." Their voices must be silenced so no one can hear-- and they cannot serve in any position of authority.. According to Marx, mankind must remove God (the patriarchal paradigm — the "opiate") from their minds ...
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... ed). New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Vol. 3, "Shepherd", Grand Rapids: Zondervan, pp. 564-569. 3 J. P. Fokkelman. The Psalms in Form: The Hebrew Psalter in Its Poetic Shape (Tools for Biblical Study). Leiden: Deo Publishing. 2003, pp. 38-41. 4 Guy Deutscher. The Unfolding of Language. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 2005, p. 47. 5 Bargil Pixner. With Jesus in Jerusalem. Corazin Publishing ... second section to those found in the forth section, you find that each one of those adds up to 57 syllables. When I recently mentioned that to a friend, his response was, "So what? How is knowing that going to help me in my Christian walk?" I said, "It might not, but what it says to me is this: In the same way that our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made, so the Scriptures, and the complicated languages that have gone into them, are fearfully ...
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... us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:31 Please click on to read the rest of this paper. Then look at other articles by this insightful researcher: The New Age Movement is Designed to Destroy True Biblical Christianity Beware of Warrenism and the False Theology of the Purpose Driven Church lluminati Countdown- Thirty Undeniable Signs of the End Time Eighteen New Age Lies- An Occult Attack on Christianity World War II- How a Global Elite Controlled Both Sides The Paganised Christianity of C ... Lewis Home ...
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... And it's rapidly spreading a contagious new "consciousness" that will (so they say) unite all Life-- except disbelieving resisters-- into a single Global Mind. Popularized by Oprah, its positive, people-pleasing image is challenging churches everywhere to emerge from their Biblical ways and flow with the change. Tearing down divisive old boundaries, it flings its doors open to the world's tantalizing attractions. After all, the New Spirituality knows neither sin nor guilt! No wonder today's restless, thrill-seeking world is flocking to popular authors such ... The Foundation for Pluralism: "Barack Obama, Shepherd of our Nation.. an all inclusive pluralistic candidate.. "Concept of Oneness of God. .. his concept of oneness.. is a spiritual one that one feels in the bones, be it Aztec, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Confucius, Hindu, Hopi, Jain, Jew, Muslim, Sikh, Shinto, Wicca, Yazid, Zoroastrian and others. There is one mother and one God.. "Say No to intolerance-- It is ironic that there is actually shameless campaigning going ...
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... peace and hope which God offers every person who will trusts Him, we might be tempted to give up. Please don't. We are on the winning team, for our God reigns! He has already won the war. To put this disturbing information into a biblical perspective, remember Psalm 2: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us ... Mastery (CIM). [49] Those who fail will move on to special Learning Centers. [50] Since people can neither attend college [51] nor be employed [52] without the CIM, the bill implies that home schoolers and students in Christian schools whose responses fail to reflect new global values would also have to be remediated and tested until they conform to state and national standards. This Oregon law parallels a federal School-to Work bill. [53] 1991 (October 30-November 1) The U.S. Coalition ...
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... Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us." [7] The spiritual war against Christ and His Church is being waged on both fronts. The assault on religious freedom fits Orwell's vision. The flood of images and suggestions that distort traditional beliefs, twist Biblical values and trivialize Christian words, fit Huxley's vision. While Orwellian repression intimidates many into silence and conformity, it also awakens faith and stirs resistance. But Huxley's "feelies" simply dull our thinking and distract our attention until trivia becomes the norm and Biblical conviction ... -- under the new UN Mental Health standards-- an intolerable expression of deviance and extremism. The beginning of 1984- Pages 5-7 "There was.. no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork.. "Winston [a young man with personal convictions who resisted totalitarian control] kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer; though, as he well knew, even a back can ...
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... the USA- and just about anywhere else- to make these decisions is almost fatally hampered by the prevalence of superstition, uncritically consumed by us every minute of every day." Answer: Notice that Sagan's use of the word "superstition" includes faith and the Biblical truths that helped lay the foundations for American freedom. In its place, Sagan promotes the kind of evolutionary faith that he himself has embraced. "Sagan pulls few punches. He takes on religions and religious leaders who encourage their followers to believe in miracles. ... Answer: Dr. Sagan seems to leave out the facts and documentation that cannot be explained. He calls for "airtight" evidence, but usually presents the anecdotal stories and hoaxes that can readily be disproven-- then blends obvious hoaxes with his hostile views of Christian faith and other legitimate beliefs. As for his specific arguments against the spiritual realities of UFOs, please read the evidence and conclusions presented by other respected scientist concerning such phenomena: See Aliens, UFOs and demonology 2. Next, read the insightful comment below by ...
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... sovereignty. None of the scientific theories of origins hold much water. The big bang has been discredited, and no other theory has taken its place. Please see creation. From Amy Keller: I was surprised at some of the compromises made by a self proclaimed Biblical Christian. You claim to follow the Word of God as revealed in the Bible, however you suport lies such as the Earth goes around the sun when it clearly states in Joshua 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until ... uproar, the evolutionists were frothy with rage over his talk in a state sponsored school, and even the British Prime Minister got involved! Ken said that he never forsaw such publicity, including statements from the Anglican and RC church that "people like Ken Ham give Christianity a bad name." Really, gentlemen, and why are "your" churches so empty? What are you preaching regarding Genesis and the issue of origins? No, I hadn't heard, Chris. Thanks for informing us. Our Lord does make opposition ...
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... can no longer protect their interests, or advance the well-being of their people, without the partnership of the rest." [Even when the UN Human Rights Commission and UN affiliated religious groups ignore the evils of Zimbabwee, China and Islamic rulers-- and ban Biblical Truth? Perhaps US needs to protect itself rather than compromise with a world that despises our values] See The emerging New World Order Chinese Melamine Contamination Triggers U.S. Recall of Instant Coffee and Tea Products: "The FDA said today that seven instant coffee and ... affairs to reflect for a day on the nature and evolution of our environmental challenges, to discuss appropriate responses and to consider the role of UNEP in deploying these responses." November 2009 Groups Protest UN's Islam "Protection" Plan: "Global organizations representing humanists, Christians, Jews, Baha'is, Scientologists and even several Muslim groups are lobbying against a United Nations proposal that would provide Islam with worldwide legal protection against criticism.. [This provision favoring Islamic interests] has been supported by the 57 member states of the Organisation of the the ...
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... Jim Ballard (John Wiley& Sons, 2002): From Back Flap: "Each of the techniques Ballard describes in this fascinating and fun book-- including simple instructions on how to meditate-- will help you question your constraining assumptions [" offensive" Biblical absolutes?] and dissolve the thought patterns that impede your natural flow.. "JIM BALLARD is a consulting partner with the Blanchard Training and Development organization, Ken Blanchard's company. He regularly consults and gives lectures nationwide. Ballard coauthored Whale Done!: The Power of ... and as a Western shaman.. As is the case with shamans, his work has emerged from visionary experience and intuition, and he upholds a'magical attitude' in regard to the existence of spirits (human and more than human). .." ...the convergence between Christian and psychoanalytic outlooks in the Quadrinity Process is most significant.. "Just as too much spirituality without psychotherapeutic awareness can lead to the false goodness of a'deceptive spirituality; syndrome, too much grave-digging without a spiritual awareness may lead to a therapeutic impasse.. "Exposure to ...
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... Small wonder, considering today's classroom emphasis on feeling and expressing your emotions. 2 Timothy 3:1-14 Sex ed and the destruction of American morality: "Ideas have consequences, and bad ideas have bad consequences. The ideas behind sex education have done more to destroy biblically based moral values than any other secular force in America." See Charts: Total transformation More than 1200 priests in sex scandal: "The sexual abuse crisis that has engulfed the Roman Catholic Church in the United States over past 12 months has spread to nearly ... festival entrance advertised the event for ages'24 and under' with one adult guest permitted per youth." March 2005 Kerry Is Grilled on Gay Marriage and Attacks Bush: "Kerry replied: Well, I know the deep beliefs, I respect, I'm a Christian, I've read the Bible, and I know you can find the clauses that go both ways." That's not true. The Bible consistently rules out homosexuality. 1 Cor 6:9-11 and Mainstream Media Baptist Campus Paper Backs Same-Sex'Marriages': " ...
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... a transparent and effective legal framework governments. will reinforce peace, by developing conflict prevention mechanisms promoting tolerance. Develop policy making processes that are democratic, transparent, participatory, empowering." (# 14) "Promoting tolerance" is key to the paradigm shift from biblical to earth-centered beliefs and values. The 1995 UNESCO Declaration on Tolerance, signed by member states, defines tolerance as "respect, acceptance and appreciation" of the world's diverse cultures and lifestyles-an attitude that "involves the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism." It is ... agenda. As Andrei Vishinsky wrote in The Law of the Soviet State "In our state, naturally, there can be no place for freedom of speech, press, and so on for the foes of socialism." 20 Exclusion and hostility have pursued Jews and Christians throughout history. Biblical values simply don't fit a world that has turns its back to God. "If you were of the world, the world would love its own," Jesus told His friends. "Yet because you are not of the world, ...
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... !!!' and the people let out a yell.. Finally the worship leader falls to the floor himself.." [5] This manipulative process started up again the next evening. Finally, with the crowd thoroughly conditioned to "break out of the box" of Biblical order (1 Cor 14:40), Bentley took control. Wearing a t-shirt with the words, "Jesus Gave Me My Tattoos," he announced the presence of "great authority" in the building. "I speak creation," he declared ... that night. The force behind Hermanito had brought him back.." [2 ,p.118-119] But all was not well in this psychic realm. David died less than four months later. And many other healings were only temporary." [2 ,p.134] Christians who sought help through demonic forces suffered more and were less likely to be "healed." Satan has only hatred for his deluded victims-- especially those who actually belong to the true God. [See From torment to triumph]*** On ...
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... discussed for a money replacement: "Energy Accounting" or "Energy Certificates." And a hydrology study was initiated with the idea of diverting entire river systems, including Canadian waterways, into an efficient means of trans-continental transportation and hydropower. Socially speaking, Technocracy ridiculed Biblical standards while upholding Darwinian evolution, thus behavioral approaches to human management were taught in its 1934 Study Course.[33] Harold Loeb, a (former) comrade of Scott and Veblen, was even willing to tackle sexuality in a scientific manner as opposed to ... "taboos, originally imposed by Christian and Calvinist dogma."[34] From the perspective of Social Darwinian eugenics, and foreshadowing today's trans-humanist movement, Loeb stated that, "Technocracy envisages another form of domestication, a form in which man may become more than man… Technocracy is designed to develop the so-called higher faculties in every man and not to make each man resigned to the lot into which he may be born… Through breeding with specific individuals for specific purposes… A technocracy, then, should in time produce a race of men ...
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... health" now connotes the entire "body-mind-spirit" connection. Three decades after Ferguson's book came out, the evangelical world has comfortably adopted the "body-mind-spirit" worldview of the New Agers.[6] Many eastern mystical "holistic health" ideas were simply re-written into biblical terminology and passed off to evangelicals as higher forms of spirituality. Today, meditation, contemplation, drumming, etc. are becoming commonplace. This is the face of the seeker-sensitive church. By accommodating itself to the eastern worldview, the Church fools itself into thinking ... health care reform. So it might be questioned, should Bible believers, like Daniel of old, choose not to defile themselves by partaking in the Daniel Plan with its obvious New Age and One World overtones and control mechanisms? How much better it would be for Christians to choose to satisfy their spiritual appetite by feeding on Him who is the Bread of Life. The Truth: "And Jesus said unto them,'I am the Bread of Life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger'.." (John ...
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... through high-tech superhighways and a common set of values. To mold world-class students, social engineers are testing the latest techniques in behavior modification on our children. As you will see in coming chapters, children must either reject their old home-taught faith or stretch it far beyond biblical boundaries to include the world's pantheistic, polytheistic belief systems. "Multicultural education..strives to integrate multiethnic and global perspectives," wrote Christine Bennet in Comprehensive Multicultural Education, a popular textbook for student teachers. Its goal is not to teach factual history, but to " ... "One of the videos, The Columbus Controversy, gave a politically correct view of Christopher Columbus. The other, The Puritan Experience, was about a girl who disobeys her parents, skips church, and helps the Indians. It showed that a formal religion like Christianity is bad, but disrespect toward traditional authority is good." Pam borrowed the whole series from the school. Later, she summarized what she had seen in a telephone conversation: "When I looked at the video about Columbus, I was very upset. ...
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... he said, is that the time for modeling whether oil might get into the Loop Current is over.'It's not a matter of predicting if it's going to be there or not,' Roffer said.'It's there." See Map of Ocean Currents and Biblical reference to ocean Cc BP's oil spill is an ecological disaster: "A vast amount of oil one mile beneath the surface has bled since April 20 into the Gulf of Mexico. According to BP, it's about 200,000 gallons a day.. more recently ... reach beyond that mark. 15,000- Number of people unaccounted for. 50 – Number of Britons missing, presumed dead. 550,000 – Evacuated from their homes since the quake struck on Friday." Please pray with us that God will use faithful Christians in Japan to spread His peace, love, hope and eternal life to the suffering people. Japan reactor fire releases radiation: "Although the number-four reactor was shut for maintenance when the quake and tsunami struck last Friday,'spent nuclear fuel in the reactor ...
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... with those who stand up for their dignity and their rights-- for the student who seeks to learn; the voter who demands to be heard; the innocent who longs to be free; the oppressed who yearns to be equal [but not those who treasure Biblical values]. Democracy cannot be imposed on any nation from the outside. Each society must search for its own path, and no path is perfect. Each country will pursue a path rooted in the culture of its people and in its past traditions. And ... will not be measured by the ability to muzzle dissent, or to intimidate and harass political opponents at home. The people of the world want change. They will not long tolerate those who are on the wrong side of history. [End of free speech and Christian expressions- even though the next paragraph affirm them?] This Assembly's Charter commits each of us-- and I quote-- "to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of ...
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... . To my mind, the theory [of evolution] does not stand up at all." (Dr. H.S. Lipson, a British physicist) [62] Faith in evolution was essential to America's paradigm shift. First, it provided an alternative to biblical truth. Second, it built a much-needed "scientific" foundation for today's leap of faith into the new-paradigm view of the future. Many of today's most outspoken visionaries-- Al Gore, Robert Muller, Marilyn Ferguson, etc.-- base their hopes ... We had to take all our natural objects to a sacred place and put them in a circle. The counselor lit a candle and quoted an Indian saying,'We're part of the earth and the chain of life. We're of the earth.. Then we sang a Christian song with the names of natural objects replacing the name of Jesus." "This is an offering to nature," explained the counselor. Intensely uncomfortable in the pagan setting, Laura asked to be taken home. The counselor called her "a baby" ...
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... with just 26 keys). Please click on to read the rest of this very important information! Then take a look at some of the other articles by this respected researcher: Other articles by Jeremy James: The New Age Movement is Designed to Destroy True Biblical Christianity Proof of a Conspiracy- Globalists Speak Openly about their Deadly Agenda Beware of Warrenism and the False Theology of the Purpose Driven Church The Paganised Christianity of C S Lewis Home ...
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... Hispanics.. The grandfather-like angel has white wings. In print ads, he also wears a lilac guayabera, a shirt popular among Cubans.'Just like any good guardian angel, we want this one to be everywhere,' Ridge said." This mockery of the Biblical angel shows how new usage changes the meaning of Christian truths. October Clark Calling for Civilian Reserve Corps: "Democrat Wesley Clark says if elected president, he would create a corps of civilians who could be called up for service in national emergencies.." .. the ... would cost about $100 million a year and would be within the Department of Homeland Security. "The reserves'will reinvigorate America's ethic of service, tap the vast reservoir of skill, generosity and energy that is the American people and call millions more Americans to duty." Among other benefits to the government, this program fits the demand for "social capital." See Solidarity and Rapid Reaction September What does the government know about you?" 'As the government gains access to more and more aspects of a private ...
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... communism, such a communitarian system would allow people to "own" their property, but both ownership and ideology would be governed, assessed and tracked through laws and regulations based on unthinkable global standards aimed at worldwide social solidarity. Various UN declarations have shown us that Biblical Christianity, with its "divisive" absolutes, is incompatible with the planned solidarity. According to UNESCO's Declaration on Tolerance, God's Truth is simply too intolerant. The rising acceptance of such global standards is already quenching our freedom to serve God by sharing His gifts ... resources along with the hope He offers. (See Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules, Faith-Based Compromise and The UN Plan for Your Mental Health) As President-Elect Obama wrote in The Audacity of Hope, "When the world's sole superpower willingly restrains its power and abides by internationally agreed-upon standards of conduct, it sends a message that these are rules worth following.."(p.309), The actual bill below, introduced by Senator Obama on December 7, 2007, has been copied from The Library of Congress (THOMAS) ...
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... Iss.3, Vol.1-14- Articles to Watch for in Upcoming Issues of Forcing Change • Earth Day: A Radical Religious Agenda • Utopian Politics: International Socialism and the Rise of Global Governance • Cult of Green: The UN Earth Sabbath • Fundamental Fears: Biblical Christianity as a Factor in Global Instability Home| Articles| Charts| The Revolutionary Roots of the UN ...
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... ,'You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Romans 13:9 While Jesus has fulfilled the old Levitical laws by giving His own life, the Old Testament's moral laws still stand. Affirmed by the New Testament, they call us to follow the way of Biblical love and justice, not today's distorted socialist interpretation of justice that justifies slander and bends God's truth. But following God in a nation trained to love pleasure and safety more than truth and integrity will be costly. History shows the high price of uncompromising faithfulness to ... / 9. Ritt Goldstein, US planning to recruit one in 24 Americans as citizen spies ," July 15, 2002 at 10. Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values 11.Donna Shalala: This link is now obsolete, but you can find a longer section of her talk at The UN Plan for Your Mental Health. 12. The Beijing Platform for Action, #258 ...
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... But the hype surrounding the release of his Episode 1 captivates a far greater mass of humanity. Few bother to examine the source of the Force. Apparently, today ? s audience has little resistance to the subtle suggestions that make ordinary reality, factual science, and Biblical truth seem boring, intolerant, "separative" and obsolete. FROM FACT TO FEELING. Take the emphasis on feelings and imagination rather than facts and logic. This shift is vital to the process of global citizens for the 21st Century village. 16 If you ... , and a host of other environmental, spiritual, educational, and governmental organizations. 1 Together they share a common crusade: to build a unified, socialist, earth-friendly global civilization based on "new" universal beliefs and values. Dark clouds over the Presidio While Christianity clashes with this global/left unity, the "Force" fits well. Some might even compare the Presidio ? s elite guardians of the planet with the heroic Jedi of the Star Wars galaxy. In Lucasfilm ? s popular children ? s book, I ...
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... in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change — these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public's desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary." [20] Emphasis added A Biblical perspective In the midst of these changes, our God still reigns! Nothing escapes His watchful eyes. And nothing happens that doesn't in some way serve His plan. Today as always, He is our high tower and our Hiding Place. Nothing touches His people ... in order to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population" or "influence the policy of a government"? In Muslim lands, an author who wrote a contrary book would be guilty. But what about in America? Would lobbyists be suspect? Radio hosts? Christian organizations? The FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) gives us some clues. The White House's National Strategy explains the part played by the JTTFs in Homeland Security: "We will build and continually update a fully integrated, fully accessible terrorist watch list. ...
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... a new kind of "human settlement," and collective participation in the dialectic process. With the Canadian, anti-Christian UN leader, Maurice Strong, as one of the guiding lights behind this revolution, my biggest concern might be the UN "laws" that ban Biblical outreach to this new "mission field" in our midst. Meanwhile, study this chart[] and remember God's promise to His people:" .. in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. ... and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations." In other words, its promise of "human rights" does not apply to those who would criticize the UN or its policies. Nor does it apply to Christians who cling to God's "offensive" truths-- or refuse to follow UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion. [11] The migration issue shifts national sovereignty onto the same slippery ground. In the numbered items below, notice the GCIM's promising ...
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... , Vol.3, Issue 1- Articles to Watch for in Upcoming Issues of Forcing Change • Earth Day: A Radical Religious Agenda • Utopian Politics: International Socialism and the Rise of Global Governance • Cult of Green: The UN Earth Sabbath • Fundamental Fears: Biblical Christianity as a Factor in Global Instability Home| Articles| Charts| The Revolutionary Roots of the UN ...
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