Personal Stories

No tolerance for truth  ~ Pokebuster ~ Power of Pagan Books

No Tolerance for Truth

From J. A.: I have been researching and informing my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and members of my community about the changes in the public school system since 1993 (SR 86.)  I recently turned thirty years of age. So, I reflected on my interactions with parents over the years.  In any given setting I witnessed three general reactions to the information that I provided:  

Unfortunately, the last was the most prevalent response, especially among Christians.  At first I was unprepared for that response among believers.  I honestly thought that Christians would be eager for the information to which the Lord led me as a way of combating the forces which threaten the spiritual health of the body and our children.  I was disappointed but I never gave up hope.  

Unlike the current administration in Washington, what I do, I do for the children, not for the aquisition of power and exertion of control over the people.  I acquired a personal library of books about changes in the education system.  Brave New Schools is among my favorite because the text easily encapsulates all of the methods of alteration within public schools.  Even though my mother had to mail your book to me from Texas because the local bookstores refused to order it for me, I have loaned it out countless times to concerned or confused parents.  The wear and tear apparent upon the book is a testament to the struggle many parents have with what they see, hear, and are told by the schools and what the facts demonstrate.  

After reading your book, some parents experience feelings of guilt at neglecting closer inspection of the public school system.  Some parents feel betrayed by the public schools because they trusted the schools with their most precious gift...their children.  Other parents are furious with me because I dare to challenge the ignorant bliss to which they have dedicated themselves.  Teachers, some among them Christian, view me with the disdain that some view an undesirable bug.  At times I am deeply hurt because I am shunned by those who should be the most concerned.  

I will always take comfort in knowing that I am not alone, for the Lord is always with me.  Thank you.... Your work is both an inspiration for and a validation of what I do. May the Lord Bless You and Keep You Safe.                                                              

J. A.

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