The Purpose-Driven Church

Eye-Witness Account:

Global Peace Forum at Saddleback

with Rick Warren and Tony Blair raises serious questions about Global Peace Plan

A Special Report by Lighthouse Trails and Roger Oakland

Warren's PEACE Plan and UN Goals




On March 7, 2011, Roger Oakland, founder of Understand the Times, International, and two other members from his ministry attended the Peace in a Globalized Society forum at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, which featured Rick Warren and special guest, former UK prime minister Tony Blair. Roger Oakland and his co-workers obtained eye-witness seats at the event that included well over 2000 people in attendance. Although cameras and recorders were not allowed in the main sanctuary where the interview took place, the UTT team took notes.

What Oakland and his team heard caused them much concern – thus the reason for this special report. Warren and Blair spoke about Warren’s PEACE Plan and his “Three Legged Stool Plan.” Tony Blair spoke about his inter-faith Faith Foundation. Both speakers were noticeably excited about what they were doing for the world. According to a 2010 UK Observer report, Tony Blair is preparing to launch a “faith offensive” across the United States over the next year, after building up relationships with a network of influential religious leaders and faith organisations.” Blair’s foundation is “develop[ing] a US arm that will pursue a host of faith-based projects.” Given the fact that Warren joined the  advisory board of Blair’s foundation, it is safe to assume Saddleback will be part of Blair’s US interfaith arm.

At the forum, both Warren and Blair stated that the only way a global peace could happen on planet earth in the future would be for all faiths to work together and do good together. The audience at the forum appeared to be mesmerized and awe-struck as they were wooed with discussion on faith, good works, democracy, and coming together. Beneath the vernacular, however, was another story.

Blair and Warren also mentioned they have been partnering with the President of Rwanda in an effort to develop a Purpose Driven country as an initial step to establishing a Purpose Driven world. In 2005, Rick Warren announced his global P.E.A.C.E. Plan to his congregation and then in 2008 announced that Rwanda would be the first Purpose Driven country. In 2003, he said of New Age sympathizer Ken Blanchard that he had “signed on to help with the Peace Plan, and he’s going to be helping train us in leadership and in how to train others to be leaders all around the world” (35-37 min mark).* 

Blanchard is just one of many “new” spirituality leaders whom Warren has turned to for assistance in building his Peace Plan globally. While Blanchard’s name is not mentioned much publicly by Rick Warren these days, Warren still sits on Blanchard’s Board of Advisors with a number of New Agers at Blanchard’s Lead Like Jesus organization. Blanchard has been promoting New Age mystical teachers for many years and even today sits on the Board of the New Age Hoffman Institute. In 2007, Blanchard wrote the foreword to a book that was “inspired by Hindu swami Paramahansa Yogananada. Will this Warren/Blair Peace Plan be one that is driven by mysticism?

It seems apparent that neither Rick Warren nor Tony Blair understand that their Peace Plan goals are fulfilling Bible prophecy, which speaks of a peace that is not from God but will deceive many. By appearances, the majority of the people who were attending the forum last week appeared mesmerized and awe-struck by what was being said. Do they not realize that a three legged stool (the joining together of government, business (or economy), and religion) plan will be a plan by man and not by God (see Faith Undone)?

Rick Warren has also partnered with Chuck Colson, the Christian leader who authored the Evangelicals & Catholics Together document in 1994 and the Manhattan Declaration in 2009. Former Catholic priest Richard Bennett documents the embedded Catholic agenda in the Manhattan Declaration as does Chris Pinto of Adullam Films.

At the Global forum last week, two standing ovations were given to Tony Blair for his support of the USA in the war against terrorism. Mention was made that Blair is now involved in trying to broker a peace plan with the nation of Israel with his faith-based program. He thinks he can do this in time. But what will an inter-faith peace plan look like in Israel? What will it look like in the world?

While Rick Warren is a Baptist and Tony Blair is an ex-Anglican, now-Roman Catholic, neither showed any concern about the major doctrinal differences between Evangelicals/Protestants and Catholics. “It’s all about working together to do good,” Warren stated.

In a 2005 interview with broadcast host Charlie Rose, Warren stated that there are over 2 billion Christians in the world, and said that this number includes hundreds of millions of Catholics. He said that

minor doctrinal differences” should not keep the two groups separated. What I am interested in is bringing the church together … we are never going to agree on a lot of things, but I found we do agree on purpose."

Of course, there was no mention at the forum last week about the papacy’s plan for a world-wide Eucharistic (Catholic) “Christ” who will come on the scene to be worshiped by the world. Will this inter-faith Purpose Driven peace plan include that eucharistic false christ?

Source article:

See also  Global Spirituality - Tony Blair, Global Banking, UNESCO and the EU
