Excerpts from

Unholy Alliances

The Secret Plan and People Who are Working to Destroy America

by Dr. James W. Wardner,  D.M.D., 1996


This book is available through radioliberty.com


"Once the home of the free and the brave, we are now a country of decadence, occultism and arrogant politicians. We are a people on the edge of collapse -- financial, political and moral!" James W. Wardner, backcover, Unholy Alliances

From Chapter 7: The National and World Council of Churches

Dr. Harry Ward, a long recognized leader of the National Council of Churches was identified as a Communist by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.... He perverted several generations of American ministry with his pro-Red teachings in his position as Professor of Christian Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York city, a subsidiary of the Rockefeller Octopus. [page 152]


Why would Communists who are known as atheistic materialists be interested in religion? The answer is simple. Socialist "theologian" and associates of the British Fabian Society, Dr. Walther Rauschenbusch, wrote in 1893: "The only power that can make socialism succeed, if it is established, is religion. It cannot work in an irreligious country." [Page 153]


Major Edgar Bundy, in his book, Collectivism in the Churches, said, "Socialism, thus, was his first concern. Religion was only a means toward achieving socialism." [Page 153-Bundy 125]


Thus, a great World Parliament of Religions was called in 1893 in Chicago "to explore and strengthen the common grounds of brotherhood which bind all men and which make the truly one in mind and heart." [pages 153-6] The Archbishop of Canterbury was indignant, given "that the Christian religion is the one religion... I do not understand how that religion can be regarded as a member of a Parliament of Religions, without assuming the equality of other intended members and the parity of their position and claim." [Page 153-7] ...


The promotion of "unity-in-diversity" through religion continued and in 1901, an international Congress on the history of religions opened in Paris. ... [Page 154]


After world War 1, John D. Rockefeller became involved in what was called the Interchurch World Movement. The idea was that "another crusade was needed to bring the warring factions of Christianity together." [154-11] Rockefeller promoted universal ecumenism by stating in December 1917: "Would that I had the power to bring to your minds the vision as it unfolds before me! I see all denominational emphasis set aside... I see the church molding the thought of the world as it has never done before, leading in all great movements as it should. I see it literally establishing the Kingdom of God on earth." [154, 12]


The Federal Council of Churches... was used routinely by the Rockefellers to further their personal interests in church circles. Rockefeller donated to the Federal Council's Department of Church and Economic Life and promoted the concept of an international church. [154, 13] This is how "ecumenism" got its beginning as Rockefeller became the most important financier of liberal and ecumenical Protestantism.[154, 14]


Whenever Rockefeller influence prevails, there are consistently found interlocking relationships with the Council on Foreign Relations. Three member of the Council on Foreign relations involved with the Federal Council of churches were:

  • Rev. Walther Van Kirk -- Federal Council Secretary....

  • Rev. Henry P. Van Dusen -- Professor of Systematic Theology and President of Union Theological Seminary, of Associated Board of Christian Colleges in China, of American Association of Theological Schools....

  • Rev. Reinhold Niebuhr -- Professor of Applied Christianity and Dean of the Union Theological Seminary.... [154,15]

Reverend Reinhold Niebuhr was also a top official in an organization known as Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) along with Hubert H. Humphrey, Jacob Javits, John Kenneth Galbraith... and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.. Here are a few of the policies which the ADA openly and vigorously advocated in 1961: [154-155]

  1. Abolition of the House Committee on Un-American Activities

  2. Congressional investigation of the  The John Birch Society

  3. Total disarmament under United Nations control

  4. U.S. recognition of Red China

  5. Admission of Communist Red China to the UN

  6. Federal aid to all public schools

  7. Drastic overhaul of our immigration laws, to permit a more "liberal " admission of immigrants

  8. Urban renewal and planning for all cities. [155, 16]

All these policies are now successfully implemented.[155]


When the Los Angeles Times was still reporting some truth in news, one editorial read:

"The ADA members... are as organization strictly like the British Fabian Socialist... The Fabians stood for non-Marxian evolutionary socialism, to be achieved not by class war but by ballot...

       "ADA is not an organization for subversive violence like Marxist-Leninist communism... The socialism they want to bring about would be quite as total, industrially as that in Russia, but they would accomplish it by legislation, not by shooting, and , or of course, by infiltrating the executive branch of the government...."[155, 17]

This is exactly what has taken place in America today. The Marxists are constricting American daily by legislation. It is called the "rule of law." [155] ...


Another Federal council leader, preacher and speaker, E. Stanley Jones, state: "When the Western world was floundering in an unjust and competitive order... God reached out and put his hand on the Russian Communist to produce a juster order and to show a recumbent church what it has missed in its own gospel." [157-23]


"Unity-in-Diversity promotion has for years promoted 'world harmony and cooperation... Creating a global civilization... a network of planetary citizens, a functional world government.' ... Many of our pastors, priests, preachers and teachers are infiltrators themselves. Others have been brainwashed to actually believe the lies and watered down messages they preach and teach." [288]

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