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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

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... much higher than animals before "The White Man" came to their country). Thank you for asking that question, Alison. I waited a day before posting anything on the topic. When I saw this editorial, I used it because I have always appreciate Thomas Sowell. I didn't want to post a white person's views-- I wanted to hear it from a black person who might have more personal insight into these problems. That's why I also included Justice Thomas' quote. I can't answer for other Christian websites ... just for ours. And I try to apply Biblical truth and its principles to all that I post. But some social issues are too complex for any clear Biblical position. God works in different ways in different lives-- no matter what their color or original culture. As for your last sentence, that person was absolutely wrong. The brutality we see in Zimbabwe is not unlike the heartless brutality we saw among Hitler's disciples 60 years ago. This is an issue of human nature and surrender to the forces of darkness, ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 20
... in 2008, as one of its'national partners' to help count heads. .. As Joseph Stalin said,'Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." See Rules for Radicals April 2009 Magic Words in Politics by Thomas Sowell: "The Chinese are no fools. They know that all this unbridled spending- even when it is called'investment'- means that inflation is coming. That in turn means that the dollars with which U.S. government bonds will be paid off will be ... a lot less than the dollars with which the bonds were bought.. "Abraham Lincoln once asked an audience how many legs a dog has if you count the tail as a leg. When they answered'five,' Lincoln told them that the answer was four. The fact that you called the tail a leg did not make it a leg. It is too bad that Lincoln is not still around today. He might emancipate us all from our enslavement to words. "When you call something a'stimulus' package, ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 20
... by limiting the size and scope of the national government." "( e) In most areas of governmental concern, the States uniquely possess the constitutional authority, the resources, and the competence to discern the sentiments of the people and to govern accordingly. In Thomas Jefferson's words, the States are'the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies." "( g) Acts of the national government.... that exceed the enumerated powers of that government under the Constitution violate the ... Now the Federal government grants the States "the maximum administrative discretion" it can allow them without impeding President Clinton ? s agenda. Federalism has been turned upside down by power-hungry pretenders who tolerate neither American nor State sovereignty. Listen to this warning from Dr. Thomas Sowell, respected economist and Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. In his review of Friedrich Hayek's expose of socialism, Road to Serfdom, he writes, "At the heart of the socialist vision is the notion that a compassionate society can create more humane living ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 18
54. law
... of all 50 states.. permitted racial and gender discrimination at the expense of white males; and made the criminal justice system needlessly slow and complex, tipping the balance in favor of criminals." [WSJ, 7-5-05] Ban truth- Reap Tyranny Judicial havoc (Thomas Sowell):" .. many of the signs of social degeneration can be traced to the courts that are supposed to be upholding law and order but which have too often become places for judges to.. impose fashionable theories as the law of the land. Some ... and Supreme Court justices may flatter themselves that they are helping the poor and the disadvantaged but their arbitrary notions often hurt the less fortunate most of all.. "Whose homes are going to be bulldozed to make way for a new shopping mall or hotel complex under the Supreme Court's expanded notion of eminent domain? Mansions in Beverly Hills? .. Or working class homes and apartment buildings? .. "When a handful of hoodlums can prevent a whole class from learning, as a result of judicial rulings that make it more dangerous to the school ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 17
... Herald has learnt. ..'It is one thing to get hepatitis C through mistakes, but it is another to know that hepatitis C blood was knowingly introduced into a system that the Red Cross itself says can never be 100 per cent safe." Religion and the Constitution (Thomas Sowell): "Now that the decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to ban'under God' from the pledge of allegiance has been protested all over the landscape, perhaps we might step back and consider the broader implications of the fact that such ... decision could have been made in the first place. ... "Contrary to what some may think, there is no mention of'separation of church and state' in the Constitution, much less any'wall of separation' that keeps getting mentioned, even in Supreme Court decisions. What the First Amendment to the Constitution says is that Congress shall make no law'respecting an establishment of religion. England had an established religion, supported by the taxpayers and with its members given privileges denied to members of other congregations. .. ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 17
... surrender their freedom to an all-powerful, all encompassing, collectivist government.. For many years now the power elite has had control of the main stream media, entertainment, education, our government and much more." See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN The left's vocabulary (Thomas Sowell): "Verbal coups have long been a specialty of the left. Totalitarian countries on the left have called themselves'people's democracies' and used the egalitarian greeting'comrade'-- even though some comrades had the arbitrary power of life and death ... other comrades. "In democratic countries, where public opinion matters, the left has used its verbal talents to change the whole meaning of words and to substitute new words, so that issues would be debated in terms of their redefined vocabulary, instead of the real substance of the issues." See Three Sets of Meanings of Educational Buzzwords and Brainwashing and Education "Reform" July 2004 The Movement to Change Society: "There are two kinds of conversions: a spiritual conversion, which every person must have — and a small ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 17
... chic to oppose Marxism. Steinem, attended Communist-sponsored youth festivals in Europe, published a newspaper, reported on other participants, and helped to provoke riots.. "In 1979, Steinem and her powerful CIA-connected friends, Katharine Graham of the Washington Post and Ford Foundation President Franklin Thomas prevented Random House from publishing it in'Feminist Revolution... "Feminism has done the most damage. There is no more fundamental yet delicate relationship in society than male and female. On it depends the family, the red blood cell of society. Nobody with the ... retail.'Girls have value, they spend money- it's all about the power of spending,' says Sherfey.'Girls are not just in the background anymore, they're at the forefront." Isaiah 3:5-12 July 2002 and earlier Drugging children (Thomas Sowell): "The motto used to be:'Boys will be boys. Today, the motto seems to be:'Boys will be medicated. .. This is part of a growing tendency to treat boyhood as a pathological condition that requires a new three R's- ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 16
58. The War
... think you can vote and then run away,' the leaflet warned,'we will shadow you and catch you, and we will cut off your heads and the heads of your children." December 2004 Iraq-Bound Troops Confront Rumsfeld Over Lack of Armor: "Specialist Thomas Wilson, a scout with a Tennessee National Guard unit scheduled to roll into Iraq this week, said soldiers had to scrounge through local landfills here for pieces of rusty scrap metal and bulletproof glass- what they called'hillbilly armor'- to bolt on to ... He may also pose the biggest internal threat to President Saddam.'He's a dangerous person because of his silence,' said Salah Umar al-Ali, a former diplomat and fellow Tikriti.'He has ambition and wants to be leader." Ponder this quote by Thomas Sowell. It refers to socialist totalitarianism but applies to more traditional dictatorships as well. Human nature doesn't change with time. Galatians 5:19-26 Mask, gun: check. Bullets: not so fast: "This may surprise the folks back home, but the ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 16
... true. This radical promotion of hate, victimization, social chaos and class struggle serves the socialist purpose in America well today- just as it did under Communist revolutionaries in Cuba, Nicaragua, Zaire and elsewhere. That may be hard to believe, but conservative columnist Thomas Sowell said, "Marxism as an ideal continues to flourish on American college campuses, as perhaps nowhere else in the world." Read the rest of his important statement in The International Agenda MTV's Agenda of Hate: "MTV's choice of programming gives the impression ... those hate crimes are perpetrated mainly by Angry White Males roving the otherwise quaint countryside of places like Wyoming and Texas, hunting gays and blacks as they would deer and quail. That was the conclusion of Liz Swasey of the Media Research Center. She argued that "Anatomy of a Hate Crime" and the lengthy scroll of names were little more than left-wing agitprop. .. She argued that MTV's interminable scroll of victims was designed to exaggerate the frequency of hate crimes. "They tried to make the problem seem massive," Swasey ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 16
... / See also "Declaration on Tolerance" at 5." Migration in an interconnected world: New directions for action, The Global Commission on International Migration at 6. Thomas Sowell, 5-25-06, Bordering on fraud, part III, 7." 1 million sex crimes by illegals ," 5-31-06, ... something new. The word immigration implies people moving across a national border into another country. In contrast, migration simply means people moving. No border! It supports the vision of a borderless global society, and it intentionally clashes with national sovereignty, laws and independence.Thomas Sowell summarizes some of its current problems: "Under affirmative action, combined with amnesty, [illegals] would have preferences in jobs and other benefits. Those who set up their own businesses would be entitled to preferences in getting government contracts. Their children would be ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 16
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