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... . Its support for Communist leaders such as Patrice Lumumba (aligned with the USSR) back in 1960 brought confusion, chaos, terror, mass rape and destruction from the start of its "independence." Galatians 5:19-26 Money worriers: "With NAFTA and GATT doing what they were intended to do when pushed through congress by our'globalist' legislatures, jobs in the US have vanished at an alarming rate. According to the Associated Press, over 465,000 jobs have evaporated in the past two months." ... such as China, India, Russia, France and Germany for critical weapons technology. It's conceivable that one of these governments could tell its local suppliers not to sell critical components to the United States because they do not agree with U.S. foreign policy." The WTO and the Culture of Control Visa program robs U.S. technology workers of jobs, dignity: "Scott Kirwin clung to his computer programming job, but it was tough for him to relish his final assignment: training a group of workers from India who would replace ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 16
... The WTO and the Culture of Control The Power Behind the UN Vision of "A Culture of Peace" by Berit Kjos "This is a stronger, more prosperous world because we have worked to expand the frontiers of cooperation.?When people are working together for common prosperity in a rule-based system, they have big incentives to lay the differences down and join hands?." President Clinton, World Trade Organization (WTO) Seattle, December 1, 1999 President Clinton knows how to persuade the masses. In his well-worded speech at Seattle ? s embattled WTO meeting on December 1, he promised global prosperity, unity, and peace through economic cooperation. Yet, in the midst of the assuring euphemisms, he added a revealing glimpse of another, more painful side of global agenda: "The world of the future will be a safer place if we continue to work together in a rule-based system that offers enormous incentives for people to find ways to cooperate and to give up their old hatreds and their impulses to violence and war." 1 Do you wonder what those ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 286
... government has been yielding to international "laws" [8] since the United Nations was founded in 1945 under the leadership of its first Secretary General, communist Alger Hiss. Spreading like algae in a dying lake, this global bureaucracy is no longer hidden from sight. As Rufina James explains," .. the federal government must NOT ONLY CHANGE FEDERAL LAW, but must also require state and local governments to change their laws to be in accordance with international law." .. Codex is now enforceable through the World Trade Organization (WTO). If a country disagrees with or refuses to follow Codex standards, the WTO applies pressure by withdrawing trade privileges and imposing crippling trade sanctions.. "The United States has already lost seven trade disputes despite the exemption clause. Due to the enormous pressures put on them by lobbyists from multinational corporations (who contribute millions to congressional campaigns), Congress bowed to pressure and changed U.S. laws.. Food control equals people control — and population control.. "The United States, Canada, the Europeans, Japan, most of Asia, and ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 68
... International Computing Centre- Geneva, Switzerland (ICC) International Court of Justice- The Hague, The Netherlands (ICJ) International Fund for Agricultural Development- Rome, Italy (IFAD) International Institute on Ageing- Valetta, Malta (INIA) International Labour Organization- Geneva, Switzerland (ILO) International Monetary Fund- Washington, USA (IMF) International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women- Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (INSTRAW) International Telecommunication Union- Geneva, Switzerland (ITU) International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO- Geneva, Switzerland (ITC) International Training Centre of the ILO- Turin, Italy (ILO/ITC) Joint Inspection Unit- Geneva, Switzerland (JIU) Joint Inter-agency Meeting on Computer-assisted Translation and Terminology- Geneva, Switzerland (JIAMCATT) Joint United Nations Information Committee- New York, USA (JUNIC) Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS- Geneva, Switzerland (UNAIDS) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency- Washington, USA (MIGA) Organizational Committee of ACC- New York, USA (OC) Outer ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 25
... of people in China and around the world get wealthier and are consuming more as they produce products for us, and increasingly for themselves... Never mind the consumption of corn for alternative fuels, a major trend which is sure to drive up prices for both corn and sugar, the base of ethanol..'You are trying to feed people, cattle and cars, so you have this global fight between food and energy,' said Michael Lewis, global head of commodities research at Deutsche Bank.." See Reinventing the World The Outrageous WTO: "The WTO just ruled that the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda can freely violate American copyrights and trademarks in order to punish the United States for our laws prohibiting internet gambling. Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in 2006 after finding that'internet gambling is a growing cause of debt collection problems for insured depository institutions and the consumer credit industry. .. The WTO ordered this punishment because it says U.S. laws interfere with free trade in'recreational services. The foreign tribunal ranks free trade as more important than the ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 20
... and Surveillance Homeland Security& National Security Council Reinventing the World Home April World government rising:" .. the real target of this ICC is the sovereignty and independence of the United States. Its very creation is a statement by the'international community' that human rights trump national sovereignty, that the U.N. has the moral and legal right to intervene in nations to end human rights abuses as it defines them, and to try, convict and imprison national leaders.. Now, the institutions of world government-- the U.N., WTO, IMF, World Bank, World Court, ICC-- were created for high-sounding goals: World peace, to facilitate free trade, to rebuild war-torn Europe, to ensure justice is done to the Pol Pots and Idi Amins and their victims. But as each of these global institutions grows, it evolves, and assumes more and more power. None is ever shut down; none ever disappears. They are all made to accrete power and last forever." See Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules EU policy will ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 19
... in economic decisions that impacted projects around the globe, yet he didn't understand what he was asking for.. "Robert Mundell,'the father of the euro,' and one of the world's most respected economists, also views crisis as the starting point for change.. Mundell understood this political problem when giving a lecture in 2003 titled,'The International Monetary System and the Case for a World Currency. His response was frank:'a global single currency could not be achieved without a global government." See Signs of the times The Outrageous WTO: "The WTO just ruled that the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda can freely violate American copyrights and trademarks in order to punish the United States for our laws prohibiting internet gambling. Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in 2006 after finding that'internet gambling is a growing cause of debt collection problems for insured depository institutions and the consumer credit industry. .. The WTO ordered this punishment because it says U.S. laws interfere with free trade in'recreational services. The foreign tribunal ranks free trade as more important than the ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 15
... of people in China and around the world get wealthier and are consuming more as they produce products for us, and increasingly for themselves... Never mind the consumption of corn for alternative fuels, a major trend which is sure to drive up prices for both corn and sugar, the base of ethanol..'You are trying to feed people, cattle and cars, so you have this global fight between food and energy,' said Michael Lewis, global head of commodities research at Deutsche Bank.." See Reinventing the World The Outrageous WTO: "The WTO just ruled that the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda can freely violate American copyrights and trademarks in order to punish the United States for our laws prohibiting internet gambling. Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in 2006 after finding that'internet gambling is a growing cause of debt collection problems for insured depository institutions and the consumer credit industry. .. The WTO ordered this punishment because it says U.S. laws interfere with free trade in'recreational services. The foreign tribunal ranks free trade as more important than the ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 14
... picture: the massive and menacing web of control that's fast spreading over the nations. "Keep in mind, our anonymous international rulers intend to micro-manage virtually every part of our lives. Are we prepared with the facts and faith needed to face the coming battles with confidence?" .. in a dispute with a country that has adopted the Codex standards it is highly probable that America would lose and be subject to heavy sanctions.. Harmonization [conforming to international guidelines] may be beneficial for the large corporations and international bureaucrats that control the WTO but it would be a disaster for American consumers of dietary supplements!" See Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules November 2010 Cops called on 13-year-olds for selling cupcakes: "A politician in a New York suburb called police on two 13-year-old boys for selling cupcakes and other baked goods without a permit. .. the boys, Andrew DeMarchis and Kevin Graff, had a brisk business selling cupcakes, cookies, brownies and Rice Krispie treats for $1 each in a Chappaqua park..'I am shocked and sad for the boys. ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 12
... the past three decades is, perhaps, its success in engaging, and in many cases mastering, the international economic system setup and maintained by the U.S. led West without being absorbed by it. "China did not participate in setting the rules of international economic engagement. The system was built by the United States and its Western allies over many decades. "By the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, it was firmly believed in the West that capitalism was going global; and a global economic infrastructure anchored by the WTO and IMF with the U.S. Navy patrolling the sea lanes would deliver a globalized world economy consistent with the inevitable universalization of Western values.. China adopted a market economy, but not capitalism." See America's Perilous Partnership with China January 2014 America's Dying Economic Freedom: "After seven straight years of decline, America comes in at number 12, just behind Estonia. Sadly, America's decline is occurring even as the level of economic freedom throughout the 186 countries analyzed by the Index has reached record highs." December 2013 The Emerging ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 12