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Search results for: biblical christianity

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... spoke of Christ's human traits and embellished those gospels that made Him godlike. The earlier gospels were outlawed, gathered up, and burned…. Anyone who chose the forbidden gospels over Constantine's version was deemed a heretic." (p.234) The opposite is true. The Biblical gospels point continually to the humanity of Jesus. They showed that He was born into a poor family as a human boy with the same needs as all other babies. He grew up as an ordinary child, worked with His father as a carpenter, and ... gospels" are full of mystical events that clash with Biblical truth and presents Jesus as a miracle worker who killed, blinded, or created life at a mere whim-- much like the mythical Romans gods of their times. [See Anne Rice re-imagines Jesus and Christian leaders applaud] 3. "Fortunately for historians, some of the gospels that Constantine attempted to eradicate managed to survive. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the 1950s hidden in a cave near Qumran in the Judean desert." (p.234) Wrong again ...
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302. Culture 1
... 'There has been growing evidence over the past 10 years that paedophiles have infiltrated careers that put them in direct contact with children. This latest evidence suggests we have to be even more vigilant." Yet, many pastors are no longer free to share some of the Biblical warnings. See Romans 1:22-32 and America's Spiritual Slide Re-Inventing Morals: "One of the Big Lies of modern times concerns the notion that morals are a'social construct' largely traceable to the Christian religion, and in particular the Ten Commandments." ... morals are rules of conduct in a social context, in their most visible form consisting of bans on certain specific types of behaviour.. Their chief concern is to outlaw murder, rape, assault, lying and the failure to honour promises, behaviours which tend to make social living impossible. They are strictly a human thing: there are no morals in the wild. In fact morals ARE the defining difference between the wild state- in which the strong are free to kill and dominate the weak- and civilisation, in which the weak ...
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... you find it hard to believe this could be happening in America? Many do. Yet, whether we believe or not, this global revolution in education is transforming American minds and producing a "paradigm shift" the public acceptance of a new world view that opposes biblical Christianity on every point. Like the proverbial frog in the pan of slow-warming water, most people simply flow with the changes. CHRISTIANITY Old Paradigm HUMANISM Transition GLOBALISM New Paradigm BIBLICAL ABSOLUTES& VALUES RELATIVE VALUES GLOBAL ABSOLUTES& VALUES The Bible reveals reality Science alone explains ... the people you love?" she asked. "And what does this have to do with Advanced English?" Christina didn't know, so Mrs. Mays asked her teacher. She didn't explain. Already concerned about the lack of academics, the distorted views of Christianity in multicultural literature, and the use of intrusive questions and surveys to assess the beliefs and values of students and their families, Richard and Ramona Mays decided to teach their three daughters at home. Today's reasons for homeschooling vary. Nick Peros, a California parent ...
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... Eventually she left the ministry to return to college. She called me a few years later. She had begun to find herself, she said. Her search had led her beyond the familiar voices that had provided "pat answers" to her spiritual questions. The Biblical God no longer seemed either relevant or benevolent, but a college teacher had been helpful in her journey toward self-discovery. This teacher-counselor called herself a witch-- one who believes in the power of magic formulas and rituals to invoke power from spiritual forces. Some ... peace and protection. Peggy's struggles seemed endless. She wanted to be close to God, but she rarely felt His presence. She wanted her teenage son to love Him, but the occult posters in his room became daily reminders of unanswered prayer. She joined a Christian ministry, but satisfying fellowship with God kept eluding her. Eventually she left the ministry to return to college. She called me a few years later. She had begun to find herself, she said. Her search had led her beyond the familiar voices that ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 102
... enveloping churches and ministries around the world in a web of controls and new social rules. Please ask God to give you His understanding of this complex issue, so that our message is not misused. If He shows you errors in our presentation, please send us Biblical criticism and correction. See Attitude assessment Publisher: Group The Global Church Part 1 Trading truth for unity in a worldwide quest for a compliant 21st century church Part 1: The millennial church& A church in tune with the world Part 2: Church networks and ... Personal note: We share this message with reservation. Many faithful Christian pastors and missionaries are caught up in this worldwide transformation, and we don't want to cause them any pain or discouragement. Nor do we want to cause division in churches or distrust toward godly leaders. We see a fine line-- easily blurred-- between the cultural sensitivity needed to reach non-Christians with the gospel and the kind of compromise that actually distorts the gospel. Since we do not take lightly the possibility of unjust criticism of another Christian, ...
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... list of well-known signers. Doctrinal differences are set aside in order to achieve the appearance of some sort of common purpose. As John MacArthur pointed out in his brief but excellent critique of The Manhattan Declaration, this ecumenism "seriously muddles the lines of demarcation between authentic biblical Christianity and various apostate traditions."[2] 2. COVENANT. Most of these agreements, statements, covenants, declarations, manifestos, etc. require that you have to SIGN ON. This act of signing is a psycho-social tool, creating a " ... is nowhere presented (much less explained) in the document or any of the accompanying literature. Indeed, that would be a practical impossibility because of the contradictory views held by the broad range of signatories regarding what the gospel teaches and what it means to be a Christian."[1] Whenever you see a broad ecumenical coalition gathering together to sign some sort of agreement, statement, covenant, declaration, manifesto, or whatever name they call it, be on the lookout for Dominionism. The agreement, statement, covenant ...
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... don't know if this was intentional or not. As it is, any new Christian believer familiar with New Age-- or any student who may have read similar accounts in multicultural textbooks-- is more likely to associate Ben Judah's journey with occult experiences than with Biblical truth. As a result, they begin to synthesize the different contrary beliefs and turn God's values upside down. It seems to me that your site is grossly legalistic and fails to keep an intelligence about it. When people read these books, they understand for ... they can no longer watch Veggie Tales, and you'll hear nothing but a screaming tantrum." My answer to him is NOT TRUE!! There have been things that I've ignorantly let my daughters watch (and enjoy) that I later found out were inappropriate for Christian Children. Upon explaining to them why they shouldn't watch it anymore, they ALL THREE accepted it and never said another word about it!! See, I've taught my 3 small girls from day one the great love that God has bestowed upon us, and ...
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308. Maitreya
... your body." (Barbara Marx Hubbard, Revelation, page 112-112) From A Twist of Faith, Chapter 5: "Eros, Ecstasy and Creation." The title of Grace Cathedral's 1995 conference on "Christian spirituality" promised lots of fleshly delights but little biblical wisdom. Waiting in line, once again, outside San Francisco's massive Episcopal cathedral, I read the conference program: "The Renaissance of Christian Spirituality restores the original splendor of Christ's vision: the Divine Eros linking the soul with God.. Restoring this original passion is ... see Creme's website. Thank you. I am so glad our King reigns-- and that He opened our eyes to know Him and discern these horrible lies. We are so blessed in Him! Witchcraft Question: I have an old friend who claims to be Christian. I am not a judge, but she doesn't see the spiritual danger behind New Age or Wicca. She invited me to meet her at a place where she would do an incantation. I had no idea what that word meant, and I didn't think ...
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... redemption from sin, justification, sanctification, holiness, the nature of saving faith, and the lordship of Christ. And the true gospel's most essential features are the cross of Christ and the truth of the resurrection. None of those subjects is dealt with adequately or biblically in The Purpose-Driven Life.. "CNN removed virtually all the substantive comments from their interview.. A voice-over by the CNN reporter introduced John MacArthur as someone who'preaches the gospel of a stern God,' while the subtext identified John as a'skeptic...CNN also inserted some ... homeschool advocates crying foul.. "Any fair-minded viewer of the report, Smith insisted, would be left with the impression'homeschooling equals child abuse.. The real story is CBS' bias against homeschooling, and it is using this distorted story to encourage the regulation of homeschoolers." Christian homeschooling, with its emphasis on academics and traditional values, doesn't fit the the global plan for molding world citizens ready to flow with shifting currents and changing values. That's why the CBS must vilify it. See Reinventing the World Part 2: The Mind-Changing Process ...
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310. Questions
... , your family isn't "nuts". You are discerning and faithful to our Lord. I hadn't heard of this musical, but I checked one site: Just reading the synopsis, I can see the distortion of the Biblical message. And your observations tell me that this show-- like many others-- "re-imagines God" and mocks His truth. The Sixth Sense Question: I am a pastor's wife…. Need some advice.. A number of the mature young people at ... were there. Anyway, have you ever seen this musical production and if so, do you have any comments on it? Is my family'nuts'? Even my 11 year old wanted out of there as fast as possible. The disturbing thing is that Christians think this is a Christian show. They don't even know this Bible story well enough to discern the error. This is not a Christian show, but a fiction based on God's Word. Answer: No, Von, your family isn't "nuts". ...
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... FIRE: Communion: Relevance to culture is not optional: Relevance communicates truth. EARTH: Character: Creativity is a natural result of spirituality. Character creates change. On its face there is very little that is Christian about these five categories other than a few scattered biblical words. But McManus carries a mystique and awe about him as one of the vanguards of the emerging new face of the church, so this little "eccentricity" of the five elements is considered a new marketing gimmick for cutting edge neo-evangelicalism. But there is ... must always submit to spirit: Passion fuels action. FIRE: Communion: Relevance to culture is not optional: Relevance communicates truth. EARTH: Character: Creativity is a natural result of spirituality. Character creates change. On its face there is very little that is Christian about these five categories other than a few scattered biblical words. But McManus carries a mystique and awe about him as one of the vanguards of the emerging new face of the church, so this little "eccentricity" of the five elements is considered a new ...
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... vulnerable to abuse, to exploitation, and to HIV. "Dennis: And the thing that excites me about what you two are doing is – and we're doing the same thing – is you're calling the church to step up and do something that is so clear biblically." [emphasis added] 3. CREATE A FALSE DICHOTOMY: In the quote below one can read that "mission-minded disciples" are becoming "world-class Christians." Any opposition to this is portrayed as "selfishness." This approach is virtually a re-hash ... our extremity arising out of harrowing social conditions throughout the world, we therefore turn anew to Christ; for the faith of great endeavour, for an overwhelming disclosure of God in the life of humanity, for the dedication of innumerable individuals to the creation of a more Christian social order, and for the assurance that what needs to be done, with God's help can be done." [Federal Council Bulletin 16, No. 1 (January 1933), New York, 9. Emphases added. Cited in Building the Kingdom ...
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... our modern church culture – especially through Earth Day celebrations within the Christian community (See Goddess Earth by Samantha Smith and Dave Hunt's Occult Invasion: The Subtle Seduction of the World and Church). But goddess influence within churches goes beyond Mother Earth and Sophia. The biblical figure of Mary has been erroneously elevated to a goddess status by Roman Catholic theologians. She is known as the Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, Eternal Virgin, Queen of Peace, Our Mother, Lady of the Good Death, Co-Mediatrix, and Blessed ... ." — Demetra George, Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess, p. 266. Goddess worship is alive and well. Berit Kjos, a good friend and author, relates numerous stories of goddess-inspiration making its way into mainstream Christian culture. In her book, A Twist of Faith, she describes a visit to her husband's prairie hometown, "You probably wouldn't expect to find goddesses in a conservative farming community in North Dakota. I didn't. But one day when visiting my husbands rural ...
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... .. "The film is adapted from the book of Esther by way of the novel Hadassah: One Night with the King, written by Pentecostal preacher Tommy Tenney and published by Christian publisher Bethany House. The novel, written in the form of a letter from the biblical Esther to a future royal bride-to-be, swoonily romanticizes Xerxes and Esther's relationship, while turning Haman into a virtual forerunner of Hitler, complete with a swastika-like'twisted cross' symbol adopted from India.. From Esther's opening salutation.. to her lamenting the corruption of the word ... "Sneaky" Preaching Movie review: "One Night with the King" by Dwayna Litz November 7, 2006 Home There is a new "Christian" movie out "One Night with the King" about the true story of Esther. It is based on Tommy Tenney's book at The opening paragraph about the story from the movie site says, "an epic motion picture set in an imaginative world of adventure, intrigue and romance.." ...
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... that Ferguson's type of "transformation" was "a euphemism for progressively deeper levels of demonic influence."4 There is currently a bait and switch going on in neo-evangelical circles. When evangelicals hear the word "transformation" bandied about, they assume it is a biblical word from Romans 12:2: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." In fact ... . She defined it as "transformation of consciousness," "a new seeing," "conscious evolution," and a "paradigm change." Transformation was an essential part of the Teilhardian leap from "individual evolution" to "collective evolution."3 Christian discernment author Constance Cumbey bluntly remarked that Ferguson's type of "transformation" was "a euphemism for progressively deeper levels of demonic influence."4 There is currently a bait and switch going on in neo-evangelical circles. When evangelicals hear the word "transformation" bandied ...
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... identificational repentance" is a full chapter (13) from Idolatry In Their Hearts analyzing a video in which Japanese gods of "creation" are exalted as "heavenly deities," Buddhist shrines are "sacred," and the pagan Japanese tea ceremony is equated to biblical communion-- all flagrant acts of syncretism. This context to this act of "identificational repentance" is interesting because it is found in the "redeeming cultures" movement. The original marketing plan for "identificational repentance" was the spiritual warfare movement but it ... The Doctrines of Dominionism: Part 9 Identificational Repentance By Discernment Group Index to articles by Discernment Group August 13, 2007 "For me at least this is very new. I have been a Christian for 45 years, and I never once recall hearing a sermon from the pulpit on identificational repentance. I have four graduate degrees in religion from respectable academic institutions, and I was never taught a class on the subject. You do not find the issue raised in the writings of Martin Luther or John ...
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... pagan symbols, you are a true moron! You are blinded by ignorance. Christians took most of their symbolism from pagans and the ones they didn't like they "demonized" literally! Something you should know is that pagans are very peaceful and do not worship YOU'RE biblical satan. We believe in being in harmony with nature, respecting our environment and taking care of it. Your comments are offensive and ignorant. What's even more pathetic is that you actually live in fear of these harmless symbols and are spreading your hate and stupidity ... heresy. The book promotes the idea of being "little gods" or "gods" much the same way a well known TV preacher once did. I remember hearing of his idea of "being gods" but discounted it until i saw the guy on a Christian talk show and sure enough the question came up as to whether he had actually made that statement. He stumbled around a bit and finally admitted he believed it and we should all consider it. Obviously he was ignoring the original statement from scripture warning of being ...
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... Connections" and Mary as "The Queen of Angels." An article by Neale D. Walsch lends credence to his top selling books, Conversations with God I and II, which tells readers- in the name of God- to follow their feelings, reject biblical moral boundaries, and embrace the United Nations and its global spirituality. "Angels appear to all people, regardless of culture or religion," explains Angel Times Publisher Linda Vephula." We see angels as a common denominator among the religions of the world and ... to confessing his sin, a step that has brought countless repentant sinners into the loving presence of our forgiving Father. But Tess, played by veteran actress and singer Della Reese, stopped him with a seductive mix of truth and New Age sentiment. Her gospel sounds Christian but denies our need for the cross, the only way to lasting life and peace. Della Reese's words fit the church she founded in 1983 called Understanding Principles of Better Living. Its logo, a hot-air balloon, symbolizes "understanding the principles of positive thought ...
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... up in the thrills of the plot, it's easy to forget that-- unlike astro-traveler Tsion-- neither Tim LaHaye nor Jerry Jenkins have divine access to the extra-biblical visions they plant in the minds of their captivated readers. Instead they illustrate a key danger of Biblical novels: re-imagining God's Word in the context of enticing man-made visions. Yes, the book teaches some Biblical principles, godly truths and the message of salvation. But planting truths in a deceptive context makes the deception all the more dangerous. A semblance of truth ... his amazement, it was rhythmic and deep.. the darkness turned to the brightest light.." From The Indwelling by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins "For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God.." 2 Corinthians 2:17 Out-of-body experiences fascinate Christians and non-Christians alike. Mystical meetings with angelic beings and "a bright light" seem to sell books whether the author speaks from a New Age perspective as did Betty Eadie in Embraced by the Light or from a "Christian" perspective as do Tim LaHaye and ...
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... where the Islamic government has been supporting heartless militia assaults on its non-Arab population, have not awakened enough of an outcry to stop the killing, rape and torture of defenseless villagers. Why not? Could it be that the global management systems-- which have despised Biblical truth and moral standards from its beginning-- have no real solution to the problem of evil? Or are they just too weak, too biased, and too politicized to cope with problems that might offend some of their best friends. As David Brooks wrote ... . So do the horrendous atrocities, twisted ideologies, and collective cruelties that characterized 20th century genocide. How can we forget the shocking images of Hitler's death camps, Soviet pogroms and mind-twisting torture, Hutu slaughter, and Islamic Jihad aimed at the entire population of native Christians in southern Sudan? Those horrors refute today's positive notions about human nature and basic goodness. Instead, they affirm what God's Word told us thousands of years ago: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? ...
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321. Christmas
... give the global War on Christianity just a fraction of the attention it pays to the War on Christmas, lives might be saved. And light would be shed on the true heroes of the original religion of peace." Instead media leaders, who seems to despise Biblical Christianity as much as Communist leaders in China and Vietnam do, fuels the hostility. See The Mainstream Media Where Did We Lose Christ? "A decade ago, the New Jersey Supreme Court and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals declared that holiday exhibits are allowed ... birth of the Baby Jesus-- an event which took place in a humble animal shelter.. would be an occasion of unbridled joy.. In fact, Christmas has long been a battleground. Even before the church officially chose Dec. 25 as the date of the Nativity, Christian critics were protesting that it was unseemly to celebrate the birth of Christ in the way that pagans did for their emperors and kings. Early bishops complained that gift-giving was making children greedy; councils of bishops decried the dancing and cross-dressing that broke out at the midwinter ...
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... Eventually she left the ministry to return to college. She called me a few years later. She had begun to find herself, she said. Her search had led her beyond the familiar voices that had provided "pat answers" to her spiritual questions. The biblical God no longer seemed relevant or benevolent. A college teacher had been especially helpful in her journey toward self-discovery. This teacher-counselor called herself a witch-- one who believes in the power of magic formulas and rituals to invoke power from spiritual forces. Some years ... Quotes and Excerpts- Feminist Spirituality Home| Brainwashing| Education| Information and Knowledge| Genuine Christianity| Feminist Spirituality:| My Will Be Done Our Father in Heaven OR Our Mother the Earth? From Chapter One of A TWIST OF FAITH This first chapter in our latest book summarizes our concern for women and the church today. Please take a look at the massive cultural movement that is enticing God's people to twist His Word and base their faith on feelings and experience rather than on His unchanging truth. The result is deception ...
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... bit ironic. We don't hate anyone, no matter how much they disagree with us. Your reference to "atone for your sins" brings up one of my concerns about the influence of Gundam Wing on Christian faith. Like many other shows today, it takes Biblical phrases and concepts and puts them into a non-Christian context. This changes their meaning. So if a Gundam fan tries to read the Bible, he is more likely to interpret it in the light of the context where he first encountered that phrase rather than in ... So he blew it up, almost killing him. Now, the pilots being gay? I don't know, it's a possibility. All I know is that the pilots often think of other pilots. You can think whatever you want here. I'm a Southern Baptist Christian that regularly goes to church, and I find nothing wrong with Pokemon (I despise the show, but I enjoy the Japanese movies), Dragon ball Z, and other such anime. It hasn't warped me in any way. I don't feel evil or ...
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... religious traditions can be celebrated and upheld for the enrichment of everybody.. The new acropolises will.. provide opportunity for sacred expression needed to bind the people of the planet into a viable, meaningful, and sustainable solidarity." This global oneness sounds good to those who reject biblical truth and have forgotten the lessons of history. Global peace sounds good to those who want security and have never known political oppression. And global controls sound good to those who fear terrorism more than totalitarianism and are prepared to sacrifice American freedoms to fulfill utopian dreams ... the color-coded groups formed the five interlocking rings of the Olympic symbol, welcoming the "the global family" to celebrate the renewal of the Olympic dream. Human butterflies and chrome pick-up trucks were part of a strange medley of Southern impressions. As a token reminder that Christians, too, belong to the global family and Georgia's history, the medley included a parade of "churchgoers" -stiff, lifeless 28 foot tall puppets in elegant white dress and top hats. "O when the saints come marching in.." played the ...
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... than what God has given me in His Word, I wouldn't be helping anyone find the true Savior and Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Today's postmodern leaders promote all kinds of imitation truths and popular christs, but these imitations won't bring genuine salvation or peace. Only the Biblical Jesus can do that, and He can't be marketed. His message has never been popular in the world. That's why He told us, "If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the ... What kind of message is The Message Index Home From "BJ": If we are seeking God with all of our hearts we will find Him as He has promised! (Hate to think how Message has interpreted that one) I think I am a seasoned Christian, however, the more I read my Bible (happen to use NKJ mostly) the more I am made aware of my total dependency on Jesus. I love being nothing without Christ. He means the very breath I take. The more I seek Him ...
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326. Questions
... some Christian truths in a fantasy context-- a setting that does not demonstrate God's reality. Blending truth and myth (or fantasy) tends to water down and compromise the very truth God calls us to communicate. I wonder if this blend hasn't contributed to the Biblical illiteracy and unbiblical interpretations we see in today's churches. If you would read Bewitched by Harry Potter you will find (in points 1 and 2) a partial answer to your question about C. S. Lewis. Since I haven't personally had time to research ... Control) the students must seek common ground and be willing to compromise in order to please the members of the group and come to some kind of consensus. Even if the final consensus disagrees with most of the regulations of the community described in The Giver, the Christian child must consider, imagine, and respect viewpoints that clash with his or her faith. Some of the discussion questions I have seen indicate that the teacher-facilitator must direct the students toward a respect for all options and toward a middle ground that, at least, ...
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... a nice-sounding lesson: We should turn to Jesus "for love, comfort, security and guidance, especially in those times when we feel lost or alone." [1] But which "Jesus" will they actually turn to for comfort and guidance? The Biblical Jesus whom they can neither see nor touch-- or this soft, huggable toy "that loves you back?" Or a blend of both: a imaginary God who is soft, loving and non-judmental? "The idea was born from watching our own ... the Church "We hope Jesus Beanies and future introductions will become teaching tools to guide young children and spur their interest in a better way of interacting with others, a better way of seeing themselves, and in a better way of life." Behind Jesus Beanies Christian or not, children can now choose their own favorite version of a cuddly Jesus toy: a blue-eyes or a brown eyed Jesus Beanie. Both carry a nice-sounding lesson: We should turn to Jesus "for love, comfort, security and guidance, especially in ...
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... appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures.. It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement." [Including dangerous lifestyles that clash with our faith?] "Tolerance involves the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism.." [Biblical truth?] "Tolerance.. means that one's views are not to be imposed on others." [Would this end freedom to share the gospel with others? Could the UN still share its views?] "Intolerance.. is a global threat." ... , a friend and Newton, Mass. parent. "It's where last year's same-sex'marriage' ruling has brought us." [2] Such assaults on freedom have multiplied lately. Earlier this year, the University of Colorado told Professor Phil Mitchell, a Christian who has a doctorate in American social history, that his contract would not be renewed after this year. A winner of the prestigious SOAR Award for teacher of the year, Mitchell was accused of being racist." 'That would have come as a surprise ...
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... gender-bias crimes, anti-immigrant crimes, anti-Arab and anti-Islamic crimes and..actual or perceived homelessness"]? Are their lives of less importance? Isn't this tantamount to legal discrimination? Did you notice the "new" views of right or wrong? Our world can't tolerate the old Biblical laws that identify certain behaviors as sin and certain beliefs as incompatible with Christian faith. Offended by the truth, it bans the convictions that once gave rise to social order and prosperity. I ts new systems leave no room for an uncompromising moral standard which can't ... They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns — broken cisterns that can hold no water." Jeremiah 2:12-13 Once again history repeats itself. Like ancient Israel, America has gradually been turning its back to God. While Christians from coast to coast were awakened by Judge Roy Moore's call for a return to religious freedom and Constitutional integrity, their minority response will hardly untangle the roots of anti-Christian socialism now imbedded in our government and civil society. Do you wonder why US leaders would ban ...
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... , conceived by devious men in the early 1900s, and developed by psycho-social visionaries at Tavistock Institute, Frankfurt Institute, SRI, MIT, Columbia University and Educational Laboratories across America. Now the churches have caught their vision of power, rewrapped the manipulative strategies in misleading Biblical terms, and are distributing the "tools" and "teachings" to churches around the world. See Deception and Steps toward Global Mind Control The Power of Purpose Awards- The Judges: "The award-winning essays in this competition will be selected by this distinguished ... Warren| Fuller Seminary| The Lilly Endowment| Pew Trust& Rick Warren John Templeton dies in Bahamas: "Templeton.. graduated from Yale University and became a Rhodes scholar, earning a master's degree in law at Oxford University.. Templeton was influenced by the Unity School of Christianity, which takes a non-literal view of heaven and hell.. The philanthropist also was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a board member of the Princeton Theological Seminary. In 1987, he established the John Templeton Foundation to fund projects that could reconcile religion and science. ...
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... , Jung let himself slip into an intense inner conflict — viewed by some as "a creative psychosis"— that shaped the lifelong development of his thinking. He saw it as a way to access what he believed was his "unconscious," but from the Biblical point of view, we can only describe it as an embrace of his sinful nature and the demonic realm. Borrowing the method of visualization [ii] or "active imagination" from ancient occultism, Jung dialogued with figures that appeared in his fantasies. He ... the former is debatable these days, but the latter is all too common. A perfect illustration of this phenomenon is Swiss psychiatrist Carl G. Jung. Known among his intimate disciples as the "Hexenmeister of Zurich"— i.e., the Master Sorcerer — numerous Christians today welcome and apply his thinking. Some believe that because Jung's father was a Lutheran pastor that Jung too was a Christian. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Jung himself admitted privately to being a Gnostic and to borrowing elements of his thinking from ...
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... Charts- Index Biblical versus Postmodern Thinking Today's "postmodern" leaders and social engineers are using this word to introduce and justify changes that are transforming churches around the world. If we don't know its implications, we can't really understand the impact of today's social revolution. This chart lists the main postmodern obstacles to victorious faith. It shows the new meanings given to Biblical terms, and it lists Scriptures that clarify the confusion caused by postmodern thinking. Knowing these truths will strengthen your child's conscience and help anchor his or her mind ... truth. Notice that the postmodern views below are compared to Christianity, not to "modernity." The latter generally reflect the "progressive" humanist philosophies of the 19th& 20th century, not Biblical Truth. Postmodern Biblical faith Emphasis Means or implies: But Jesus said: Personal relationships- with the group or community. Aim to please people rather than God. "For ?do I now ?persuade men, or God? Or ??do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a ...
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... practice in current movements toward unity — especially the "Emergent church conversation"— echo some of Lewis's theology and spirituality. This blog will not just be devoted to Lewis, however, even though his thinking is an important element in these movements. What is real Biblical unity among Christians? And does Lewis's teaching reflect such unity? Can we really depend upon it as a basis for unity among modern Christians? Is it, in fact, truly "mere Christianity"? Or is it a mixture of religious theology, philosophy ... Body of Christ by Richard Nathan In recent times, unity has become a powerful theme, both in the Evangelical Church and in the culture. Although such attempts at unity have occurred for centuries in philosophy, politics, and the history of Christianity, the search for unity has been increasing in the last hundred years or so. Some of the latest trends in Evangelical Christianity appear in the movement Evangelicals and Catholics Together, Promise Keepers, The Purpose Driven Church, and the "emergent church conversation." ...
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... see Brainwashing in America and Chronology. But you are certainly right about our "particular world view." One of the wonderful things about America has been that different people were free to believe different things. That is changing. In a Postmodern world, the old Biblical absolute that founded our nation on integrity, faith, facts and logic have become intolerable to leaders across the country. From Dan and Vicki Paulson: I was just reading the on-line book, "The Rape of the Mind." I've only read a small ... individual thinking to prevail. Berit, as to President Bush, I have noticed that in a lot of areas, he seems to be more global oriented than American and individual oriented. He seems to pick certain areas to put on a face of being a conservative Christian. But in practice I believe most of his policies reflect something quite different. A lot of the large Christian organizations (like TBN, Falwell, and Robertson and others) have as you know, backed him pretty strongly, but his actual administration is far ...
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... Taylor standing at his usual spot on the railing of the rotunda and he greeted me. "Stand here," he instructed me, seeing how nervous I was to be there. "All you need to do is STAND," he said, citing the biblical passage in Galatians, "and having done all to stand." He explained that his very presence in that place caused "conviction." He was right. I could see the pained expression on the legislators' faces as they quickly and nervously darted by ... who may still be vulnerable to State harassment and prosecution. I hope some day others who lived through these harrowing experiences will write their stories. On a final note, this is an intensely personal story. It could not be stripped of the essential element of our Christian faith, which sustained us so mightily during the time of crisis. Sarah Leslie …for the people had a mind to work. (Neh. 4:6b) Faithful under fire Easton Baptist Church sits high atop hills of corn overlooking the Four Mile Creek valley ...
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... the Incarnation and the Person of Jesus Christ." [4] Yes, Anne Rice is a skilled writer. And in today's tolerant, fantasy-driven world many more will welcome her stories about a boy named "Jesus." But will it introduce people to the Biblical Jesus or to a heart-warming counterfeit? How do we recognize truth or heresy? Consider these questions: 1. Does it match God's Word — His standard for right and wrong, true and false? The Gospels are full of wonderful miracles. So is this ... Anne Rice Re-imagines Jesus& Christians applaud But after a profitable break from vampires, she has changed her mind by Berit Kjos- January 2006 Skip down to J. A. T. Robinson, Gnosticism and Self-knowledge and Infancy Gospel of Thomas Home Articles Emphasis added in bold letters Update: Novelist Anne Rice says she's leaving Christianity [link obsolete]: "Anne Rice has had a religious conversion: She's no longer a Christian.'In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist ...
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... so suddenly?" asks Time. One of it's hollow answers comes from the atheist Christopher Hitchens. He simply denied the reality of God. Could Teresa's heart-breaking message be the tragic result of total surrender and service to a forbidden "god?" Remember, our Biblical God allows no pluralistic compromise. As the first commandment tells us, "You shall have no other gods.." Exodus 20:3. From beginning to end, the Bible shows us the consequences of believing the world's deceptive deities:" .. their gods shall ... between and within religions.." .. listen to the cries of the victims?. We call upon the different religious and cultural traditions to join hands? and to cooperate with us." [4] The true Gospel clashes with this world system. That's why Chinese and Burmese Christians are persecuted for their faith. That's why Pakistani and Indian converts may reap torture or death-- never a Nobel Peace Price-- for their loving service to the poor! We are fast approaching a time when caring Christian missions will be equated with" ...
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... Excerpts from House Agrees to Muzzle Pastors with'Hate Crimes' Plan See also Why Hate Crimes laws would ban Biblical Christianity From Freedom to Servitude: Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America Posted June 8, 2009 Home The U.S. House on April 29th approved a federal "hate crimes" bill that will provide special protections to homosexuals but leave Christian ministers open to prosecution should their teachings be linked to any subsequent offense, by anyone, against a "gay." The vote, 249-175, came despite intense ... from Republicans who argued the measure would create a privileged class.. Bishop Harry Jackson Jr. of the High Impact Leadership Coalition .. stated the experience in other countries has led to prosecution of Christians. In Sweden, for example, a minister was sentenced to 30 days in jail for preaching from Leviticus.. Rep. Randy Forbes, R-VA., introduced a striking argument: "If Miss California, Carrie Prejean, who supports traditional marriage, had slapped the homosexual judge who derided her on the stage under H.R. 1913 she could be indicted ...
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... of Dreams from the divine Giver. He ignores the fact that God usually gave that gift to His chosen servants, not to every person-- pagan, atheist or Christian-- on earth. Might Mr. Wilkinson be referring to something less miraculous than God-given Biblical dreams? The Preface of The Dream Giver helps clarify Mr. Wilkinson's usage of the word, Dream. It states: "Do you believe every person on earth was born with a dream for his or her life? .. I call this universal and powerful ... ? Does the Dream Giver in the book present or misrepresent the ways of our Lord? Would this Dream-Driven journey be based on our personal strengths and wants or on God's Grace and Word? Who does Ordinary actually represent-- any person anywhere (implied) or Christians (those who know and follow God)? 1. What kind of a dream is Mr. Wilkinson's "Big Dream"? On the jacket of The Dream Giver, we are told: "Everyone has a dream. You may not be able to ...
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... supernatural, to cover up." If we take this definition at face value, some might say that it includes faith in any supernatural being, power, or manifestation-- including the God I follow. However, when seen from a traditional and/or Biblical perspective, occultism is limited to all supernatural powers and forces attributed to sources other than the Biblical God. The Bible tells us that these "other gods" and forces are part of a domain ruled by Satan, who is introduced at the beginning of the ... why cant they have their land back? hmm? think about it, you &% *%* [Berit's response:] Please read my" Answers" to the earlier comments. From Daniel'Cricket' Jacobs: I admit that I'm not the perfect Christian. As a matter of fact, there are some non-Christians I know that are more Christ-like than me. I have the pokemon game boy games on my computer, I notice that most of what you said about them is true. I can't believe that these ...
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... are adapting for their own purposes. Business and government leaders around the world may tout the success of this management process, but when it is used to develop "quality" human resources, watch out. Operating through the consensus process, it destroys individual faith and Biblical values. It presses all participants into a collective mold that fits the UN vision for the 21st Century global workforce and" sustainable community." 4. An emphasis on service that fits a political agenda. A TWISTED GOSPEL To understand the politically correct nature of ... be relevant in the next century. The main strategy for transformation used by the ELCA and other educational institutions is the Hegelian dialectic-- the consensus process. Young and old are urged to participate in group dialogues led by facilitators trained to conform the members, including Christian resisters, to a pre-planned group consensus. (See Mind Control) and summary of T he Change Agent) 3. All these pieces fit together within Total Quality Management, which churches and schools from coast to coast are adapting for their own purposes. Business ...
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342. NeoPets
... be pressured by it is, to me, very depressing) From Isaac Gutierrez: I live in the Dallas Texas. I'm 31 yrs of age and I will be graduating from Bible School soon. I love your website! I've been researching occult phenomenon from a biblical perspective for about five years. The information I have compiled is staggering. I'm glad a ministry like yours is proclaiming the truth about the dangers of the occult. Satan wants our children and he will do everything he possibly can to seduce them into accepting satanic ... include animals and creatures of every type imaginable, from insects and sea-life to dinosaurs and robots. A juice-spitting cobra or biting maggot are completely neutral, natural concepts. Babaa (" scared.. will hide under bed") Interesting, since the lamb is also a Christian symbol.-How can you possibly read into this? A cowardly cartoon sheep has nothing to do with anything anti-christian. It's just a barnyard animal. No meaning is intended here. The game actually began as one person's personal site, but it became so ...
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... "Age of Reason," an increasing number of "enlightened" Western leaders and influential "change agents" have tried to discredit the Bible and silence Christian believers. More recently, a vast number of politicians, media masters and educators have joined the battles against Biblical truth and morality. Karl Marx chose another way to distance himself from any Biblical accountability. He chose to believe in Satan, and he proved it in his writings. His dark poem Oulanem gives us a glimpse of the evil force behind communism: "If ... the new image of Jesus as a gentle, tolerant, pluralistic helper. Since the 18th century's birth of the "Age of Reason," an increasing number of "enlightened" Western leaders and influential "change agents" have tried to discredit the Bible and silence Christian believers. More recently, a vast number of politicians, media masters and educators have joined the battles against Biblical truth and morality. Karl Marx chose another way to distance himself from any Biblical accountability. He chose to believe in Satan, and he proved it ...
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344. Occult
... purposes of uniting them on the common ground of a convoluted Christ through Diaprax. Already Sony Pictures has established a website they call'The Da Vinci Dialogue." The next link illustrates this process: It's a call for an adaptable form of Christianity that will blend Biblical promises with animist traditions: Madonna eyes Israel house to await Messiah: "Madonna wants to buy a house in the Israeli town of Rosh Pina, where the ancient Jewish Kabbalah tradition expects the Messiah to appear at the end of the world.. Madonna wants to renovate ... god, Samhain.. When Constantine became emperor of Rome, he made a law declaring Christianity.. to be the official state religion. Having been recently converted [which might be questionable] .. Constantine was zealous in his new-found faith and demanded as emperor that everyone become a Christian or face the penalty of death. Well.. the churches were flooded with pagans." See Deliver us from evil August 2006 Paganism gaining popularity in prison: "Asatru has been gaining popularity among inmates, say religious leaders and prison experts who believe its roots ...
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... Rocket Force where he trained as a military doctor in WMD deployment. Using his own life experience, Dr. Shafhid sheds light on Russias' fascination with WMDs, the need for a solid civil defense program in the U.S., and the importance of maintaining the biblical foundation of America. "Discover ways for Americans to survive disaster: Protection for individuals from radiation Detailed evacuation techniques for families and companies Guidelines for emergency responders to large-scale attacks Quarantine instructions and street smarts during epidemics Safety equipment and survival materials to have on hand Methods ... Books Heaven is for Real~ The Unknown Prophet~ Deltora Inside the Red Zone~ Previous questions about books Q& A Home Question: I have encountered a very dangerous book that is making its' way through some of the Charismatic Christian circles. It is titled "Heaven is so real" by Choo Thomas.. The book is about the author's 17 or so trips to Heaven and Hell with Jesus Himself. I believe the author (Thomas) does actually experience the things she writes about. However, what she says is ...
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... don't yet know. Around the world, compromising church leaders are linking hands with today's fast-rising world system. Standing together, they claim to be" tolerant" but show rising intolerance for the cross of Christ and His gospel. It's not surprising! Grounded in uncompromising Biblical absolutes, His Word of hope is incompatible with the world's quest for consensus and "common ground." It doesn't fit the UN vision of social solidarity or a global spirituality. No wonder, since "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked ... Quotes& Excerpts Decisionism: a Deceptive Door to "Cross-Less Christianity" It offers "assurance of salvation" (with or) without actual conversion Ten steps that spread deception: 1. Focus on the "decision," not conversion. Then most people will focus on their own "wise" choice, not Christ's work on the cross. 2. Skim over the gospel and promote a "feel good" prayer. The actual gospel is often too offensive. 3. Satisfy your listeners with positive assurances; don't confuse ...
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347. Charts
... Your Comments Charts( Index) Parts 1, 2 and 3 Your responses to Charts: 3 Paradigms America's Spiritual Slide| Biblical versus Cultural Christianity Paradigm Shift- Total transformation| Brainwashing& How to Resist It Home~ Index From Mike Paton: Subject: Charts: Modernity versus Postmodernity Reading this page, I was struck by the rather arrogant comments from "a physicist". I thought readers of this page might appreciate the opportunity to read an alternative view of the "TRUE science" of quantum physics by someone who is ... qualified to comment. See Though Andy studied physics and we both are familiar with Heisenberg, we don't know enough to evaluate the accuracy of this website. However, its author's bio is impressive: "Dr. Paul Marmet is a senior researcher at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics of the National Research Council of Canada, in Ottawa. From 1967 to 1982, he was director of the laboratory for Atomic and Molecular Physics at Laval University in Québec. A past president of the Canadian ...
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348. Articles
... Faith Sliding Down the Communitarian Slope Smiling at Socialism& Scorning the Bible Obama (Alinsky)- Part 2: Mind Change and Collective Service Obama (Ayers& Acorn)- Part 1:Training an Army of World Servers Why "Hate Crime" laws would ban Biblical Christianity A New Mask for an Ancient Secret Tolerance as a Tool for Transformation Hope, Hate and Human Nature Real Conspiracies Ban truth- Reap Tyranny From U.S. Sovereignty to Global Conformity The Memory of the World Huxley's Brave New World International Courts Mock Sovereignty The Compromising ... and the Culture of Control (12-99) World Heritage'Protection': UNESCO's War vs. National Sovereignty Rapid Reaction Against UN Foes Local Agenda 21 Pt.2-Santa Cruz- Key points from the twelve Focus Groups Culture, Law& History Purging the Memory of Our Christian Roots Conforming the Church to the Rising World Order The fall and rise of human violence America's Downward Journey Liberty's Last Stand The Spirit of Lawlessness Global War on Christian Values Part 1: Unity in an Anti-Christian World? Part 2: Social Justice and the New Morality ...
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... their standards, today's social workers may confiscate children and divide families without accountability to the public that they supposedly serve. Apparently parents have little or no recourse. Which parents are at risk? If you are "indoctrinating your children with Christian beliefs" and teaching them Biblical standards, beware! Christian beliefs, values, and disciplines are considered too narrow and exclusive for the envisioned 21st Century global society. In her article, "Children are not Chattel," Kathy Collins, Legal Counsel to the Iowa Department of Education, summarized ... to punish families believed to violate their standards, today's social workers may confiscate children and divide families without accountability to the public that they supposedly serve. Apparently parents have little or no recourse. Which parents are at risk? If you are "indoctrinating your children with Christian beliefs" and teaching them Biblical standards, beware! Christian beliefs, values, and disciplines are considered too narrow and exclusive for the envisioned 21st Century global society. In her article, "Children are not Chattel," Kathy Collins, Legal Counsel to the ...
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... to take an oath before a witness (which Jesus forbids) to turn forty days of their life over to Rick Warren and his method. And there is more. In this article I will show that Warren's book teaches an approach to the gospel that is not Biblical. His teaching is in keeping with popular, American, evangelical pietism so it is no wonder most evangelicals cannot see what is wrong with it. It comes from a stream of theology that can be traced back to Charles Finney who popularized a methodological "how ... section saying, "The way you see your life shapes your life. How you define life determines your destiny" (Warren 41). Why should I believe these statements? Warren speaks from his own self as if he were God's authoritative spokesperson. This is Christianized humanism. Our thoughts and metaphors have nothing to do with the gospel. We need to deny self, not set up the right thoughts and life metaphors to assure a wonderful destiny. In researching this article, I had to read Warren for long periods of ...
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... Reiki master in three weekends." --Lisa Oz, wife of Dr. Mehmet Oz Perhaps it is not surprising Dr. Mehmet Oz, a key teacher in Rick Warren's 52 week health-and-wellness Daniel Plan, has been influenced by occultist Emanuel Swedenborg. Although Swedenborg rejected the biblical Christ, and communed with familiar spirits, some of Swedenborg's admirers have been culturally significant figures. At this point in his career, Dr. Mehmet Oz certainly qualifies as such. Those who have either appreciated or followed Swedenborg's theology have included Helen Keller, Johnny ... co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Swedenborg, who died in the 1700s, has been called the father of modern day spiritualism. It is likely Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson's bondage to the spirit world began with his introduction to Swedenborg's teachings. Despite erroneous claims he was a Christian, Wilson's spirituality was one of seances, familiar spirits, and the ouija board. [1] Just like Dr. Mehmet Oz, Bill Wilson was introduced to the teachings of Swedenborg through his own wife. Early in their romantic relationship, Bill Wilson " ...
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... oppression must be eradicated, and a new kind of equality must be established. [See The Secret Cabal] To broaden his base, Gorbachev linked his futurist visions to the world's timeless non-Christian traditions. Earth-centered or universalist religions fit the new global model-- but Biblical monotheism (faith in the biblical God) did not! The religious leaders invited to address the Forum obviously preferred pantheism (all is god since one cosmic force connects all things), universalism (all paths lead to the same ultimate reality), and monism ... discussions here at the forum there was no trace of the futile debate about what is better, capitalism or socialism.. We should seek a synthesis of ideas and values that have proven their viability.." Mikhail Gorbachev, discussing a new form of democracy that would rule out Christianity. Organized by the Gorbachev Foundation, the first annual State of the World Forum convened in San Francisco on September 27, 1995. The former head of the Communist empire had gathered "nearly 500 senior states-people, political leaders, spiritual leaders, scientists, intellectuals ...
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... his Baptist roots on every point. The evidence is in his 1992 book, Earth in the Balance- Ecology and the Human Spirit. It calls for a "panreligious perspective" that would conform Christianity to the UN vision of social and religious solidarity. The old biblical absolutes simply don ? t fit the new global spirituality needed as a foundation for a new earth-centered ethic. Whether Buddhist, Baha'i, Native American, or "Christian" (the words sound Biblical but the cross is missing), each model for this blended ... Road Less Traveled has become a freeway to global oneness. "Al Gore's celebrated new emphasis on ? religious values ? is as phony as a three-dollar bill.? I truly believe Al Gore is the point man in a campaign to set a fatal trap for America's churches and Christian charities." Joseph Farah, editor of World Net Daily (July 16, 1999). Vice President Gore ? s "faith-friendly" campaign hides beliefs that oppose Christianity and his Baptist roots on every point. The evidence is in his 1992 book, Earth ...
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... handle things a bit differently. Since so many christians are ignorant it is easy to use his desire to attack their faith in a hypothetical context. Hypothetically, if you say you believe the Bible, then.. so any christian who tells you something else is not biblically correct. Also, "If- then" hypothesis. If A is true, it follows that B is also true and C is not. Decide for yourself if A is true. It puts him back on the hotseat where he is now responsible for ... Your comments concerning Anne Rice re-imagines Jesus and Christian leaders applaud Home Articles "Rice's darkly themed books have sold more than 75 million copies. Her first novel, Interview with the Vampire, has sold more than 8 million copies. Rice has also written historical novels, as well as pornography and erotica under the names'A. N. Roquelaure' and'Anne Rampling. Her books are widely assigned in high school and college English and philosophy classes.. Why is Anne Rice, once the literary queen of darkness, now writing about ...
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355. Questions
... can be saved, and that is by faith in the sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, by which our sins are punished in Christ, and God's righteousness in Christ is given to us."- Bob Deffinbaugh (C) 1998, Biblical Studies Foundation. Christianity is the only faith that has been proven true by past and future events.. Prophecy! "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of ... Questions& Answers Christianity 4. "What makes Christianity more true than all the other religions which encourage us to do good?" From Matthew Yates: Christianity is the only religion which does not require man to "earn" his way into Heaven. All other religions (Buddhism, Mormonism, etc.) require that a person prove himself worthy. Christianity emphasizes that no one is really worthy (Romans 3:23), but that God will overlook this if we allow Him (John 3:16). ...
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... erected. While I cite examples on a weekly basis of this nation's rapid descent into depravity, perhaps this latest example is the ultimate microcosm of a severely sick nation steeped in moral decay, cultural turmoil, and spiritual bankruptcy.. "The United States was built upon a Biblical foundation, and this country has been blessed immeasurably. .. however, a rebellious nation that has defiantly turned its back on God and His eternal laws and established order should not be surprised when those blessings are removed and judgment comes upon this land." See ... it slip that he, indeed, believes a president has the power to violate the Constitution." See The fall and rise of human violence'Obama-ism' will not fade away after president leaves office, former Israeli Envoy to US reportedly tells Tel Aviv gathering.. Christians as "Target Practice": A new study claims that as many as 40,000 Christians-- including Muslims who wish to convert to Christianity-- are being attacked and harassed by Muslims in migrant homes.. "Father Douglas Bazi, an Iraqi priest, ...
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... by modern psycho-social business methods counts as a "result." Private donor organizations and foundations are being trained to stipulate that charities they fund produce quantifiable and qualitative results. This is known as "accountability." It has nothing to do with the traditional understanding of biblical accountability, where local church members are mutually answerable one to another. Instead, this is an institutional form of "accountability," under a new system of standards, in which there are demands for performance, rewards for success and penalties for failure. This ... we engage in this phase of sustained reconstruction. Due to the severe nature of this unprecedented attack, we have moved the Son and the Holy Spirit to an undisclosed location. Although Omnipotence was quite damaged, we have managed to pull together some pivotal experiences for key Christian leaders which should accomplish the fulfillment of the Great Commission. (Pay no attention to that man behind the screen.) To meet the needs of the body of Christ on Earth, particularly regarding the missing attribute Omnipresence, we have instituted production quotas via a ...
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... had known long ago with Jesus. That longing drew her back to church. But the magical forces Pat had studied in her college days still tugged at her heart. Buddhism seemed so compassionate and Christ-like. So did Edgar Caycee's spiritism and re-incarnation. Perhaps her old biblical boundaries were too narrow. After all, Caycee really did receive supernatural insights from the spirit world. Maybe she could try to make the same kind of contacts-- even talk with her mother. Perhaps her mother would return in some other body? Either ... possibilities fascinated her. College entrance opened new doors to spiritual discoveries. Each of the world's religions seemed to have something to offer, and the options were endless. How could she pick and choose what fit her needs-- and what could be mixed with her Christian faith? Each new path deepened her curiosity. In 1980 her mother died. The ache and loneliness that followed the funeral stirred a longing for the loving comfort Pat had known long ago with Jesus. That longing drew her back to church. But the magical ...
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... the first two writers measure right and wrong by their feelings, not by God's Word. In today's postmodern churches, few children or adults learn the Scriptures that would train their conscience to be a trustworthy guide along God's Way. Today's feel-good churches tend to avoid the Biblical truths that might conflict with the tolerant and politically correct atmosphere they like to exhibit. As a result, many church members are more comfortable with the world's ways than with God's ways. Compromise seems more "right" than God's call to separation. [See ... and fourteen. But they were six, eight and eleven when we started." Only six and eight! I looked around at the costumed adults and their children in Harry Potter glasses, black robes and pointed black hats. How many of them would call themselves Christians? I wondered. How would this next level of training in occult practice affect their faith and their lives? My concern grew over the next two days as I read the 870 pages. In their fifth year of occult training, Harry and his friends were ...
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... would understand if it was in any way violent or discriminatory, but it's simply a proclamation of love for Jesus,' Sylvia said.'For Facebook to.. block that, to me, it's very upsetting." See Why "Hate Crime" laws ban Biblical Christianity August 2015 Islamic State Circulates Sex Slave Price List: "A senior United Nations official says Islamic State is circulating a slave price list for captured women and children, and that the group's ongoing appeal and barbarity pose an unprecedented challenge.'The girls get ... by Chinese authorities to replace posters of Jesus with Xi hearkens back to the "personality cult" era of Chairman Mao Zedong, the founder of the People's Republic of China. .. Xi has made it his target to end poverty by 2020, with government officials visiting Christian families in poverty-stricken towns to convince them to fall in line with the Communist Party's policies as a way to solve their material problems. .. "But we tried to tell them that getting ill is a physical thing and that the people who can really help them ...
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... and spiritual songs. Divisive music violates the intent of it; that is to glorify God and promote unity in the church. Music that does not promote "one-anothering" is not spiritual. Selfish songs which promote discord in the congregation are not spiritual. In the biblical understanding, regardless of whatever else can be said about them, songs that do not testify of Jesus Christ and promote unity amongst believers are not spiritual per se. As the Apostle Paul wrote, "I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray ... So we associate with people who possess similar tastes. Over the last decades "worship wars" have erupted in local churches over the "touchy" tastes of music, whether they are traditional or contemporary. Congregations divide, even split over tastes. Seemingly, some Christians would rather fight than switch. So to avoid the strife, it's common for local churches to offer both a contemporary and traditional service, the difference being the style of music that is offered. As one artist states that, "This force... ...
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... Good Christian men have wrestled for centuries to glean the most accurate and forthright truth from the Bible, desiring in their hearts to know the will and intent of God. Many of the old commentaries bear witness to the effort to glean God's most perfect meaning from the biblical texts so it could be applied to our Christian lives. But postmodern theological pioneers are shifting the paradigm (to use their terminology) and are now claiming that it is only necessary to "translate" God's word into contemporary "metaphors," "parables, ... created their own caricature of Jesus. And I think people have a sense that's true,' says McLaren. "I think the popularity of The Da Vinci Code is telling us that a lot of people don't find the image of Jesus that's portrayed by the dominant Christian voices genuine, so they're looking for something that seems more real and authentic." (Brian McLaren of the Emergent Church, commenting in CT's Outreach May 2006 about The Da Vinci Code's popularity) [emphasis added] "We are a spiritual womb of God's dream ...
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... and true to, the earlier basic "ChurchGrowth" theory. Yet many people today hear and learn about the "post-1980"phenomena without any background understanding of the foundational theory --they are constructing a building with no solid footing. This course is designed to examine the biblical and theological bases for the main church growth propositions which have been, and continue to be, central to the Church GrowthMovement. Thus this course has a three-fold purpose of: (1) providing biblical and theological parameters which interface, evaluate, and deepen the ... good and non-growth bad. He fails to realize that weeds sometimes as fast than wheat. The aim of missions is not merely growth but bringing the kingdom of God into the lives of people. When growth becomes the sole criteria for missions, processes of nurturing new Christians and training Christian leaders can frequently be relegated to the periphery. D.A. McGavran: "It is God's will that women and men become disciples of Jesus Christ and responsible members of Christ's church ...
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... , I thought for a moment Hank Kimball had become a theologian. The subtitle gives more than a slight hint as to why it reads like this:'Why I am a missional+ evangelical+ post/protestant+ liberal/conservative+ mystical/poetic+ biblical+ charismatic/contemplative+ fundamentalist/Calvinist+ Anabaptist/Anglican+ Methodist+ catholic+ green+ incarnational+ depressed-yet-hopeful+ emergent+ unfinished Christian. If this confuses you, welcome to'post-modern' Christianity in the age of despair." Renovare: "This ... is there, then we have to look to redeem pop culture." (Quoted at Rick Warren's These days, the word "incarnational" can be heard in most denominations and postmodern churches. It's at the heart of the new, experiential form of Christianity-- the transformative movement attempting to unify the world under the banner of the evolving "Church". It fits right into Rick Warrens global P.E.A.C.E. Plan and Brian McLaren's Kingdom of God. It calls for a non-offensive form of the "gospel." ...
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... blend of Buddhism and "Christianity." In the last two decades, this unbiblical synthesis of Western truth and Eastern mysticism has permeated mainstream culture, altered the health industry, and helped birth the emerging church. Both of the Dalai Lama's "commitments" clash with Biblical truth, historical facts, and Christian values. The popular Buddhist "peace of mind" rests on humanist psychology and Eastern occultism in contrast to Christians whose peace is based on what Jesus accomplished through the cross. But in today's social and spiritual climate, " ... in their own continuum. We have within us the seed of purity… that is to be transformed and full developed into Buddhahood." [2] The Dalai Lama "The world of American religion is going through enormous change. It will be increasingly difficult to distinguish Christians and Buddhists." University of Chicago sociologist Stephen R. Warner. [3] Buddhism on the Move The Dalai Lama busy schedule doesn't leave much room for flexibility. Yet, when invited to San Francisco for an interfatih dialogue with Muslim and other religious leaders ...
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... the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:16-19) Prepare yourself. We may never see the armies that assault God's people, but we are all engaged in a spiritual war. This war grows more intense each year as America drifts further away from her biblical foundations. Many are blind to the current battles, for our "struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil.." [7] There ... (Proverbs 22:6) Elizabeth Franklin listened in silence as her classmates at Mountain View High School discussed The Crucible, an assigned book about the Salem Witch trials. She had felt uneasy when she read it. The story about the horrible accusations and hangings made Christians seem really bad. Sure, the Puritans had made some cruel and irrational decisions back then. But all Puritans weren't like that, were they? It just didn't seem fair that her English teacher would use that awful event to put down Christianity. The discussion ...
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... family. The problem with the feminist men married to the feminist women is they often do not want to lead. It is a good thing, because these women obviously would not let them. (Note: Virginia Mollenkott is not an author featured at Christians for Biblical Equality, but the spirit parades itself the same). The Christian feminists obviously disdain the authority of the Bible, as well as the structure God has ordained for the home, quoting from an excerpt from the Mystery of Iniquity blog:" .. the point ... Christ loves the church. But with this point conceded to the feminists, the structure remains that Christ is head over the church just as the husband is head over the wife and home. Christ leads, and the church follows. Such is the order for a Christian family. The problem with the feminist men married to the feminist women is they often do not want to lead. It is a good thing, because these women obviously would not let them. (Note: Virginia Mollenkott is not an author featured at Christians ...
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... Guidelines. The document calls on governments to support a range of liberal approaches to sexual and reproductive issues. They include the right to abortions, penalties for'vilification of people who engage in same-sex relationships.." [a standard already used against some pastors who have taught the Biblical position on homosexuality] "If necessary, the guidelines say,'traditional and customary' laws that run up against anti-discrimination laws should be changed, together with'the attitudes associated with them. ..'UNESCO has created curricula that many social conservatives would believe undermine ... – it had armed Saddam with biological weapons in the 1980s when the US backed Iraq in its war against Iran. [this globalist website." This is global politics, and Clinton is aiming high. The world loves him all the more for mocking the despised Christian values. No wonder this globalist website is cheering. See The Re-establishment of Peacetime Society and Seeing the world from God's perspective Why Brussels wants to clear the herbalists' shelves: "The Food Supplements Directive has passed through all its Brussels stages- although not without ...
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... fervor-- and gave Lenin and Stalin their key weapon in their war against Christianity. After all, Communist solidarity meant the pursuit of a collective vision. And the hope of the masses must be set on an earthly Utopia, not the unchanging promises of the Biblical God. Hindsight proves the failure of the Lenin-Stalin bloodbaths. While the masses were forced to comply, the envisioned Utopia became a deadly nightmare. Antonio Gramsci was the first Communist leader to see through the illusion. While firmly committed to global Communism, he knew ... Home Quotes and Excerpts from From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci& Alinsky Excerpts from The Keys of this Blood by Malachi Martin, 1990 [734 pages] See also Was Marx a Satanist?| Purging the Memory of Our Christian Roots Smiling at Socialism& Scorning the Bible| Alinsky's Rules for Radicals Communist Manifesto Conspiracies- Past& Present Marx| Lenin Stalin Gramsci Obama's Ideological Father:" Gramsci .. organized the Italian Communist party in 1921.. Since this was four years after the Russian Revolution, Gramsci assumed Italians would welcome a Bolshevik ...
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... hand-picked Bible verses that "fit" their social message. "Offensive" words like sin and redemption were redefined, contextualized or ignored. No need for the cross, since all people were considered essentially good. Naturally, as socialist ideals tore away at the old Biblical barriers to spiritual pluralism, the change process accelerated. Even "conservative" pastors-- like their purpose-driven guides-- began to view Christianity primarily as good" deeds, not creeds." [3] Transformational tactics In Part 2, we documented these ... Part 2: Treason in the Church: Trading Truth for a "Social Gospel" Skip down to Cizik& NAE Emphasis added" .. we have seen how Dr. Walter Rauschenbusch .. and the leaders of the social-action movements in the churches decided to do away with Christian individualism and turn to outright collectivism, using the church as their instrument.. Religion was only a means toward achieving socialism. And, like all other false prophets who have infiltrated religion through he centuries,[ Rauschenbusch] used a'front' or disguise. This ...
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... project their hates on to others.. Whatever the cost, we must learn to live in friendliness and peace with.. all the people in the world ..." Those "poisonous certainties" include all the unchanging truths and values that can't be compromised. That's why Biblical Christianity was-- and continues to be-- incompatible with the world's standards for "mental health." Many who refuse to conform to the evolving guidelines for tolerance, inclusiveness, group dialogue and adaptability to the UN plan for "continual change" are ... the emergence of a single world culture. the moment, two opposing philosophies of life confront each other from the West and from the East.. You may categorize the two philosophies as two super-nationalisms, or as individualism versus collectivism.. or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis? .. through the inexorable dialectic of evolution, it must happen.. "In pursuing this aim, we must eschew [shun] dogma- whether it be theological dogma or ...
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... torches would go door to door to select humans for their New Year's sacrifice to the Lord of the Dead. In return for the child or infant, they would leave a hollowed turnip with candle light shining through the carved face-- a satanic counterfeit for the biblical Passover." In the reveling that took place on that night to Samhain, the demons supposedly loosed for the night would pass over the homes "marked" by the carved lantern. Those families had provided the required gift or sacrifice. Other homes could be ... Area witch, Zsuzsanna Budapest. "These pagan calendars are imprinted in our genes. They cannot be taken away."6 "It's hard to give up a good party," added Daniel Melia, UC Berkeley professor of Celtic languages. "Satan is a Christian notion. This is a pre-Christian celebration." He is wrong about Satan. The Old Testament mentions Satan fourteen times, and that doesn't include all his other names. From beginning to end, the Bible shows how Lucifer has always been stirring rebellion against God ...
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... and dialectic slogans like "Our strength is our diversity" in order to synthesize values and advance alternative agendas. Because of the ever-increasing perversion of our language by globalists it is necessary to qualify words like "love" and" tolerance" to avoid confusing them with biblical directives. Just as the love of a father toward his son is different from the love of a husband toward his wife or a boy's love for his dog or a dog's love for bones, tolerance too can have many different meanings and applications. When modern ... also be noted that at the time the NEW versions of the bible were printed, Marxist liberals were tenaciously teaching tolerance as the NEW measure of morality in America from kindergarten through seminary. One would think, as much as that word is used today with respect to Christians, it would be found repeatedly throughout scripture. However, the reality is, it appears only once in the NIV and twice in the NASV as a brief encouragement for believers to put aside *personal differences and sufferings* for the sake of the Gospel. ...
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... this denomination has condoned outright paganism for years. Majestic Episcopal cathedrals built long ago to honor God have welcomed the world's pantheon of deities. Occult rituals at New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine and San Francisco's Grace Cathedral have spread the twisted message that the Biblical God is only one among a multitude of equal deities, spirits, forces and ascended masters. 2 While their respective bishops have turned a blind eye to the pagan intrusion, California's Bishop William Swing went a step further. In 1996, he founded the United ... rest of the Circle! We have, indeed, come a long way." 1 [Emphasis added] Don Frew, National Interfaith Representative. "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them." Ephesians 5:11 While Christians around the world lament the election of a homosexual Bishop at the recent Episcopal General Convention, few realize that this denomination has condoned outright paganism for years. Majestic Episcopal cathedrals built long ago to honor God have welcomed the world's pantheon of deities. Occult rituals at ...
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... by modern psycho-social business methods counts as a "result." Private donor organizations and foundations are being trained to stipulate that charities they fund produce quantifiable and qualitative results. This is known as "accountability." It has nothing to do with the traditional understanding of biblical accountability, where local church members are mutually answerable one to another. Instead, this is an institutional form of "accountability," under a new system of standards, in which there are demands for performance, rewards for success and penalties for failure. This ... , Rick Warren's website to train and equip pastors. But what precisely is the Purpose-Driven philosophy? This plan to transform the "postmodern" church? Its foundation is recognizable as General Systems Theory or "systems" theory generically. Systems theory has been rapidly disseminated in Christian seminaries during the past decade. It is a surrogate theological paradigm, replacing the old traditional doctrines about the nature of man and God with a new evolutionary worldview in which man is transforming himself, his community and society. Systems theory is derived from esoteric philosophies ...
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... answer is simple. When Christianity spread, the forbidden forces behind magical arts went underground. Rarely mentioned in public, they were hidden in secret societies and occult orders until the 20th century, when books, movies, television and universities re-introduced them to a thrill-seeking, Biblically illiterate nation ready and eager to revive the mystical powers of the past. Byrne herself illustrates this fascination: "A burning desire to share The Secret with the world consumed me, and I began searching for people alive today who knew The Secret. One by ... tell us that those roots include ancient Egyptian mystery religions, the Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Rosicrucianism, and Hermetic magic. Nor does it warn us that its more recent branches include Unity, Science of Mind, and the" New Thought" movement that swept through the Christianized world over a century ago. [4] "Fragments of a great secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an ...
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... Seminary| The Travesty of TOLERANCE HEGELIAN DIALECTIC& THE NEW WORLD ORDER Paul Proctor, a rural resident of the Volunteer state and seasoned veteran of the country music industry, retired from showbiz in the late 1990's to dedicate himself to addressing important social issues from a distinctly biblical perspective. As a freelance writer and regular columnist for News With Views, he extols the wisdom and truths of scripture through commentary and insight on cultural trends and current events. His articles appear regularly on a variety of news and opinion sites across the internet and ... showing various aspect of judging] I sat with my wife the other afternoon and listened to a friend's rehearsal at a local church where she was preparing to put the final touches on an upcoming concert scheduled for later in the week. She sang a lot of original Christian material as well as some musically updated hymns intermingled with inspirational stories and a personal testimony. It was quite compelling. She was honest, sincere, polished and very much at ease before her audience, giving overall, a very impressive and theologically sound presentation. ...
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... thinking. The Bible does not teach this. The New Century Version that Rick Warren quotes is dangerously mistaken in its translation of Ephesians 4:6. The only books I had ever seen that taught that God was'in' everything had nothing to do with biblical Christianity. In fact, it didn't take me long to find this same unbiblical teaching in A Course in Miracles."( p. 81) Smith then proceeds to illustrate his point by quoting from Lesson 29 of A Course in Miracles-- the very ... lesson that Marianne Williamson was going through in her radio show yesterday! What is wrong with this teaching? Pastor Larry DeBruyn, author of the new book Church on the Rise: Why I am not a "Purpose-Driven" Pastor, which we mentioned in yesterday's post, also expresses concern about Rick Warren's use of the New Century Version translation for Ephesians 4:6. Pastor DeBruyn takes note of the fact that Rick Warren uses this rendition of the verse in the context of practicing the "presence" of God, which is ...
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... of productivity." See Current Communist Goals These two Communist goals-- "11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind" and "28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools.."-- are already replacing Biblical hope with hope in human effort and a world government. Goal 41- "Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.."-- have replaced Biblical morality with amoral education that devalues life. Here is one of the results: Join ... Delusion and the Destruction of America "Service Learning" through Soviet Brainwashing| Reinventing the World Faith-Based Partnerships ban Truth| Communitarianism| Communitarian terms June 2011 Is Obama's GOP prayer partner a Dem wolf in sheep's clothing: "[ Joel Hunter] teaches that the Bible mandates Christians combat so-called global warming.. He resigned from the Christian Coalition after the group wouldn't broaden its agenda to include'social justice' and fighting'global warming...Hunter is a signatory to'The Great Warming,' a'call to action' claiming world scientists are in ...
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... a season, a direction [north, east, south& west], one of the five elements, and a universal symbol." The top panel celebrates the magical symbols of the world's earth-centered religions. It all makes sense! In a world that hates Biblical unchanging Truth and loves its own illusions of global unity, symbolic art becomes a mind-changing tool for change. For "image and form have the power to transform consciousness," explains Sally Linder who designed and painted the ark. "The artwork the students created ... "a time when humanity must choose its future." That may be true. But this global contract, which outlines the needs of the planet and the "responsibilities" of its human inhabitants, points to a mandatory "choice" that differs radically from the Christian position. "Fundamental changes," it tells us, "are needed in our values, institutions, and ways of living." The old ways are out. A new set of beliefs, values and behavior must unify "the one human family" ...
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... fervor-- and gave Lenin and Stalin their key weapon in their war against Christianity. After all, Communist solidarity meant the pursuit of a collective vision. And the hope of the masses must be set on an earthly Utopia, not the unchanging promises of the Biblical God. Hindsight proves the failure of the Lenin-Stalin bloodbaths. While the masses were forced to comply, the envisioned Utopia became a deadly nightmare. Antonio Gramsci was the first Communist leader to see through the illusion. While firmly committed to global Communism, he knew ... Lenin or Stalin or Gramsci Obama's Ideological Father:" Gramsci .. organized the Italian Communist party in 1921.. Since this was four years after the Russian Revolution, Gramsci assumed Italians would welcome a Bolshevik convulsion of their own. But it didn't happen.. He found three explanations: Christianity, nationalism and charity. .. the way to set the stage for a Marxist revolution was in coming to grips with these three conditions.. The first stratagem was the assault on Christianity by arguing religion should not inform or be employed in public discourse. Gramsci realized that ...
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... we will pay the cost-- in freedom as well as dollars-- for the creation of a massive government bureaucracy to promote, monitor, and enforce compliance with human rights regulations mandated by the United Nations. Remember, this governing body shows only contempt for biblical values, American sovereignty, and the U.S. Constitution. Clinton's timing was perfect. An attack on Iraq had been planned. And after December's impeachment proceedings, Congress would adjourn for the holidays. Without its objection, the executive order would take effect within 30 ... by globalist leaders. In their minds, anything less than social solidarity in every community could stir conflict or incite violence. In this context, dissenters become foes; facts or beliefs that clash with its vision of unity become threats; and the uncompromising truths of biblical Christianity become intolerable, even dangerous to public safety. These "human rights" restrictions are already filtering into American culture. For example, any Christian website that promotes biblical standards for right and wrong could be targeted for censorship by Cyber Patrol, the world's most powerful ...
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... , economic, political, ecological and even psychological systems. [11] Dr. Senge also co-authored the report," Communities of Commitment: The Heart of Learning Organizations." It highlights the crisis of "fragmentation" that keeps people from trading "divisive" Biblical views for a more systemic or holistic perspective.: "Fragmentation, competition, and reactiveness are not problems to be solved-- they are frozen patterns of thought to be dissolved. The solvent we propose is a new way of thinking, feeling, and ... tramped around the world in our younger days-- paddling up the Nile on the mail boat, trucking through parts of Africa, sleeping on 4th class trains rumbling through India at night. Sometimes we were invited into homes-- Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Christian. We shared our beliefs, and they shared theirs, but no one tried to merge the two. That's not UNESCO's style. Its ways are best described by Peter Senge, an MIT guru to corporate managers and church leaders around the world. In his ...
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384. Questions
... Jesus requires full submission to God and all of scripture, even the parts that are offensive. Of course, this kind of submission is impossible for us. Therefore He offers us His own life and strength to enable us to follow. See chart on difference between Biblical and Cultural Christianity| Home| Armor of God| Christian Persecution| His Word| Articles| Books| ...
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... could also produce serious problems in the church. For many will pray the prayer with little or no awareness of the holy nature of God, of the unholy power of sin, or of the deep chasm between the two. In our times of easy beliefism and Biblical illiteracy, anyone can personalize and claim God's promises without any prompting by the Spirit, genuine conversion (spiritual rebirth) or lasting inner change. Where people learn to tolerate evil and flow with the crowd, true repentance is rare and faith often becomes presumption. ... unregenerate, many happily accept the group's consensus: You prayed the prayer, therefore you must be a Christian. Pastor Warren agrees. "If you sincerely meant that prayer, congratulations!" he tells the reader. "Welcome to the family of God! You are now ready to discover and start living God's purpose for your life! [1, page 59] We hear this claim from hundreds of "Christians" who tell us they have prayed "the prayer," yet they show little or no spiritual understanding of ...
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... blend of Buddhism and "Christianity." In the last two decades, this unbiblical synthesis of Western truth and Eastern mysticism has permeated mainstream culture, altered the health industry, and helped birth the emerging church. Both of the Dalai Lama's "commitments" clash with Biblical truth, historical facts, and Christian values. The popular Buddhist "peace of mind" rests on humanist psychology and Eastern occultism in contrast to Christians whose peace is based on what Jesus accomplished through the cross. But in today's social and spiritual climate, " ... in their own continuum. We have within us the seed of purity… that is to be transformed and full developed into Buddhahood." [2] The Dalai Lama "The world of American religion is going through enormous change. It will be increasingly difficult to distinguish Christians and Buddhists." University of Chicago sociologist Stephen R. Warner. [3] Buddhism on the Move The Dalai Lama busy schedule doesn't leave much room for flexibility. Yet, when invited to San Francisco for an interfatih dialogue with Muslim and other religious leaders ...
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387. No title
... the new generation of children far more vulnerable to deception than we were. Consider some of the changes: 1. Different times and culture. Unlike most children today, their parents and grandparents were raised in a culture that was, at least outwardly, based on Biblical values. Whether they were Christian or not, they usually accepted traditional moral and spiritual boundaries. Even the old fairy tales I heard as a child in Norway tended to reinforce this Christian worldview or paradigm. The good hero would win over evil forces without using ... good" magic to overcome evil magic. Social activities didn ? t include Ouija Boards, Seances, and an assortment of popular occult role-playing games. Nor did friends, schools or Girl Scouts tempt children to alter their consciousness and invoke the presence of an "animal spirit" or "wise person." Occult experimentation was not an option. Today it is an option. Children now learn their values and world view from a variety of sources. The entertainment industry is one of the most persuasive agents of cultural awareness, and ...
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... dictated by a spirit "voice" called "Christ." I bought it, and shuddered as I read her occult interpretations of God's book of Revelation. Those who know God's Word would notice its eerie likeness to God's original message. Those who don't know the Biblical version could easily think this is it. "Now you see through a glass darkly," wrote Mrs. Hubbard, twisting biblical truth into a confusing mish-mash of occult ideas. "Soon you will see face to face. Now your are in pain. ... catching up on the latest news about Norway. But now it was time to move on to my special assignment. Since her host family found it difficult to communicate with her about spiritual things in English, they had asked me to find out whether she was a Christian or not. "No," she answered. "Are there many Christians in your school?" "There are some who go to church at Christmas or Easter." "That sounds like me, back when I lived there. We only went ...
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... In defining the word "rethink" Webster's states: "to think over again, with a view to changing." From my perspective as a former New Age follower, I believe that Robert Schuller's mission has always been to "rethink" and "change" biblical Christianity into something "new"— as in New Age/New Spirituality. There is a reason that New Age leader Neale Donald Walsch and his New Age "God" refer to Robert Schuller as an "extraordinary minister."6 There is a reason ... Cathedral bookstore. Amazingly, Robert Schuller had begun the year as a featured speaker at the annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals. He was now closing the year by featuring a prominent New Age leader as his special guest. As usual, no one in Christian leadership was holding him accountable, or even seemed to care. Over the years Robert Schuller had obviously done a good job of softening up the church. Schuller's latest move is to hold a "Rethink Conference" at his Crystal Cathedral. With an unusual mix ...
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... dictated by a spirit "voice" called "Christ." I bought it, and shuddered as I read her occult interpretations of God's book of Revelation. Those who know God's Word would notice its eerie likeness to God's original message. Those who don't know the Biblical version could easily think this is it. "Now you see through a glass darkly," wrote Mrs. Hubbard, twisting biblical truth into a confusing mish-mash of occult ideas. "Soon you will see face to face. Now your are in pain. ... catching up on the latest news about Norway. But now it was time to move on to my special assignment. Since her host family found it difficult to communicate with her about spiritual things in English, they had asked me to find out whether she was a Christian or not. "No," she answered. "Are there many Christians in your school?" "There are some who go to church at Christmas or Easter." "That sounds like me, back when I lived there. We only went ...
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... for you if you do not object. Always remember, whoever sets your goals or presents you with what they call a vision or a mission [or purpose ], CONTROLS your behavior.. "If the New World Order is to succeed in reaching its goals.. [Biblical] Christianity have to be eliminated. People who are guided by the Bible, the Ten Commandments and what the Bible teaches about God, cannot be depended upon to be totally dedicated to the sociological goals of a world management system. They cannot be intimidated into ... Clinton Global Initiative, (CGI), has attracted 1000 of the world's most prominent internationalist movers and shakers.. "The CGI proposes to address'Religion Conflict and Resolution. .. For many in the international movement towards a single world government, religion, particularly'traditional' Christianity and Judaism represent not a unifying and stabilizing force for good, but a major obstacle to their goals of a universal secular state. Religion, says CGI, represents'a chief engine of deadly conflict." See Warren's PEACE Plan& UN Goals (Part 2 ...
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... of Harry Potter. The pressure to participate in the fun and frenzy is intense. So what can a Christian child do in the midst of such hype, hypocrisy and popular wizardry? Those who know God can find answers in His Word. Consider this list of Biblical warnings and wisdom, then put on the Armor of God and pray that He lead you in His way. 1. God shows us that witchcraft, sorcery, spells, divination and magic are evil. He hates those practices because they blind us to His ... magic after Harry Potter came out. We find that we are a supporting environment for customers like that." Mountain View Voice, CA, 7-26-02. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone opened on November 16 at a record-breaking number of theaters across the country. "Christian" as well as public schools bussed their students to see the long awaited movie based on the first book in J. K. Rowling's ground-breaking series. Teachers are facilitating classroom discussions that train students to seek "common ground" and conform to an ever-changing group ...
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... and said,'We don't need to discuss this. It dealt with persecution, but the group had no interest in the Bible." Unusual? Not according to the Barna Group: "Our continuing research among teenagers and adolescents shows that the trend away from adopting biblical theology in favor of syncretic, culture-based theology is advancing at full gallop." [5] This gallop toward all-pervasive pluralism shouldn't surprise us. Taught to stress tolerance more than truth, few dare criticize even blatant compromise. Sensuality, immodesty, insolence, mysticism. ... Home Trading Truth for Solidarity- Part 2 Training Teens to Twist the Truth By Berit Kjos- June 2007 See also Re-Branding Christianity& Heresy in High Places Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Emphasis added below "You can only have a new society.. if you change the education of the younger generation.." [1] Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy "Fundamentalism is a worldwide threat.. So how do we counter it? The key is to change the view that salvation depends on playing by certain religious rules: everyone is saved ...
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... world and trains students to despise His truth and values. Paul was referring to the simple basics of Christianity which were and are essential at the beginning of faith. But he was grieving over the fact that the converts were not yet ready to move on to the Biblical truths and training needed for spiritual maturity and Spirit-led ministry. I know it's so hard for young Christians today to face Tozer's kind of loneliness. But when we belong to Him we must choose-- as must our children-- whom to serve, our ... Your Comments The Loneliness of the Christian Your responses to The Loneliness of the Christian Home~ Index From Jeff Wallace: I came across this scripture and I thought it very appropriate for so much of what we are seeing now. There seems to be this growing divide (at least to me) between believers in Christ and non believers. We know there has always been a vast gulf between us, but now its really standing out everywhere. This scripture to me puts a very clear spot light on that reality. This ...
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... ; I'm just saying this is how postmoderns analyze the historical situation. Bear with me as I explain how this postmodern view of reality is really inaccurate and acts to deceive people into viewing the struggles of modern Christians in a worldly and unhistorical light rather than in a biblical light. Today we are seeing the results of this worldly thinking that the Church is accepting, but many Christian scholars and church leaders do not see the underlying deception and worldly assumptions that are, as the Bible says, trying to squeeze them into their shape ... of God, ??both of the Father and of Christ, ??in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Colossians 2:2-3 Part 1 Introduction The last article in this series laid a basic groundwork for understanding the current state of Evangelicalism. Many Christian leaders are saying that the crisis in Evangelicalism is the rising up of a new factor called postmodernism. This postmodern challenge is the reason they give for why the Church has to change and become more like the world. This article addresses that view and shows how ...
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... support for them in our white communities. I didn't question their values that day. But a few years later I began to wonder. By then, I had been thoroughly exposed to the spiritual bleakness of liberal theology, its transformational agenda, and its hostility toward Biblical Christianity. I had learned that the vision of "social justice" is infused with deceptive dreams. Promising economic equality, its well-trained" organizers" would destroy personal incentive, undermine family values, twist God's Word, and breed dependence and poverty for all but ... Global War on Christian Values- Part 2 (Part 1)& (Part 3) Social Justice and the New Morality By Berit Kjos- May 23, 2010 Home Emphasis added "I am certain that nothing has done so much to destroy the [legal] safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice." Fredrich August von Hayek [1] "In this book[ Rules for Radicals] we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people ...
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... 17] America is marching to the same tune-- right into the embrace of the planned world government. While most Americans still call themselves Christian, few can define the gospel or explain the holy character of the God they claim to know. Churches have replaced Biblical Truth with energizing entertainment, and Biblically illiterate members are being trained to follow group consensus, not the Word and ways of our sovereign God. At a time such as this, we ought to "tremble at [God's] Word' [Isaiah 66: ... God's unchanging Truth as an obstacle to their success. To understand this radical shift, let's take a closer look at the three sets of laws that have influenced this nation-- both for good and evil. 1. Our Constitution with its Promise of Freedom Whether Christian or not, most of our nation's founders based the Constitution on God's moral law. They knew that freedom to follow God would be essential to future prosperity. In his 1796 Farewell Address, George Washington exposed the main threats to the authority of the Constitution: ...
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... , or read from the Bible (such as what Obama says is an'obscure' passage in the first chapter of Romans), you could be found guilty of'inducing' someone to commit a crime" See Why "Hate crime" laws would ban Biblical Christianity Study takes step toward erasing bad memories: "A widely available blood pressure pill could one day help people erase bad memories, perhaps treating some anxiety disorders and phobias, according to a Dutch study published on Sunday. .. Animal studies have shown that fear ... gentle missionary friend of ours was sent back to the US after she arrived in London, although she had the correct papers and was scheduled to speak at a small mission conference. We were very concerned about the new PC rules. See Purging the Memory of Our Christian Roots April 2009 Mental health screening targets moms-to-be: "A bill that would subject pregnant women to mental health screenings – and possibly medications that would follow any diagnosis of'depression' – has returned and already is more than halfway through Congress..'What is being ...
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... The Golden Compass are four words that are prevalent in most fantasy adventures: right, wrong, good, and evil. Can these terms be applied to this story? How and why, or why not?" [4] Notice how its Teacher's Guide distorts Biblical truth and invites collective opposition to God's ways: "NOTE TO TEACHERS. .. Themes of good vs. evil, betrayal, courage, fear, trust, and love raise important questions, offering students a wonderful opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue. This guide ... and armored bears. And a twisted church and its allies have gotten into the business of separating children from their soul-mate daemons, for reasons fraught with deeper metaphysics than Hollywood can typically digest.. Mr. Pullman.. has publicly declared that his own books were intended to undermine Christian belief." [2] Fate of the Cosmos (and of a Studio) Hangs in the Balance" .. you shall no longer envision futility nor practice divination.. and you shall know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 13:23 The movie ...
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... would. As steward of His magnificent creation, we need to follow His guidelines which rule out waste and abuse. But to Gorbachev and others, environmental regulations serve as a practical means to manipulate behavior and mold beliefs that fit UN standards for collective thinking and exclude Biblical Christianity. At the "end of the cold war," the futuristic minds of The Club of Rome summarized the strategy: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming ... water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.." [3] In this context, it makes sense to celebrate Earth Day on Lenin's birthday. After all, the green movement was born through a merger of radical environmentalists, feminists, Marxists, and peaceniks in the sixties. Many saw Buddhism, Native American spirituality and witchcraft as inspiring models for their green agenda. In a classroom video titled Spaceship Earth: Our Global Environment, Rock singer Sting summarized their reasoning: "The Indians believe that the spirits live in ...
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