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Search results for: biblical christianity

837 results found containing all search terms.

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... Eventually she left the ministry to return to college. She called me a few years later. She had begun to find herself, she said. Her search had led her beyond the familiar voices that had provided "pat answers" to her spiritual questions. The biblical God no longer seemed relevant or benevolent. A college teacher had been especially helpful in her journey toward self-discovery. This teacher-counselor called herself a witch-- one who believes in the power of magic formulas and rituals to invoke power from spiritual forces. Some years ... peace and love. Peggy's struggles seemed endless. She wanted to be close to God, but she rarely felt His presence. She wanted her teenage son to love Him, but the occult posters in his room became daily reminders of unanswered prayer. She joined a Christian ministry, but satisfying fellowship with God kept eluding her. Eventually she left the ministry to return to college. She called me a few years later. She had begun to find herself, she said. Her search had led her beyond the familiar voices that ...
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... villagers flocked to watch the show. In China today, millions of believers who worship their Lord outside the state-controlled church risk beatings and death under the capricious hand of Communist prison guards. Human nature doesn't change, and social barriers to cruelty against non-conforming Christians crumble as Biblical morality yields to the world's sensuality. Who were targeted by the media after the tragic bombing of the Oklahoma Federal Building? Christians, conservative radio hosts and homeschooling parents together with Militia groups and criminals! Day after day, the media's accusing pens pointed to suspected ... ] "The purpose driven life is being promoted in almost every church in my town. The banners are hanging everywhere! .. We pretty much stand alone with a few friends." A visitor to our website The previous chapter triggered a stream of letters from troubled Christians around the world. They had watched as the focus of their churches shifted from Bible-based teaching to purpose-driven experiences. Many had sensed something wrong but couldn't define the problem. Some wondered how God's guidance fit into this tightly controlled man-made system. They had asked questions ...
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... Sermons& Devotional Messages Excerpts from The Strategy of Satan By Pastor Ray C. Stedman We will never understand and comprehend what is going on in our world for these many centuries until we accept the biblical diagnosis of life. Paul puts this diagnosis very plainly in Ephesians 6: "For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places. Therefore take the whole armor of God, ... (i.e., those who believe, for Scripture always addresses itself to belief), are set free to live in the freedom and liberty of the children of God. But they are not set free to live unto themselves. That is a common misconception of Christianity. Many believe that Christ has come into their lives by means of the cross, and the things which have bound them and blasted them and ruined them have been stricken away, and they have been set free. All too frequently they feel they have been ...
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... Babel" is rising. A dark monument to the envisioned unity of nations and world religions, it aims to eradicate God's eternal Truth and establish a new world order based on power, tyranny and dark spiritual mysteries that few can even fathom. If they succeed, Biblical faith and freedom will fade-- and those who refuse to compromise may well face the torturous deaths now common in radical Islamic nations. For example: Christian boy tortured and killed in Pakistan: "The tortured body of an 11 year old Christian boy has ... Genuine Repentance and Transformed Lives See also In joy or pain our course is onward still August 28, 2012 Absolute Surrender "The bedrock of Christianity is repentance.. But the disposition of the son of God can only enter my life by the way of repentance."[1] Oswald Chambers "I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to repentance.. For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation.. but the sorrow of the world produces death." 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 Why would He ...
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... world economy and a one world government, humanity will never be truly united until there is a single global religion. Unfortunately, this one world religion that they are seeking to establish is diametrically opposed to the Christianity that we find in the Bible. By throwing out Biblical truth for the sake of" friendship between men and women of different religious traditions ", is Pope Francis fundamentally betraying the faith that he claims to represent? If there is going to be a one world religion, there will have to be a bond formed ... ecumenical outreach a top priority. He has spoken of his" determination to continue on the path of ecumenical dialogue ", and he has already held a number of very high profile ecumenical meetings. Not only has he worked hard to reach out to leaders from various Christian traditions, he has also made it a point to try to acknowledge the mutual bonds that he feels with all other religions. For example, in one recent address he made it a point to say that he believes that Muslims worship and pray to the " ...
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406. Mysticism
... context – thus bending the old realities to fit the new myths. They desensitize their fans to mystical images and symbols of evil. And they stir a craving for more intense excitement of the same kind. Eventually the real world of nature, families, work and Biblical truth becomes too boring to be enjoyed." See Role-Playing Games& Popular Occultism July 2011 New Theology, Gnosticism and the New Age: "The modern secular (humanistic) concept of truth is relative. Purged of Biblical absolutes, it puts Man at the ... way into children's hearts on the backs of seductive myths that mold their thoughts and manipulate their imagination.. "They entertain. They shift a person's attention from the real world to a more titillating realm created by those who write the myths and steer the imagination. They tempt Christian fans to re-imagine both God and themselves in the new context – thus bending the old realities to fit the new myths. They desensitize their fans to mystical images and symbols of evil. And they stir a craving for more intense excitement of the same kind. ...
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... 1:20-23? Those who see Aslan as Jesus may also see Genesis 1 through the filter of C.S. Lewis' creation myth. Not only did Aslan give birth to Narnia, he created a myriad of other "worlds" as well. Stretching far beyond any Biblical parallel, that creation story is told in The Magician's Nephew, the book that precedes The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in the seven-set Chronicles of Narnia. Ponder its view of the "creator" and his universe. Would these images be right ( ... Narnia- Part 2 A Four-legged Creator of Many Worlds by Berit Kjos- December 2005 See also The Abolition of Man| Mere Christianity| LILITH Warnings- How mysticism& the occult are changing the Church Emphasis in bold letters added throughout Narnia Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4 Home Articles I am the Lord your God.. You shall have no other gods ??before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image — any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath.. you ...
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... of productivity." See Current Communist Goals These two Communist goals-- "11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind" and "28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools.."-- are already replacing Biblical hope with hope in human effort and a world government. Goal 41- "Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.."-- have replaced Biblical morality with amoral education that devalues life. Here is one of the results: Join ... Delusion and the Destruction of America "Service Learning" through Soviet Brainwashing| Reinventing the World Faith-Based Partnerships ban Truth| Communitarianism| Communitarian terms June 2011 Is Obama's GOP prayer partner a Dem wolf in sheep's clothing: "[ Joel Hunter] teaches that the Bible mandates Christians combat so-called global warming.. He resigned from the Christian Coalition after the group wouldn't broaden its agenda to include'social justice' and fighting'global warming...Hunter is a signatory to'The Great Warming,' a'call to action' claiming world scientists are in ...
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... transformation. It seeks unity between nations, between cultures, between the school and the community, and between people and nature. No wonder students pledge their loyalty to a spiritualized Earth, sing anthems to a coming New Age of peace, and- in stark opposition to Biblical truth- celebrate a oneness that denies all religious barriers. This oneness is central to the international education system. Chapter 2 showed that America's education goals match those of the World Conference on Education for All (WCEFA). They also match the goals of the United ... "Animal spirits" and "barcode children" followed.[24] Celebrating Winter Solstice with "dance around the Solstice tree" is one of the Anti-Bias Curriculum's suggested alternatives to Christmas.[25] 9. HUMAN SACRIFICE: Because of the quieting influence of Christianity, all ritual human sacrifice around the world apparently ended- for a season. But human nature hasn't changed. As God withdraws His protection from His lands- as He said He would when people turn from Him to other gods[26]- the type of ...
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... , management systems, and human resource development programs. The implied aims of UN Millennium Goals #3 and #7 are certain to be included in each of Warren's five programs – especially P, E, A and E. Consider Warren's five main purposes from a Biblical perspective: Worship: (See Spirit-Led or Purpose-Driven) Fellowship: Purpose-driven "fellowship" tends to follow today's dialectical guidelines. These push group members toward unbiblical tolerance, feeling-based rather than fact-based "sharing," and silence with regard to Biblical absolutes. In contrast ... the holy, almighty God who revealed Himself through the Scriptures. Evangelism: Today's soft, non-offensive gospel focuses on God's supposed passionate love for people who are naturally lovable, not on His loving mercy for depraved sinners. (See Ephesians 2:1-4) When "Christian" change agents train the masses to "think outside the box" of God's unchanging Word, they are spreading a false gospel and blinding people to the only truth that can set us free. P.E.A.C.E. Plan: A Worldwide Revolution, Warren Tells Angel Stadium ...
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... ... the Governor issued a proclamation supporting the day's event." See God's Warnings for our Times Bullying: The Left's Trojan Horse:" .. one of the reasons that groups on the left come out so hard against individuals or organizations that stand up for such biblical truths is in part because they don't like it when the behavior that they are advocating is referred to as'sin. They want it to be accepted as'normal. They want it legitimized and taught to our children as an acceptable option. But this is not ... promote and protect the human rights of LGBT persons. Specifically, I direct the following actions..: .. Combating Criminalization of LGBT Status or Conduct Abroad.. Protecting Vulnerable LGBT Refugees and Asylum Seekers.." Note: Of course, such generous global protections don't apply to persecuted Christians! Government agencies easily take children from their parents and .. expose them to pedophiles: "FoxNews has just reported:'A new California state audit found that over 1,000 sex offenders are living in homes licensed to provide foster and child care services. ...
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... better, but her underlying values hadn't changed. Then God opened her eyes to His truth. It happened over a period of several months. God brought things to her remembrance. For example, she would hear a secular song, but one line in it was Biblical. And that one line would come back to her and keep playing in her mind. There would be a movie she saw long ago, and one fleeting scene had something Biblical in it, and that one scene would come back to mind. And she ... light to shine out of darkness.. has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6 I have have been thinking about today's changing world and our responses as Christians. Today's culture and media keep nudging people to get other people to do things that the Bible says is wrong. (For example, killing unborn babies, when the Bible says "Thou shalt not kill.") They push a new set of values ...
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... inevitably linked to the question "Where should we worship?" Once we know what pleases God in worship, we need to be where such worship occurs. How much do I know about what the Bible says about worship? Who can help me learn more about Biblical worship? Do I want above all to draw near to God in worship? Do I want to please God rather than myself in worship? Do I ;understand my responsibility to worship God with his people regularly? Will I seek God's will in worship while ... improved" worship services. We may be small in number, but we WILL be sitting in the pew every Sunday. .. if it were me that I would have to evaluate my being a part of such a church. What are the true marks of the Christian church? I have been taught that they are: 1. The preaching of the Word 2. The administering of the sacraments 3. Discipline Dr. Godfrey has written an excellent pamphlet entitled: Pleasing God In Our Worship. He discusses- worship wars, the ...
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... ~ Home Index to previous reports by FC Posted 10-10-12 Emphasis added Note from Berit: Carl has been a faithful friend and fellow-researcher since the early nineties, and I truly appreciate his insights. This particular message gives us a brief glimpse of the hidden battle against Biblical Christianity. Ponder these two Masonic, anti-Christian quotes from the text below: "…the One Supreme God has been known by many names to many races of men. The Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Medes and Persians, the Hebrew Kabalists, the Druids and ... , the Brahmans, the Moslems, the Buddhists and the North American Indians all believed in God as the One Supreme Ruler and Creator of the Universe.." [Henry C. Clausen, The Supreme Council, 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite]" .. No true Mason is creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every ...
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... write a new] social contract." That social contract would require a new way of thinking that would replace-- and obliterate-- traditional beliefs and values. Aware of that fact back in 1945, UNESCO's first Director-General, Julian Huxley had little tolerance for Biblical absolutes. A Fabian Socialist like his brother Aldous, he wrote: "We must eschew [shun] dogma- whether it be theological dogma or Marxist dogma.. East and West will not agree on a basis of the future if they merely hurl at each other ... a more universal view of the Bible: "Muslims honor Abraham as the first monotheist, worshipper of the one true God they call Allah.. Draft a resolution in covenant language that you think would resolve the conflict."[53] 3. Undermines the heart of Christianity: "Jesus was also seen as an example of self sacrifice that can be imitated." .. "On your own, try to find examples of such Christ figures in literature, film or even music." [276] 4. Ridicules Biblical warnings ...
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... up once a week, then vanish. You'll have people of action, concerned participants.. Let's stop playing church. The time has come to end our 1700 year experiment in spectator Christianity.." He is comparing his vision of church participation with the old church structure based on Biblical authority. The new way seems to trade obedience to God's Word for a new collective vision of "what God is doing." No need for lectures by a pastor-teacher who has spent his adult years studying the Biblical view God's will and ways! The Holy ... The Open Church Part 1: The millennial church& A church in tune with the world Part 2: Church networks and global managemen t Part 3: The call to global oneness (Jay Gary and Global Missions) Part 4: The Open Church Part 5: Christians in the new millennium "Separation" is not welcome in the 21st century church. The founder and chairman of the Open Church Ministry (OCM), Jim Rutz, lives in the mountains above Colorado Springs. His goal is to "bring new life to ...
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417. Questions
... they both do have a role playing aspect, they are Collectable Card Games (CCG's) to be technically correct (Really, I have not seen any role playing focus of Redemption- just simply the game playing focus and our personal desire to learn more about the Biblical reference on each card). Anyways, Redemption has become pretty popular and has grown into something that begins to rival the popular secular CCG's out there. It has an official tournament structure and claims to be the #1 selling Christian game. Every time I ... Cabbage Patch Dolls| Crazy Bones| Teletubby| Alternatives See also Anime& MAGIC: The Gathering Home~ Index Question: My friends are currently playing some games called Silkroad and Flyff (Fly for Fun). I tried to find some information regarding these games as Christian or not on your website. I couldn't find any so I wondered if these games are good for my spiritual health. I tried to find some information on Wikipedia, but it wasn't much help either. Please help me decide whether these games are good or ...
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... , '" a type of psychological contract in which one aligns their life's purpose with the organization's purpose. Which raises the obvious question – did the Purpose-Driven'covenant' idea actually originate in "organizational capital" theories? Has a psycho-social concept been dressed up in biblical language to make it palatable? "Interestingly, these church covenants are so vaguely worded and undefined that new meanings could be assigned to the terminology as time goes on. [1] Jeffrey Sharlet in his groundbreaking work The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the ... shifting the paradigm to address "new realities" that appear to be more "relevant." The idea behind all of this is to build momentum and pound the drumbeat for change. These recent global common ground statements include "Loving God and Neighbor Together: A Christian Response to'A Common Word Between Us and You'" – which called for "peace and justice" between Muslims and Christians. Another example would be Bono's "Make Poverty History" campaign where citizens can sign on to "The ONE Declaration ...
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... the mistaken old ways of our elders if that is possible. If it cannot be done gently, it may have to be done roughly or even violently. 4 Those "poisonous certainties" include all the unchanging truths and values that can't be compromised. That's why Biblical Christianity was-- and continues to be-- incompatible with the world's standards for mental health. Many who refuse to conform to the evolving guidelines for tolerance, inclusiveness, group dialogue and adaptability to the UN plan for "continual change" are facing severe ... . 5 [See" Ban truth, reap tyranny "] A WHO (World Health Organization) agency named "Nations for Mental Health" was established to guide the national branches of this global network founded by Dr. Chisholm. Its website tells us that "Governments will be assisted to formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate mental health policies.." These "policies should enable all individuals whose mental health is disturbed or whose psychological balance may be compromised to obtain services adapted to their needs, and to promote the optimal development of ...
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... curriculum arm of the mighty NEA) has given schools a nice-sounding set of character qualities, but its leaders had no intention of promoting the Christian values they have fought so hard to ban. Their list- justice, altruism, diligence, and respect-- may sound Biblical, but its intent fits the NEA vision of social control. A broad-based coalition called Character Counts! promotes another impressive list. Its "Six Pillars of Character" include respect, responsibility, justice, trustworthiness, civic virtue, and citizenship. These "consensus ... smoke screen for teaching global citizenship. Educators simply decide on the values needed for the managed communities of the 21st century, then market them to schools, parents, and community leaders with nice-sounding labels such as "respect" and "responsibility." It works. Christian parents have always taught their children good character qualities, so the idea appeals to us. We want to believe that the educational establishment still upholds the values that we treasure. And we forget that words take on new meanings when moved from the familiar Christian context ...
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... on a new form of democracy," .. there was no trace of the futile debate about what is better, capitalism or socialism ... We should seek a synthesis of ideas and values that have proven their viability.."[7] That synthesis abolishes all Biblical absolutes. Again and again, the Communist leader and his hand-picked "council of the wise" or "global brain trust" told the assembly of more than 1000 guests and participants that a new set of inclusive universal values must replace the Judeo-Christian world view. ... gown set the spiritual tone with a prayer to her universal god: "O faithful One.. O helping one.. Source of all being.." The music was her own, she said-- given by the unknowable, compassionate god of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and other spiritual avatars throughout time. Her prayer-song fit the conference theme. As Mikhail Gorbachev observed during a dialogue on a new form of democracy," .. there was no trace of the futile debate about what is better, capitalism or socialism ... ...
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... conflict and discord. On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics. Notes: Could those "worn out dogmas" refer to Biblical Christianity and moral values? Even as our new president spoke about unity, his White House website already includes this item on its agenda: Civil Rights: "Expand Hate Crimes Statutes: President Obama and Vice President Biden will strengthen federal hate crimes legislation ... expand hate crimes protection by passing the Matthew Shepard Act, and reinvigorate enforcement at the Department of Justice's Criminal Section." [1] See" Why "Hate Crime" laws would ban Biblical Christianity" In the next paragraph, Obama points to the Bible twice, but his points are totally out of context. See footnote [2] We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come to set aside childish things. The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose ...
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... now they are hidden from your eyes." Luke 19:42 The Compromising Church Today, almost 2000 years later, the world's religious leaders still lead the anti-Jesus crusade. Many have accepted the UN consensus on spirituality: all religions are equally good-- except Biblical Christianity. The planned" Culture of Peace" can't accommodate God's "divisive" Biblical values. Since His Word can't be conformed to the world's amoral standards for human life and m ental health, it threatens their dream of global solidarity. Near the forefront of ... 1 John 3:13 Never mind that He created the universe and has each future day written in His Book. Or that He alone can fulfill our longing for genuine peace and lasting joy. His guidelines still enrage the world-- including many who call themselves Christians. His call for holiness disturbs their comfort zone. Watching our complacency, our Lord may be sad, but He is never surprised.( John 2:24) Long ago, He stood in Jerusalem watching a world too blinded by sin and Satan- ...
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... * is bad? Berit's answers: 1. No, but I have read several books and manuals that show the D&D world, define the rules and describe the characters. I know more than enough to be able to discern how this conflicts with the Biblical world view. I don't need to "experience" evil in order to recognize evil. The belief that experiential knowledge of evil is necessary to understand it is a deception straight from Satan who wants to desensitize to and trap God's people in what God calls evil ... Lord..'" (Eph. 5:10-12, Deut. 18:9-12) Why is it that you, and Chuck, stop short of living by the entire Old Testament? You only quote it when it is convenient for your, modern day, current Christian interpretation. Let me know the next time you sacrifice a'kid of the goats', I would like to be there. Or next time you stone your non-virgin daughter to death after being returned by her husband (only two chapters further in Deut from ...
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... have said,'With our tongue we will prevail; Our lips are our own; Who is lord over us? '" Eros, Ecstasy and Creation. The title of Grace Cathedral's 1995 conference on "Christian spirituality" promised lots of fleshly delights but little biblical wisdom. Waiting in line, once again, outside San Francisco's massive Episcopal cathedral, I read the conference program: "The Renaissance of Christian Spirituality restores the original splendor of Christ's vision: the Divine Eros linking the soul with God.. Restoring this original passion is ... Barbara Marx Hubbard Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter10 Home "To return to worship the goddess as sacred female is to reconnect with our own deep powers." [1] Rosemary Reuther, The Renaissance of Christian Spirituality "You live in an abundant universe, in which you can co-create resources by the power of thought.. Your thought will utterly control the vibrations of the light waves which are your body." [2] Barbara Marx Hubbard, Revelation "When a woman ...
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... will, in all probability, join in some degree. Watch as the interfaith movement becomes a more cohesive and potent force at both the national and international level. Only time will tell how the global interfaith agenda will ultimately impact our lives. Where does this leave Biblical Christianity? In the Church: Stay alert to how the interfaith movement is shaping the Christian church, both locally and broadly speaking. Expect ecumenical pressures and mandates from national offices to participate in pluralistic settings. Furthermore, expect fundamentalist positions to be questioned and challenged ... University of South Carolina. Dr. Spencer Lavan, a long-time interfaith activist. He has been involved in inter-religious work around the world for decades. Because the event was held in the Unitarian church, Unitarians were in the majority. Other faith communities present were, Christianity. In all cases those representing "Christianity" held to a very liberal view of the faith. Marcus Braybrooke and his wife were among the Christians present. Some attendees claimed a form of "grafted" Christianity, such as Christian-Buddhist or Christian-Unitarian. Many admitted ...
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... was presented as the living embodiment of these ethical ideals, there would be no motivating power for Christians to struggle for the realization of the kingdom of God in the national life. Without adhering to basic Scriptural concepts, therefore, the Council's social appeals were couched in biblical terminology. Although mentioning the sin problem frequently, it was usually in the context of sins against society rather than sins against God. Regeneration was masterfully redefined as a new social awareness. The substitutionary atonement of Christ upon the cross was deemed insignificant and was rarely ... egotism could only be offset, he asserted, by superseding it with'some sentiment more dominant and gripping which would contain it the elements of universality as against particularity.’ No other organization would be as uniquely qualified to accomplish this task as the Church…. Dulles idealized the Christian Church as an exemplary community which had demonstrated the ability to transcend the limitations of the nation state…. (p. 84-85) "By using the ecumenical movement as the preferred vehicle to express his opinions, Dulles chose, as his primary target group, the ...
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428. Personal
... the seventies. By God's amazing grace, He enabled me to write the women's Bible studies and train Bible study leaders at church. Now we fellowship at a small non-denominational Bible-teaching church. Our personal ministry is primarily equipping Christian families for a time of increasing hostility toward Biblical values. We answer a lot of questions, send out study material, and pray for special needs. I often share information on Christian radio programs and networks and speak at educational or Christian conferences. We just try to be available for whatever God shows us ... would just like to know a little about you." (Or, as someone else wrote: "Who are you guys?") Answer: Both Andy and Berit were raised Lutheran-- Andy in North Dakota, I in Norway. He was a Christian when we met; I was "born again" in the seventies. By God's amazing grace, He enabled me to write the women's Bible studies and train Bible study leaders at church. Now we fellowship at a small non-denominational Bible-teaching church. Our personal ministry ...
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... enjoyed his killing spree. Had he no conscience? If not, he exemplifies an unsettling process of planned social change that is shifting America's values from its Christian roots toward an amoral global consciousness. It involves three main steps: Confuse and eradicate America's "intolerant" Biblical values. Introduce a new set of pluralistic beliefs and values. Train everyone to think collectively, follow their feelings instead of facts, and please the group rather than traditional authorities. Each step involves cognitive dissonance, a form of moral confusion that blurs traditional standards ... those clues explain Andy's hidden rage or lack of restraint. But his smiling face and unrepentant attitude suggest that he enjoyed his killing spree. Had he no conscience? If not, he exemplifies an unsettling process of planned social change that is shifting America's values from its Christian roots toward an amoral global consciousness. It involves three main steps: Confuse and eradicate America's "intolerant" Biblical values. Introduce a new set of pluralistic beliefs and values. Train everyone to think collectively, follow their feelings instead of facts, and please the ...
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... is to be related to other Christians and the shared culture of all Christians and to grow a set of organic relationships and coalitions around a common love for God [Christ consciousness?] .. "Communities have souls, not just individuals. The modern era downplayed a biblical doctrine of salvation that had this communal dimension. In contrast, the New Light movement is concerned about the salvation of ensouled communities as well as individual souls, and the salvation of community souls relating synergistically to one another. .. The power of community is the ... possibility thinking. That point is well illustrated by the above statement by Thomas Merton, the popular Catholic author who popularized mysticism and died in Asia searching-- and experiencing-- the depths of Tibetan Buddhism. "Mysticism, once cast to the sidelines of the Christian tradition, is now situated in postmodernist culture near the center. In part, the physics of David Bohm and Fritjof Capra are ways of responding to culture's having pushed it there. In the words of one of the greatest theologians of the twentieth century, Jesuit ...
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... by globalist leaders. To them, anything less than social solidarity in every community could stir conflict and incite violence. In this context, dissenters become foes; facts or beliefs that clash with its vision of unity become threats to peace; and the uncompromising truths of biblical Christianity become intolerable, even dangerous to public safety. These "human rights" restrictions are already filtering into American culture with the consent of a nation persuaded that we indeed face a crisis in values. But the government solution doesn't fix the problem; it only ... the problem to manipulate public opinion. For example, any Christian website that promotes biblical standards for right and wrong could be targeted for censorship by Cyber Patrol, the world's most powerful Internet thought police. Owned by The Learning Company, America's "premier developer of educational software," it has formed some powerful" partners" around the world. These include AOL, AT&T, Bell Atlantic, CompuServe, IBM, Microsoft, Netscape, Scholastic Network, and others. Its website shows the categories in its CyberNOT Block List ...
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... HOW other religions are taught, not whether children should learn about other cultures. Christians must learn to see other religions and deities from God's perspective, not as equals in a unified spiritual realm. When the state forces children to embrace religious pluralism, it actually bans Biblical Christianity. Many Christians face the same hostilities in the USA. Proverbs 22:6 and The UN Plan for Your Mental Health October Campus suppresses'right' education- Freedoms of thought removed: "The argument that the American higher-education system has been subsumed by ... and Religion," taught by Kimberly Blessing and Anthony Sciglitano, is already proving popular with students. "I think, once again, I will learn a lot and it will be very funny too," said Biology major Lucy Wilmont." Instead of rejecting Christianity, it trivializes it. No need for rational arguments against it-- just make students "feel" that it clashes with our post-modern times. Psalm 1:1-6 Who Controls Our Children's Education? "Major international players are reshaping public education to suit their ...
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... his Baptist roots on every point. The evidence is in his 1992 book, Earth in the Balance- Ecology and the Human Spirit. It calls for a "panreligious perspective" that would conform Christianity to the UN vision of social and religious solidarity. The old biblical absolutes simply don ? t fit the new global spirituality needed as a foundation for a new earth-centered ethic. Whether Buddhist, Baha'i, Native American, or "Christian" (the words sound Biblical but the cross is missing), each model for this blended ... NASA now says six of the 10 warmest years were in the 1930s and 1940s, and that was before the bulk of industrial CO2 emissions were released into the atmosphere." Not So Hot" Vice President Gore ? s "faith-friendly" campaign hides beliefs that oppose Christianity and his Baptist roots on every point. The evidence is in his 1992 book, Earth in the Balance- Ecology and the Human Spirit. It calls for a "panreligious perspective" that would conform Christianity to the UN vision of social and religious solidarity. ...
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434. Culture
... . The media mocks it. Liberal bureaucrats and politicians fear it. City and library administrators tend to ban it, and countless schools and teachers have censored it. Yet Christians love it! .. "Trivializing the cross, redefining words, severing Christian symbols from their Biblical meanings.. They all fit the vision of a new kind of world-- one'freed' from allegiance to God's unchanging truth.. "During the first half of the 20th century, two British brothers helped organize this march toward the new global ethic. Aldous Huxley ... The Global Culture& Social Decay See also Postmodern Beliefs| Modern versus Postmodern Culture Human Nature| Conforming to the culture| Romans 1:22-32 News Index Home Charts November 2015 Norway Government Bans Christian Cross: [My birthplace has been corrupted!] "It is important for Norway to stay neutral and not offend Muslims with Christians symbols. .. The Norwegian Missionary Society (NMS) operates several Christian camp sites, which they want to rent to Government UDI. Government UDI says yes please, but on one condition. All ...
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... across North America, naivety to the true intent of deep ecology and its message of global transformation is undercutting Christian based values – right in the church itself. Does this mean that Christians shouldn't be concerned about the environment? Not at all. However, a healthy Biblical approach is needed – one that recognizes the rightful place of Man in tending, managing, and using the Earth; not one in which Man is servant to a planetary master made in the image of the United Nations or some other globally inspired environmental agency. ... are unaware, thinking it's a family-oriented way to engage in environmental conservation (much good is done during Earth Day, such as cleaning up stream beds or planting trees – but that's not the issue). Motivated by good intentions, scores of individuals (including professing Christians), participate without ever considering what Earth Day is actually about or the philosophies that underpin the movement.. Earth Day is Born The idea for Earth Day goes back to 1962 and Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin. Convinced that environmental issues needed greater exposure, Nelson suggested ...
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... global media groups, sustainable development groups, Earth Day 2000, International Transpersonal Association, the Buddhist Upaya House, Columbia and other U.S. universities, transnational corporations.. All are working together to establish a new world order of control and conformity-- with zero tolerance for Biblical Christianity. Preparing for Persecution Flag-Waving Terrorists? "Do you know any'Super Patriots' in your community- people who displayed U.S. flags in their front yards before the Black Tuesday attack, perhaps? Do any of your friends or neighbors talk just a ... and support to members of the targeted community." God's family includes precious people from every nation- but not those who reject His loving guidelines. Rev 5:9-10. But such words might be considered hateful the URI network. See Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values Globalizing for Social Justice (a UNESCO page): "It is natural for UNESCO to participate in the World Social Forum in that it shares the latter's belief in the need to collectively draw up an alternative blueprint for a new social order. .. During ...
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... President Bush would call for prayer, the television station would shift to commentators. To our leading media guides, God has become irrelevant. In spite of the well-spoken prayers and heart-felt sentiments, Americans have learned to see war and terrorism from a secular rather than a Biblical perspective. [See Charts] "What else can we do?" you might ask. "After all, we live in a pluralistic world. Our laws and policies don't permit us to value Christian beliefs above other religions." [See America's Spiritual ... and Isaiah 19:2-12] That's true. As a nation, we are set on a course based on humanist values and a blend of religious expressions that may occasionally sound Christian but are designed to please everyone. As a nation, we trust government solutions rather than the God who established this great nation. And as a nation, we stand at the threshold of a new global government determined to manage and monitor humans everywhere-- and ready to use every crisis to win our consent for policies certain to destroy the freedoms ...
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... consensus) process to show that all religions lead to the same destination. The more you dialogue on these topics, the more "normal" and nice pluralism and paganism will seem to the participants. In this new context, Christian traditions may be acceptable, but Biblical truth will seem out-of-place. This mind-changing process illustrates the UN pathway to global solidarity. See Establishing a Global Spirituality and Bush, Shultz and Gorbachev November The difference between'socialism,''sharing': "When a teacher gathers up all the children's privately ... looking for if it's not honesty and integrity? .. "According to Adorno, authoritarian personalities are expressed by: Excessive conformity, Submissiveness to authority, Intolerance, Insecurity, Superstition, and Rigid, stereotyped thought patterns. Many of these traits can be linked to all Christians who believe in God as well as to Conservatives and true patriotic, freedom-loving Americans. Using this test and those modified from it, it was determined that those who attended church more regularly and those who were conservative in political view were significantly more authoritarian.. "Are ...
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... self-esteem fueled by natural quest for success and prestige. But a decade of educational efforts to inflate self-esteem has done little to tame the raging fires of the heart. In spite of the loving witness of missionaries like Amy Carmichael, a growing number of angry atheists blame Biblical Christianity for the ills of the world. A Wall Street Journal article (1-5-07) shows the kind of passion that drives the changing tides of rage: "To a lot of atheists, the fate of civilization and of mankind depends on their ability to cool ... - or better, simply to ban-- the fevered fancies of the God-intoxicated among us. Naturally, the atheists focus their peevishness not on Muslim extremists.. but on the old-time Christian religion...In any case, they conclude: God is not necessary, God is impossible and God is not permissible if our society-- or even our species-- is to survive. "What is new about the new atheists? .. It's their tone that is novel. Belief, in their eyes, is not just misguided but contemptible.. For ...
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... Eller states, "God is masculine — and must be for the figure to work."[17] Again, as the human race relates to God's masculinity, "Man is a woman — to put it in a way that is linguistically maddening and yet biblically true."[18] This starkly contrasts to the way in which The Shack's* author, William Paul Young, presents God. As the Bible pictures God as masculine and the aggregate of His people as feminine, let's look at the biblical ... Discernment Group Emphasis added in bold letters "So a guy walks into a cabin and meets a black woman, a Jewish guy and an Asian spirit-being. Turns out they're the Trinity. It's not the beginning of a joke; it's the premise of a privately published Christian novel, THE SHACK, that's become a surprise best seller. The guy, Mack, is returning to the shack where his youngest daughter was murdered three years earlier. God, or Papa, as she is known in the book, has invited Mack over ...
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... by God. There is a third possibility: search the Scriptures like the Bereans of Acts 17 to determine whether Hagin's message is true. I read Hagin's book less than a year after I became a Christian.. Even as a new Christian, who had scarcely begun my Biblical studies, I knew something was wrong with a Jesus who told Kenneth Hagin that He would make all Christians wealthy if they just followed an "inward witness" that was supposedly the voice of God! The Jesus of the Bible taught "Blessed are you who ... revelations of this prophet or be killed by God. There is a third possibility: search the Scriptures like the Bereans of Acts 17 to determine whether Hagin's message is true. I read Hagin's book less than a year after I became a Christian.. Even as a new Christian, who had scarcely begun my Biblical studies, I knew something was wrong with a Jesus who told Kenneth Hagin that He would make all Christians wealthy if they just followed an "inward witness" that was supposedly the voice of God! The Jesus of the ...
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... was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate." Gen. 3:1-6 If my goal was to undermine Christianity, incite rebellion against parents, eradicate Biblical values, and spread moral chaos, I would urge teens to read the Twilight series. I would prompt them to immerse their minds and emotions in the dark, emotional whirlpool of sensual occultism. And I wouldn't warn them of the consequences. Of course, ... imaginary friends.." [2] The author receives the message" 'Twilight' has targeted the collective soul of teenage America, and will surely have its way." [3] Wall Street Jounal Email from concerned parents: "I have seen lots of Christian girls reading this and other books by Stephenie Myers. They are so evil! My daughter tells me that most of the girls at the Christian school are reading them." Another parent wrote, "All the girls at school are reading those books. Yes ...
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... the realm of the demonic. While God is far greater, we need a sober awareness of the enemy forces and of the warfare that is raging around us. That spiritual war is intensifying as the church compromises God's truth and as the world becomes increasingly hostile to Biblical Christianity. While Hollywood and popular books are laughing at demons and desensitizing the world to the occult, Christians need to recognize and abhor this evil. This is no time to be entertained by demons or to love the creatures of darkness. See The Nature and ... of Satan Please pray before continuing. If you are a Christian, remember, "Greater is in He who is in you [Jesus Christ], than he who is in the world." 1 John 4:4. Whitely Strieber [author of bestsellers about UFO encounters such as Communion and Transformation as well as obviously occult books such as Night Church and Black Magic]: "I became entirely given over to extreme dread. The fear was so powerful that it seemed to make my personality completely evaporate.. Whitley' ceased ...
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... Peril of Polls HEGELIAN DIALECTIC& THE NEW WORLD ORDER Paul Proctor, a rural resident of the Volunteer state [Tennessee] and seasoned veteran of the country music industry, retired from showbiz in the late 1990's to dedicate himself to addressing important social issues from a distinctly biblical perspective. As a freelance writer and columnist, he extols the wisdom and truths of scripture through commentary and insight on cultural trends and current events. His articles appear regularly on a variety of news and opinion sites across the internet and in print. Paul may ... how it works: A group gathers, and has agreed beforehand that each in attendance will ultimately surrender his or her own personal position on any given issue to the will or "consensus" of the group after *processing to consensus* through dialog. In a Christian setting, the presupposition is that the group's will determines "the will of God". The group's "facilitator", whoever that may be, mediates between sides, be they "good and evil", "for and against", "republican and ...
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... found this judging error. However, if you review the whole tape, it was found that the judges also incorrectly deducted points from Hamm's routine that would have given Hamm extra points. In every way, shape, and form, the medal should stand from a Biblical perspective. The real story here, from a Christian perspective, is that laws or standards are disregarded, in order to achieve a politically correct or majority pleasing outcome. We can't be taken in by antinomian worldviews (rules or laws don't count, it's the ... outcome that matters that is pleasing to most or seems reasonable). The ideas of standards that need to be followed is really what is under attack here, not poor Paul Hamm and a supposedly "moral" decision he should have to make!! Former gymnast Peter Vidmar's video interview on how gymnastics judging is properly handled and that if you review a tape, the entire tape has to be reviewed for other "errors ...
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... Why they hate God's Word "You will be hated.. for My name's sake." Matthew 24:9 Home Persecution End-Time Events Biblical Christianity doesn't fit the world's vision of unity. It hinders progress toward global solidarity. And it clashes with the corrupting values and mind-dulling enticements needed to prepare the masses for a New World Order. That's a major reason why our globalist leaders seek ways to eradicate this inconvenient "obstacle"-- and may even use Islam to accomplish their purpose In their battle against Truth, those elite ... are blind to the spiritual war that rages around them. Some may seek occult powers, but none know the sovereign God of the universe. They don't realize that their foolish agenda can never hinder His ultimate triumph! His plan for the world was revealed long ago, and He will certainly fulfill it-- then reign forever! "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, ...
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... and told that if she wanted to continue on with her graduate program, she would have to submit to a'remediation' program so that she could see'the error of her ways. She refused to be forced into a re-education program designed to convert her from biblical faith, and as a result, she was kicked out of school... "Does it scare you that the people overseeing her program weren't content with the fact that she acted properly and with integrity? Does it scare you that they wanted her to change not ... Room for God: Reviving the'Science' of'Re-education' Brainwashing in America No Room for God Reviving the'Science' of'Re-education' By Berit Kjos- May 18, 2009 Background: Steps toward Global Mind Control& Purging the Memory of Our Christian Roots Home Emphasis added throughout" .. the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology.. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated.. As yet there is only one country which has succeeded in creating this politician's paradise." ...
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... Home Skip down to Resurrection Ocean currents Abraham didn't exist? Moses a myth? Archeological and historical evidence of Biblical accuracy By Andy and Berit Kjos- November 2008" .. always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.." 1 Peter 3:15 Dr. N. Glueck Emphasis added below "There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of Old Testament tradition." [1] William F. Albright (1891 – 1971) ... be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:31-39) If you seek to know our God and be part of His family, please see this page: What it means to be a Christian The following testimonies illustrate how God changes lives and provides all the wisdom and strength we need to joyfully serve Him. We hope they will encourage you: Guilty as Charged| Living in God's forgiveness| My Shepherd Endnotes: 1. William F. Albright, ...
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... to the safety of the enchanting world of the occult. "Whether impulsive or planned, each magical spell is an expression and extension of Harry's will," said Peter, a former occultist. "That's a foundational occult reality, and it clashes head on with Biblical truth." God calls His children to trust and submit to Him and His will, not their own. "Not My will, but Thine, be done," prayed Jesus. "?I can of Myself do nothing," He told His disciples ... " [1] Harry Potter's wizardly world is becoming strangely familiar to today's youth. No longer do mystical incantations, transforming potions, dark omens or "the noble art of divination" (as Harry's divination teacher called it) shock or alarm those who call themselves Christians. Popular magic-- real or imagined-- has become a normal part of our postmodern culture. So have rebellion, rudeness, and the kind of feel-good revenge that Harry Potter demonstrates in the latest Warner-Brothers movie: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ...
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... conform to the new Church of England or to submit to its bishops. 1600 Several groups of committed Christians began to question the ongoing Catholic ceremonies and influences within the new Protestant churches in England. The "Puritans" longed to see a more "pure", Biblical church, freed from the bureaucratic forms that clouded the truth of the gospel. They wanted to continue to "reform" the church, bringing it into line with Biblical guidelines. Starting new congregations without official sanction, they were persecuted. Some of these Puritans ... to establish the Church of England as the only church. Just as Mary persecuted protestants who sought to reform the Catholic church, so Elizabeth punished those who refused to conform to the new Church of England or to submit to its bishops. 1600 Several groups of committed Christians began to question the ongoing Catholic ceremonies and influences within the new Protestant churches in England. The "Puritans" longed to see a more "pure", Biblical church, freed from the bureaucratic forms that clouded the truth of the gospel. They wanted to ...
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... of evolution, it must happen.." [13] At Columbia, Corliss studied under humanist professor, John Dewey [see Chronology of the NEA]. He received his PhD in 1928. In his thesis he denied the existence of God and tried to disprove both Biblical truth and the validity of hope in eternal life. If his goals sound similar to Communist aims, remember that one aim of brainwashing was to eradicate all Christian hope of eternal life, so that the hope of the masses would be focused on Communist ideology. ... . The task is to help the emergence of a single world culture.." the moment, two opposing philosophies of life confront each other.. You may categorize the two philosophies as two super-nationalisms, or as individualism versus collectivism.. or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis? I believe not only that this can happen, but that, through the inexorable dialectic of evolution, it must happen.." [13] At Columbia, Corliss studied ...
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... Charts: Index Social& Global Transformation The Church Checklist for families: Lies we learn from Books, Movies, TV and RPGs The Transformation of America Biblical vs. Cultural Christianity New Emphasis in Learning Five Types of Religious Expressions Three kinds of group relationships Biblical versus Postmodern thinking P.E.A.C.E. Plan& the UN Goals In the World but not of it! 3 Sets of Meanings for Education Buzzwords Brainwashing& How to Resist It From Personal Freedom to Collectivism and Control A Biblical Outline of End Time Events America's Spiritual Slide From Truth to ... "New Spirituality" NEW AGE terms in the church& Transformation of the Church Two Paths, Two Christs, Two Kingdoms, Two Eternities How can Games, TV, Books and Movies hinder your walk with God? From Personal Freedom to Collectivism and Control From The Old Story to The New Story Consensus vs. Biblical thinking Comparing U.S.& UNESCO Education Plans The Basis for our faith Modern versus Postmodern Culture The Nature and Tactics of Satan Three Paradigms or Worldviews Unequal Contenders in t he Spiritual War From Soviet Education to U.S. ...
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... A corollary heresy teaches that nations are entities (beings) that can corporately experience salvation, and a related heresy teaches that the land itself is spiritual and in need of redemption. These heresies can be found in various traditions of pagan mysticism, but they are not biblical.[14] The May Day crowds will be praying to "Invite God back into" our land. And they will be confessing the corporate sins of America. But are these people who will be standing at the Lincoln Memorial that day truly guilty of ... posted here and here.[5] Rick Warren launched his "2nd Reformation" in connection with this GDOP prayer event, and we commented at the time that The Global Day of Prayer appears to be a chief mechanism for launching a "Second Reformation" in Christianity. The GDOP provides a convenient vehicle to transition the church from the old order to a new global order. Rick Warren is quoted as saying at the Global Day of Prayer event, "The first Reformation was about belief; this one's going to be about ...
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... new power source. Like humanist leaders who eventually embraced cosmic spirituality, secular feminists turned to ancient myths and pagan formulas. The following chart is adapted from Brave New Schools. Notice that humanism was only a step on the way from Christianity to paganism. Christianity (Biblical absolutes) Old religion Humanism (relative values) Killed Religion religious feminism (Global Absolutes) Establishes "New" Religion The Bible reveals reality Science explains reality Feelings and experience define reality God is transcendent and personal God is a non-existent crutch A pantheistic god(dess ... the shared joy in the presence of one of God's masterpieces broke through all our human and spiritual differences. Slowly we started up a trail winding between the massive trunks and the soft green ferns. "If you love nature so much, how can you be a Christian?" asked Tracy after a while. "Why does that surprise you?" I asked. "Your God separated people from the earth. We believe in oneness with nature." I prayed for words that would speak to her heart. "Tracy ...
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... Trusting China? Communist China may seem less intimidating than Stalin's bullies, the Muslim Brotherhood or Mexico's murderous Zetas. But don't be deceived by the friendly images of President Hu. China's torturous persecutions, fake "trials," brutal re-learning camps, and enduring hatred for Biblical Christianity should sound the alarm. As America's main moneylender, it is fast gaining footholds across our nation. Remember what God told us long ago. It's so simple and true: "The borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7 A ... article by Phyllis Schlafly titled, "Candidates Should Be Talking About China," has raised some red flags that the media tends to ignore. The following concessions reflect the sweeping global agenda of China-- with support from America: • "The only cut Barack Obama is willing to make in federal spending is in our military power, which means he will be ceding our military superiority to China.. • "While Obama is shutting down our U.S. space program, China is going full-speed ahead to achieve space dominance.. • " ...
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... Age ties in a previous column. His endorsement of Vijay Eswaren's In The Sphere of Silence, published on June 4, continues to be featured on the book's website.) Ken remains silent as these questions have been raised. Laurie, like most who are undermining biblical teachings despises doctrine. On her website she states this: "First, we must remember what unites us rather than what divides us, and cast aside doctrines and tribal beliefs — the we're-better-than-you-stuff. We don't need to lose our traditions but we do need to ... Destroying the Church By Ingrid Schlueter- August 11, 2005 Home When over four thousand people gathered for the Lead Like Jesus Conference in Louisville, Kentucky last year and thousands more watched by satellite in churches across the country, there was nothing but approval and applause from Christian leaders and the media. These events are being held several times a year and are attended by nationally known Christian speakers like Max Lucado, Rick Warren and Henry Blackaby. In fact, Rick Warren is on the board of Ken Blanchard's Lead Like Jesus organization. ...
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... corruption. And in spite of Christian support, it has shown little love for its own Christian citizens or supporters. War is horrible! Yet we can neither ignore nor dismiss it. In this particular case, it seems irrational (from a legal-- not Biblical-- standpoint) that U.S. would have the right to defend its territory, while Israel would be forced to accept continual terrorism near its borders. Worse yet, it faces the continuing threats of total annihilation. Therefore I thought Jack Kinsella's logical argument worth ... Source article at Read more about Israel and Gaza at HERE Comments Anonymous: How has the nation of Israel treated God's own? Berit: Not very well! Nor has Hamas! They have destroyed Christian schools, churches, families – everything that opposes their militant ideology. From Bruce: Ron Paul said before congress this week that Hamas was originally funded by the U.S. =4Z6vMAoFwf4 (see note) I don't ...
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... The Spirit Behind The Lion King by Berit Kjos Home Betrayed, rejected, running from responsibility, growing strong through adversity.. Disney's latest box-office hit, The Lion King, is full of Biblical parallels, colorful characters and personal struggles that help us identify with a lovable lion made in the image of man. But watch out! Behind the spectacular scenery and noble sentiments hides the timeless earth-centered view of reality that has always lured God's people from truth to myths. In other words, The Lion King- like Aladdin- demonstrates ... contrast, God's Word tells us that nature-worship and oneness with pagan cultures bring destruction both to land and people. (Deut. 11, 28; Rom. 1:18-32) 3. To "look inside" for wisdom and guidance usually implies that anyone- Christian or not- can tap into an inner source of uncorrupted wisdom, because all are one with some sort of pantheistic deity or cosmic intelligence. Liberated from outside authorities, children can freely follow the destructive ways of ancient Israel, where "everyone did what was ...
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... know that I know Him?" How? "Do I obey His Word and seek to walk as Jesus walked?" If that is the direction and focus of your life, then you can know that you know Him. Personal note from Berit: These Biblical guidelines recognize our human weaknesses, faults and failures. Though we long to live in total and consistent obedience to our beloved Lord, we stumble and fall. But all the more, I thank Him for faithfully convicting me of my sins, reminding me of ... Excerpts from "How to know that you KNOW Him" By Pastor Steven J. Cole- December 18, 2005 Read the entire message at /sermons/121805M.pdf Flagstaff Christian Fellowship Emphasis added in bold and italicized letters 1. God wants us to know Him. Christianity is not just knowing about God or knowing certain doctrines or following certain moral precepts. It is essentially to know God. Jesus said (John 17:3 ), "This is eternal life, that they may know You ...
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... her definitions and usage of these words turn your traditional definitions upside down. The chart we used to illustrate a similar set of virtues in" Character Training For Global Citizenship" seem to fit her training programs well: CHRISTIAN Context or Paradigm "Modern" (from Biblical perspective) GLOBAL Context or Paradigm "Post-modern" (from global perspective) respect for what God calls good for politically correct values and persons responsibility to God first to the collective community understanding from God's perspective from global perspective co-operation according to God's plan according to changing ... of Christ, you would discover that some of her definitions and usage of these words turn your traditional definitions upside down. The chart we used to illustrate a similar set of virtues in" Character Training For Global Citizenship" seem to fit her training programs well: CHRISTIAN Context or Paradigm "Modern" (from Biblical perspective) GLOBAL Context or Paradigm "Post-modern" (from global perspective) respect for what God calls good for politically correct values and persons responsibility to God first to the collective community understanding from God's perspective from global ...
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... would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 8:10-20 As history repeats itself, the civilized world is regressing. Paganism, promiscuity, brutality and violent crime are on the rise, [6] while the growing hatred for Biblical Christianity is fanned by a global entertainment industry that wants nothing more than the death of morality. At such a time, it is good to remember what God has done in the past. It helps us look with hope toward a future in which God will ... The Fall and Rise of Human Violence Why crime plunged in the 17th century but is rising again in the 21st by Berit Kjos- 2003 (Updated in 2011) See Purging the Memory of Our Christian Roots& Ban Truth- Reap Tyranny Home Articles "As we sit glued to Al-Jazeera watching authority crumble in the cultural and political capital of the Arab world, exhilaration can turn quickly to foreboding. This is nothing like the fall of the Berlin Wall. The triumph of secular democracy was hardly in doubt in central Europe. ...
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... with a witch named "old Dorothy Fordham" and claimed to have been initiated into a coven. He used various occult texts in developing his rituals, including texts by Aleister Crowley. [1 ,p. 3 34] Aiden Kelley, a Wiccan trained in biblical criticism, applied his critical skills to Gardner's archive. Based on Kelley's findings, Philip Davis concludes that: "First, [Kelly's] identification of Gardner's literary sources leaves little doubt that Gardner's own witchcraft texts were his personal creation and not something handed on to ... of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelation 22:18-19 In spite of those warnings, many Christians accept the female "God" of The Shack. Some pastors are preaching from the book, and some church study groups are based on it. As a result, many Christians have become used to thinking of God as being a woman. This is being ...
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... to some of your questions Some of the "pages" below are very long. You may not want to print them. Home 1. Latest topics Consensus, Change, Community& Signs of the Times Purpose-driven churches Solidarity, Management& Global Standards Rising hatred for Biblical Truth Suffering, Disasters& the Nature of God Pluralism& the Global Church Communism& Communitarianism Emerging /Postmodern churches& Mysticism& Gnosticism Updated Psychology, Occultism& Indigo The Secret, Mysticism and the Occult "Mental Health"& Mind Control Transforming the Church& ... The Loneliness of the Christian Terrorism& War Religions Homeschooling Surveillance& Homeland Security Culture& Moral relativism Faith& Encouragement Home-schools vs. Global Education Dreams, Visions &d Counterfeit Signs The Hand of God in History UN Regionalism, Globalism& Spirituality The Quest for Global Peace Truth& Hope| Bible Environment Charts Sanctity of Life 2. Books, Toys, Movies& Web programs for children Twilight Toying with Death The Message (Bible "version" by Eugene Peterson) The Shack Narnia- Lewis Harry Potter Gnosticism, DaVinci, Anne Rice ...
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... , and the Magic of Story, [1] use the psychology behind the consensus process as an argument in favor of popular pagan fantasies. Its author, Mark Filiatreau, who is doing graduate work at Regent [Christian] College in Vancouver, also muddles the Biblical view of truth. Like Eugene Peterson, a Regent College professor who wrote the popular paraphrase of the New Testament called The Message, he seem to put a "feel good" and politically correct spin on Biblical truth. Yet, Mr. Filiatreau does show ... only does the article, Pokémon, Harry Potter, and the Magic of Story, [1] use the psychology behind the consensus process as an argument in favor of popular pagan fantasies. Its author, Mark Filiatreau, who is doing graduate work at Regent [Christian] College in Vancouver, also muddles the Biblical view of truth. Like Eugene Peterson, a Regent College professor who wrote the popular paraphrase of the New Testament called The Message, he seem to put a "feel good" and politically correct spin on Biblical ...
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465. Culture
... medieval to many. That's okay. But I can't be silent about the things that I love (or that concern me) just because the words sound old-fashioned. Some of my favorite words have been forgotten by today's culture. Modern words just don't carry the same Biblical meaning. From Dmitri: You're probably the most ignorant people on the entire planet. A friend of mine sent me a link to a Q&A from your site about NeoPets. Yes, maybe their are some guilds on their that have links to wiccan ... a very painful message to bear, but when Israel wanted a king, although they were told about the hardships they would experience under his rule, they rejected God as their King and settled for a man. In my own country, I have tried to warn Christians about Mr. Obama's radical, unbiblical agenda, but they have shut their ears to the truth. They simply don't want to hear. This truly demonstrates the state of our hearts before a holy and righteous God. Where in the Scriptures has our holy and ...
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... , my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing ?that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 See also What the Bible tells us about persecution Three Cultural Paradigms| Biblical vs. Cultural Christianity America's Spiritual Slide| Paradigm Shift: Total transformation Three Sets of Meanings for Educational Buzzwords Home| Armor of God| Christian Persecution| Articles| Books ...
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... so seductive that even the very elect would .. wonder if it is of God, it would have to have all the earmarks of a true work of God. That means it would come in the name of Jesus, it would have a great deal of solid biblical truth, it would affirm the Gospel, and it would be a "good work." .. Those who might recognize and expose the deception would be looked upon as divisive, hateful and deceived themselves. See Ban truth- Reap Tyranny December 2016 Report Reveals ... there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." President Woodrow Wilson, 1913 January 2016 The World Christian Movement: For a deception to be so seductive that even the very elect would .. wonder if it is of God, it would have to have all the earmarks of a true work of God. That means it would come in the name of Jesus, ...
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... great blessings to them if our hearts are in the right place. But when a meeting is totally under His control and wonderful things are happening, He gets royally riled if someone takes charge and jerks people's attention away from Him." [page 153] Mocking Biblical Christianity and traditional church seating" ...core apostolics" are a powerful mix of Charismatics, Pentecostals, and Evangelicals.. The term excludes those groups that are so liberal in theology, so isolated in structure, or so deeply rooted in medieval tradition that they are hardly growing ... Megashift by James Rutz Emphasis added in bold letters Transformation- Forget the narrow way, emphasize the popular wide road: "As soon as we produce some church models that are culturally acceptable to Hindus, we could see an additional 7- to 100 million secret Indian Christians go public." [page 15] "We are in the early stages of a total transformation of our planet." [page 27] "This global power shift is giving you an opportunity leave behind bad habits and sins, deadening relationships, a ...
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... , with' Hermetic' societies such as the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians" and embraced their symbolic systems of sacred circles, mystical triangles and astrological signs. 5 See excerpts from the book pictured. Considering Hegel's occult connections, it's not surprising that his teachings would undermine Biblical faith and all opposing facts. Nor is it strange that the postmodern generation has been largely immunized against genuine Christianity. After all, Hegel's revolutionary dialectic process was the center-piece of Soviet brainwashing. It effectively purged God's unchanging truths and filled the vacuum with evolving " ... " and enticing dreams. While Communist leaders embraced Hegel's process, they ignored his occult beliefs. In contrast, the Western world began to restore those pagan roots long before revolutionary baby-boomers began shouting their demands for sensual freedom and earth-centered spirituality. [See Saving the Earth] In other words, the sixties didn't initiate this radical change; the turmoil of the sixties was the result of the psycho-social program of "re-learning" which had begun to transform America decades earlier. As the old moral and spiritual boundaries were torn down, the ...
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... the process, I learned to see our world from an entirely new perspective. Globalization is indeed transforming our planet. The absence of Christians prompted a member of the press to ask Gorbachev why Western religious leaders were not represented at the conference. Showing his ignorance of Biblical Christianity, the Communist leader answered that "Western religion is represented by many of the leaders of the Forum." I wondered whom he had in mind. Attempting to answer the question, Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to President Carter, a member of ... no trace of the futile debate about what is better, capitalism or socialism.. We should seek a synthesis of ideas and values that have proven their viability.."3 The five days introduced worldwide changes. Over time, borders would fall; human settlements would spread, Christianity would fade, and freedom would end! Gorbachev and his hand-picked "council of the wise" or "global brain trust" told the assembly of more than 1000 guests and participants that a new set of inclusive universal values must replace the Judeo-Christian world view. ...
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... that her philosophy/literature teachers were the coolest people she had met. Her mom works for the school system in Florida in some capacity but I doubt she knows about the things in your book. I have never sat in on M's classes but I imagine that Biblical views are discouraged and positive reinforcements are directed at ideas that conform to the PC values of the teachers. Without convincing support from her family and Church she hasn't had the Holy Spirit's help in guiding her to the truth. The philosophy of today is so masterfully ... old. She is part of a program called the Bachaloreians program, a program for gifted students. She has about a 140 IQ, she's in an English program, and has had marathon classes in mythology, philosophy and literature as well as the basics. Supposed Christian parents raised her in a Presbyterian home. I met her about 3months ago and was immediately drawn to her kindness and wit. I was born of the Spirit about 4 months ago and have been trying to share the truth with anyone that will listen. M ...
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... Hearing our SHEPHERD through the Clamor of the World Introduction: We tend to forget that Jesus calls us to walk His narrow road with Him every each moment of the day! No matter how far the Church drifts from its Biblical moorings, God's call and guidelines remain the same. Today's" edu-tainment" has spread far beyond the old theater of the 1820s. Through the Internet, television, movies, mind-changing music, occult role-playing games and countless other influences, it brings unthinkable suggestions and images into our hearts and homes. ... longer do God's "anchor" of Truth, a Bible-trained conscience, or" first love" for our holy Lord keep "Christians" from drifting with the shifting currents of a corrupt world. We may talk about the important of repentance, but lately the sins for which many repent are more focused on our corrupt nation than on our own personal sins. Chances are, we don't even notice our own disobedience! For most people, the world we see and hear seems far more real and precious than the eternal realm of ...
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... context twisted everything into spiritual lies and half-truths. Just as the serpent did to Eve back in the garden, I thought. A small Unity publication on "Transformation" caught my eye, and I pondered its interesting interpretation of Romans 12:2. While the Biblical translation tells us,"?do not be conformed to this world, but ?be transformed by the renewing of your mind," the Unity version changes the meaning: ?"To not be conformed to the world is to have the courage to trust our own ... with God, the first book in the popular series by Neale Donald Walsch, I had to ask, "Are you familiar with that book?" "A friend told me I should read it," she answered. She then told me she was a Christian. "But it's not about Christianity," I warned her. "It may sound good and use a lot of Christian words, but its message turns God's truth upside down." She thanked me and put the book back. My thoughts drifted back ...
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... "We have different routes of getting to the Almighty." [3] Keep in mind, George W. Bush is neither a new nor a naive "Christian". Throughout his presidency, he has assured us that he reads the Bible and believes in the Biblical Jesus. Various pastors have counseled and encouraged him through the years. Yet, he seems to have forgotten-- unless He never really believed-- that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes ... October 10, 2007 Pluralism Global Mind Change Home For background information, see America's Secret Establishment| Bonesman vs. Bonesman Bush, Gorbachev, Shultz and Soviet Education| The Revolutionary Roots of the UN "I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God. That's what I believe." [1] President George W. Bush "Americans of many faiths and traditions share a common belief that God hears the prayers of His children.. There is a power ...
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... spreading agenda, please read our series on Reinventing the World. It shows the three main elements of the Communitarian structure: Part 1: The Seamless Communitarian S YSTEM-- Conforming schools, communities, corporations, nations and churches to the global agenda that rules out Biblical truth and Christian lifestyles.[2] Part 2: The Mind-Changing Dialectic PROCESS-- Training the masses to think collectively and to serve a Greater Whole. Part 3: The Rising Wall of Global STANDARDS-- Managing the masses through Global Standards and Continual ... . Those standards are already outlined in major UN treaties, initiatives and declarations. To understand their restrictions on freedom, read these four articles: Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules The UN Seizure of Parental Rights Local Agenda 21: The U.N. Plan for Your Community The U.N. Plan For Global Control: The Habitat II Agenda The tentacles of this controlling web are spreading around the world. The corrupt United Nations with its regional branches (European Union, African Union, etc.) provides the governing framework. Like a ...
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... has not always been willing to make the sacrifices that are necessary to bring about a new day and a new age." [Those highlighted words were repeated at least three other times, suggesting that Obama's view of salvation matches the Marxist view of collectivism, not Biblical truth.] In Search of Islam's Contributions: "When the White House celebrated Ramadan last September, Obama declared,'The contributions of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our ... are prayer circles out there and people who are keeping the spirits clean around us." See Obama's Shifting Faith Note: What does Michelle Obama mean by "keeping the spirits clean around us"? Such mystical power fits into spiritism or even Santeria, but not Christianity. Again? President censors'Creator' reference 3rd time:" .. a statement published on the government's official White House website confirms that for the third time in a little over a month, President Obama has censored a reference in the Declaration of Independence to ...
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... 34 of his 40 months in captivity, he was kept in solitary confinement. His pilot.. and engineer-gunner.. were killed by firing squad. But DeShazer survived the war, was liberated after V-J Day in August 1945, and went on to get a degree in Biblical literature from Seattle Pacific College.. In 1948, he returned as a Christian missionary .. and he would continue his ministry in Japan for 30 years." Trusting God's guidance. The Minnesota Teen Challenge program is thanking God on several fronts for His awesome protection during the ... said. Alleged armed robber hands bullet to store clerk after she prays with him. The man, Gregory L. Smith of Indianapolis, turned himself in to police a few hours after he allegedly held up the Advance America check cashing store Monday." 2. Christian Woman Stops Robbery With Faith: "Held up at gunpoint, a store clerk invoked her faith to turn the desperate thief into a repentant gunman. A store clerk's mention of her religion leads to a robber's change of heart. "When a man tried to ...
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... turn off the TV and face the wild protest that often accompanies Power Ranger withdrawal. What would you do? Before you decide, ask yourself these two questions. What does the program teach children about reality? Does it train them to look at life from a biblical or an occult perspective? Since young children soak up images along with words- without much analysis or evaluation, their understanding of the world will be formed by the most fun, forceful, and persistent messages they receive. Children raised on daily diets of biblical truth ... and occult context of most contemporary cartoons will train their minds to believe the timeless lies that have always drawn people from truth to myths. The chart below exposes some key differences. It also shows similarities that make the supernatural world of the Power Ranger believable to many Christians. Remember, the most deceptive counterfeits look most similar to the genuine. We discern the difference by knowing the truth. BIBLICAL WORLD VIEW NEW-AGE (occult) WORLD VIEW God is holy, all-seeing, all-powerful and eternal. The main god-like person, Zordon, ...
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... Church states that if "Christians mobilize to confront the five'global giants' of spiritual emptiness, egocentric leadership, poverty, disease, and lack of education, it could spark a second Reformation." Believers during the First Reformation were persecuted and martyred for holding biblical beliefs such as sola scriptura, the priesthood of all believers and justification by faith. These core doctrines can be found in the great writings of godly Christian men the past 500 years – men such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Matthew Henry, John Wesley ... May 18th, it was reported that 182 communities from 38 states and 1 overseas location held the event. It is said that 149 countries participated. A Second Reformation The Global Day of Prayer appears to be a chief mechanism for launching a "Second Reformation" in Christianity. The GDOP provides a convenient vehicle to transition the church from the old order to a new global order. Rick Warren is quoted as saying at the Global Day of Prayer event, "The first Reformation was about belief; this one's going to be about ...
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... person's views-- I wanted to hear it from a black person who might have more personal insight into these problems. That's why I also included Justice Thomas' quote. I can't answer for other Christian websites, just for ours. And I try to apply Biblical truth and its principles to all that I post. But some social issues are too complex for any clear Biblical position. God works in different ways in different lives-- no matter what their color or original culture. As for your last sentence, that ... inaccuracy in the movie. Pocahontas was a young women who, through her above average skills in diplomacy, linguistics, and communication, was able to act as an emissary between two cultures. While she did (MANY years later) marry an Englishman and convert to Christianity, these were not the foundational details of her life, and CERTAINLY not the most historically relevant ones. The truth of the matter is that Pocahontas's personal spiritual choices are of little historical importance. What Disney has done, is disregard all history in order to ...
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... Independence, it reflects his philosophy. Unlike most of our founders, he claimed to be a Deist, not a Christian. He mentioned the Enlightenment's impersonal "Creator"-- "Nature's God" and the "Laws of Nature"-- but ignored the Biblical God who led the pilgrims to this continent. Francis Schaeffer explains the difference in his 1976 book, How Then Shall We Live? "The utopian dream of the Enlightenment can be summed up by five words: reason, nature, happiness, progress, and ... nations committed to unity through" dialogue." Who Said They Were "Unalienable"? Since Thomas Jefferson penned the first draft of the Declaration of Independence, it reflects his philosophy. Unlike most of our founders, he claimed to be a Deist, not a Christian. He mentioned the Enlightenment's impersonal "Creator"-- "Nature's God" and the "Laws of Nature"-- but ignored the Biblical God who led the pilgrims to this continent. Francis Schaeffer explains the difference in his 1976 book, How Then ...
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... context – thus bending the old realities to fit the new myths. They desensitize their fans to mystical images and symbols of evil. And they stir a craving for more intense excitement of the same kind. Eventually the real world of nature, families, work and Biblical truth becomes too boring to be enjoyed. Who cares about truth and facts when myths and fantasies seem far more exiting? "For the time will come, when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ... and the ominous aliens in Signs. They all serve a set of strategic social and spiritual goals: They entertain. They shift a person's attention from the real world to a more titillating realm created by those who write the myths and steer the imagination. They tempt Christian fans to re-imagine both God and themselves in the new context – thus bending the old realities to fit the new myths. They desensitize their fans to mystical images and symbols of evil. And they stir a craving for more intense excitement of the same kind. ...
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483. Community
... 9-11 the developing policies of war and massive unbridled debt the patriot act and the resulting soft dictatorship that is being birthed the UN's global migration policies with its guaranteed "rights" to illegal immigrants (cross-border migrations, full social benefits, etc.) the erosion of Biblical values, moral boundaries, any form of "stigma" toward homosexuality or immorality the global free trade treaties designed to erode small business and control all financial transactions the shift to regional governance (starting with EU and North American Union) under the guidance of the ... the world now we have "the West" English-speaking; China; India; Indonesia just waking up; Islam, all with weapons of (mass and personal) destruction undreamed of. The only force that could tend to a bearable world that I can see Is Christianity, but they are closing churches, demolishing to build flats, and building mosques (with planning permission…) 800 mosques here in Britain already. Alex Pope wrote: "All heedless of their fate the little victims play". George: [RE: U.S ...
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... that twist, scorn or deny God's truth. Some still point to a conscience, but most people redefine it to match today's cultural values and personal inclinations. These examples illustrate the diversity: Social Conscience: "Our conscience is not the vessel of eternal verities [Biblical truth]. It grows with our social life, and a new social condition means a radical change in conscience."[2] Walter Lippmann National Conscience: "Our concept of governing is..a concept deeply rooted in a set of beliefs firmly etched in the ... Who can Resist the Pull of the Crowd? Who Shapes Our Conscience and defines RIGHT or WRONG in today's corrupt culture? Background: Character Training for Global Citizenship A Taste of Blood: Human nature without a moral conscience! The Christian conscience: Owner of Hobby Lobby refuses to compromise! The International Agenda Part 1 Home Armor of God 2013 "Introduce an international or global perspective in primary be incorporated into existing curricula wherever possible." [1] UNESCO, 1983" .. give to Your servant an understanding heart.. ...
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... About half of the events we do each year are co-sponsored by Purpose Driven Ministries. Transitioning: The central question is this: "There are plenty of dreams.. What we need is a process for leading change. We teach a process for leading change that is: Biblical- based on the book of Nehemiah Proven- 100,000 plus church leaders have been trained Universal- events held in different nations Practical- eight simple steps of transition To justify today's church "transitions," Dan Southerland uses the Book of Nehemiah. He ... God's Word in order to equate his Christian critics with the enemies that opposed Nehemiah and the faithful exiles that had returned with him to Jerusalem. For a glimpse of their work of rebuilding the city wall in the midst of enemy assaults, let's look at the Biblical version of Nehemiah 4. Notice that Sanballat is not part of the Jewish people. Like other foreigners who had taken over the land during the long exile, he despised God and the restorative work of His faithful people: "But it so happened, ??when Sanballat ...
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... these times, false teachings and compromised gospel messages are in full tilt. Even large, well recognized institutions that lay claim to Christianity have strayed from sound doctrine. What we need to be about, is not broadening the gospel, but standing fast and true to Biblical Truth based on God's Word only and the sound doctrine it teaches us. 2 John 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father ... reject any certainty or absolute truth. Someone using the The Message to study the importance of doctrine would not find what the truth. In these times, false teachings and compromised gospel messages are in full tilt. Even large, well recognized institutions that lay claim to Christianity have strayed from sound doctrine. What we need to be about, is not broadening the gospel, but standing fast and true to Biblical Truth based on God's Word only and the sound doctrine it teaches us. 2 John 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and ...
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... past few years I have noted with horror the increase of psychopolitical warfare upon the American public." [4] Kenneth Goff, member of the U.S. Communist Party from 1936 to 1939. Brainwashing is not, as some anti-Christian educators and students contend, the Biblical process of training our children to love and follow God. The word" brainwashing" refers to a planned, step-by-step attempt to "wash" family-taught beliefs from the minds of those who oppose government ideology. In America, it would mean replacing the old Biblical ... tend to be hedonistic.." [3] Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program (B-STEP), Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1969. "We were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical for the destruction of the Capitalistic society and Christian civilization. In one portion of our studies we went thoroughly into the matter of psychopolitics. This was the art of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health.. During the past few years I have noted with horror the increase of psychopolitical ...
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... , along with Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, are incapable of accurately assessing ourselves and the world around us without Divine wisdom. To even attempt such a thing is not only foolish, but also arrogant and dangerous. Unfortunately, in today's market-driven madness, deferring to biblical absolutes is no longer considered prudent or profitable. In the 21st century, success is measured in size and stature because that is all the eye can see. "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the heart ... in America. Be it in print, on radio, TV or online, more and more media organizations are polling their readers and viewers to get opinions on what is right and wrong in our world today and how we should address it. There is even a Christian organization called Barna Research Online that surveys individuals on matters of faith to help guide and inform the church and those who lead it. Many Christian authors, columnists, pastors and publishers regularly quote Barna's findings in their books, articles, sermons and periodicals. On ...
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... , the OAS has based its human rights agenda on UN treaties. The net has been cast. The uninformed masses will surely be caught in this web-- a tangled network of globalist managers that would regulate child-raising and squeeze family values into the new mold. Biblical Christianity won't fit. A visit to the United Nations House in Belize (formerly British Honduras) shows the UN influence over this little country south of Mexico. Its United Nations Development Programme works with the OAS, and its UNICEF office provides the latest information and ... " .. this positive agenda should go hand in hand with effective preventive policies.. An important goal of child policies is to break the inter-generational cycle of social exclusion.." (25-26). (Social exclusion refers to the sin of separatism. See Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values) Gather more personal information for regional databanks: Ministers noted that much research into questions concerning families and children does not have adequate data …" Promote "coherent and integrated family and child policies," including "local and national knowledge and information centers which ...
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... universal ethic,'the great need is consensus, not acrimony. As stated, these ethical principles have already demonstrated an acceptability consensus. As principles, they offer little a rational citizen could object to: they violate no religious or cultural tenet.. [Actually, they forbid Biblical absolutes, replacing God's unchanging truth with a compliant cultural consensus.] "Leaders, simply put, are people who lead, not divide.. True leaders require the imaginative reasoning skills to use the ethical principles as both a tempering agent and catalyst: a tempering agent ... Europe. The European police agency Europol says the problem is part of a wider pattern of human trafficking, mainly in women and children, from the developing world and eastern Europe to the West for the sex trade, forced labor and crime." The rejection of Christianity in Europe has opened the door to increasing corruption-- and moral chaos. The answer is increasing government control and manipulation-- with help from civil society. See Charts: Total transformation May The ambulances-for-terrorists scandal: "The United Nations and Red Cross have ...
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491. Kabbalah
... from the Hebrew root QBL, meaning'to receive,' and refers to the passing down of secret knowledge through an oral transmission." Kabbalah-- which can be spelled with a C or Q-- is an ancient form of Jewish mysticism. Turning Biblical truth and imagery into occult myths and suggestions, it has evolved through the centuries-- usually behind closed doors and in secret societies. But these hidden mysteries are now communicated openly through the Internet, popular books and celebrities such as Madona. Highlighted at Gorbachev's ... State of the World Forum, it has drawn followers among the world's elite as well as the stars of Hollywood. We offer you this information, not to build interest in occult arts, but to alert Christians to a deception likely to be promoted in today's thrill-seeking, open-minded, pluralistic atmosphere. So- "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ." Colossians 2:8-9 "TREE OF ...
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... 'Age of Reason,' an increasing number of'enlightened' Western leaders and influential "change agents" have tried to discredit the Bible and silence Christian believers. More recently, a vast number of politicians, media masters and educators have joined the battles against Biblical truth and morality." Karl Marx chose another way to distance himself from any Biblical accountability. He chose to believe in Satan, and he proved it in his writings. His dark poem Oulanem gives us a glimpse of the evil force behind his communist agenda ... topical page. Berit) "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16 Most items have been moved directly to the categories listed in News Index Religion. Christians ordered to teach Wiccan, pagan rites: "The battle is over a government program adopted in Quebec in 2008 called'Ethics and Religious Culture' that is mandatory for all public and private schools. It presents all religions, from Christianity to Wiccan,' ...
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... inscription is this?' They said to him,'Caesar's.'Jesus said to them,'Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's' And they marveled at him. (Mark 12:16-17) The Biblical context shows Jesus' theological opponents wanting to catch him in a teaching that they could use against him before the government. There are three aspect of this verse I want to point out: 1. There are things that belong to Caesar, (or the ... of the slogans we had to shout had an unreserved religious overtones: "Eternal glory to the Bulgarian Communist Party!", "Forever Unbreakable friendship with the USSR!" and many others. They were evoking eternity!? The communists were supposedly banning religion and Christianity as the "opium for the people", but were engaging in worship of the state and Marx, Lenin and other communist leaders. If one thinks that socialist utopia is far behind us, in the annals of history, they are mistaken. Today, ...
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... !" 2 Corinthians 9:15 The UN has little tolerance for the God who is our Father. Instead it welcomes the mother goddess of the Inuit people, the pantheistic gods of the world's cultures, and an evolving union of all religions. Any alternative to Biblical Christianity-- including Islam-- strengthens its assaults on the" poisonous certainties" of God's Word. A recent UN book for children, Tore and the Town on Thin Ice, fits right in. In fact, this short tale published by United Nations ... Programme (UNEP) promotes three key strategies behind today's global transformation. It introduces: 1. A captivating spiritual alternative to our God and His Word, 2. A scary story that motivates children to join the global crusade to "save the earth," and 3. A postmodern worldview that trains children to base opinions on myths and feelings, not on truth and facts. The story begins with a doomed sled dog race in an Arctic village:" 'We're going to win….We're going to win!' Tore yelled to ...
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... think and relate. The contrary suggestions will gradually "free" minds from the old absolute truths and values of the Bible. After a while, people will no longer react negatively to the evils that God abhors. Their consciences is desensitized. Everything becomes tolerable except Biblical truth, which exposes sin and draws a politically incorrect dividing line between what God calls good and evil. Human nature naturally delights in occult or violent entertainment! In ancient Rome, the thrill-seeking masses flocked into the huge Coliseum to be energized by gory gladiators and ... Marketing the Occult Harry's impact on "Christian" values By Berit Kjos, November 2005 For background information, see Twelve reasons not to see Harry Potter movies Index to all our Harry Potter articles Home Articles "Weak-kneed muggles may recoil from'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Dubbed'Scary Potter' in the British press, the latest screen adaptation of J.K. Rowling's increasingly dark books is the first in the franchise to be slapped with a PG-13 rating." [1] "Spiritual transformation.. is mediated through a ...
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... AND NEW-EVANGELICALISM: The term "New Evangelicalism" defined a new type of Evangelicalism to distinguish it from those who had heretofore born that label. Thus, in the very label is the witness to the fact that Evangelicalism of old, regardless of any weaknesses, was biblically dogmatic and militant. The term "New Evangelicalism" was possibly coined by the late Harold Ockenga (1905-1985), probably the most influential Evangelical leader of the 1940s. He was the pastor of Park Street Church (Congregational) in Boston, founder of the ... Q&A: Christianity Home~ Q&A Index The Bible tells us to "always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you." (1 Peter 3:15) Andy and I are not theologians, but we love His Word. We trust that He will lead us as we seek answers from His Word.Question 1: How are we (as a world) to be expected to believe in a god if he cannot provide real ...
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... to your Community Silencing Truth through "Hate Crimes Prevention" "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit.. according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ." Colossians 2:6-9 See Why hate crimes laws would ban Biblical Christianity and The UN Plan for Your Mental Health Home Articles Articles: Why hate crimes laws would ban Biblical Christianity- 2007 Marching toward Global Solidarity- 2006 Ban Truth- Reap Tyranny- 2003 Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Value- 1988 Trading U.S. Rights ... UN Rules- 1988 The UN Plan for your Mental Health- 1989 Excerpts: Hate Crimes- Criminal Law& Identity Politics- 2005 European Union (EU) illustrates the global pressure to conform European Parliament Passes Resolution Vowing to Take'Homophobic' Countries to Court: "Members of the European Parliament from France, the Netherlands and Italy, among others, vilified Poland as'hateful' and'repulsive' for refusing to allow promotion of homosexuality in schools. A vote was held today to approve an EP resolution chastising Poland for ...
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... , in the Church as an external institution; and these, as long as they are in that condition, do not belong to the invisible Church.5 Since humans cannot infallibly know who the elect are, churches must receive those who profess Christ, confess belief in true Biblical doctrines, and are willing to live lives in accordance with the teachings of the Bible. This is good and proper. However, we cannot be sure that every member of the external organization is also a member of the invisible church, the true body of ... been changed and the long standing members had resisted the change. Ultimately most of these people left willingly, but with sadness of heart. Some who decided to stay and fight were eventually removed from fellowship. What has happened that evangelical churches are willing to lose solid Christian members who have not fallen into sin or heresy? In this article I will propose that evangelical churches have changed the way they view themselves and their organizations; and that this change has lead to practices and emphases that build large visible churches, but neglect and ...
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... were compiled by our friend and fellow-researcher Tamara Hartzell and explained in her insightful report: "Are you'Being led away with Error of the Wicked' to the New Age Ark of Oneness?" The endnotes are numbered as they appear in her report. Beliefs Biblical Christianity Transition See Emerging, Kingdom and PEACE New Spirituality See The Shack, The Secret, Theosophy TRUTH Timeless or relative? God's eternal, unchanging Word! Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to ... , and sharing where everyone can be free to worship his own inner (immanent)'God' of his own understanding in his own way. "The call for this New Age'kingdom of God' is now being so widely heeded, even in today's Christianity, that the building of humanity's Ark of Oneness is suddenly nearing completion." Tamara Hartzell "The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception.." 2 ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 62
... , in the Church as an external institution; and these, as long as they are in that condition, do not belong to the invisible Church.5 Since humans cannot infallibly know who the elect are, churches must receive those who profess Christ, confess belief in true Biblical doctrines, and are willing to live lives in accordance with the teachings of the Bible. This is good and proper. However, we cannot be sure that every member of the external organization is also a member of the invisible church, the true body of ... been changed and the long standing members had resisted the change. Ultimately most of these people left willingly, but with sadness of heart. Some who decided to stay and fight were eventually removed from fellowship. What has happened that evangelical churches are willing to lose solid Christian members who have not fallen into sin or heresy? In this article I will propose that evangelical churches have changed the way they view themselves and their organizations; and that this change has lead to practices and emphases that build large visible churches, but neglect and ...
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