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Search results for: biblical christianity

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... own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things.." 2 Timothy 4:2-5 See Biblical Discernment and Don't Be Deceived! Home- Self-Esteem- The New Neutralism ...
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... Change" tour a year ago. [1] What is Faith at Work? According to its official website: "FAW has always emphasized practical experience instead of doctrine,'how to' instead of'should." "Today the emphasis is on self-discovery through biblical reflection, telling your own story and trusting the presence of Christ to'speak the truth in love." [2] Faith at Work is an experiential-based group movement that has provided resources, events and training to emphasize this small group hyper-pietistic life. In 2009 ... called the father of Faith at Work."[7] Shoemaker was "instrumental in the Oxford Group [8] and founding principles of Alcoholics Anonymous." [9] Shoemaker was trained by Frank Buchman who was instrumental in the Oxford Group (" a Christian revolution for remaking the world" [10] which became Moral Re-Armament. [11] He was a pioneer in the use of intensive small groups to effect confessions, conversions and change. Frank Buchman's role in Faith at Work "looms large" in its ...
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... woman! Never. They always appear as men and their names are names given to men (Michael& Gabriel). So Todd's description of Emma appearing as a woman is enough to cause great doubt in my mind as to the validity of the encounter from a Biblical standpoint. But even if there were "women" angels recorded in Scripture I'd still point out that we are never told to give them the emphasis or place that Todd Bentley assigns them. The Apostle Paul dealt with the inordinate attention the Colossian believers were giving ... an art, and conducted with method, upon subjects who have faith." Morrison drew the following conclusion from his research: "Just as the Western psychologists are proffering ancient shamanistic practices in a guise which is more palatable to the uninitiated Westerners, so the professing Christian churches which peddle'religious fainting' have simply made the Possession-Trance state of shamanism more readily acceptable to the undiscerning sheep who attend their heated meetings. These are the true origins of the strange phenomena which are being so widely reported today and which are bringing the ...
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... Iss.3, Vol.1-14- Articles to Watch for in Upcoming Issues of Forcing Change • Earth Day: A Radical Religious Agenda • Utopian Politics: International Socialism and the Rise of Global Governance • Cult of Green: The UN Earth Sabbath • Fundamental Fears: Biblical Christianity as a Factor in Global Instability Outside link: Baha'i symbols ...
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... This uniting of the streams will form the bedrock for revelation for the River of Revival! Prophets help to prepare the way for the Apostles to establish the Lord's Church." --National School of the Prophets Conference brochure, 1999." ..[F ]rom the Biblical revelation, the river normally represents the people of God. It is, in fact, a vivid picture of the people of God in motion: being fruitful, acknowledging the presence of God, experiencing the peace of God, receiving the provision of God, ... found in Jesus' parable of the Minas (Luke 19:10-27) where believers are instructed to business to gain authority over cities by using Kingdom principles. Transformational development of the poor through community development. This involves creating a better future for the poor. Jajakumar Christian, World Vision, India, sees poverty as a set of disempowering systems. There is the biophysical system- body and mind- which represents the basic human needs of health and education. There is the cultural system in terms of inadequacies in worldview. There is the ...
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... most children face an irresistible array of pagan images that support the new paradigm. Many already consider paganism far more normal and acceptable than Christianity. Our political, education, and media leaders want to introduce these influences early-- before children become "indoctrinated" with Biblical truths. (See" Clinton ? s War on Hate Bans Christian Values "). They know that if parents follow God's command to "train up your child in the way he should go," their children might not start school with the "open-mindedness ... take either message or the effects seriously. But leading educators who call themselves "change agents" are dead serious about the visual tactics they use to reach their goal. They seek to mold minds that embrace the new global paradigm( worldview) and reject the old Christian paradigm. "The purpose of education and the schools is to change the thoughts, feelings and actions of students," admits Dr. Benjamin Bloom, the "Father of Outcome-Based Education, in his book, All Our Children Learning." 7 Bloom and ...
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... heard all sides, but no position has yet won our confidence so that we can say "it seems good to the Holy Spirit and us." .. If we think that there may actually be a legitimate context for some homosexual relationships, we know that the biblical arguments are nuanced and multi layered, and the pastoral ramifications are staggeringly complex." Brian McLaren "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22 "For this cause God gave them up unto vile ... prefer questions to direct answers. They prefer the journey to the destination. They question and undermine and insert doubt in the minds of young people who are already swimming in a sea of postmodern confusion. There is great danger here to the church of Jesus Christ. Christians have an unfortunate tendency to believe that spiritual error only comes amidst billowing clouds of sulfur. They expect false teachers to wear horns and black capes. They expect the obvious. Yet here we have Brian McLaren openly rejecting the authority of God's Word on homosexuality and ...
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... propositional scriptural truth from their churches. That's why Mars Hill Bible Church outside of Detroit has emergent Pastor Rob Bell citing Hindu teachings on breathing from his postmodern pulpit. Even a reporter from the Detroit Free Press noticed. These men have no regard for the battles for biblical truth throughout history. That was modernity. We're past all that, they say. So they promote the embracing of mystery instead of knowing Christ through His Word. They like the journey better than the destination. In a quest to experience "authentic" spirituality ... Religious Freedom. Mr. Staver works tirelessly to defend the civil liberties of Americans that are frequently under attack from the enemies of freedom in our country. He is correct when he warns that the price of liberty truly is eternal vigilance. There is growing concern among Christians about the erosion of the American foundations of liberty and freedom. As Americans, we rightly grieve over this and do all we can to fight those who would destroy America. But there is a marked lack of such passion when it comes to guarding the most ...
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... which He designed), not "turn aside to myths" (2 Timothy 4.4). Since pagan societies sought secret wisdom through magic and spiritism, they drew inspiration from the same occult source. It is not surprising that many myths from around the world simulate biblical history and resemble one another. Satan's army of demons, hiding behind the diverse masks of man-made deities,5 happily supplied pagan priests with counterfeit versions of God's revealed truth. Thus, man-made myths blended occult revelations with human imagination. Notice how this is happening ... even a new sense of what it is to be human…8 (Thomas Berry) Now, say Deep Ecologists, it's up to the human species to reverse the process by creating a new picture of reality-- one more powerful than the obsolete but tenacious myth of Christianity. Should we rewrite reality? I heard an alarming bit of myth-making last fall at a teachers' workshop on global education. Demonstrating a lesson in world cultures, the master teacher asked, "Are you familiar with the story about Israel's sudden departure from Egypt ...
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... social justice. The dominant social justice concept for the past 150 years has been centered on the sliding slope of Papal-advocated wealth redistribution, and a Marxist version of Collectivism. Feeding the poor and assisting the helpless, from a Christian perspective, isn't social justice – its Biblical compassion, a generous act of love. Such acts of compassion engage individual lives, and are based on the Christian call of loving others more than self. This is the heart of compassion: An individual sees a need, and operating out of love, ... livelihoods, were quick to help anyone who needed assistance, and contributed to the local community in different ways – including, on my Mother's part, teaching English to Laotian immigrants (those were the days of the Boat People). Both my parents and grandparents emphasized Christian ethics and values, to stand up for the underdog, and remain independent in the face of peer pressure; "You were born an original, don't die a copy." The church I attended had Mennonite roots, but didn't cater to leftist ideologies. ...
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... to be difficult for some who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, as many evangelicals do,' he added.'But in a pluralistic democracy, we have no choice." Not true! We do have a choice! But those who refuse to trade Biblical truth for universal values may face pressures and punishments that would have been unthinkable in our "free" nation some years ago." November 2006 The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (" Appraisal of the relations of the more influential philanthropic foundations and educational ... influence, that we can't tackle the big problems that demand solutions... He is distinct from many of his competitors in that he is comfortable talking in the language of faith and religion without alienating secular Democratic activists. Born a Muslim, Mr Obama is now an ardent Christian." Is he really? See Obama, Warren, and the'Covenant for a New Americaand the next link: repeat Obama Asks Evangelicals To Assimilate: "Obama.. told left-leaning religious leaders at the Call to Renewal's' Building a Covenant for a New ...
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... needed to process whatever we hear from them in order to separate truth from falsehood. I once heard Ed Murphy point out this very interesting fact: Every time the words of a demon are recorded in the New Testament, they speak the truth! Is this not biblical evidence that we can indeed get valid information from the world of darkness?" (C. Peter Wagner, Confronting the Powers, Regal Books, 1996, p. 70) [bold emphasis added] "When Satan points out your weaknesses, agree with ... p. 277) [About today's post: Recently a Herescope reader pointed out this statement by Rick Warren above and requested that we run a post on this topic. We enlisted the assistance of the very able Anton Bosch. Below are his comments.] Most Christians seem to struggle with, and are confused by how we should interact with the Devil. Some just ignore him as though he does not exist, some fear him, others mock him, while others enter into debate and conversation with him. For instance Rick ...
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... . Pastor Warren does mention God's wrath on page 232, but without a prior explanation of what might be considered "sinful." Instead, the reference to "wrath" fits into the relational context of "service" and "helping others"-- a Biblical command that is now being conformed to the global concept of community service and" service learning." This kind of organized "service" focuses on felt needs and dialogue and often rules out spiritual needs and Biblical truth. This will be explained more fully in ... into today's affirmative, seeker friendly church environment. Since Today's English Version, like the J. B. Phillips version, may be considered a translation rather than a paraphrase, the differences below may be less distinct. Yet, they illustrate a reluctance among many contemporary Christian leaders to use the word "fear" when referring to God. While we certainly must (by His Spirit) reverence our holy and almighty God, this more "positive" word removes any subtle (or embarrassing) reminder that our loving Father is also ...
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... of Adam and Eve (Genesis 2, 3). Have students discuss original sin, why God forbade Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, and how Adam and Eve's lives changed once they gained knowledge.." Students will then consider and critique the Biblical account from Pullman's anti-biblical perspective-- which totally twists the actual context. See Establishing a Global Spirituality and The upside-down world of Pullman's Golden Compass U.K. Kids Get RFID Chips In School Uniforms: "Ten schoolchildren in the United Kingdom are being tracked by RFID ... ), teaching religion, or teaching about religion, in public schools really means shaping the child's beliefs, attitudes and values about religion. That is, in the name of teaching'about religion,' many public schools will be engaging in an all-out assault on Christianity and will, at the same time, be indoctrinating our children with the New Age/Pantheism of theologian Joseph Campbell ... "Speakers at the seminar spoke openly about the need to'deconstruct' and'reconstruct' American history-- to suit their ...
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... comments such as, "That monster looks mean!" or "That creature reminds me of a dragon," along with "Did you know that in the Bible, serpents and dragons usually represent Satan and evil?" 3. To teach young children a Biblical attitude toward evil before they learn to delight in gross, ugly characters, make comments such as, "Who would want to play with that evil monster? I don't even like to look at him. Let's find something that makes us feel happy inside. ... How POKEMON and Magic Cards Affect the Minds and Values of Children by Berit Kjos- 1999 Note: This article was written to encourage Christian parents who share our goal of following Jesus and trusting His Word. It is not an attempt to change the world or censor Pokemon. So if you don't share our faith, you may not want to read this article. If you do read it, please also read our first response to all the Pokemon mail.Home Home| Pokemon Comics Add New Twist| Pokemon Movie and ...
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... to terrifying electric shocks, [8] her steps link positive images to an idealized form of paganism and negative images to traditional values. Her suggestions include: 1. A vision of a better world: link main characters to pagan practices. 2. Rebellion against Biblical authorities: link traditional authority figures to intolerant "muggles." 3. An idealized view of paganism: link occult images to "good" wizards. 4. A pagan alternative to Christian values: link courage and loyalty to a common quest for occult empowerment ... and excitement. "I continued reading Harry Potter-type books through grade school, high school and into college," she says. "Three to five a week! The older I got, the easier they were to find. The whole time I considered myself a Christian! If someone had pointed out to me what I was doing, I would have laughed. I was a normal teenager and a leader in my church group." The mystical characters in her fantasy world filled her thoughts during the day and her dreams at ...
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... , have decided to give our wealth to the poor,' he could have a Christian argument. But..[he] is proposing to take other people's wealth under the threat of fines or imprisonment to give it to those he deems needy.. "On the clear biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, Obama said nothing..What Barack Obama delivered at the prayer breakfast was not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was..the Gospel of Jeremiah Wright, his fanatical, racist, anti-Semitic pastor of over 20 years ... from the State Department and a call for its government to make more concessions to Muslims. But a car bombing and shooting attack on two churches in Nigeria have not been similarly commented on by the State Department, sending the message that Muslim life is precious, but Christian life is cheap. The Muslim dead of Burma are sacred, but the Christian dead of Nigeria are only more dead infidels." See Hating Truth and Primed for Deception! Administration admits to'hundreds' of meetings with jihad-linked group: "President Barack Obama's ...
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... and Human Services (DHHS). Many view traditional values as divisive walls of hate and intolerance that must be torn down by managed dialogue. Led by trained facilitators toward a pre-planned outcome, this manipulative dialectic process shifts unsuspecting minds from individual to collective thinking, from Biblical to global values, from traditional authorities (parents, pastor, God) to the group facilitator, from personal convictions to peer idealism, and from submission to God to submission to group. [5] It works as well today as it did in the ... See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health. 3. 4. 5. 6 Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values.<> Teenage Rage, Part 1 Home| Articles| Christian Persecution| Charts| Preparing for Victory| Books| Email this page ...
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... ground"-- a key to oneness. Goal Fellowship and unity in Christ. Build relationships, pursue multicultural unity, meet "needs," make friends& have fun. Continual change or transformation toward oneness: an evolving group synthesis or consensus. Ground Rules Biblical: speak the truth in love. Determined or understood by the group: civility, tolerance, etc. Be open-minded and empathetic, respect all opinions, maintain a "safe place" (don't offend by offering absolute facts or Biblical answers& solutions), ... Charts- Index Three Kinds of Groups Christian Pluralistic Dialectic LED by the SPIRIT DRIVEN by felt NEEDS DRIVEN by "felt needs"& organizational OUTCOMES Includes Christians from all nations. All who want to belong& are accepted. Diverse (spiritually& culturally) members willing to dialogue. Foundation God's Word and Spirit. Members come with knowledge of God's absolute, unchanging truths. Felt needs; natural desire for friendship& belonging. Members come without absolute truths, willing to yield their assumptions for the greater goal of unity based on ...
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620. Atheism
... a little sullenly) in a nation indivisible. Thank you, Luna, for showing us that you are compelled to conform, just as so many Christian children are forced to conform to today's multicultural practices and participate in pagan rituals. The pressure your faced is not Biblical. God doesn't force anyone to come to Him or follow Him. Neither should American schools. Our Bill of Rights grants freedom to be silent as well as freedom to express our beliefs. From A. Miller: YOu have said time and time again that ... atheist=anti-Christian=immoral. Secularism does not equate with atheism. I don't care if you put up a Christmas cross or something on town hall lands as long as I can put up a pagan yule display. I don't care if you stuff my mailbox with Christian pamphlets (well, its irritating, but I can throw it out) as long as I can stuff yours with atheist flyers. However, I do care if you start making laws that inhibit my ability to be atheist. I care if I am forced ...
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... '' "GAG,'' and, finally, `` COVER EYES.' Interesting link: Pokemon helps Christians keep the faith This game may sound good, but it could also confuse the child and distort His understanding of God and His Word. To adapt Biblical characters to the new context and format of the game, the game-makers would have had to stretch character traits and over-simplify the issues they faced. Vital truths and lessons only understood in the whole Biblical context would be bent or lost in such a game. Children ... the note, which contained several misspellings. Below, it said, `` STRIP TO UNDERWARE+ RAP IN TOWER,'' "TIE HANDS,'' "GAG,'' and, finally, `` COVER EYES.' Interesting link: Pokemon helps Christians keep the faith This game may sound good, but it could also confuse the child and distort His understanding of God and His Word. To adapt Biblical characters to the new context and format of the game, the game-makers would have had to stretch character traits ...
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... and blessings of God. Now, a small book has prompted millions of saints and seekers to memorize and repeat the same prayer daily. After three thousand years of obscurity, Jabez has found surprising favor with the world. So, what's the problem with promoting a Biblical prayer that God honored in His Word? After all, our Lord delights in the prayers of His saints-- all the daily thanks, praises and petitions that turn our hearts to Him in faith, worship and surrender. Using Bible verses as a basis ... with Jesus. In a recent interview, George Barna, founder and president of the Barna Research Group, shared his concern: "One of the frightening things that we find in our research all the time is that even among the tens of millions of born again Christians, about half of them would say that when it comes to Christianity they are not absolutely committed to the faith. .. we've made it too easy to be part of the Christian church. I think that there is very little sense of privilege and awe and ...
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... it means to be a Christian In joy or pain, our course is onward still Job (1 ): Suffering, and Spiritual Warfare The Loneliness of the Christian Encouragement from A to Z Lonely, But Never Alone Search me, O Lord Are We Fundamentalists? Biblical versus Cultural Christianity Oswald Chambers: Standing alone with God God's Perfect Peace as Titanic sinks Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats Oswald Chambers: Standing alone with God Whoever Gets the Son, Gets Everything Others may, you cannot Blessings in Disguise Skin Deep Religion or Crucified with ... Audio Sermons Encouragement from Him An Eternal Perspective What it means to be a Christian In joy or pain, our course is onward still Job (1 ): Suffering, and Spiritual Warfare The Loneliness of the Christian Encouragement from A to Z Lonely, But Never Alone Search me, O Lord Are We Fundamentalists? Biblical versus Cultural Christianity Oswald Chambers: Standing alone with God God's Perfect Peace as Titanic sinks Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats Oswald Chambers: Standing alone with God Whoever Gets the Son, Gets Everything Others may, you ...
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... Values, and Vision, often through a "consensus" and "dialogue" technique. In order to become a member of these churches, parishioners are required to sign an oath to uphold their church's covenant. The word "covenant," which used to have biblical significance, is now applied liberally to this new church structure, apparently to give it credibility. These churches post their covenants on the internet, presumably so that "seekers" will read about their church. Each church which has adopted this new model of membership ... founded their beliefs sturdily upon the rocks of historical creeds, documents that have withstood the test of time and human whim, and which have imparted to each new generation an understanding of the major tenets of the Gospel faith. Now, in our latter days of dumbed-down Christianity, a minimal number of people in the pews know the creeds, have studied them, or even know about them! And it is no wonder. A few years ago a pastor told a particularly grievous story. He had attended a meeting with pastors from ...
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... everlasting." ? Psalm 139:23-24 Nothing is more wonderful than knowing the Shepherd and resting in Him! Daniel knew Him well. God's faithful Old Testament prophet would rather die than dishonor His Lord by hiding his faith. Even when a new Babylonian law banned Biblical worship, Daniel "knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom." Though impressed with Daniel's faith and integrity, the reluctant king had to yield to his evil counselors who " ... hundreds came to his funeral. He had died for his faith only three months after his conversion, and now they mourned him. .. Eighty people publicly accepted Christ that day, including many young people who had been part of the Communist Youth Organization. "The Christians walked the length of the city to the river, where they baptized the new believers. The crowd had now grown to over fifteen hundred people. "Soon, carloads of police arrived. They set out to arrest the leaders of the service.. The Christians immediately ...
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... federal regulations, activist courts, international treaties and a vast network of partnerships between governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). [12] Its tangled web is locked to a process that no longer permits the luxury of individual thinking, contrary facts, ideological conflicts or Biblical absolutes. Yet this process is so subtle-- so appealing to our sense of compassion and desire for unity-- that few notice its threats to personal freedom. You may not have noticed it in your workplace. Not all corporations or agencies are part ... 93. 12. See Federalism and Two UN Summits, One Millennium Goal. 13. See Re-Inventing the Church, The Global Church and The call to unity at 14. "The Business of the Kingdom," Christianity Today. Volume 43, No. 13, November 15, 1999. Cited by Robert E. Klenck, "What's Wrong with the 21st Century Church?" at 17. "And be not conformed to this ...
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... sacrament, the individual stepped outside his normal self and the humdrum restraints of ordinary life. He became one with the cosmos, with the gods, and ipso facto with his own true nature. He ate the apple and he became divine: what, in the biblical perspective, was the original seduction was also the most archaic experience of "consciousness-expansion!"19 Reviving the Solstice Around the world and through the ages, earth-based religions observed winter solstices with rituals that celebrated conception and rebirth. In the more developed myths of Babylon ... The Madonna Phenomena The world's most popular female singer (over 80 million records sold) is a master at blending sexual and religious imagery. Sporting sensual/spiritual labels (Like a Prayer, "Like a Virgin," The Immaculate Collection) her musical sensations mingle Christian crosses and feigned innocence with seduction and sexual exploits befitting a pagan goddess. Bisexuality, sadomasochism, autoerotic orgasm, and multiple sex partners .. anything goes. "Unlike the other, I'd do anything;" she sings in "Burnin' Up," " ...
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... learn together," he said." Americans of all backgrounds can hammer out a common identity. We are many. We must be one." UNESCO's chosen Memories of the World will surely speed us toward a "common identity" and oneness that rule out biblical truth and traditional values. Our nation seems ready to follow. A new generation of children are accepting a "collective memory" based on multicultural beliefs. Most young people have forgotten their roots. They never learned to sing God bless America. And with the ... and natural sites. In this way it is hoped to raise awareness of the world's collective memory and those particular parts which are at risk."[1] This "collective memory" points back to the common elements in earth-centered cultures that preceded the spread of Christianity. Apparently, their idealized myths show people who supposedly lived in peace and unity through the guidance of nature spirits or a pantheistic force. Today, these earth-centered religions provide models for a new global spirituality that would unify people around the world. Following this pattern ...
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629. Questions
... even if it is just in a game. One of the things this game could be teaching is that it is okay to make fun of others because they are "different," "weird," or "uncool." This is the opposite of the biblical admonitions we should be teaching each of our children, namely, to "love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matt. 19:19) and "not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think" (Romans 12:3). ... first forty have the facial features of a typical alien- an large, egg shaped head with large oval eyes. Figures of aliens should have no place in one's house, let alone in the hands of one's children. Why? Because, as a number of Christian books document in great detail, the appearances of aliens are almost always demonic in nature. (If you are interested in learning more, we would be glad to refer you to some of these Christian titles- just email us.) Further, of the ...
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... 2:14). Copyright Flagstaff Christian Fellowship. All rights reserved. According to Pastor Cole, "Most items of this list come from Will Bruce, of OMF, but I have added and modified them a bit, including the biblical references." Copyright information: You are permitted and encouraged to reproduce and distribute this material in any format provided that: (1) you credit the author, (2) any modifications are clearly marked, (3) you do not charge a fee ... What should I pray? By Pastor Steven Cole Flagstaff Christian Fellowship If you get tired of praying, "God bless so and so," here are some more specific requests, based on various Scriptures. Pray that the person (family member, missionary, pastor, yourself, etc.)… …will love God more fervently from the heart (Matt. 22:37). …will realize his present exalted position [His beloved sons and daughters] in Christ (Eph. 1:17-2:6). …will ...
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... those who are out there who are not in sync, and who are seeking to undermine our peacemaking, bridge-building efforts.' [2] "Peace spoilers" include those who refuse to conform to the UN vision of "Religion in a Culture of Peace." Biblical Christianity would fit the label well, for the true followers of Christ cannot be "in sync" with the world. They will not compromise their faith in order to please the global village. Since Ted Turner's Better World Fund paid most of the Summit expenses ... one would expect intolerance for God's truth. It's no secret that the Summit's Honorary Chairman Turner has little love for Christianity. In his Summit message, he described his spiritual search: "The thing that disturbed me is that my religious Christian sect was very intolerant.. because it taught we were the only ones going to heaven. It just confused the devil out of me because I said heaven is going to be a might empty place with nobody else there. "Now I believe there may be one God who manifests himself in ...
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... thinker.. [This is] not teaching... but indoctrination." (Mark Lowery, former director) "Prominent themes promoted by this school include radical homosexuality, socialism, pacifism and a consistent hostility toward Western civilization and culture, especially [America's] Biblical foundations." (Jeoffrey Botkin) INCLUDE DEATH EDUCATION: [Voice of student heard while classroom video shows morbid scenes]: "I saw bones, skeletons, dead bodies after dead bodies after dead bodies." BUILD ALLEGIANCE TO THE NEW COMMUNITY: " ... old ways of thinking don't fit the new paradigm or worldview. Global citizenship requires collective thinking, not individual thinking. People must learn to see themselves as part of the group, and their worth depends on service to the community. Solidarity and consensus are in. Christianity, individual worth, and national sovereignty are out. OLD PARADIGM NEW PARADIGM Beliefs Based on Bible New Age, earth-centered blend View of self Individual Part of a greater whole Values Based on Bible Human idealism based on consensus It's up to our schools, media, Hollywood ...
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... That "vision" sounds very similar to the grandiose vision of dominionist and "apostolic" leaders such as C. Peter Wagner. Sarah Leslie described the movement in her article, The Second Reformation: "Believers during the First Reformation were persecuted and martyred for holding biblical beliefs such as sola scriptura, the priesthood of all believers, and justification by faith. These core doctrines can be found in the great writings of godly Christian men the past 500 years – men such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Matthew Henry.. Latter ... Barnett's jacket? The Dream Center: THE BIOGRAPHY OF MATTHEW BARNETT: "Matthew Barnett, best selling author of'The Church That Never Sleeps', and pastor of one of America's fastest growing churches, is one of the most dynamic voices God is using in Christianity today. Son of pastor Tommy Barnett, also best selling author, church growth pioneer and pastor of what Time Magazine considers one of the three largest churches in America, he has learned powerful principles of ministry, which have gifted him in founding the Dream Center ...
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... we take matters into our own hands to wreak our own vengeance upon our enemies, are we thwarting God's more perfect way, which may be for His glory by our deliverance? Might not others be saved by observing God's provident deliverance? Flavel reminds us of the biblical example of deliverance found in Esther, chapter 6, which story begins with the most amazing happening: "On that night could not the king sleep, and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king ... )[1] "It is one of the greatest wonders in the world, how the church subsists under such fierce and frequent assaults as are made upon it by its enemies."- John Flavel[2 ]* We live in a day when many Christian Right political leaders are telling people how to survive the difficult times that are coming. One recent evangelical presidential candidate, in a recent column, remarked that "we are on the precipice of some potentially catastrophic-- or at the very least, challenging --days ...
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... and deceptive propaganda aimed at the needs and wants of the masses. Faithful pastors were dismissed, arrested, imprisoned in harsh concentration camps. Into the empty pulpits stepped "German Christian" ministers-- handpicked puppets of the state, who preached Nazi ideology and replaced Biblical truth with utopian doctrines cloaked in Scriptural promises. The people who called themselves Christians fit into three categories: those who would rather face death than deny their Lord; those who delighted in the new positive gospel of Nazi Germany; and the complacent masses who couldn't ... of this this book. Nor could we find its original publisher. Since over fifty years had passed since this book was first published, we assumed that the copyright has expired. We also believed that Karl Hoffmann, the faithful theology student who sensed the threats to Christian faith in Germany long before most pastors discerned the Nazi plan, would have been pleased to know that his vital message would be used to warn Christians in the 21st Century. May American Christians be as alert to currents threats to religious freedom as were the courageous ...
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... we take matters into our own hands to wreak our own vengeance upon our enemies, are we thwarting God's more perfect way, which may be for His glory by our deliverance? Might not others be saved by observing God's provident deliverance? Flavel reminds us of the biblical example of deliverance found in Esther, chapter 6, which story begins with the most amazing happening: "On that night could not the king sleep, and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king ... Boom[1] "It is one of the greatest wonders in the world, how the church subsists under such fierce and frequent assaults as are made upon it by its enemies."- John Flavel[2 ]* We live in a day when many Christian Right political leaders are telling people how to survive the difficult times that are coming. One recent evangelical presidential candidate, in a recent column, remarked that "we are on the precipice of some potentially catastrophic- or at the very least, challenging- days." ...
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... in drought is transformed by the onset of drenching rain — the contact with the water transforms the plant inwardly and then extends it outwardly. In the same way, people are transformed by contact with God."27 These ideas are more akin to Eastern Religion than Biblical Christianity. Our problem is not the need to suck in more "unembodied personal power" by techniques to contact God. We are dead sinners facing God's wrath unless we repent and believe the gospel. Willard's concepts are foreign to the Bible.. What results are in ... the inspired book of Luke."1 How can this be? A Baptist seminary was favorably studying the teachings of this Catholic mystic whose own biographers describe as having had emotional problems and homosexual inclinations.2 Soon after talking to Ryan, I met a lady who attends a Christian college. As part of her study program she was required to take a course on spiritual formation at her college. Spiritual formation in her class also concerned the study of Roman Catholic mystics and the search for techniques to help those who implement them feel closer to ...
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... 'We call on the new attorney general, Eric Holder, and head of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to treat these murders in the same way they would treat politically-motivated domestic terrorism of any other kind.." "Prolonged detention" for Americans who may break a law? Biblical Truth is clearly a major focus of the "Hate Crimes" bill. When it becomes law, Christian moral guidelines could be blamed for such contemptible acts as the murder of abortionist Dr. Tiller. In fact, that tragic killing could well be used to ... the passage of the bill-- and to vilify Christians who have no desire to hurt anyone. As Hillary Clinton said, "Never waste a good crisis." OBAMA: "My administration has begun to reshape the standards that apply to insure that they are in line with The Rule of Law. We must have clear and lawful defensible standards for who shall fall into this category. .. Our goal is not to avoid a legitimate framework. In our constitutional system, prolonged detention [based on potential "threat" not ...
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... 'Age of Reason,' an increasing number of'enlightened' Western leaders and influential'change agents' have tried to discredit the Bible and silence Christian believers. More recently, a vast number of politicians, media masters and educators have joined the battles against Biblical truth and morality." See Trusting God as Freedom Fades Obama's Mother's Day message is a real shocker: "In his 2016 Mother's Day proclamation, President Obama included a new class of mothers in his announcement: transgenders.. "The Department of Education has launched a ... aid to Syria, but is attracting attention for the'hundreds' of buses which will be decorated with the phrase'Subhan' Allah, or'Glory to Allah.’" See Plots to Rule an Islamic World Faith! Hundreds Of Muslim Refugees In Germany Convert To Christianity: (I apologize for the inappropriate pictures) "More than 80 men and women from Iran and Afghanistan converted to Christianity Thursday during a mass baptism in Hamburg, Germany. ..'The motive for the change of faith is the same for many: they ...
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... held a negative view of environmentalism, some even calling activists' pantheistic tree-huggers.' Along with the Bush administration, they have insisted that the scientific evidence isn't yet in.." Richard Cizik, Washington spokesman of the National Association of Evangelicals, urges action based on the biblical demand for'creation care. Rev. Cizik had his own change of heart after listening to an Evangelical scientist from Oxford University lay out the scientific consensus.. The film has support from a broad range of groups, including the National Council of Churches (NCC) .. ... . House of Representatives Committee on Resources, May 2000 December 2007 Climate change is a'matter of faith', says ecumenical leader: "World Council of Churches head Dr Samuel Kobia has called concerns about climate change'a matter of faith' and told the Christian faith community that it must be at the vanguard of the response..'I think as Christians we should be the ones to lead the way so that others then can follow because for us it is not just a matter of political or economic or ecological concern it is a ...
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... Presents a.. Greek/Roman/primitive/pagan worldview where darkness and light come together.. Distinctions between good and evil are therefore blurred.. "Positive- I watched this movie with my 13 year old& 6 year old sons. .. I found a number of biblical references throughout the movie.." Comments from young people: "Positive- It did have some things that surprised me, such as Gali meditating, referring to the Toa as'spirits', and Jaller coming back to life.." "Neutral- A great ... . I really appreciate all this information and am sure it will help others. The following comments are found on BIONCLET: Mask of Light website at It's sobering to see how many children from Christian families simply accept occult or pagan suggestions because they seem similiar to Christianity in some ways. That's all the more reason to teach our children to "put on" the whole Armor of God and to read The Invisible War. Synopsis of the movie: " ...
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... -- for many years-- known both the goals and the planned outcomes of this vast transformational system. All people (young and old) must- participate in the consensus process learn to think collectively, not as individuals embrace new global values that rule out Biblical truth be ready to conform and adapt to a world of "continual change" become world citizens, loyal to a global community, not nation or church follow the track begun by the first pioneers in universal mind control. [17] As in the former ... Peace Corps." [2] Sounds familiar, doesn't it? In spite of the ongoing resistance, the relentless march toward global control keeps pressing ahead. The main target is our children and grandchildren, and we had better prepare them for the clash of values. Christians would want to care for people, but when they are forced to serve the needy through a global network that forbids the sound of His name, they are no longer free to meet spiritual needs. To resist the pressures to conform, our children must learn ...
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... -- for many years-- known both the goals and the planned outcomes of this vast transformational system. All people (young and old) must- participate in the consensus process learn to think collectively, not as individuals embrace new global values that rule out Biblical truth be ready to conform and adapt to a world of "continual change" become world citizens, loyal to a global community, not nation or church follow the track begun by the first pioneers in universal mind control. [17] As in the former ... Peace Corps." [2] Sounds familiar, doesn't it? In spite of the ongoing resistance, the relentless march toward global control keeps pressing ahead. The main target is our children and grandchildren, and we had better prepare them for the clash of values. Christians would want to care for people, but when they are forced to serve the needy through a global network that forbids the sound of His name, they are no longer free to meet spiritual needs. To resist the pressures to conform, our children must learn ...
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... 7 Home~ Index From Dennis: I read the comment from Jeff Wallace regarding the Gibson movie. I totally agree, especially where Jeff said: "I think a lot of us out here that are readers of your site, are perhaps little islands of strict Biblical believers, and we are hurting and hungering for other believers that share our heart felt belief in the Jesus of God's Word and the simple gospel message. You provide a source.." The Baptist church I have been attending since 1998 is going down the Rick Warren ... deaf ears so I stopped talking about it. From Jeff Wallace: When I read the McGinley article it makes me awed once again by the on going deception that really does seem to be underway now from so many that (to some) even appear to be Christians among us. Her article seems to make the scripture in Matthew almost come alive on the page so to speak. "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible ...
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... -- for many years-- known both the goals and the planned outcomes of this vast transformational system. All people (young and old) must- participate in the consensus process learn to think collectively, not as individuals embrace new global values that rule out Biblical truth be ready to conform and adapt to a world of "continual change" become world citizens, loyal to a global community, not nation or church follow the track begun by the first pioneers in universal mind control. [17] As in the former ... Peace Corps." [2] Sounds familiar, doesn't it? In spite of the ongoing resistance, the relentless march toward global control keeps pressing ahead. The main target is our children and grandchildren, and we had better prepare them for the clash of values. Christians would want to care for people, but when they are forced to serve the needy through a global network that forbids the sound of His name, they are no longer free to meet spiritual needs. To resist the pressures to conform, our children must learn ...
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... trust in His love, and receive His life. He will embrace and welcome them into His family. How then do you persuade the deceived to come to Jesus? Tell them about your relationship with Him. Most people who are trapped in deception will resist your biblical arguments, but they may be longing for such a relationship. Remember, a capricious goddess or an impersonal force does not love its subjects. So tell-- and show by your example-- the exciting message: God loves you! Share what He ... Pigs, Wars and Witches, The Once and Future Goddess, etc. If I didn't have to be here, I would have walked out already. I'm so amazed that this is our required class. Linda was being trained to teach Goddess spirituality. As a Christian, she recognized the deception. But what about her peers? What kind of social studies will they be teaching their students? And if the Goddess is spreading her pagan roots through public education, how are her values influencing the rest of the nation? The ...
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... USA" Great Seal" THE ILLUMINATI by Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D Posted January 17, 2012 Part 3 Home Armor of God Note by Berit: This topic may seem strangely ominous and hard to believe. That's not surprising, since many Americans still treasure the Biblical values that shaped a moral and prosperous nation. But from the beginning, there were hidden streams of contrary aims. Those dark forces are now rising fast-- sweeping away the old virtues in pursuit of a global tyranny purged of Christianity. Yet, in ... midst of the spreading darkness, our God still reigns! Before you read Dr. Cuddy's insights, ponder these comments by Paul McGuire in his recent article," Are you ready for the coming World Government?"" .. America is being merged into a new form of global governance, which is no longer democratic and built on Judeo-Christian values. Instead of democracy, we will be ruled by a secular humanist or occult elite that are building a new world order.. History shows us the results of what happens when the Illuminati elite ...
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... much more comprehensible." [10] Can it? Can a mythical story about the mother love of a witch illustrate the uniqueness of the gospel and the love of God? Pastors may multiply church members by molding the gospel to fit their tastes. But when Biblical truth is taught in the context of myth, it loses its life and can no longer be called God's Word. These and other politically correct stories have blurred the line between the "enlightened" world and the compromising church. But it has sharpened the division ... ' oldest sister, Hestia, guarded the sacred flame on Mount Olympus. In the real world, a sacred fire was lit on an altar to Zeus in front of his massive temple. But its light flickered out in AD 394 when Emperor Theodosius, apparently a Christian, could no longer condone the occult celebrations. The Games were revived in 1896 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin. In spite of his vision of international peace and harmony, they were soon reshaped by the forces of national interests, international politics, global economics and ...
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... transformation of America and Your friendly community spies New on May 10 Home~ Index From L H.: I just read Homeland Security and Brainwashing in America. Words fail me. I think of my children. They won't fit in because they have been taught the biblical worldview from birth and have had a traditional western civ/facts/knowledge/thinking(analysis and discernment) Christian education and are exposed to very little media (mom picks it!). I have been telling them a little of the transformation the country ... world is going through and how it is going from the old model of the world to the new model-global governance (eventually), and earth based/pagan spirituality.( I think they need or will need to understand why it looks and sounds so different out there in the world- different from what we believe.) They will need to understand who they are and where they stand- as children, servants and followers of Christ, and not the new world system. That's so true! I thank God ...
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... . As well, just because Satan can accurately quote portions of Scripture, such is not the same as Truth of God's word by the Holy Spirit. Certainly all false religions have this type of so called truth whether they use similar words or the same words as biblical Scripture. Or even if they use a similar meaning or the same meaning when speaking or writing. But, again, God's Truth is only known to born again believers by the Holy Spirit as we know and consider the whole council of God. Not just ... was little! I've seen them all!", not understanding how their parents' approval could be inappropriate. My own 30-year-old computer network job son spends all his free time with online games, and plays occult ones in spite of my many years of warnings and solid Christian teaching, and his Bible reading. He neglects his child to play the games and watch the big screen TV, and his idea of spending time with her is to have her play computer games with him, or watch him play his. You are so ...
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... Him. Yet, that's no reason to call the gospel anti-semitic. After all, Jesus, his disciples and most of his other friends were all Jews. The point is, does the movie imprint a true story in our memory, or does it distort the Biblical account under the banner of truth and evangelism? Consider another example from the article," Witness to the Passion ," by Lindy Warren. She wrote, "The ominous figure taunting Christ in the garden of Gethsemane shows up throughout the movie, personifying Satan ... reforms such as "more inclusion of other faiths." Would Gibson's traditionalist views shut heaven's door to Jews, Protestants and Muslims? "That's not the case at all," answered Gibson. "Absolutely not! It is possible for people who are not even Christian to get into the Kingdom of heaven. It's just easier for-- and I have to say this because it's what I believe.." "You have a nonstop ticket?" interrupted Sawyer. "Well, yeah, I'm saying it's an easier ride. ...
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... most children face an irresistible array of pagan images that support the new paradigm. Many already consider paganism far more normal and acceptable than Christianity. Our political, education, and media leaders want to introduce these influences early-- before children become "indoctrinated" with Biblical truths. (See" Clinton ? s War on Hate Bans Christian Values "). They know that if parents follow God's command to "train up your child in the way he should go," their children might not start school with the "open-mindedness ... take either message or the effects seriously. But leading educators who call themselves "change agents" are dead serious about the visual tactics they use to reach their goal. They seek to mold minds that embrace the new global paradigm( worldview) and reject the old Christian paradigm. "The purpose of education and the schools is to change the thoughts, feelings and actions of students," admits Dr. Benjamin Bloom, the "Father of Outcome-Based Education, in his book, All Our Children Learning." 7 Bloom and ...
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... . Haynes and Oliver Thomas. Note: Haynes and Thomas know well that ignoring Christianity would leave our children free to follow the Bible. Only by immunizing them against absolute truth-- by feeding them palatable distortions can (what they see as) the plague of Biblical Christianity be stamped out. National Alliance for Civic Education: National Alliance for Civic Education: "NACE was launched in 2000 with more than 80 group and individual charter members committed to advancing civic knowledge and engagement. NACE believes the time has come to band together ... all obvious where the truth lies, and quite apart from civic and constitutional constraints they should show some humility in dealing with complicated and controversial matters. When fundamentally different worldviews shape the disagreements, it is not easy to say what the truth is. [That's what Christian children are likely to conclude when faced with secular skepticism and contrary suggestions] ... "Comparative study of religions is especially interesting and important: How are religions alike and how are they different? It is tremendously important to keep in mind, however, that ...
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... emphasis added] The late Dr. Francis Schaeffer warned about this encroaching Gnosticism in his book, The New Super-Spirituality (Crossway, 1972):" ..[W ]e surely must again speak against the new Platonic super-spirituality, for it is a weakening of full biblical Christianity.. [O ]ne of the identifying marks is the incorrect biblical exegesis of 1 Corinthians 1,2.. "The 1 Corinthians passage is a rejection of the incipient gnosticism (a salvation by knowledge) and of worldly wisdom (humanistic or rationalistic), in ... . Harman clearly had this intent as he challenged evangelical leaders to reconsider" the "outmoded'warfare between science and religion'.." He stated: "This new'noetic' science would eliminate the apparent contradiction between the experiential understanding of Hindu, Moslem, and Christian. For the first time in history we see emerging a growing, progressively funded body of empirically established experience about man's inner life – particularly about the perennial wisdom of the great religious traditions and Gnostic groups. For the first time there is hope that this knowledge ...
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... Charts- Index Three Cultural Paradigms Each provides a mental lens or filter through which we view or interpret reality-- and through which we hear God's Word. CHRISTIANITY Old Paradigm HUMANISM Transition GLOBALISM New Paradigm Biblical Absolutes& Values Relative Values Global Absolutes& Values God, the Creator of all things, is our Sovereign, Wise, Almighty and Eternal King.. Jesus, the Son, gave His Life to free us from guilt and judgment. He loves and guides us.. God is a crutch or illusion A varying blend of pantheism ... Charts- Index Three Cultural Paradigms Each provides a mental lens or filter through which we view or interpret reality-- and through which we hear God's Word. CHRISTIANITY Old Paradigm HUMANISM Transition GLOBALISM New Paradigm Biblical Absolutes& Values Relative Values Global Absolutes& Values God, the Creator of all things, is our Sovereign, Wise, Almighty and Eternal King.. Jesus, the Son, gave His Life to free us from guilt and judgment. He loves and guides us.. God is a crutch or illusion A varying blend of pantheism ...
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... Discernment Group Emphasis added in bold letters "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8) If we were to see God, what might deity look like? In a metaphorical borrowing from the imagery of the biblical Tabernacle, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ describes both the process for and image of discovering the god within. That gospel advises, "Look deep into the temple of your brain, and you will see it all aglow... and you are ... is posited at the center of their being (spirit), without there being any'thing' in their awareness but that pure consciousness itself, are'seeing' God."[3] So, it must be asked, what might the Bible believing Christian think about the use of Matthew 5:8 to endorse such spirituality? Against the backdrop of the rest of the Scriptures, how might we understand Jesus' words? To begin with, any such vision of God has neither the endorsement nor authority of Scripture ...
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... looking for websites dealing with topics such as alchemy and the zodiac. While these words are mentioned here, we may not provide what you seek. For even though we try to define each symbol in the context of its own cultural history, we also include a Biblical perspective. Andy and I began this website as a ministry to Christian parents who sought help in equipping their children to follow God. Many wanted to know the meanings of popular symbols displayed on jewelry, books, toys and games. But now that our website ... people from diverse cultures around the world, some visitors are offended by our beliefs and answers. Please know that we don't intend to offend anyone. Whether you agree with us or not, we want to show God's love and be of service. Yet, we cannot compromise our faith. That's why we suggest that anyone who objects to the Biblical point of view stop here. To explain the 70 symbols listed, we have relied on over a dozen books on this topic from different parts of the world. We have also ...
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... introduce myself. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, I acknowledged that I was one of those fundamental Christians referred to only in depreciating tones at the conference. Praying that my words would express God's love, I shared two of my concerns: (1) The lack of biblical Christian representation and (2) the anti-Christian attitudes expressed everywhere. "You talk a lot about dialogue and consensus as the path to global unity and decision-making," I started," but who shares in your dialogues? Only those who are committed to transforming ... circle. In the center of the pentagram was a small quartered circle-- a medicine wheel or circle of life to American Indians. Like the rest, I had to introduce myself. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, I acknowledged that I was one of those fundamental Christians referred to only in depreciating tones at the conference. Praying that my words would express God's love, I shared two of my concerns: (1) The lack of biblical Christian representation and (2) the anti-Christian attitudes expressed everywhere. "You talk a ...
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... His Victory God's Help for Hard Times Biblical Keys to Overcome Pain, Fear and Hardship By James L. Morrisson with Maria Kneas God's priorities are not our priories. We tend to want physical health, freedom from physical and emotional pain, and enough material possessions to live comfortably. We may feel deprived and unjustly treated if we do not have these. God wants us to have "good" things. (Psalm 84:11) However, His primary concern is not with our physical circumstance. I believe His primary ... are: Our eternal salvation Our growth into Christian maturity and character Our usefulness (" fruitfulness) in the kingdom of God The early Christians endured a great deal of suffering. They were a persecuted church. What was their reaction to hardship and suffering? The record of Scripture is absolutely amazing! They did not complain about it, or say that it was more than they could bear. They welcomed it as something that taught them and strengthened them! Look at what they said about it: My brethren, ? ?count it ...
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... Peril of Polls HEGELIAN DIALECTIC& THE NEW WORLD ORDER Paul Proctor, a rural resident of the Volunteer state [Tennessee] and seasoned veteran of the country music industry, retired from showbiz in the late 1990's to dedicate himself to addressing important social issues from a distinctly biblical perspective. As a freelance writer and columnist, he extols the wisdom and truths of scripture through commentary and insight on cultural trends and current events. His articles appear regularly on a variety of news and opinion sites across the internet and in print. Paul may ... that terrorists have THEIR apartment buildings targeted for destruction- especially since they probably have nowhere else to go and little or no resources or strength to get there. That's something that makes ME see red. I also see red when I hear my president use his "Christian faith" to seduce the church into socialism by dangling government money in front of it- a fake-based initiative that will one day demand they hire homosexuals, Muslims, Satanists, atheists, witches, humanists and who-knows-what, like all other government agencies are required to ...
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... encroach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism.. "Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion [Biblical guidelines] and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens. .. "And let us with caution ... ." Eph 3:14-21 1. From Famous Quotes by Fraser Tyler, Cycle-of-Democracy-1770 2. From Washington's Farewell Address, 1796 See also God's Warnings for our Times Home| Articles| Charts| Quotes| Armor of God| Victory What it means to be a Christian ...
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... Excerpts from Conversations with [an occult]"God" by Neale Donald Walsch These popular books are an abysmal mockery of the true God, our sovereign Lord. We post this information as a warning of a rapid shift from Biblical truth and factual thinking to occult spirituality with it emphasis on feelings, imagination and mystical experience. Skip down to consciousness, sex or original sin Home The quotes below reflect the mystical teachings of the occult Theosophical and" New Thought" movements. 1 Each is part of a dialogue between author ... Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ." (Colossians 2:6-8) Viewing the conversations between Walsch and his god from a Christian perspective, I believe that he received the politically correct answers through a blend of two increasingly popular occult practices: channeling and automatic writing. As he explains in Book 2, "On a blank sheet of paper, I would merely write a question.. ...
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... As Harvard Professor Chris Dede, a global leader the development of education technology programs, writes, "Sensory immersion helps learners grasp reality through illusion." [17] (See" The Power of Suggestion" and" Brainwashing& How to Resist It ") Biblical response We shouldn't be surprised. The Bible tells us that "the whole world is under the control of the evil one," and he has always despised the Biblical God (in contrast to the more "positive" 21st century god designed to please the ... Homeland Security links Homeschoolers to Terrorists By Berit Kjos- September, 2004 Articles| Reinventing the World| Homeschooling Under Fire| Homeland Security Home "The public school establishment hates homeschoolers. They've smeared the movement as a conspiracy of conservative Christian zealots.. They've painted homeschooling parents as uneducated and negligent. And now, under the guise of preparing students for a violent terrorist attack, educators in one public school district are casting homeschoolers as bomb-detonating militants." [1] Michelle Malkin On September 20, the Department of Homeland Security sponsored a ...
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... Jeff has to say: "Today's ecumenical movement draws many Protestants and Roman Catholics together, because they believe that they share a common faith. The Protestants believe that there are outward differences, but the faith is the same. The Catholics believe that their faith is Biblical, and that Protestants are just separated brothers and sisters who need the Mother Church in order to experience the fullness of the faith. When you look into it, though, you'll find that the majority of Protestants and Catholics are unfamiliar with the history and official ... MISLEADING VOCABULARY I have an Evangelical friend who has seriously studied Catholicism. He had an urgent, practical need for the information, because he married a Catholic woman. At the time that he married her, he believed that Catholicism was "just another valid form of Christianity." He attended Mass with his wife on Sundays. After a while, he began to feel that something was wrong. Then he started investigating Catholicism. This is what my friend Jeff has to say: "Today's ecumenical movement draws many Protestants and Roman ...
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... has trained an entire generation of missionaries in new theologies and practices. Jay Gary and Brian McLaren have both been actively eschewing "doomsday" eschatologies, a fact which we have written about previously on Herescope (a very important read!). McLaren writes disparagingly of biblical prophecy, using extremely incendiary language and distortions: "The Jesus of one reading of the Apocalypse brings us to a grim resignation: the world will get worse and worse, and finally this jihadist Jesus will return to use force, domination, violence, and ... or a singular emphasis on individual salvation to focus on global climate change, genocide in Darfur, extinction of species, fair trade and ethical buying, exploitive employment practices, and community foresight. Three voices from the "emergent church" will explore this capacity of postmodern Christianity to embrace and redefine tradition, and further the cause of justice in the world. Who should attend: Any futurist who feels that everything must change about religion and is curious about how progressive Christianity is a leading indicator of change. What you'll learn: Attendees ...
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... community co-extensive with the habitable globe. "The ecumenical leaders at Oxford tried to define the international character and communal nature of the Church, as a supranational brotherhood, which transcends racial and cultural distinctions. It is telling that they advanced a sociological, rather than a biblical, concept of the Church, and thus revealed their primary intention of pursuing a socio-political, rather than a spiritual, agenda in addressing the needs of the world." (pp. 103-104) [emphasis added] Dr. Erdmann continues this point in the ... vision of the Church Universal', a new realisation of the fundamental truth that'the Church is one' The authors pay special tribute to the missionary movement of the nineteenth century, which by being obedient to the Great Commission, has made'the bounds of the Christian community co-extensive with the habitable globe. "The ecumenical leaders at Oxford tried to define the international character and communal nature of the Church, as a supranational brotherhood, which transcends racial and cultural distinctions. It is telling that they advanced a sociological, rather than ...
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667. The War
... radical preachers..'A key part of our strategy must be perseverance,' Evans said at a newspaper editors' conference.'It starts with rejection of the violent extremist ideology across society.' Would he, like the founders of WHO and UNESCO, see "divisive" Biblical Truth as a threat? See Why "Hate crime" laws would ban Biblical Christianity Wounded Soldier: Military wants Part of bonus back: "The U.S. Military is demanding that thousands of wounded service personnel give back signing bonuses because they are unable to serve ... their commitments. To get people to sign up, the military gives enlistment bonuses up to $30,000 in some cases. Now men and women who have lost arms, legs, eyesight, hearing and can no longer serve are being ordered to pay some of that money back." October 2007 In League With The Stones: "When we landed in Japan, for what came to be the finest and most humane occupation of a defeated enemy in recorded history, it was with great appreciation, thanksgiving, and praise ...
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... members questioned last Wednesday about the way they discipline their children. One week earlier, children's aid officials and police forcibly removed seven children from a home in Aylmer amid allegations they had been spanked with sticks and belts. [Their pastor] Hildebrandt said his congregants' Biblically based belief that parents who spare the rod, spoil the child led them to flee Canada for fear their children will be taken too.'It's very obvious they could've been the next,' he said." Prov 22:6 Police remove seven children ... who through his staff has written to the author praising her work:'His holiness is grateful for the thoughtful gesture and for the feelings which it evoked, hoping for an always more fruitful activity in the service of young generations and the spread of genuine human and Christian values." See Depravity? September 2014 Video: Obama Slams Stay-at-Home Moms: "During a speech in Rhode Island today, President Obama called for more taxpayer-spending on pre-school in order to'make sure that women are full and equal participants in our economy' ...
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... hosted by former President George H.W. Bush at Texas A&M University. Bush was the first president to create a permanent White House office dedicated to promoting volunteerism. The forum was affiliated with the Points of Light Institute." Remember, such government service bans Biblical prayer or reference to His name. No Biblical comfort can be given to those who hurt! See Faith-Based Partnerships ban Truth and Freedom September 2009 The Hijacking of 9/11: "The infamous date of 9/11 is about to be hijacked.. The president ... raging at Pentagon: "The Pentagon released an appalling official statement that I didn't believe at first, but unfortunately it's true,' said Kelly Shackelford..'They are about to implement a new policy under which any members of the military'caught' talking about their Christian faith will be subject to court martial or imprisonment!' Shackelford said his group is establishing the emergency hotline'to protect our armed forces members, who can call and get free legal representation when they are persecuted for their Christian faith." See Training an army ...
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... are pressing institutions into line. For example, Harvard University has created a Committee on Healthy Diversity. It will guide political correctness and propose new restrictions on speech and religious freedom. [3] Meanwhile, the USA, like Canada comes ever closer to legislating what Biblical truths pastors may or may not teach their congregations. [4] To the world around us, God's Word is simply too offensive. So are some of His most basic and wonderful attributes-- even as they fill our own hearts with thanks: 1 ... for pleasure, Thanks for comfort in despair! Thanks for grace that none can measure, Thanks for love beyond compare! In this stormy time of social transformation, no change impacts this nation more profoundly than its shifting views of God. And those views-- Christian or not --shape our beliefs, our doubts, our assumptions, our prayers, our relationships and our giving of thanks. So to understand the meaning of Thanksgiving 2003, we might begin with two questions: Who is God? Why is He worthy of our ...
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... eyes, and prudent in their own sight!" Isaiah 5:20-21 God's warnings become meaningless irritations to those who identify with Harry and his two best friends, Ron and Hermione. In their imaginary world, the key to victory lies in superhuman feats, not Biblical faith. At the moment, their focus is on Horcruxes-- those physical objects empowered through fragments of Voldemort's corrupted soul. Hermione had studied the book, Secrets of the Darkest Art. "It's a horrible book," she explained, "really awful ... happens all the time in movie theaters when there is bloody violence. The young people laugh and cheer and keep right on eating popcorn.. "We have raised a generation of barbarians who have learned to associate violence with pleasure, like the Romans cheering and snacking as the Christians were slaughtered in the Coliseum."[6] 2. The deceptive side of evil As the skies turn black, Harry Potter and his loyal friends hurry to pack their belongings and flee their foes. By now, the hateful Professor Snape has alerted Voldemort ...
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... remember that many Potter fans have already studied its testimonies to occult realities and now crave more of the same. One newspaper showed a girl clutching it in her arms as she left the movie theater on opening day. Most of those children have closed their minds to Biblical truth. They may still profess faith in God, but if they really knew Him, they would sense the discomfort of cognitive dissonance (mental and/or moral confusion). This uneasiness occurs whenever a person is drawn to values that clash with their biblical ... Movie Magic and Unconscious Learning Berit Kjos- 2001 For background information, see The Power of Suggestion Marketing the occult: Harry's impact on "Christian" values Twelve reasons not to see Harry Potter movies Home A revealing scene in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone shows Harry and his friends rushing into the night to find the magical stone supposedly made by a medieval alchemist. Guarded by a monstrous three-headed dog in a forbidden corridor at Hogwarts Schools for Witchcraft and Wizardry, this legendary "philosopher's stone" could grant eternal life-- ...
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... (1 Timothy 4:1). Spiritual experimentation, whether in the name of ecology, globalism or selfrealization, yields confusion instead of wisdom, fear instead of selfconfidence, and bondage instead of freedom. Each such program results in wasted teaching time, erosion of biblical beliefs and values, and the possibility of devastating mental and spiritual oppression. Contrary to Satan's glowing promises, spiritism hinders rather than helps us live peaceably with the earth. God told us so! His warning to Israel rings true for us today: Let no ... spiritual. We cannot fight the rising tide of counterfeit spirituality alone. In Your Child and the New Age, I have described a course of action that begins with prayer, is sustained by ongoing communication with God and confidence in His Word, and is accomplished as Christian families seek God's direction and victory together. I encourage you to read it. If the Holy Spirit prompts you to speak to local educators, consider the following steps: Ask God to help you build a Christian support group that prays and works together. Many ...
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... God will have us to look upon that exigence as His call to suffer." In other words, we may soon enter a very clear situation where to obey God means that we must suffer. God could put us in a situation where we must take a biblical stand, obey Him, and suffer the consequences. There are any number of ways that we can escape suffering, but they aren't biblical. It certainly is easy in our day and age, perhaps easier than it has ever been before in human history, ... tranquility.. Though millions of precious saints have shed their blood for Christ, whose souls are now crying under the altar, How long, Lord! how long![10] yet there are many more coming on behind in the same path of persecution, and much Christian blood must yet be shed, before the mystery of God be finished. How Shall We Then Escape? Here is the crux of the matter. Shall you suffer or sin? Flavel explains that "God may be said to call forth His people to suffer ...
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... also Was Marx a Satanist?| Animal Farm by George Orwell Global Management System| God Holds the Key (brainwashing) Bush, Gorbachev and Soviet Education| How to catch wild pigs Current Communist Goals Home "Communism will never succeed until the myth of [the Biblical] God is removed from the minds of men." V. I. Lenin December 2011 The Foreign Policy Is Now Policy for the Interior: [In his book, 984, George Orwell wrote: "In accordance to the principles of Doublethink, it ... " See George Orwell's 1984 August 2011 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Warnings to the West:" .. it would have seemed quite impossible, in America, that an individual be granted boundless freedom..simply for the satisfaction of his whims. .. a total emancipation occurred from the moral heritage of Christian centuries with the great reserve of mercy and sacrifice." 'One does see..boundless materialism; freedom from religion and religious responsibility (which under communist regimes attains the stage of antireligious dictatorship); concentration on social structures with an allegedly scientific approach. (This last is ...
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... new global perspective-- and the old beliefs and political systems must be abandoned. Poverty and oppression must be eradicated, and a new kind of equality must be established.. As in our new schools, all earth-centered or universalist religions fit the global model-- but Biblical monotheism (belief in the biblical God) is despised! No wonder the religious leaders invited to address the Forum taught pantheism (all is god since one cosmic force connects all things), universalism (all paths lead to the same ultimate reality), and ... foundation. Among them were New Age educator Willis Harman, Esalen co-founder Michael Murphy, the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Founder Sonia Gandhi, and the respective leaders of Vietnamese, Mongolian, and Cambodian Buddhism. Their input during panel discussion and roundtable sessions left no doubt that biblical Christianity was marked for decay. The absence of Christian leaders prompted a member of the press to ask Gorbachev why Western religious leaders were not represented at the conference. Showing his ignorance of Christianity, the Communist leader answered that "Western religion is represented by many of ...
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... collaborative problem solving." Social Justice. Remember the stakeholders that are defining social justice and preparing its standards? They include NOW, Beyond Beijing, social welfare leaders, environmental groups- all the voices that demand the abolition of Western culture, male leadership, and biblical absolutes. Look at their vision for Santa Cruz County: "Desired State: A Paradigm Shift We envision a community that stretches itself from its historical conditioning and ethnocentric comfort zones to increased cross-cultural empathy and understanding- a community that avoids oppressive hierarchies, but instead ... Human Care Alliance (about 80 service providers and community groups), and the Welfare and Low-Income Support Network. Remember, "welfare" means far more than caring for the needy. Social service leaders tend to push a socialist agenda and many have little tolerance for Christians who resist their intrusive family policies. The National Organization for Women (NOW), The Regional Alliance for Progressive Policy, Women's International League for Peace& Freedom, and Beyond Beijing (primarily feminists who attended the 1995 UN Conference on Women) are all part ...
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... bends God's Word as well as human thinking to fit politically correct views of unity, community, service and change. Behavioral laboratories, schools, UNESCO and liberal churches all helped light that fire during the 20th century. Hidden from sight, their subversive efforts seared America's Biblical foundations and prepared the masses to believe a lie. Now, at the dawn of the new millennium, "conservative" and "evangelical" churches are following suit. Worldwide "Christian" networks provide trained leadership and management consultants to guide God's people along this ... superhighway to a new world order. Forget the old narrow way that leads to eternal life. Today's "change agents" hope to popularize "Christianity" so effectively that the masses will join their crusade. Forget solid Bible teaching and "the offense of the cross." To win the world "for Christ", the church must be re-cloaked in a more permissive and appealing image. It must be marketed as "a safe place," purged of the moral standards that once stirred conviction of sin and a longing to ...
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... News and Summaries Managing Change& Crisis Management See Revolution| Obama| Communitarianism| Global Management Background information: Reinventing the World| Real Conspiracies The emerging New World Order& Utilization of Dissatisfaction Why hate crimes laws would ban Biblical Christianity Home News Index Articles January 2017 Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of proposed border wall and targeting sanctuary cities: President Trump plans to sign executive orders Wednesday enabling construction of his proposed wall on the U.S. Mexico border and targeting cities where local leaders refuse to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation.. See ... emerging New World Order Calexit backers can begin collecting signatures to qualify for 2018 ballot: The so-called Calexit movement emerged within days of the upset presidential victory of Republican Donald Trump. See Primed for Deception! September 2016 15% Over Target: 11,491 Syrian Refugees Admitted.. 0.46% Are Christians: .. the Obama administration has exceeded its Syrian refugee admission target by 15 percent, with 11,491 resettled in the United States.. Just 54 of the 11,491 – 0.46 percent – are Christians.. The administration has asserted that atrocities ...
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... Autism, ADHD Sings Powerful Version of'Hallelujah': Kayleigh Rogers' version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah was the highlight of her school's Christmas concert and has been shared thousands of times online. Ten-year-old Kayleigh.. is normally very shy. See Victory in Christ December 2016 Biblical Pillar of Cloud Over Golan Protects Israel From ISIS: .. an enormous pillar of cloud, dust and rain hovering over the dangerous border between Israel and Syria. .. Most incredibly, the mysterious cloud ended precisely at the border without entering Israel's Golan Heights region. ... 1: As I have watched these waters bring extreme difficulty, I have been reminded that God's light shines brightest in the midst of darkness. While overfilled rivers and bayous are retreating.. churches, and faith-based relief groups are.. rushing toward identified needs.. See Victory Christians, Jews Band Together to Fight BDS: .. the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has become the latest American church body to join the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.. [But] "Israel's safety and well-being are the ...
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... it conforms God's Word as well as human thinking to politically correct views of unity, community, service and change. Behavioral laboratories, schools, UNESCO and liberal churches all helped light that fire during the 20th century. Hidden from sight, their subversive efforts seared America's Biblical foundations and prepared the masses to believe a lie. Now, at the dawn of the new millennium, "conservative" and "evangelical" churches are following suit. Worldwide "Christian" networks provide trained leadership and management consultants to guide God's people along this ... superhighway to a new world order. Forget the old narrow way that leads to life. Today's "change agents" hope to popularize Christianity so effectively that whole nations will join their crusade. Forget solid Bible teaching and "the offense of the cross." To win the masses "for Christ", the church must be re-cloaked in a more permissive and appealing image. It must be marketed to the world as "a safe place," purged of the moral standards that stirred conviction of sin and a longing to separate ...
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... See Proverbs 8:1-36; 1 Corinthians 1:24.). In her verbal exchanges with Mack, she clearly possesses clairvoyant, if not omniscient, perception. (The Shack, 156, 160) IN CONCLUSION, The Shack, under the cover of biblical allusion, presents a god which may be likened to a deity of eastern mythology and mysticism. The reader ought to beware lest biblical allusion be used to peddle theological illusion. But you ask, "How can that happen?" How can scriptural allusion promote ... ). Young presents his readers with a very human Jesus who comes up short of being Christ. We turn now to the third member of The Shack's trinity. THE THIRD PERSON — Sarayu, the retreat center's gardener — perhaps referring to Spirit's production of fruit for Christian living (Galatians 5:22-23) — is the character meant to represent the Holy Spirit. Just after his introduction to her, Mack asks The Shack's Jesus, "Speaking of Sarayu, is she the Holy Spirit?" Jesus answers, "Yes, ...
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... who cut their hair and joined mainstream America-- are reviving Eastern meditation, yogic "breathing" and other pathways to "collective consciousness." This "awakening" is a natural part of the postmodern rejection of truth. Neither facts, logical thinking, nor Biblical faith are relevant to the new spirituality. So it's not surprising that Eckhart Tolle, celebrated author of A New Earth, dismisses them all as "form" or "ego": distracting "attachments" that block awareness of human Divinity and oneness with " ... in the collective consciousness grows." [1 ,p.6-7] Eckhart Tolle "Oprah is helping propel the spiritual enlightenment book [New Earth] to dizzying heights, thanks to an unprecedented online promotion that includes a 10-week interactive Webcast discussion.. Oprah:'I am a Christian who believes that there are certainly many more paths to God other than Christianity." [2] "Jesus said..'No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6 Remember the lasting symbols of the sixties? Beatlemania? "Free ...
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684. Culture
... are consequences-- but it is not a sin to be sick." True. But homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible, though Western nations are fast outlawing such "judgmental" standards. As changing philosophies and collective social movement join together in opposition to Biblical truth and God's unchanging values, the following three definitions might be useful. This new Universism (not Universalism) matches UN goals as well as the communitarian agenda: Universism: A Union of Free-Thinkers:" .. free-thinkers are opposed to the narrow-minded dogmas that have ... in The United States, and you don't even need a glass. It's AWOL, Alcohol With Out Liquid, and for the first time, it is available in The United States after successful debuts in Europe and Asia." See Transformation September 2006 Thousands rock at Christian rock fest: "ShoutFest 2006 brought more than 2,500 Christian rock fans together.. In 2007, the ShoutFest crew will travel to Kenya for'Shout at the Drought' and attendees who sponsored a child at Sunday's concert might also get to travel with the ...
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... military to contain the riots of unemployed, hungry, angry youth here in America's biggest cities? Will he allow free speech — even if massive protests call for Obama to step down? .. Egypt's crisis could eventually be coming to a city near you." See Biblical signs of the times Spencer: Muslim Brotherhood Poised for Power in Egypt: "The Brotherhood now has its best chance in decades to seize power there and establish an Islamic state, which bodes ill for both the United States and its most reliable Middle Eastern ally ... Iran after that country's 1979 revolution..".. the Muslim Brotherhood also has the blessing and support of informal opposition leader, Mohamed ElBaradei, who is almost assured to play a significant (if not leading) role brokering a new coalition government.. ElBaradei likens the evangelical Christians in the U.S. and Israeli Orthodox Jews. ElBaradei, who the MB supported to lead the opposition against Mubarak, is a Nobel Prize laureate and has had amicable relations with President Obama in the past.." .. Egypt resembles, in some respects, Russia after ...
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... and transmitting demonic power is The Tarot (based on the Kabbalah) or other magical cards. Today's entertainment makes such self-empowering rituals seem more normal than prayer. Young players are continually learning, then practicing, a new worldview-- one that either twists or rejects Biblical Christianity. It's not surprising that this process matches the Marxist formula for social change: New information that challenges the old beliefs and values+ practical experience using the new information= PRAXIS: a transformational strategy based on continual reinforcement and experience.[9] Together ... if they had uncontrollable beasts inside. Their descriptions of inner battles-- the nightmarish consequences of obsession with occult role-playing games-- were heartbreaking. They couldn't stop playing-- or block out the frightening images planted in their minds! Nor could they find faithful Christians in their communities who would guide them toward freedom! Too late, they discovered that the seductive journey into occult bondage is far smoother than the road back out to freedom. Yet, few see the dangers of the following progression: 1. Commanding supernatural power ...
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... or beef, so human resources must be fed and superficially gratified in order to meet the goals of maximum productivity and control. Reaching that goal would require these mind-changing tactics: Create emotional experiences-- real or imagined. Entertainment that stirs strong feelings and clashes with Biblical truth help create cognitive dissonance-- a form of moral confusion that undermines home-taught beliefs and values. It fuels social change, not with factual information, but with tempting suggestions and promising illusions. Lucas' adventures in the world of ants begins with a terrifying ... the old sense of decency. Even secular reviewers were offended:" 'The Ant Bully' is rated PG for scenes of animated violence.. crude humor about bodily functions, drug content," [7] wrote Jeff Vice. Introduce an exciting spiritual alternative to Christianity. In preparing his magical potion, the ant wizard Zoc-- like his human counterparts-- calls on the elements of contemporary witchcraft: earth, wind, water and fire. Not only did his belief system involve spells and dark magic, he also ...
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... a higher state of consciousness. It also represents the step-by-step realization of divine truth, and the advancement of man's spiritual path towards divine enlightenment. The case of Jacob's ladder is a prime example of the clash that occurs between Christian truth and occult allegory. Sadly, Biblical events and stories have been twisted by occultists for centuries, offering interpretations that seek to keep man in the bondage of Satan's lies. Often this lie is nothing more than the same one given by the serpent in Genesis chapter three; "you will be like ... ladder represents mankind's motivating force to ascend to a higher state of consciousness. It also represents the step-by-step realization of divine truth, and the advancement of man's spiritual path towards divine enlightenment. The case of Jacob's ladder is a prime example of the clash that occurs between Christian truth and occult allegory. Sadly, Biblical events and stories have been twisted by occultists for centuries, offering interpretations that seek to keep man in the bondage of Satan's lies. Often this lie is nothing more than the same one given by the serpent in Genesis ...
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... mixture of truth and error. And God hates the mixture of truth and error. The concept of house churches is not new. It was the basis for the New Testament believers to gather to worship and grow in the Lord. I am very familiar with the Biblical model of the house church from my own experience, as I began my walk in Christ gathering together and worshiping in a house church. Rutz begins the book by luring the reader into an experience of miracles, which is something with a strong emotional hook to ... , delegating greater authority to more people. He has apparently decreed that plain folks like you and me are now a central part of an accelerated plan for a total transformation of the world." That plan is centered around small clusters of loosely networked but highly committed Christian people who have been empowered to do extraordinary things. These open, participatory fellowships are the subject of this book, starting with chapter two. Mankind, over many years, has been exposed to and subtly conditioned by the advertising industry, in that what we ...
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690. creation
... with it.. To my mind, the theory [of evolution] does not stand up at all."6 (Dr. H.S. Lipson, a British physicist) Faith in evolution was essential to America's paradigm shift. First, it provided an alternative to biblical truth. Second, it built a much-needed "scientific" foundation for today's leap of faith into the new-paradigm view of the future. Many of today's most outspoken visionaries- Al Gore, Robert Muller, Marilyn Ferguson, etc.-base their hopes for the 21st Century on the ... , 38, 41. 11. Thomas Sowell, "Revelations for the Anointed," Forbes (January 18, 1993); 65. 12. Genesis 2:15. 13. Genesis 1:19, 26.| Home| Armor of God| Christian Persecution| His Word| Our Articles| ...
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... will find it." Matthew 10:34-39 This message may never be heard in today's feel-good seeker churches. God's Word has always offended those who prefer to pave their own way-- or to walk the wide, popular highways of the masses. That's why Biblical Christianity remains intolerable to the world. Those who trust Jesus as their Lord can expect rejection, not popularity: "?From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. ?Then Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also ... to go away?" But Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." John 6:64-69 Like Peter, we must follow Christ, our Lord. Where else would we go? He alone is our hope, our sufficiency, our fountain of wisdom, our source strength, our very life-- both now and forever! No ...
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... looking for websites dealing with topics such as alchemy and the zodiac. While these words are mentioned here, we may not provide what you seek. For even though we try to define each symbol in the context of its own cultural history, we also include a Biblical perspective. Andy and I began this website as a ministry to Christian parents who sought help in equipping their children to follow God. Many wanted to know the meanings of popular symbols displayed on jewelry, books, toys and games. But now that our website ... people from diverse cultures around the world, some visitors are offended by our beliefs and answers. Please know that we don't intend to offend anyone. Whether you agree with us or not, we want to show God's love and be of service. Yet, we cannot compromise our faith. That's why we suggest that anyone who objects to the Biblical point of view stop here. To explain the 70 symbols listed, we have relied on over a dozen books on this topic from different parts of the world. We have also ...
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... Act of 2001, promotes target behaviors that successful character education students should exhibit. Traits identified in the character education handbook are courage, good judgment, integrity, kindness, perseverance, respect, responsibility, and self-discipline." Character education builds committed global citizens and undermines biblical character. See Character Training for Global Citizenship The real reason the state opposes homeschooling: "Government's great fear in this matter is not that the kids are being short-changed or abused – it's that they might be getting a better education than the government-educrat de facto monopoly ... . Supreme Court) that it is inappropriate for the government to use its power and resources to establish religion. However, religion is specific and spirituality is generic.. [This statement has become a popular justification for promoting Buddhism or paganism in classrooms, while ignoring or vilifying Christianity] "You choose the pipe that best suits your needs. Yet what flows through the pipe is essentially the same thing whether you are a Buddhist or a Baptist.. "The first article is by internationally acclaimed author and speaker Deepak Chopra, who points out that ...
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... and which we hope will live on a spiritual level appropriate to its tremendous leap into cosmic consciousness." [51] Faith in Lucifer, Faith in Man The modern transhuman movement has largely been secular/atheistic in its outlook. [52] Rather than the Biblical Holy God who created mankind and extends mercy and judgment – concepts laughed at by many transhuman advocates – science becomes the light that guides humanity. Ironically, while the future is being explored within the hard-wired environment of laboratories and technical institutions, the foundation of transhumanism ... , and the Bahα'ν faith was born. 1866: The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia was formed, bridging Masonic and Rosicrucian elements in England. 1875: Theosophical Society started, and introduced Eastern philosophies to Europe and America social elites. Its influence has been monumental 1879: Christian Science, via Mary Baker Eddy, is organized as a church. 1879: Charles Taze Russell launched what is now recognized as the Jehovah's Witnesses. 1884: The Hermetic Society formed to study esoteric philosophy. 1887: The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was ...
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... Scripture alone The Bible is the only inspired and authoritative Word of God and is accessible to all, perspicuous and self-interpreting. Promulgating anything NEW: interpretations of the Word, understandings, revelations, a "new move of the Spirit," etc. Sloppy methods of biblical exegesis; bizarre eschatologies. The Gnostic idea that God is now bringing in "secret" or "new" teachings to the Church because it is becoming properly "aligned" for the 3rd Millennium (see below) New revelation supersedes the Word of God. ... who does not bow the knee to "King Jesus" is guilty of a capital crime. Sola fide: Faith alone Justification comes through faith only, not good works. Setting up criteria and standards to achieve "measurable results" in all "spheres" of Christian living. A holistic Christianity that incorporates good deeds (works) which are monitored and assessed for results. Rewards for good works, penalties for noncompliance. Faith and good works combined yield justification. Sanctification is good works. "Fruits" are measurable and assessed ...
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... , emotional stimuli and short, light messages to satisfy the flesh with its "felt needs," they tend to obscure our deeper spiritual needs. Fed a diet of simplified sermons designed to please everyone, both seekers and believers may lose their appetite for the solid Biblical teaching which-- by His Spirit-- produces conviction of sin, genuine repentance, actual regeneration, true spiritual renewal and the continual joy of walking with Jesus. Part 2: Widening the gate to the Kingdom Part 3: Softening God's Word Part 4 ... and anger! Plus, when you are the only'naysayers' in a group it gets old- especially when no one else seems to have anything but praise for the book." Dave speaks for a multitude of troubled people. While Pastor Warren's manual on Christian living has captivated churches around the world, a rising number of discerning readers question its subtle distortions, its half-truths, its conflicting messages and its pragmatic permissiveness: if it works (i.e. brings people into the church), it's okay! "God loves ...
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... carefully." The movie gives no such warning, yet Miss Honey's words illustrate the prevailing view of pagan powers: mysterious, exciting, potentially dangerous but probably safe and good. This seductive lie has drawn God's people through the ages from truth to myths and from biblical prayer to pagan rituals. That our schools, television, popular music, and the United Nations also promote pagan powers make occultism all the more irresistible. Unlike today's global leaders who call for a broad all-inclusive spirituality that embraces all the world's religions, God tells ... the victim is bad. And magic-- call it witchraft if you will-- is fun, empowering, kind, and commendable. Many are seduced by the message. "I loved Matilda because she had supermagic power," said a girl attending a Christian school. "Oooo! Why would you want to see movies like that?" her classmate responded. "Because I like movies about evil people." Like Matilda's crooked father played by director Danny deVito, the monstrous Miss Trunchbull fits the bill. The ...
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698. Pokemon
... that would mold our children's values to fit the new global blueprint, the 21st Century comics store was already beginning to serve the same purpose. Today, anime fans who congregate at these new gathering places to read the latest Pikachu story will surely not be touched by Biblical values. Instead they will be surrounded by indexed boxes and crowded wall shelves filled with all kinds of wildly illustrated tales-- mostly imported translations. These range from the innocuous Pokemon tales to soft-core pornography. The hardcore pornographic anime so popular in Asia is usually ... Ono, Pokemon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu (Viz Communications, Inc. ), page 11. See also the Viz Internet magazines at 2. Ibid., page 13. 3. Ibid., pages 13-14 Home| Armor of God| Christian Persecution| Articles| Books ...
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... Services. Its health guidelines-- including mental health-- match those established by the World Health Organization (WHO) half a century ago. Psychiatrist Brock Chisholm, former chief of the WHO, summarized these international guidelines back in 1946. Notice his hostility toward biblical absolutes and values: "The responsibility for charting the necessary changes in human behavior rests clearly on the sciences working in that field. Psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, economists, and politicians must face this responsibility.. "Prejudice, isolationism, the ability emotionally and ... . They must be remediated, and their permanent personal data file will describe their problem attitudes: uncooperative, intolerant, independent.. (See" Zero Tolerance for Non-Compliance" and" Character Training for Global Citizenship" at our website.) Home| Armor of God| Christian Persecution| Articles ...
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... explain one of the most important questions about the origin of human life. .. Szostak's study reopens what is perhaps the largest hole in evolutionary theory, as scientists remain unable to explain how the building blocks of life were "spontaneously" created. December 2017 Scientists Confirm Biblical Account of the'Fountains of the Deep.: .. scientists have now confirmed what Scripture refers to as "the fountains of the deep." In the days of Noah and the Ark, these large pools of water beneath the Earth's crust burst forth onto the ... the traditional foundations of evolutionary theory." The Evolution of a Creationist: "For years Dr. Martin wrestled with the conflicts between evolutionary theory and the Bible. As a scientist, he was sure he knew the answers. But then his faith, as a Christian, completely changed his life. In this DVD series, Dr. Martin will point out the distinct differences between evolution and creation. He will take a look at animals that break all the evolutionary'rules' He will examine the many problems with evolution and show ...
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